Kindly welcomes you to Sickbay
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Energy: 50
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.

0.73 m
0.62 m
1.85 kg
Criculaworm (Everlux)
Criculaworm (Everlux)
Silkspot (Everlux)
Silkspot (Everlux)
Eye Type
Level 1 Everlux
EXP: 0 / 245


“Hello, and welcome to our clinic! Give me a moment to locate your file.”

First Appearance: Story
Gender: Girl
Pronouns: She/her
Occupations Held: Medical administrator
Place of Origin: Shifting Expanse, Sornieth
Current lair location(s): Sickbay, Central Rosette, Droseran Domain, Viridian Labyrinth, Sornieth
Tad was a very pale dragon, but not especially delicate. She went for a brisk morning fly every morning to keep her wings in good condition, and did a series of other exercises to keep the rest of her body up to spec as well. Working in the medical profession, she felt it important that she be a good example.
Tad was a friendly and confident go-getter. She would work out what she wanted and immediately devote herself to achieving her goals. She was intelligent, and grew prouder and prouder of it with age. She prized herself on maintaining a demeanour with others that was both respectful and inviting- at least with strangers, or while working. Those who knew her more closely knew she hated to lose, would brag about her accomplishments, and had trouble letting things go. None of these went too far, really, but those who met her in passing would think of her as this immensely agreeable, almost bizarrely perfect soul... and her close friends and family would laugh, knowing full well how childish she could be.
She loved to learn, show off what she'd learnt, and compete. She believed that a spirit of healthy competition was a great tool in inspiring dragons to do their best, even if she found losing a difficult **** to swallow. Still, she'd always cheer up at the next chance to prove herself. The point of winning was never to make the other lose anyway- unless, of course, it was a specific rival...
Tad hatched in the Shifting Expanse, with no dragons around to care for her. Her clan was scattered, her egg having been misplaced during the scramble to escape the path of the Emperor. She didn't mind though, as she knew not that she was supposed to, and found herself safely huddled up amongst a discarded medical text in the vault of a lightning clan.
Her little makeshift bed was a somewhat precious item however, containing useful information on dragon breeds originating from the land, and some specifics on how lightning magic could be used therapeutically. Quivetel and his team were seeking out the text on behalf of Eckle, and were able to make a trade for it- Tad hiding inside, unbeknownst to them.
She wasn't the only everlux in a book the team was carrying either, Xris catching a ride in an old book of songs. But he hadn't hatched yet. During the journey to the Droseran Domain, Tad would stick her head out, stretch her wings, but always nestle back amongst the pages. She wasn't actively trying to avoid being perceived, it just worked out that way.
When she got back to the Domain and was handed off to Eckle at her sickbay, she was put aside for the time being. However, she saw Aschedes enter and flutter about, and quickly imprinted on the similarly small and similarly coloured dragon. She fluttered out and scared the living daylights out of the veilspun.
Aschedes wasn't even sure she was a dragon at first, never having heard of an everlux before. He asked Eckle to confirm though, and she was sure, if confused on the specifics. Periwinkle and Nina told him they'd never seen one of the sort before either, and they all headed off to the library to look into the little thing together.
What they found when they arrived was yet another everlux though, as Xris had hatched by now. Oleistry confirmed that she had heard of the breed before, though rarely. Regardless of how they had ended up here, they needed to be cared for now.
Aschedes was more than eager to pass Tad off to Periwinkle and Nina. As willing as they were to take her, Tad always made her way back to the sickbay, and was soon calling the veilspun 'dada'. Despite his reluctance, he began making tentative efforts to parent her. Over time, especially as she started speaking, he was endeared and took on the role more wholeheartedly.
Tad was raised alongside the other hatchlings of the clan. She spent most days playing at the Nursery, then coming home to Sickbay. Her best friend was immediately Xris; they came into the clan at the same time, were the same age, the same breed, and were able to grow up together unlike the eternally youthful hatchlings around them.
Tad truly believed Aschedes was her biological father at first, but Eckle explained to her that this wasn't how ancient breeds worked. She never viewed him as anything less than her real dad, regardless. Sharing what she'd learnt with Xris, the pair decided they had to get married one day. It was puppy love, but while it really only played out as the pair being very close best friends, they were devoted. When they grew up, they continued the relationship just as strong, with more substance behind it.
Meanwhile, Tad worked hard to help her dad out at the Sickbay, and Eckle too. She learned from Oleistry with Xris too, and started up more proper medical records for the practice. She also helped record the results of new potions Aschedes made to work towards improvements, and greeted those who visited. Her bedside manner went far beyond that of the pair of resident doctor and herbalist, and many were grateful to finally have a kind face there to check in with them before and after visits. When she was fully fledged, she took on the official position of medical receptionist, as well as taking on some nursing duties.
Current Situation: Tad greets each incoming patient at Sickbay with a warmth many Droserans are relieved to finally find at the clinic. She's a welcome addition to the team there.
Character Interaction:
- Her favourite food was mint leaves.
- Growing up around the sterile smell of disinfectant, it brought her great comfort- despite the unease many other dragons felt with such a scent.
((*Sundew-speak glossary available here))
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Exalting Tad to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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