

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | closed, very old
@Metus These are super cool omg mind if I snag one? whichever you prefer! I think 300g/kt might be more reasonable with possible unlockable genes and special symbols? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] or [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Metus These are super cool omg mind if I snag one? whichever you prefer! I think 300g/kt might be more reasonable with possible unlockable genes and special symbols?




I'd like a ping as well!
I'd like a ping as well!
@metus Could you please add me to the ping list? I’d love one of these of my boy, if or when they become open! I’ll gladly pay 800 gems for it when they do! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Could you please add me to the ping list? I’d love one of these of my boy, if or when they become open! I’ll gladly pay 800 gems for it when they do!

He looks soo good! As much as I love cute adopts (like my tundra signature ^^) those more fierce will always have a special place in my heart!
You captured everything perfectly! Thank you so much! I'd love a ping if you open a shop! :>
He looks soo good! As much as I love cute adopts (like my tundra signature ^^) those more fierce will always have a special place in my heart!
You captured everything perfectly! Thank you so much! I'd love a ping if you open a shop! :>
These prowlers are rad, please put me on a pinglist if you happen to make a shop :)
These prowlers are rad, please put me on a pinglist if you happen to make a shop :)
2-100.png cyclonebadge_by_roraima99-d9eag0l.pngcapture61_by_zaelum-d9oi1nl.pngPJUJhjg.pnglYEUG48.pngCLNrLrC.pngrm9yNEZ.png9MrYbid.pngHtV4l6v.pngui0xQPS.pngI33TcOG.pngNqnGiVx.pngvx0arYx.pngPovrYRj.pngOJR7cTF.pngHDnZafa.png

Add me to the pinglist please, I'll gladly pay 300g/kt-400g/kt for one of these!

Add me to the pinglist please, I'll gladly pay 300g/kt-400g/kt for one of these!
PLEASE ping me! I'd pay around 300g/kt
PLEASE ping me! I'd pay around 300g/kt
@NVDragon Sorry it took a bit longer than I expected! But hi i finished up your gal ;u;/ And def if there's anything you want me to tweak up, lemme know for sure [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [/center] @SoullessWendigo Omg thank you so much, I totally feel you on that too. And you're sweet, I'll totally add you To everyone else I'm defdef gunna open up a shop sometime soon this week! I'll make sure to ping everyone when that happens ;u;/ [i](And to everyone who's offered up their Gaolers legit I'd lovelovelove to draw them but the test slots have been taken up ;o; But i'll totally make sure to ping you all when I set up shop! In the meantime if anyone new is coming in and you want to be added to the pinglist, totally lemme know on here. I'm makin' a list y'all are so sweet~)[/i]
Sorry it took a bit longer than I expected! But hi i finished up your gal ;u;/ And def if there's anything you want me to tweak up, lemme know for sure


Omg thank you so much, I totally feel you on that too. And you're sweet, I'll totally add you

To everyone else I'm defdef gunna open up a shop sometime soon this week! I'll make sure to ping everyone when that happens ;u;/
(And to everyone who's offered up their Gaolers legit I'd lovelovelove to draw them but the test slots have been taken up ;o; But i'll totally make sure to ping you all when I set up shop! In the meantime if anyone new is coming in and you want to be added to the pinglist, totally lemme know on here. I'm makin' a list y'all are so sweet~)
@Metus AHHHH, she looks amazing! I love it so much, thank you! [emoji=gaoler love size=1] EDIT: Credited you in my clan profile!
AHHHH, she looks amazing! I love it so much, thank you!

EDIT: Credited you in my clan profile!
@Metus Ahhh, they're so cute!! If you make a pinglist I'd love to be on one, I just don't have the funds right now :o
@Metus Ahhh, they're so cute!! If you make a pinglist I'd love to be on one, I just don't have the funds right now :o
tumblr_inline_n6kdvqWTSp1qlye38.gif 1UI2JZj.gif i'm ein
fr +3
my artshop
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