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TOPIC | Have A Sign - Spiral Adopts [Closed]

Which mirror is it? Since they patched the item after the holiday it now opens as whatever it is currently, you can keep the toy itself, I would just be interested in the apparel.

The prices for the mirrors vary but I go by whichever is higher on AH: the lowest gem or lowest treasure posting then scale the other up by 1:650 if they aren't near.

Before any reduction for the mirror the cost will be:

100kt / 154g base
50kt / 77g new apparel x 3
50kt / 77g new accent
So it'll be 300kt or 462g... minus whatever mirror it is. These are the lowest gem sales atm, treasure has been scaled up to match. If you find a better price at the lowest, let me know..

Beautiful Gander=98g / 63.7kt
Saucer Stare=240g / 156kt
Wiggly Sight=100g / 65kt
Disgruntled View=95g / 61,750t
Intense Attention=200g / 135kt
Spiral Daze=137g / 89,050t
Weary Focus=100g / 65kt
Sly Glance=164g / 106.6kt
Starry Regard=200g / 135kt
Bishoujo Observation=188g / 122.2kt
Googly Confusion=138g / 89.7kt

Which mirror is it? Since they patched the item after the holiday it now opens as whatever it is currently, you can keep the toy itself, I would just be interested in the apparel.

The prices for the mirrors vary but I go by whichever is higher on AH: the lowest gem or lowest treasure posting then scale the other up by 1:650 if they aren't near.

Before any reduction for the mirror the cost will be:

100kt / 154g base
50kt / 77g new apparel x 3
50kt / 77g new accent
So it'll be 300kt or 462g... minus whatever mirror it is. These are the lowest gem sales atm, treasure has been scaled up to match. If you find a better price at the lowest, let me know..

Beautiful Gander=98g / 63.7kt
Saucer Stare=240g / 156kt
Wiggly Sight=100g / 65kt
Disgruntled View=95g / 61,750t
Intense Attention=200g / 135kt
Spiral Daze=137g / 89,050t
Weary Focus=100g / 65kt
Sly Glance=164g / 106.6kt
Starry Regard=200g / 135kt
Bishoujo Observation=188g / 122.2kt
Googly Confusion=138g / 89.7kt
Yup, Wavecrest Saturnalia currency is what I intend to give, I just wanted to see if I could grab a slot now and pay once I have enough!
Yup, Wavecrest Saturnalia currency is what I intend to give, I just wanted to see if I could grab a slot now and pay once I have enough!

Ah sure. I honestly didn't even notice the mirror in my hoard until recently! Looks like I have the Bishoujo Observation which seems to be going for about 100kt right now. Would you be willing to do the item plus 200kt?

Ah sure. I honestly didn't even notice the mirror in my hoard until recently! Looks like I have the Bishoujo Observation which seems to be going for about 100kt right now. Would you be willing to do the item plus 200kt?

That works fine, just send the item and treasure via crossroads one way so it is easier for me to have a record of it. Also where on earth did you get that cute dragon in a catbed?


That's perfect. I recommend submitting a form for as many dragons as you want so you'll know how much to save. ^^

That works fine, just send the item and treasure via crossroads one way so it is easier for me to have a record of it. Also where on earth did you get that cute dragon in a catbed?


That's perfect. I recommend submitting a form for as many dragons as you want so you'll know how much to save. ^^
Here he is! Thank you for letting me nab a spot TuT [quote]@NeedToScribble [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Genes:[/b] Speckle/Stripes/Okapi [b]Apparel:[/b] Just his goggles, please! [b]Skin/Accent:[/b] None [b]Sign:[/b] Yes- Free Makeup Tutorials and Applications [b]Additional:[/b] Not that I can think of! [b]Payment:[/b] Festival Currency [/quote]
Here he is! Thank you for letting me nab a spot TuT

Genes: Speckle/Stripes/Okapi
Apparel: Just his goggles, please!
Skin/Accent: None
Sign: Yes- Free Makeup Tutorials and Applications
Additional: Not that I can think of!
Payment: Festival Currency

Just so you know, if you wanted the flowerfall and lei, they are also premade items so it wouldn't cost anything, same as his goggles. His satchels are the only item of the lot that I haven't made yet. Either way his cost would be 100 giant sand dollars.


Just so you know, if you wanted the flowerfall and lei, they are also premade items so it wouldn't cost anything, same as his goggles. His satchels are the only item of the lot that I haven't made yet. Either way his cost would be 100 giant sand dollars.


You got it. I'll send it over right away. And to be honest I don't remember. I must have gotten it over a year ago...

You got it. I'll send it over right away. And to be honest I don't remember. I must have gotten it over a year ago...
[quote]@NeedToScribble [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Genes:[/b] Iridescent | Butterfly | Underbelly [b]Apparel:[/b] Her sky silks(full set), Daisy flowerfall and blue glowing clawtips [b]Skin/Accent:[/b] Nop [b]Sign:[/b] No thank you ~ [b]Additional:[/b] Don't think so! [b]Payment:[/b] I've got the Wind eyes apparel (saucer stare) If that's enough to cover the Butterfly gene? Also I can just pay the rest in treasure whatnot ~ [/quote]

Genes: Iridescent | Butterfly | Underbelly
Apparel: Her sky silks(full set), Daisy flowerfall and blue glowing clawtips
Skin/Accent: Nop
Sign: No thank you ~
Additional: Don't think so!
Payment: I've got the Wind eyes apparel (saucer stare) If that's enough to cover the Butterfly gene? Also I can just pay the rest in treasure whatnot ~
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The Saucer Stare is at 155g/100kt on AH, it's actually gone down since the other day when I checked, I use current prices as if I was going to buy it myself.. ^^;; The item plus 50k should cover the new gene and the dragon itself.

:D Send it via crossroads please. All of her apparel are premade so you are good on that. ^^

The Saucer Stare is at 155g/100kt on AH, it's actually gone down since the other day when I checked, I use current prices as if I was going to buy it myself.. ^^;; The item plus 50k should cover the new gene and the dragon itself.

:D Send it via crossroads please. All of her apparel are premade so you are good on that. ^^
Thanks for letting me know, but I'd just like the goggles!
I'll make a note so I remember to get you that many sand dollars ^^
Thanks for letting me know, but I'd just like the goggles!
I'll make a note so I remember to get you that many sand dollars ^^