Level 1 Aether
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Energy: 50
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.

5.64 m
4.59 m
525.06 kg
Flaunt (Aether)
Flaunt (Aether)
Alloy (Aether)
Alloy (Aether)
Stained (Aether)
Stained (Aether)
Eye Type
Level 1 Aether
EXP: 0 / 245


Generation 2
Allison -> Caspian -> Roxanne
Time Tot - ??? - ???
Roxanne had always been a rebellious one. Never listening to her father, or to anyone, really. She lived life on her own terms, doing whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Royalty? Bloodline loyalty? To hell with all that! Why should Roxanne care, when all her father seemed to do was train, train, train? All of them talked big about the Organization being powerful and dangerous, but as far as Roxanne was concerned, she'd never seen any evidence.
Oh, how wrong she was.
How very, very wrong she was.
She had just wanted to see what they were like for herself. She'd just been curious. She didn't listen to anyone's warnings- and it cost her. Cost her what, you may ask?
It cost her everything.
With their weapons and magiks and technology, they subdued her as soon as they realized who she was- what she was. How much use she could be for them, and oh, she struggled. She struggled so hard, but she wasn't powerful enough, hadn't thought any of it through, and before she knew it, she was out cold. Shoved in a cage, restrained to a wall, powers inhibited. She couldn't do anything to them as they... worked on her.
Experimented on her.
They tore her open and stitched her back up, they turned her inside out, trying to see what made her tick. Trying to harvest her power for themselves, trying to brainwash her into becoming their servant. Taking her essence, creating new, biological children that were always doomed to be experiments like herself, if they didn't die before that.
But Roxanne had always been a rebellious one. And, no matter how hard they tried to break her, they couldn't. Not completely.
Even when they changed her, bit by bit, replacing organic parts with mechanical ones, shoving liquids and substances inside her, draining her of her hope- she wouldn't break. She'd defy them, if only to spite them, no matter how much it hurt.
It... helped that she wasn't the only one.
Rammus, a fellow Rifter, who had walked willingly into the experiments without knowing what they would hold, was there too. He just hadn't known, his father hadn't been there for him, nobody had explained anything to him. It was only when it was too late, when he was already the middle of all the horror that he realized his mistake. There was also Maelona, an unfortunate young woman who had gotten caught up in the wrong circles- and was now paying for it as the Organization's test subject. She was full of energy, but also anxious. Not a surprise, considering their circumstances.
Those two kept her sane- they kept one another sane, in these harrowing circumstances. When one of them had a particularly bad session, the others would be there to catch them. It wasn't much, but Roxanne started considering them family (well- Rammus already was, but... this was more tangible. More real.)
It was both a stroke of luck and genius, that they managed to escape.
Due the danger of the experiments on them, scientists often died (by her claws, her newly built in blades and guns- she was proud of that fact), and, as a consequence, were often replaced. Harn was one of those new scientists- but it was clear from the start. He was too soft-hearted. He wasn't cruel, and he wasn't comfortable with what they were doing, only complying for a lack of any better alternatives.
It was Maelona's plan, to try and get him to their side. To turn up the pity, to make him falter, hopefully.
It worked- a little too well. Somehow, they didn't just manage to make Harn pity them- but befriend them. To grow close to them, enough so that he was the one to bring up their escape, before they even had the chance to do so. It was impressive to Roxanne, that he'd be willing to take such a risk, and that they didn't even need to force him into it.
(It was, perhaps, then that she fell in love with him.)
It was harrowing. Nothing went easy about their escape- how could it, with high-profile experiments like them?- but they managed. Somehow, with everyone's help, they managed, Roxanne's blades tearing through soldiers and scientists, her lights aglow with fury and anxiety alike. It seemed to last forever, but-
With the chains broken, and outside of the area of effect from their power suppressors, she and Rammus reached for their powers for the first time in ages (by themselves, by their own will- not forced upon them by needles and machines and scientists-), grabbing onto Maelona and Harn-
She'd forgotten what it was like, to travel time and space. She'd missed it, so very, very much.
They popped out- where and when, it didn't matter. What did matter was that they were out, and when she realized, when they all realized-
She nearly short-circuited from elation, so happy that her body almost couldn't take it. They nearly crushed one another in a group hug, so grateful to finally be free.
Of course, this wouldn't be the end of it, of course. The Organization knew of them, and would likely hunt them, as they always had, but perhaps even more furiously so. She and Rammus, for being Rifters, Maelona, for being such a costly experiment, and Harn, for being a traitor. None of them would ever be truly safe.
But, well. Roxanne knew that, if worse came to worse, she and Rammus could call in the help of their grandmother- no doubt would Allison be elated that they were free. Not quite unharmed, not quite the same as before, but they were back. They were free.
And even if they needed to wander time and space forever to keep it that way, they would.
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