

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | ~UoS Pixeldopts~ (closed)
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[center]@ArcaneShadows And finally, here's Honeycomb. She'll be 100g. ^_^ [img][/img][/center]

And finally, here's Honeycomb. She'll be 100g. ^_^


Thank you!! Sorry I took so long to respond lo! Just got off of work XD Lovely as always!!!

Thank you!! Sorry I took so long to respond lo! Just got off of work XD Lovely as always!!!
Ookamiotoko.gif tumblr_ojyji38sW31rlzsw1o6_r2_75sq.png
*Gender Neutral*
*He/ They*
*Old Wind Council*
*FR + 2*

Thank you sending the gems now!

Thank you sending the gems now!
Doing Camp Nano this July! If you see me on here please tell me to get my brain back to writing :)
@userofshadows I'm finding I'm always asleep when you do pings, could I either pay an advance on top of the full payment for the art to secure a spot or get a friend to claim for me? I think out times are just that out of sync, otherwise I'd have to stay up till 4am just to claim a slot ;0;
@userofshadows I'm finding I'm always asleep when you do pings, could I either pay an advance on top of the full payment for the art to secure a spot or get a friend to claim for me? I think out times are just that out of sync, otherwise I'd have to stay up till 4am just to claim a slot ;0;
"My dragons have much to learn about themselves in Sornieth.
Before, inevitably, the shade claims them for her own."

Art Shop

Hmm... I think if you could pm me your order, I can work on it in my spare time and get it to you while not necessarily open. Might that work for you?

Hmm... I think if you could pm me your order, I can work on it in my spare time and get it to you while not necessarily open. Might that work for you?
@UserOfShadows Hello! May I ask how much this girl will cost for the next time I order. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Apparels Included: Frigid Emblem, Companion Comet, Archivists Spellscroll (???) Accent: Warped (100 gems?) So I can save up for it :)

Hello! May I ask how much this girl will cost for the next time I order.


Apparels Included: Frigid Emblem, Companion Comet, Archivists Spellscroll (???)
Accent: Warped (100 gems?)

So I can save up for it :)

Sure thing! Let's see here. (I'l write in gems, 1:1000 rate) She has no new genes, so that's 100g there... emblem should be free, if I haven't already drawn it it's relatively simple. Comet adds about 50g, the spellscroll adds... another 50g, and the Warped accent would probably be no less than 150g because there are so many tiny rune details. That leaves the total at about...

350g. ^_^

Sure thing! Let's see here. (I'l write in gems, 1:1000 rate) She has no new genes, so that's 100g there... emblem should be free, if I haven't already drawn it it's relatively simple. Comet adds about 50g, the spellscroll adds... another 50g, and the Warped accent would probably be no less than 150g because there are so many tiny rune details. That leaves the total at about...

350g. ^_^

Thank you very much for the quick reply! I hope next time I will be lucky enough to catch a slot on time(haha)!

Thank you very much for the quick reply! I hope next time I will be lucky enough to catch a slot on time(haha)!

ping me for Pearlcatcher Speckle and Peregrine! =D

ping me for Pearlcatcher Speckle and Peregrine! =D
It's just gen historical
hetalia fanfic, mostly
oneshots. Pretty much
exclusively about England.
Please send me Turtles

Pearlcatchers actually already have peregrine, but I have added you for Speckle! :D

Pearlcatchers actually already have peregrine, but I have added you for Speckle! :D
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