

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Webkinz Rising: Plush Adopts [FREE2USE]
[center][size=6]Since I have had no time to run this shop lately, I've decided to release the files for people to use for free! [url=][b]Find them here![/b][/url][/size][/center] [center][img][/img] [color=#78C639][s]Open[/s][/color] | [s]Full[/s] | [color=#900000][s]Closed[/s][/color] | [size=4][b]FREE TO USE![/b][size=4] Welcome to Webkinz Rising, the plushy adopt shop for all your nostalgic needs! [center]-----[b]Modern Breeds[/b]----- [columns][url=][img][/img][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] Bogsneak | Alternate Female Fins/Feathers | Coatl [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Fae | Guardian | Imperial [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][b]In The Doc![/b] Mirror | Nocturne | Obelisk [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Pearlcatcher | Ridgeback | Skydancer [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Snapper | Spiral | Tundra [url=][img][/img][/url] Wildclaw -----[b]Ancient Breeds[/b]----- [b]Not Yet Started[/b][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Aberration | Banescale | Gaoler [url=][img][/img][/url] Veilspun[/center] [size=2]Click the images to see a higher resolution base![/size][/center] [s][b]Important Information:[/b] [list][*][s]The base price for all of these is [b]500g/650kt[/b] [*][s]Please send payment as soon as I confirm your order. [*][s]By default, I will finish these at a 350x350 resolution. If you want a different resolution, please request one! (up to a maximum of approx. 1650x1650, and no smaller than 100x100) [*][s]Turnaround should be about a week at most, but I will certainly aim for sooner. Will be in contact if anything comes up. [*][s]Please let me know when you've received your adopt so I can mark the transaction off as complete! [*][s]Please leave my signature (2382) and the foot logo intact, and please link back to the shop if you’re taking them off Flight Rising. [*][s]I tend to run this shop very on and off whenever I have the time and motivation. However, if you’re looking for something right away or for a specific date and I haven’t opened in a while, feel free to PM me and we may be able to work something out.[/list] [b][s]Optional Details:[/b] [s]Coatl tongues, Guardian and Imperial beards, Pearlcatcher pearls and extra horn, extra Skydancer antennae, Tundra neck fluff, shorter Veilspun horns ----- [s]Fill out the form below in either a reply post or private message to order! Orders will be first come, first serve. One dragon per order/slot. [code]@Dracorynn [b]Dragon BBCode:[/b] [b]Base to Use, including optional details:[/b] [b]Payment Method:[/b] [b]Custom Resolution(s):[/b] [b]Extra Information or Special Requests:[/b][/code] [s]We can discuss adding apparel or skins/accents, though please note they will likely be heavily simplified to fit the base. As well, because of the proportions, apparel can quickly clutter, so please keep requests to only a few pieces per dragon. Price additions will depend on size and complexity.[/s] ----- [center]Have a question, concern, comment or suggestion? Feel free to PM me at any time! [img][/img][/center]
Since I have had no time to run this shop lately, I've decided to release the files for people to use for free! Find them here!


Open | Full | Closed | FREE TO USE!

Welcome to Webkinz Rising, the plushy adopt shop for all your nostalgic needs!

Modern Breeds
d086d17e86fc9979ca7635f3f0d200cdb21672bb.png f3bb0b3b0ff4f6433a1f8118a2dfe688dffc3e5e.png

Bogsneak | Alternate Female Fins/Feathers | Coatl


Fae | Guardian | Imperial

43b75d4c685d270243dad16acf6368556caf4805.pngc3711ef341e67bc4e9ff954fc3d8b1ae8dc752da.pngIn The Doc!

Mirror | Nocturne | Obelisk


Pearlcatcher | Ridgeback | Skydancer


Snapper | Spiral | Tundra



Ancient Breeds

Not Yet Started29c375257f72fe391179de9ce1030d43066306af.pngtumblr_pyuvr0tQq41x4l02qo8_r1_250.png

Aberration | Banescale | Gaoler



Click the images to see a higher resolution base!

Important Information:
  • The base price for all of these is 500g/650kt

  • Please send payment as soon as I confirm your order.

  • By default, I will finish these at a 350x350 resolution. If you want a different resolution, please request one! (up to a maximum of approx. 1650x1650, and no smaller than 100x100)

  • Turnaround should be about a week at most, but I will certainly aim for sooner. Will be in contact if anything comes up.

  • Please let me know when you've received your adopt so I can mark the transaction off as complete!

  • Please leave my signature (2382) and the foot logo intact, and please link back to the shop if you’re taking them off Flight Rising.

  • I tend to run this shop very on and off whenever I have the time and motivation. However, if you’re looking for something right away or for a specific date and I haven’t opened in a while, feel free to PM me and we may be able to work something out.

Optional Details:
Coatl tongues, Guardian and Imperial beards, Pearlcatcher pearls and extra horn, extra Skydancer antennae, Tundra neck fluff, shorter Veilspun horns

Fill out the form below in either a reply post or private message to order! Orders will be first come, first serve. One dragon per order/slot.

@Dracorynn [b]Dragon BBCode:[/b] [b]Base to Use, including optional details:[/b] [b]Payment Method:[/b] [b]Custom Resolution(s):[/b] [b]Extra Information or Special Requests:[/b]

We can discuss adding apparel or skins/accents, though please note they will likely be heavily simplified to fit the base. As well, because of the proportions, apparel can quickly clutter, so please keep requests to only a few pieces per dragon. Price additions will depend on size and complexity.

Have a question, concern, comment or suggestion? Feel free to PM me at any time!

FR Time +4 (Grey Clock)
2013 Player (Blue Clock)
PM's OK (Green Check)
Pings OK (Green Check)
Neurodivergent (Rainbow Infinity)
Adult Player (Shadow flight)
Queer (Rainbow flag)
He/Him (Asexual flag)
[center][b]Finished Adopt Highlights[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]See more here![/url][/center]
Finished Adopt Highlights


See more here!
FR Time +4 (Grey Clock)
2013 Player (Blue Clock)
PM's OK (Green Check)
Pings OK (Green Check)
Neurodivergent (Rainbow Infinity)
Adult Player (Shadow flight)
Queer (Rainbow flag)
He/Him (Asexual flag)
General Pinglist

@/Snowscape @/Pearlimose @/Roule @/lizardfish @/dirology @/vangeance @/Dreamcoyote @/seasidesatyr @/GlitterDCMarvel @/cyraphim @/chaisiren @/DivineVixen @/katpphic @/TomSwifty @/Koalacorgis @/Echoscries @/Saphire6Luna @/Naegikun @/AbyssalKing @/puppicino @/dragonpals @/swegnweg @/Xesei @/Puppeteer @/AreumSan @/adrienne1614 @/GrimPuppet @/GhostArcana @/ultrazorua @/WasabiWave @/Kardinaali @/BlazeMokian @/DragxnBlxxd @/BlueWillow @/FelixMcTrashy

New Breeds Only

@/epher @/Izakadu @/Hoodies

@/AstaFlintcaller5 (obelisk)
General Pinglist

@/Snowscape @/Pearlimose @/Roule @/lizardfish @/dirology @/vangeance @/Dreamcoyote @/seasidesatyr @/GlitterDCMarvel @/cyraphim @/chaisiren @/DivineVixen @/katpphic @/TomSwifty @/Koalacorgis @/Echoscries @/Saphire6Luna @/Naegikun @/AbyssalKing @/puppicino @/dragonpals @/swegnweg @/Xesei @/Puppeteer @/AreumSan @/adrienne1614 @/GrimPuppet @/GhostArcana @/ultrazorua @/WasabiWave @/Kardinaali @/BlazeMokian @/DragxnBlxxd @/BlueWillow @/FelixMcTrashy

New Breeds Only

@/epher @/Izakadu @/Hoodies

@/AstaFlintcaller5 (obelisk)
FR Time +4 (Grey Clock)
2013 Player (Blue Clock)
PM's OK (Green Check)
Pings OK (Green Check)
Neurodivergent (Rainbow Infinity)
Adult Player (Shadow flight)
Queer (Rainbow flag)
He/Him (Asexual flag)
FR Time +4 (Grey Clock)
2013 Player (Blue Clock)
PM's OK (Green Check)
Pings OK (Green Check)
Neurodivergent (Rainbow Infinity)
Adult Player (Shadow flight)
Queer (Rainbow flag)
He/Him (Asexual flag)
@RaptorFeathers @pinnipeds @galaxychilde @xOtulissa @KairinRose
You all wanted to be notified when this opened, so here it is!
@RaptorFeathers @pinnipeds @galaxychilde @xOtulissa @KairinRose
You all wanted to be notified when this opened, so here it is!
FR Time +4 (Grey Clock)
2013 Player (Blue Clock)
PM's OK (Green Check)
Pings OK (Green Check)
Neurodivergent (Rainbow Infinity)
Adult Player (Shadow flight)
Queer (Rainbow flag)
He/Him (Asexual flag)
Pinglist, please!
Pinglist, please!
Howdy! Thank you so much for the ping, I'm very excited! Can you do something for this girl? Her name is Purpura, and she'll eventually (hopefully soon) have Pinstripe. I'd love to have one of these. xx I'm so so so excited! [img][/img]
Howdy! Thank you so much for the ping, I'm very excited! Can you do something for this girl? Her name is Purpura, and she'll eventually (hopefully soon) have Pinstripe. I'd love to have one of these. xx I'm so so so excited!

Queer and Autistic, loves writing and roleplaying. Art Shop | Lore shop | USD shop
these are literally so cute AHHH!<33
these are literally so cute AHHH!<33
Sure thing! Just fill out the order form and I'll get right on it.

Aahh, thank you!!
Sure thing! Just fill out the order form and I'll get right on it.

Aahh, thank you!!
FR Time +4 (Grey Clock)
2013 Player (Blue Clock)
PM's OK (Green Check)
Pings OK (Green Check)
Neurodivergent (Rainbow Infinity)
Adult Player (Shadow flight)
Queer (Rainbow flag)
He/Him (Asexual flag)
@StopMotionDragon [b]Dragon:[/b][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Base to Use:[/b] Coatl female! [b]Payment Method:[/b] Gems if that's alright? [b]Custom Resolution(s):[/b] None just the basic is fine! [b]Extra Information or Special Requests:[/b] Would it be too much trouble to give her the pink and purple flair scarf? [img][/img]

Base to Use: Coatl female!
Payment Method: Gems if that's alright?
Custom Resolution(s): None just the basic is fine!
Extra Information or Special Requests: Would it be too much trouble to give her the pink and purple flair scarf?

You have magic in your finger tips,
Magic in your eye.
Magic in the arms that hold
And tell me not to cry.
- Grace V. Tidrow