Level 1 Aether
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4.65 m
5.82 m
559.91 kg
Spool (Aether)
Spool (Aether)
Blaze (Aether)
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Mandibles (Aether)
Mandibles (Aether)
Eye Type
Level 1 Aether
EXP: 0 / 245


![]() S H A V R I Role She/Her {From: @SilentWanderer}
"My family is very precious to me. Please take good care of my kin and if they ever need to leave your clan, please send them back to their family. If they have any children of their own, I would love to see them, and they will always be welcome in my clan." That was the words that Conch told Yuna when she went to her and her mate to tell them that their granddaughter was destined to be part of Enchanted Crystals Clan. Yuna accepted her words but what neither cronch nor his partner knew was that once you are part of the clan... you´ll never stop being part of it. (Lore in progress). Shavri comes from a huge lovely family where all their members are familiars and affectionate, while she was only a hatchling she usually saw her grandparents and parents love and she knew that she wanted the same. When she found her fisrt clan and mate she thought that she finally got what she was looking for, but but despite the fact that his new clan was very nice and his partner was a great friend, she feel like these wasn´t her place so after a while she decided to go with her grandparents a while to to clarify her ideas and assess her future.Few weeks later a mysterious aberration female come to the clan and after she talked with her granfathers come to her and said "If you come with me you will find what you are looking for." Shavri was really surprised but her grandfather just smile and nodded when Shavri looked at him. Insecure Shavri follow the other female and she flew far beyond where she had never been before even if she was already been in opther clans she never left nature flight territory but now she is flying over other lands never seen.She didn´t feel comfortable on the desert and she was afraid about living there luckily for her the aberration female that introduced herself as Yuna don´t looks like she had any intention to land on that inhospitable lands. After few hours flying over that drye lands in the distance she began to see an extraordinary sight, over the sea was emerging huge pink and purple crystal and over them huge floating pieces of land. "That will be your new home Shavri, you can believe me, you will truly enjoy your new home"Sadi the other female to Shavri.During their travel Shavri talked shortly with Yuna, she discovered that Yuna was a quiet female but each time she talks Yuna exudes a sense of calm and commands respect in a calm and natural way. When they flew over one of the biggest floating island Shavri saw a lot of dragons there since warriors to hunters or even few musician she was delighted to see that environment so far from her beloved forests. When they land Shavri lost in her own mind looking around just crash with an eldritch male obelisk that turned to see her and started to growl, next to him a female mirror looked her with hartred and Shavri knew that the mirror was about to jump for her neck. "KALI!!!VARDEN!!! what do you think are you doing!"A strong voice raised over all island as same time that a strong arcane magic made the mirror female levitate and prevented her from moving.When Shavri turned around she found Yuna nest to a golden female imperial and just new to her a young male sandsurge was looking disapproving to the troublemakers.The obelisk just avoid the imperial gaze while the mirror was growling in the air unable to move since the arcane magic was still actived. When Yuna and the new dragons get closer to Shivra the imperial looking at the mirror snorted and with a head move the female mirror called Kali fell to the ground with a thud, Shavri was afraid that the other female would attack again, her eyes were still full of hate, but Kali and Varden just lowered their heads to the other females and left. "I´m sorry about that two, they are....complicate dragons but they are reallly helpfull for the clan just call me,Yuna or shadowguard if you have problem with them"Talked the imperial.When Shavri really observed (away from the tensions of before) the imperial before her, she feel her strong presence she just exudes magic and power, but at the same time Shavri had the feeling that she was someone that she could told her worried and problems and the other female would listen and help as much as possible.Yuna meanwhile started to smile like she knew what was on Shavri mind. Shavri was taking in the whole situation when the male sandsurge started to jump and talk "Hello, I´mSeji.Thisismymother.Whoareyou?DidYunabringyouhere?that´sWeirdYunadon´tbringdragonshereusually.Youshouldbesverypecial".The poor Shavri only could stay quiet looking the young male and trying to understand, process and respond all the question that was throwed to her in a short space of time.Luckily for her Yuna just laught and take the sandsturge far away leaving the imperial behind with Shavri. "I´m sorry if my little son has approached you and made you feel uncomfortable, he just discovered his true nature and is just a happy hatchling but he didn´t want to harm or preassure anyone"Said the imperial."Oh.I just remembered that I haven't introduced myself, have I?"The imperial female looked sorry."My name is Lobanega and i´m the leader of this clan. Welcome Shavri we was waiting for you".Before Shavri could open her moth and ask how could they know her and waiting for her,Lobanega started to talk."You will discover soon enought that my mentor, Yuna, it´s a really special dragon....If she is even a draggon...Anyway we are waiting for you,Yuna was sure about you being part of this clan so sheself went to your grabdparents clan to talk with them about adopt you in the clan" said Lobanega with a smile, before her face changed to a worried one "Please don´t mind Kali and Varden maners as i said they are ....complicated dragons, the rest of the clan are really nice and agreeable dragons.I promise".Despite her worries, Shavri had the feeling that Lobanega was trustworthy and decided to trust her words that day. She didn´t need a long time to discover that Lobanega words was the truth, almost all members on the clan was happy to see her and welcome her with great smiles and happy faces, Shavri felled like she found her true place to live. She become friends with Hinnah, a skydancer that had a similar story and was adopted in Lobanega´s clan after she couldn´t find her home in her other clans, now they both comes and go usually to their old clans to meet old friends, their family but happy because they have a true place to call home waiting them on floating island over a rough sea crashing against glass stalagmites that dazzle whoever looks at them at sunset. After few weeks Shavri already meet many members of the clan, and knew many of the stories of the members clan. She cried , laught, snort and gasp with all of them.But the stories what specially caught her attention was the stories of Yuna, Overseer and Ondina, they all once changed their natural breed. She naturally hatched ads Guardian breed, but she never found her thing to protect and she didn´t feel the urge to found that. Something, that always bothered her , what is a guardian without it thing to guard?? Yuna knowing Shavri feelings offered herself to help Savri and show her true self.After few days thinking on it, Shavri accepted Yuna offer. The following day Shavri wake up as Aether , even if at the start was a weird thing to get used to her new body (and the hard impulkse of eat books) she find herself feeling truly comfortable with herself, with her breed and with her new purpose.If someone ask her someday if she regter her change , she will say a big "NO". Now each time a new dragon or new hatchling see Shavri and ask how can a dragon live happy than far from their flights, Lobanega just laught and said "A house is just a place but a home it´s something much more than a simple place" .While the imperial smile proud of her clan and her clanmembers. 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