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Needtoscribble's Clan

Weaver's Luck Hatchery ~~~~~
Ancient Lair
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Clan Info

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Visitors may find things are far more ghastly than they seem on the surface...
Welcome to Weaver's Luck Clan!

FJqBijs.png LORE
Weaver's Luck is known for three things: the rich crafts they export all across Sornieth, beautiful courtesans at court events, and extensive maps of the regions up to and including the clan.

A pall seems to settle over all those that dwell in the clan. Some speculate a curse was laid on the place, or fickle luck. Those that reside in the clan would never use such a phrase as to them, Luck is profane. Whatever the case may be very few of the hatchlings born seem to live very long and many of the dragons that have found homes here are barren. Those that do grow up here often fall prey to misfortune and so the royal family is constantly seeking protection for the youth and the hatching grounds are heavily guarded.

When the clan was young it had thrived under the leadership of progenitors Maxence and Sugarblossom. Greed drove members of an outlying clan to invade for both the territory and the riches of knowledge they possessed in the forms of lore, records and detailed maps to cave systems that passed through and riddled large expanses beyond the Crystalspine Reaches and into the oceans surrounding the isles.
Sugar and Max's offspring all died in the long hours of the siege and by the end their numbers were greatly reduced. Though recently arrived and mistrusted, Idrykith did his best to defend the royal family but was too late to help the hatchlings and heir.

In grief the two rulers retreated into themselves; Sugar into their work as a scribe, and Max into exploring and charting new maps. As their last act they appointed the unusually noble former gladiator, Idrykith, as Heir, whom soon became a ruler in full.


Nestled on an iceberg deep in frozen territory, members of this clan frequently trade and travel on whims to explore the greater world.

The ruler, Posaurus, is a former pirate and has not entirely given up his thieving past, including the collection of his greatest treasure and mate, Faralie.

A sundappled kingdom expanding rapidly into the Hewn City. Dragons of wealth and status flock to its famed acropolis in droves.

Ruled by Emperor Aurelius II and Athenos. Liason is Senator Nemo, commander of the navy.
A moderately sized lair constructed from the hollowed-out trunk of a large jungle tree and a series of tunnels carved from the hill upon which the tree is rooted.

Lead by the gentle Bhaumi and her mate Blerim, the clan creates natural poultices and remedies for common maladies and illnesses, and fine quality pottery.

Sister clan to Clan Greenleaf. Travelers mostly, they explore as much of the land they live and create maps to sell to newcomers. With some members specializing in specific regions, they are talented artists and aerial acrobats.

Ruled by council: Iraja, Fleur, Kieko, and Erin.
They can be found in a castle made of the bones of their fallen, on the east side of the Wyrmwood. This clan is known for many things: their skills in the arena, pride in their shadehunters, blood mages, a dubious 'salesman' of your heart's desires, and damn fine cooking.

Co-ruled by Boudicca and her mate, Arianrhod, Queen of the Moon.


Former Patriarch: Maxence
Maxence's Consort: Eltanin
Former Matriarch: Sugarblossom
Patriarch: Idrykith
Idrykith's Consort: Atthau
Prince Heir: Redara
Princess: Amhara
Prince: Bast
Prince Bast's Consort: Nakia

Led by former matriarch, Sugarblossom, the scribes seek to collect every stray fact and translation they can, with a focus solely on preservation.

The clan boasts numerous craftsmen and musicians. These range from painters, alchemists, tailors, jewelers, blacksmiths, and tinkerers.

The healers hall is divided into those that heal with magic and those that use science but are united to the same purpose: the defense and protection of all those that visit the halls. The Royal Physician is a Science Healer named Core and thus all those that serve the royal family are as well. Mage Healers are lead by Seraphine. Recently joining them is Blood Priest Aranict.

The royal guard, run by an unusually young and bold coatl named Lash after her mentor was displaced during a coup against the clan. To be accepted among their ranks is the highest honor a soldier can hope for. They must pass rigorous testing and Lash is known for extensive drills and training so that history does not repeat itself. Members have grown particularly distrustful of visitors.

These soldiers patrol the walls, grounds, and borders of the clan. They train extensively and are most often the sons and daughters of the clan whom seek to serve more than just in the coliseum or toil away in the Vaults.

A band of former mercenaries and pit-fighters, formed by the Royal Heir, Prince Idrykith, to handle things neither Brigade nor Shields can manage. Their status frequently puts them in opposition of both units and Lash barely tolerates their leader, Commander Tamyt.

Idrykith's Harem: Soothe, Runk, Heatstrike
Former Harem: Bluemist, to First Heir Momodara
Harem Master: Frill

Beautiful and exotic are the members that reside in the harem's halls. Only the royal family can make use of them, but anyone may become one if that is their wish. Many have joined the service of the harem because of a desire for companionship or at the request of a royal. Members may chose to spend their days in the halls or have private quarters to retire to and all are permitted private time when not requested to attend an event. Many members have hobbies, allowed to do whatever they wish so long as it can not cause them harm. They are barred from the coliseum, guard, and may only travel with escort.

Run by the illusive and deceptive Rude, the brothel is as close to using the harem as those outside the royal family can get, for a price.

Little is known about this group outside the data of the scribes. Dragon-like constructs salvaged from decaying ruins in the Shifting Expanse. Many serve as interactive displays and are not capable of more than short gliding flight. It is unknown who first created these units or the depths of the AIs knowledge.

Mages of all elements that join the clan are united in the Mage Core, housed in the Temple of Starlight. Many draw on the elements of their homes while others focus solely on the arcane. The strongest of the lot is also the youngest, Prince Redara, and his joining the clan has drawn magic users like moths to flame swelling the ranks.

Though members of the Mage Core, Weavers are an entity unto themselves. Born only every few generations, Weavers are those that can use more than just their elemental magics, able to imbue their own energy into charms and tokens to manipulate chance. There is always a downside, however. The more a Weaver uses this skill, the shorter and shorter their lifespan becomes and as such these mages have learned to covet each day and each hour. When the Weaver that made a token/charm dies, the spell becomes void and the charm inert. More skilled Weavers can predict the exact energy they have to gauge how much longer they will live. As a result Weavers will extort massive fortunes or favors in exchange for their services and those that buy charms will go out of their ways to ensure the safety of a Weaver they employ.

The former Weaver, Arash, had placed powerful protection charms on the royal family prior to the attack on the clan. In order to bypass them the invaders killed Arash, leaving hatchlings and kin vulnerable and led to their defeat. The current Weaver, Quirath, was the first not born of clan blood, but none can doubt her skill or strength.

Weavers tend to a shrine located in the main hall of the Temple of Starlight, dedicated to Luck. Offerings of all kinds are made to their 'patron', from the best examples of each craftsmen, to baubles gathered, the first shed scales of hatchlings, to masses of gems and treasure. None that live in the clan would dare to steal from the shrines, least of all from Luck's, least they bring misfortune upon themselves. Luck and Weavers both are not merciful to thieves.

It is a common expression to add 'by Weaver's Luck' when talking about good or bad, much in the way one might say 'knock on wood'.

These resourceful dragons are divided into 4 groups.
Hunters - edible supplies
Gatherers - crafting supplies
Dungeon Delvers - trinkets
Laborers - handle sorting and stock
Quartermaster: Duskshine

All but the laborers travel far and wide to collect food, crafting materials, and trinkets for the clan's use and rarely seem to spend much time in the halls and vaults. Inventory is carefully monitored by an appointee of the Scribes as quartermaster.


Hi, I'm Scribbles/Scrib! I am 34, an artist, and genderfluid. She/Her, He/Him, or They/Them are all fine. FR+3

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shanncrafter's avatar
August 18, 2017 18:23:02
Heyo thanks for buying Paragon!
Polyhymnia's avatar
August 09, 2017 13:16:48
I was wondering if you still had a copy of the accent Harsh Hues? I saw that you were selling it a few months ago.
GrumpyCatlover's avatar
July 26, 2017 16:02:51
Muse was on the front page :D
riuve's avatar
May 01, 2017 15:16:34
Atthau was on the front page! He makes(would make?) a very good plague rep! ;)
Macchi's avatar
March 29, 2017 17:22:40
-screeches- wow, all your dragons are so lovely!! Atthau is gorgeous
NameChanged99781's avatar
November 27, 2016 11:50:40
Augustus was on the front page!~
adubs132's avatar
October 04, 2016 11:11:22
Just wanted to say that Montolio is the cutest!
Bibbs' avatar
October 01, 2016 12:37:24
Wow! Thank you so much! I will of course send you a baby :)
Lynchly's avatar
September 28, 2016 22:21:26
Oh thank you! All the lore I have written out is VERY rough and old;; Chicory is definitely a perma dragon, but Alonzo is actually someone I scooped up for a breeding project, so when I'm done with him I'll pass him along to you! : D
Lynchly's avatar
September 28, 2016 14:21:57
And the lore as well, is really impressive! Certainly a motivator to get mine done LOL. (Forgot to add that heh)
Lynchly's avatar
September 28, 2016 14:21:24
Goodness gracious, every single one of your dragons is a masterpiece! I was browsing through certain gene combinations and after seeing Atthau I was just blown away... And then I saw that your whole lair was equally stunning and just GOSh. Good job!
Avarice's avatar
September 18, 2016 04:09:59
Okay so I sold him to you and might be a lil biased but you win dragon dress up with Prentice oh my he looks amazing. I'm a little jelly, he looks better than his parents!
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sorry your boyfriend clipped through the floor and despawned
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Sell me ur KS apparel darn it

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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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