Level 10 Pearlcatcher
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3.78 m
5.81 m
387.99 kg
Eye Type
Level 10 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 697 / 27676

Shy Painter with a mysterious background Retired traveler from 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread. Larkin wandered a little too far from his home lair, the Inevitably Unmannerly Mockingbird Paradise, and now he's off to see the world! Now, he had found his permanent home which he has found his longtime friend that he been looking for. Also this dragon is a part of Arach's Traveling Dragon Challenges. Feel free to check in here! And If you've fallen in love, you are more than welcome to permanently adopt him! If you do though, please let Arach know for her notes.
Traveling Journal

Larkin desperately missed his best friend Trenton. He had wanted the best for his friend and so had pushed his feelings aside and encouraged his friend to follow his dream to apprentice with the top alchemical masters. He had known that this would mean that Trenton would travel and that he might not see him for many years. What he hadn't counted on was just how much he would miss him. Since Trenton left he hadn't been able to paint anything new, well at least not anything good. Another growing realization was that without Trenton, he really had no ties to this place. It was nice, but he hadn't been born here and hadn't really made any other real connections here. So he decided to set off in search of inspiration to paint again...or to possibly against all odds, run into Trenton again.

Larkin didn't quite feel like painting yet, but discovered a new method of making art that could keep him occupied - sculpting.
He learned how to sculpt clay from Kintsugi, one of the clan's permanent residents, as well as Eldam, a fellow travelling dragon. Larkin found it interesting, though he soon decided to leave in search of Trenton.

Larkin ended up in Nightmeme's lair and saw a very big show going on so he wandered to the direction of the loud music and bright lights and saw a lot of different dragons that looked similar yet there was still a lot of varietys of them, Verity known as Vanity (stage name) greeted Larkin and showed him around. Vanity told Larkin that the main show was just getting started and to stick around. The show started and Larkin was at first second guessing the whole situation but after a while something sparked in his brain, it activated something, his motivation his feelings for his lost friend, after the show ended Vanity approached Larkin and invited him to some tea and talk with the others and her alone.
Larkin was talking to the others sharing many vast stories and was intrigued and gave him a lot of motivation. Later after tea Vanity took Larkin to a quiet place and started talking to Larkin. Vanity told him how she was doing this for awareness, awareness of the lost friends we met throughout our journey and to always remember them and be our best for them and to enjoy life to the fullest. That struck a cord with Larkin and he finally understood everything. Larkin thanked Vanity and decided to stay and try to paint again. Vanity asked if Larkin would like to become the artist/painter for the circus/lair, Larkin said yes in a heartbeat and became over joyed to find his purpose again and created art in the name of his dear friend and to show emotion in his art.

Larkin spent a long time in the Shadow Circus, relearning how to paint again and to draw with emotion. But soon, his heart began to ache with the wish to see Trenton again, so he bade a fond farewell to his newfound friends and headed onto the next clan.
The next clan Larkin arrived at was a small starlit grove, tucked into the corner of the Mirrorlight Promenade. Larkin, still thinking about Trenton, asked around but to no avail. With nothing much to do, Larkin decided to settle down here for a bit, and hopefully create some art here.
One of the dragons saw him painting, and looked over curiously. "What are you painting? That looks beautiful!" Larkin looked down at his portrait of him and Trenton. "That's me and my friend. I'm actually travelling to try to find him! But I'm not sure where he is, and it's been quite difficult for me..."
The spiral who'd spoken to him, Limsa, nodded sympathetically and listened to his stories with Trenton. But afterwards, she hesitantly asked, "Do you think... Forgive me for being a bit intrusive, but do you think you could have romantic feelings for Trenton? It seems like your feelings for him are quite strong, and it just reminds me..." Limsa trailed off quietly. "Well, it reminds me of my feelings for Gwarwen, that's all."
By the time that Larkin was ready to leave the clan, his whole head was full of questions. What did Limsa mean by him having romantic feelings for Trenton? But... He'd never felt that way for another male dragon before? And was it even possible to feel like that for another male dragon?

Larkin landed in this forest and it's kind of feel like he is at home. So, he went in deeper and come across a kingdom in this forest. He went towards the small town and as he got there. He saw an Inn and decided to spent the night there. As he went inside the Inn, he is greeted by the owner of the Inn is her name is Chinko and give him his room. He starts to do his painting as Chinko was about to leave.
A few days later, he shown Chinko his painting and say that is his friend Trenton. He give his painting to Chinko as gift and say his farwell to her. Chinko give him a hug and said " I hope you would found your friend."

Aboard the Novaline, Larkin manages to make a small name for himself painting portraits of the crew, and other travelling dragons. He also found the views of the sky to be incredible once immersed in it. In fact, he occasionally would spent too long painting and nearly faint due to overwork.
The steward would always find him, and gently tuck him into his guest room out of concern for his well-being.
"Don't push yourself so hard." The steward told him one time while dropping off a small meal for breakfast. Larkin often found himself embarrassed when caught in vulnerable states, and started to become a bit reclusive. He'd go out to paint the sky when few were around on the deck.
"Who do you think you're hiding from?" Adelaide smirked at him whenever she found him. She was always out during the night, and often brought a lantern with her to keep him company while he painted the stars.
She made him feel less alone.

Larkin surpise that somehow he found himself to the place that he was before.

Write Larkin's story here!
Clans I've Visited

My family is very precious to me. Please take good care of my kin and if they ever need to leave your clan, please send them back to their family. If they have any children of their own, I would love to see them, and they will always be welcome in my clan.
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