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TOPIC | :Wee Dragons: Fae available! Hiatus
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Bumping because while Puuka may be busy, she ain't dead.


Also, I've been playing with your progen's colors in the Scryer's and her colors are perfect for just about every primary / secondary combo. Even Clown / Eye spot, two of my least favorite genes, look stunning on her.
Bumping because while Puuka may be busy, she ain't dead.


Also, I've been playing with your progen's colors in the Scryer's and her colors are perfect for just about every primary / secondary combo. Even Clown / Eye spot, two of my least favorite genes, look stunning on her.
If you need my attention quickly, PM me. I get way too many pings.
@tigerpanda13 Thanks! :) I love her so much, but I've been holding off geneing her because I've been trying to get an accent for her that'll put runes on her wings. My roommate has been working on one and I keep swearing I'll throw piles of gems at her if she ever finishes it, because it looks like this: [img][/img] That's just the WIP screenshot I grabbed from our IM convo, but I think it'd be perfect for her when finished. After I get her accented up to my satisfaction, then it's time for genes :) I'm thinking Iri and Eye Spots right now, but who knows what other genes we'll have by the time Neph actually needs scrolled?
Thanks! :) I love her so much, but I've been holding off geneing her because I've been trying to get an accent for her that'll put runes on her wings. My roommate has been working on one and I keep swearing I'll throw piles of gems at her if she ever finishes it, because it looks like this:


That's just the WIP screenshot I grabbed from our IM convo, but I think it'd be perfect for her when finished. After I get her accented up to my satisfaction, then it's time for genes :) I'm thinking Iri and Eye Spots right now, but who knows what other genes we'll have by the time Neph actually needs scrolled?

fr +3:00

Actually, there have been people begging and begging for a tertiary gene like that, with runes all over. So you may just hold out for when they finally cave and do it, because your dragons tert is already pink. :P

Actually, there have been people begging and begging for a tertiary gene like that, with runes all over. So you may just hold out for when they finally cave and do it, because your dragons tert is already pink. :P
If you need my attention quickly, PM me. I get way too many pings.

She did get the perfect tert for runes, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! On the downside, if we do get a runic tert, I don't know that I'll be able to breed much of anything else. I'll just be covered in rune dragons all the time XD

She did get the perfect tert for runes, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! On the downside, if we do get a runic tert, I don't know that I'll be able to breed much of anything else. I'll just be covered in rune dragons all the time XD

fr +3:00

I still like gembond on most dragons, but yes, I think my whole lair would mostly be runes, with a few of the others mixed in.


We have hijacked your thread. XP At least you get free bumps.

I still like gembond on most dragons, but yes, I think my whole lair would mostly be runes, with a few of the others mixed in.


We have hijacked your thread. XP At least you get free bumps.
If you need my attention quickly, PM me. I get way too many pings.
Sorry guys, yesterday was so busy @.@

@Mermaidia: Nephele is lovely! And that accent you have for her will look awesome when it's done!
For the items:

Ethereal Entourage - 30k
Starseer's Emblem - 10k
Archivist's Spellscroll - 30k
White Linen Neck Wrap - 10k
White Linen Tail Wrap - 20k
White Linen Leg Wraps - 10k
White Linen Wing Wraps - 20k
White Linen Head Wrap - 20k
(plus 35k for the dragon)

= 165k if that is okay?

I will be gone all weekend and finishing Tigerpanda's order some time early in the week, so I expect yours will be done by mid/ late next week. Definitely before Friday. c:

@tigerpanda13: Hijacking is fine, thank you for the bumps! lol
Sorry guys, yesterday was so busy @.@

@Mermaidia: Nephele is lovely! And that accent you have for her will look awesome when it's done!
For the items:

Ethereal Entourage - 30k
Starseer's Emblem - 10k
Archivist's Spellscroll - 30k
White Linen Neck Wrap - 10k
White Linen Tail Wrap - 20k
White Linen Leg Wraps - 10k
White Linen Wing Wraps - 20k
White Linen Head Wrap - 20k
(plus 35k for the dragon)

= 165k if that is okay?

I will be gone all weekend and finishing Tigerpanda's order some time early in the week, so I expect yours will be done by mid/ late next week. Definitely before Friday. c:

@tigerpanda13: Hijacking is fine, thank you for the bumps! lol
Thanks! That sounds wonderful, I'll go send the money on over now :)

Mine would be like wall-to-wall iri/shim/runes, with a few crackles for good measure XD One reason I'm in Arcane is because I love the lore, so if they gave me a tert that fits with our lore, I would probably just throw money at the Marketplace until I was broke.
Thanks! That sounds wonderful, I'll go send the money on over now :)

Mine would be like wall-to-wall iri/shim/runes, with a few crackles for good measure XD One reason I'm in Arcane is because I love the lore, so if they gave me a tert that fits with our lore, I would probably just throw money at the Marketplace until I was broke.

fr +3:00

Omg those are the numbers I was going to guess for each piece on @mermaidia's order. It was kind of a tossup if you'd do the wraps for 10 or 20k, but then I kinda thought you might have gone for 40k with Ethereal Entourage, because while the fairies look to be the same size next to a fae as a guardian, they're also tiny PEOPLE shapes, and people shapes can be difficult. XD

Omg those are the numbers I was going to guess for each piece on @mermaidia's order. It was kind of a tossup if you'd do the wraps for 10 or 20k, but then I kinda thought you might have gone for 40k with Ethereal Entourage, because while the fairies look to be the same size next to a fae as a guardian, they're also tiny PEOPLE shapes, and people shapes can be difficult. XD
If you need my attention quickly, PM me. I get way too many pings.
Also, am I the only person on the planet who is bugged by the idea that the fairies are proportionately the same size next to a dragon the size of a cat as they are next to a dragon the size of a house? Those fairies should be large enough to RIDE Nephele, or next to a guardian, they'd be so tiny that it might accidently breathe them in.
Also, am I the only person on the planet who is bugged by the idea that the fairies are proportionately the same size next to a dragon the size of a cat as they are next to a dragon the size of a house? Those fairies should be large enough to RIDE Nephele, or next to a guardian, they'd be so tiny that it might accidently breathe them in.
If you need my attention quickly, PM me. I get way too many pings.
@tigerpanda13 Yeeeeeeah, I had some difficulty choosing prices for these. The wraps are kind of a pain, but most are small so 10 - 20k. The Ethereal Entourage really had me hung up because they are people shapes like you said and that can be difficult, but they are itty bitty so I would have felt guilty to go any higher. Anyway, I hope all of my apparel pricing has felt fair so far. c: And yes, they bother me too. xD I guess they're magic and can shape-change at will. I think one of the entourage riding a fae is hilarious, so thanks for that. lol [img][/img] ALSO just because this is what I'm doing right now, here's a peek at your arm wraps., :D [img][/img] @Mermaidia I got it, thank you! If we got a tert gene that involved runes/ arcane, I would most definitely be broke immediately.
Yeeeeeeah, I had some difficulty choosing prices for these.
The wraps are kind of a pain, but most are small so 10 - 20k. The Ethereal Entourage really had me hung up because they are people shapes like you said and that can be difficult, but they are itty bitty so I would have felt guilty to go any higher.
Anyway, I hope all of my apparel pricing has felt fair so far. c:

And yes, they bother me too. xD I guess they're magic and can shape-change at will.
I think one of the entourage riding a fae is hilarious, so thanks for that. lol

ALSO just because this is what I'm doing right now, here's a peek at your arm wraps., :D


I got it, thank you!
If we got a tert gene that involved runes/ arcane, I would most definitely be broke immediately.
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