

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Storm's Pixel Dragons ~ waitlist
H0YTYF1.png CAgQpkV.png 7p4ZvEX.png TX13MWN.png

Oh my goodness she looks incredible ;u; Thank you so much <3 Sending a little something your way as an extra thank-you ^^

Oh my goodness she looks incredible ;u; Thank you so much <3 Sending a little something your way as an extra thank-you ^^
***** cW4AeEj.png UBaiWUV.png
74HWAoj.png J7D1quC.png
OkzJ8ln.png *****
H0YTYF1.png CAgQpkV.png 7p4ZvEX.png TX13MWN.png
[center]@Nirwana @Anemia @Ghostgirl32 *Ahem* So. Yeah. Today I've been avoiding responsibilities and overall being a lazy couch potato when I get a message requesting an art trade...and this person wanted a cryface guardian done... so what do I do? yep. that's right. I play around and make cryface...and gembond. [img][/img] *sparkle sparkle* That being said, cryface and gembond are slightly more expensive than other genes since they require a lot more effort to make/make colors match. I'll be making pretty graphics soon since the text on my main page may be a bit confusing. All slots are open currently! There are three gem slots and two treasure. Go!
@Nirwana @Anemia @Ghostgirl32
So. Yeah. Today I've been avoiding responsibilities and overall being a lazy couch potato when I get a message requesting an art trade...and this person wanted a cryface guardian done...

so what do I do?
that's right.

I play around and make cryface...and gembond.

*sparkle sparkle*

That being said, cryface and gembond are slightly more expensive than other genes since they require a lot more effort to make/make colors match. I'll be making pretty graphics soon since the text on my main page may be a bit confusing.

All slots are open currently! There are three gem slots and two treasure. Go!
H0YTYF1.png CAgQpkV.png 7p4ZvEX.png TX13MWN.png
@stormdragon yAS! can I get two of these? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'll happily cover the cost for any unmade genes uwu
@stormdragon yAS! can I get two of these?




I'll happily cover the cost for any unmade genes uwu
please fill out the order forms for both dragons ^^
please fill out the order forms for both dragons ^^
H0YTYF1.png CAgQpkV.png 7p4ZvEX.png TX13MWN.png
whoops sorry ^^; [b]Order Form[/b] [b]Dragon Image:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Genes to Include:[/b] crystal, ripple, [b]spines[/b] [b]Left or Right Facing?[/b] both if possible! [b]Lines? (Black or **Colored):[/b] black Total Estimated Cost: 36kt [b]Dragon Image:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Genes to Include:[/b] all basic [b]Left or Right Facing?[/b] both please! [b]Lines? (Black or **Colored):[/b] black Total Estimated Cost: 20kt
whoops sorry ^^;

Order Form
Dragon Image:


Genes to Include: crystal, ripple, spines
Left or Right Facing? both if possible!
Lines? (Black or **Colored): black

Total Estimated Cost: 36kt

Dragon Image:


Genes to Include: all basic
Left or Right Facing? both please!
Lines? (Black or **Colored): black

Total Estimated Cost: 20kt
@Stormdragon [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Any way I could bribe you to make an adopt of this girl with her accent? I could either offer more treasure, gems or some of these [url=]pixel dragons[/url] (though I don't have a drawing tablet atm so I wouldn't be able to add new accents/genes; I'll let you know the details if you're even interested) ; v;


Any way I could bribe you to make an adopt of this girl with her accent? I could either offer more treasure, gems or some of these pixel dragons (though I don't have a drawing tablet atm so I wouldn't be able to add new accents/genes; I'll let you know the details if you're even interested)
; v;
whoops, I do have spines ^^

so your first guy is 30k
and your second is 20k :D
whoops, I do have spines ^^

so your first guy is 30k
and your second is 20k :D
H0YTYF1.png CAgQpkV.png 7p4ZvEX.png TX13MWN.png
@stormdragon sending! uwu
@stormdragon sending! uwu