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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Bleached Roots


0.89 m
1.07 m
2.02 kg


Primary Gene
Cinder (Veilspun)
Cinder (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene
Blaze (Veilspun)
Blaze (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene
Stained (Veilspun)
Stained (Veilspun)


May 05, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Veilspun
Max Level
Dark Bolt


xxxA R C A D I Axxx


"We do not always choose our purpose in life. Sometimes our purpose finds us."

It felt like forever since the fire that changed Arcadia's life. Whenever he slept, all he could see was the raging fire surrounding the Nocturne and himself; all he could hear was the roar of flames crackling and wood splintering, threatening to collapse around them both at any second. The only sound louder was that of the Nocturne, crying out desperately for help- until everything went silent as the building collapsed around them. The last thing he remembered before everything went black was praying, begging, that the Nocturne survive.

He would wake with a start, chest heaving as the memory slowly faded once more, though the Nocturne's cries still rang in his ears. Ever since that day, Arcadia had dedicated himself to saving others, as well as training new warriors so that they could do the same. In truth, however, the desire to save others was only part of what drove him. There was something else, a glimmer of hope he clung to desperately- because he was certain the Nocturne that he failed to save that day was still alive out there somewhere.

Arcadia, thanks to his small size, managed to survive long enough to be rescued from the rubble that remained after the fire, though his body was marred with burns and marks from the fire. He was able to recover, and when he was well enough to inquire about the wellbeing of the Nocturne that had been trapped with him, he was met with confusion. His rescuers would tell him that he was the only one they found in the rubble, and it had been fully cleared by now. There was no Nocturne.

It was this puzzling situation that truly set him down his path- a path far divergent from that of his original lineage- a path he walked not just for the good of others, but also for himself. Though he knew the chances of ever finding out what happened to the Nocturne were slim, he held out hope each day that with each new clan he visited, he would one day stumble upon them once again.

Months later, a new clan reached out to Arcadia for hire, looking for someone to train some of their own to become skilled warriors. Excited for another potential chance at finding any information about the Nocturne, Arcadia traveled to the Duskbreak clan, where he was met with the welcoming faces of the clan. Though he remained polite to them, his disappointment was evident as he failed to recognize the face that haunted him each night in his dreams.

Though disheartened, Arcadia still had a job to do, one that was of equal importance to him as finding the dragon. He diligently trained the young warriors of Duskbreak, and took great pride in seeing their skills improve until they could hold their own in battle. It was during one of these training sessions that he met the founder of the clan.

"You must be the warrior we hired to train our own. I apologize that I was not here to greet you when you arrived, I was... away at the time. My name is Brennen- but you may call me B as my friends do, if you wish."

She bowed her head to him, a soft smile on her face.

"Welcome to the Duskbreak clan- and thank you for all of your hard work in training our young warriors."

Though her presence was welcoming and gentle, Arcadia could sense an aura of great power emanating from her- and something else as well. When she spoke to him, he found himself struggling to find the ability to respond- not from fear, but from the striking feeling that somehow, despite the impossibility of it, he had met her before. When he finally mustered the strength to reply, the question came spilling out before he could even realize he had asked it.

"Do I- have we met before?"

She tilted her head at him, a puzzled look on her face- though somehow, it seemed disingenuous. The slight grin she bore betrayed the response she gave him.

"Hmm? I'm sure I don't know what you mean. It is relatively rare that a Veilspun is brought within the borders of Duskbreak, so I'm sure I would remember if we had met- and I rarely travel the world of Sornieth beyond the reach of my clan. That said, I do have matters I must attend to, and I should let you return to your work. It was a pleasure meeting you- if you need anything at all, please feel free to ask."

She gave Arcadia a polite nod before swiftly turning and walking away. For a moment, Arcadia stood silent, processing what was said. Something was strange about her behavior, though, and it was enough to make him question her further.


The Skydancer stopped, turning her head slightly to look at him, the glow of her blue eyes beneath the shimmering hair that covered the side of her face piercing into him. She said nothing, waiting for the Veilspun to state his need. Her presence had suddenly become far more intimidating, but he held firm.

"You know something, don't you. What aren't you telling me? What are you hiding?"

The dragons he had been training quickly fell silent from the side conversations they had struck up while waiting, and all eyes fell upon the clan leader. Though her face was still obscured, the faint smile on her face was still evident from the look in her eyes. Her voice shifted drastically from the soft and gentle tone she had used before.

"Hmm...~ Perhaps I do. I will not simply hand you the answers, that is something you must find for yourself. However, I will tell you one thing: you may find within my clan that which you truly seek. You must search deeper than outward appearances, though. This clan is not like most others. Many residents within my borders are more than what they may seem to be."

She turned once more to leave, though her voice rang out again a final time before she left.

"You may remain here as long as you desire, even if you do not use all of that time to fulfill your job. After all, I did not summon you here solely to train my members- though you were never meant to know that. I wish you luck in finding the end to your long journey."

With that, she left Arcadia to continue his work with the young trainees. They all found themselves in stunned silence for a moment, and despite Arcadia's best efforts to return to training, it seemed the young warriors were similarly rattled by the encounter as he was. He decided it best to dismiss them early that day, and returned to the clan.

With nothing to fill the time originally meant for training, Arcadia spent the remainder of the day searching the clan for any sign of the dragon he had spent so long looking for, but found nothing. Growing weary of his search, he opted to rest by the large garden that engulfed the far end of the clan to clear his head. The words the leader had spoken had hung over him, and he found himself coming up with only more questions than answers. What she'd summoned him for? How did she even know? It was while he was lost in thought that he suddenly felt eyes on him.

He looked up with a start to find the source, soon locking eyes with a Veilspun who sat across a row of flowers, a watering device held tightly in his mouth- far more tightly than necessary. There was something strikingly familiar about the Veilspun, though once again, he couldn't place why. It seemed that the Veilspun felt something similar, though, as he held his gaze up until the point that the soil could no longer hold the water pouring from the device, and it spilled over. The icy water reached the Veilspun's foot, startling him from his trance and causing him to drop the device with a stark cry.

Hearing the Veilspun's voice stirred his memory, and he thought of what the leader had said.

'You must search deeper than outward appearances'...? Is this what she meant? That voice... it sounds exactly like his... I've heard that cry in my sleep far more times than I would ever like to, it's unmistakable... but yet...

Arcadia stood, approaching the dragon with newfound hope and determination. Though the other Veilspun took a cautious step back, something seemed to root him in place. Whatever it was he had seen in Arcadia, the need for understanding was equally strong within him as well.

"You, there... what's your name?"

Arcadia silently cursed himself for being so blunt, but the Veilspun didn't seem to mind- though he responded quietly.

"...My name... is Chongsheng. That is the name I was given."

Arcadia looked at him, puzzled.

"'Given?' What do you mean by that?"

Chongsheng lowered his head, finally breaking eye contact with Arcadia.

"I... do not remember my original name. Nor do I remember much of my original life. All I remember is the fire... and her voice."

Arcadia's heart skipped a beat as Chonsheng mentioned the fire. Could it really be...?

"A fire...?"

Though the latter portion of the statement intrigued him as well, he was far more concerned with the detail that could possibly be the answer he had spent so long looking for. Chongsheng nodded, returning his gaze to meet Arcadia's.

"Yes... there was a fire some time ago, one which claimed my life before the founder of this clan saved me. She tells me I was once a Nocturne, but the memory of such a life is hazy at best."

That was all Arcadia needed to hear. It was him, it had to be. But if his memory was so cloudy, was there even a chance that he would remember him? Then he remembered the look Chongsheng had given him at the start of the encounter. Maybe, just maybe...

"Are you certain there's nothing else you remember about the fire?"

Chongsheng shook his head.

"No, I don't remember... though, I have this feeling that there was someone else there with me, even before she showed up..."

He hesitated, seeming to ponder something before finally asking what neither seemed to have had the courage to ask the other yet.

"That was you... wasn't it? That's why I feel so much like I've seen you before... When I look at you, I feel some long forgotten memory stir, something I should remember, but it's just out of my reach..."

Arcadia gave him a sympathetic smile. It was hard for him to contain the excitement he truly felt knowing he'd finally found the dragon, impossible as the task had begun to feel.

"I believe I was. I've spent such a long time searching for you, I started to think maybe I had hallucinated the whole thing... that maybe you weren't even real, and that's why they never found your body... It's just a shame that I'll have to leave eventually, after I've spent so long searching for you. At least now I can finally be at ease knowing you're alive and real..."

Chongsheng nodded, though there was a look of disappointment on his face.

"Ah, I see... you're only visiting, then. That's unfortunate. I feel I may remember more of my past if I were to be given more time around you, but I understand."

In truth, Arcadia shared his disappointment. Though he hardly knew this dragon, he had devoted so much of his life in an effort to find him that the prospect of leaving felt like he'd be abandoning a lifelong friend. He then remembered something else the leader had said to him earlier.

"Maybe... maybe I don't have to leave. Your leader- Brennen, was it? She said I was welcome to stay as long as I needed... I have no clan to leave behind, and plenty of skill to offer... do you suppose she may allow me to join you all permanently?"

Chongsheng's face lit up at the suggestion.

"I am certain if you asked, she would welcome you with open arms. Given what I know about her, I do not believe this was a chance meeting. It is very likely she brought you here with every intention of offering you a home within our ranks."

And he was right. When the next morning came, Arcadia approached B about the possibility of joining her clan. All the while she smiled at him, a knowing look on her face as she welcomed him in. Arcadia knew there was information about the fateful fire that she withheld from him, but with a permanent place within the clan, there was no longer any need to rush to find the answers to the questions she had left him with.

Nowadays, Arcadia remains a crucial asset to Duskbreak, training new dragons and heading patrols of the clan's borders. When he isn't on duty, he spends a good deal of his time with Chongsheng, both in an attempt to help him remember more about his long forgotten past- and to speculate about what the full scope of B's involvement with it was- and simply to spend time with the friend he spent so long in search of.


I am a Generation 3 Living Doll:
Noche & Woe > Apathy > Joy > Arcadia


The Haunted

Generation 3 Vitali's Warriors
Vitali > Whisper > Aegea > Arcadia

Bio template and graphics by NerissaPond

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