
Without shadow
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Obelisk
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Personal Style


Dark Incense



Scene: Enchanted Library


10.04 m
17.6 m
6279.76 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 08, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245





ATTENTION! Disclaimer: sassy dragons, mane shaming, drama queens and general nonsense and then again: DRAMA QUEENS. Ah yes, also grammatic errors. Have fun C:

Two sisters and the mystery box
In a warm and sunny afternoon, there were two sisters playing with the sand in the beaches of the Churnscar Wharf. While making a small sand-castle they were approaced by some hatchling that were probably from other neighboring clans. The two sisters were challenged by the other young dragons to dig the deepest and largest hole. As they dug the hole, the sky grew darker and darker. Rain clouds and storm clouds were quickly covering the sky. They no longer heard the other dragons playing around them, but only the strong sound of the wind on the sand. They didn't bother, they were really into digging the hole and winning the game.
" I found something!!" said the youngest "It's a pretty box!" said while showing her find to her sister "Let's show the others!". But no one was there anymore. They were all alone in their hole in the sand.
"I don't like any of this" said the older sister while pointing at the clouds in the sky. "We need to return home now" said the eldest jumping out the hole. They set out for their clan’s village, but the storm began before they could see the colorful wooden houses. Being near the beach had become too dangerous. So they decided to take shelter in the palm forests and find someone to help them. The younger sister kept holding on to the small box, it had become her little treasure.
"Go that way behind the rocks and the big date palm" said a spooky and mysterious voice in the wind. It seemed to come from the little box.
"I don't like this" said the little sister who was looking the box in shock. "Maybe it's just another dragon! Right?" said the eldest looking at her sister.
They reached the point indicated by the mysterious voice and found a huge dark green wooden house. They knocked on the door of the house and a strange dragon opened the door. He was very green... with water, plants and weird algae all over his body.
"You're coming in or what? You like storms or somethin'??" said the green spiral. The two sisters looked at each other, not knowing if they should trust this dragon or not. He was a bit scary. Or well, very weird. But outside was a lot more scary. So they accepted his ospitality gladly.The spiral told them to sit wherever they wanted, he couldn’t care less. He went directly into a wooden tub filled with water, nymphs and other plants and dived in. He turned for a while inside of it and then fell asleep with his head resting on the edge.
"What's your name?" asked the older sister. The younder sister continued "Maybe we need to introduce ourselfs first... Don't you want to know ours names? My name is-".
"No" said the spiral in the tub opening one of his amber eyes. He then returned to ignore the two hatchlings.The place was very messy, with water coming in from the ceiling and plants growing everywhere. They went to the driest corner and crouched to sleep, waiting for the storm to stop.

Hours passed and the storm didn't gave signs to cease. "What's that?" asked the spiral poiting at the box, interrupting the two sisters' nap.
The older one aswered to the question by turning in the opposite direction and plugging her ears with her paws. The younger sister was still half asleep but was thrilled to finally start a conversation with the spiral.
"I found it under saaand. We were digging the biggest hole!! We almost went to the center of the world!!!" exclaimed the little obelisk.
"Sure thing... of coourse" said the Spiral, "Can I take a look?" continued.
"Yes!! Wait... No, I want something in exchange first. What's your name?" said the young obelisk happily rolling on the ground like a cat. "I'm hosting you?? Isn’t that something?" said the Spiral. The obelisk stopped rolling around and sat down and stared at him annoyed.
"My name is Peridot. I come from a far FAR away fire clan. I came all the way here, to be alone and chill. And it's very difficult to do IT I guess" he answered coldly.
"So dramatic! You let us in, no?" commented the older sister. "The box please?" asked Peridot. "Ah yes, of course. You did present yourself." said the youngest while giving the box to the spiral.
Peridot started examine the little box. It was a small, dark blue box in a strange material that he had never seen. It had flower decorations along all the edges and strange runes underneath, in a language unknown to him. They seemed like a rhyme or a spell... or just a bunch of random words. He felt magic inside of it... the kind of you wouldn't want to get involved into.
"Ok. Put this thing back where it belongs" said Peridot to the two obelisks.
"But why?? I found it and it's pretty!! Can't wait to see if there is a treasure in it!!" said the youngest flustered.
"Well whatever, do what you want... just... Don't open it here" said Peridot.
"Or what? You get worse than this?" said the older sister. "What do you mean?" said the spiral.


"IT'S YOUR FAULT" screamed the youngest as she pulled her wet mane from her face.
"Hey he was rude from the start!! And someone had to tell him he looked like a POND!!" said the oldest. "Worth it" she continued. "it WAS NOT WORTH IT" cried the youngest "MY MANE WILL TAKE FOREVER TO DRY AGAIN".
"hEY! I have a mane too, you know. Also, our mane looks like a mane." said calmly the oldest. "And it's only raining now, there is no storm, so quit being DRAMATIC".
They came out of the palm forest and found themselves again on the beach. "Should we find the hole? And put it back?" asked the youngest. "And listen to that guy? He doesn't look like someone who knows about something. More like an outcasted dragon who putted a weird wig on his head and plays "Super sage"" said the eldest.
"Yeah, well... this box is too pretty anyway, it would be a waste" said the youngest. "We should definetly take this to someone who knows their things. It could also be of someone we know... it wouldn't be right to open it" said the eldest.
"So we're not checking? Not even a little peek? Maybe we won't need to ask around... AND FINDERS KEEPERS!!! What if there is a big secret inside?? We would know something secret!! Come on!! It stopped raining too! It's a sign." begged the youngest.
The little sister opened the box...

The little sister opened the box and... nothing happened.
Well, at least that's what they thought. The box was empty and had changed colour... it turned red.
"It was all about "changing colours?" said the youngest. "Yes" answered the eldest. "There's nothing inside... this is... so sad. Not even a seashell! Or sand" said the youngest.
"Ahahahah!! That Spiral was joking in the end. Probably wanted to scare us" said the eldest.
They started walking towards their clan with the red box. The younger sister was very disappointed that the box was empty, but at least the box was cute. It was definitely a great addition to her little hoard!
The sun was still behind the clouds, but it started to slowly come out.
After a few minutes the sun had returned to dominate the sky, its rays were too hot and powerful for the two sisters. Blinded by it, they didn’t realize... they didn't have their shadows anymore.
"Isn't too hot? I'm like... on fire!" said the youngest.
"We are... indeed on fire sis" said the eldest, while looking at the smoke coming out of their manes.
"WHAT" shouted the younger sister. "Ahw no we are just drying" said the youngest.
"We are NOT just drying! Can't you feeling it? IT's WEIRD!" shounted the eldest " We need to go to the clan ASAP!".

"You know... you should've trusted poor Peridot, he doesn't know much about magic, but he has impeccable instincts. The box had a curse on it... You can't stay under the sun because it took your shadows away... forever I'm afraid" said Obscuro "I'm sorry, but I'm still a student in the arts of dark magic. I can't help you... And I'm the only one here that studies it".
"A-HEM" said a misterious imperial "I am a student of the Dark Arts, a brilliant one if I may say".
"Nobody's talking to you, LordEdgy" said Obscuro "Apart of this magical dark "clouds", what can you do?".
"Can YOU do this magic trick?" asked LordEdgy.
"Yeah, actually, but at least I don't brag about it? .. We are both too young to actually do something! So big brain, do you have something useful to add? Uhm??" said Obscuro.
"No" said LordEdgy "But I'm here too".
"ok y'all useless and we are NOT interested in your failed marriage" said the older sister while sharping her nails. "We are going to look for someone usefull". "Exactly" said the younger one mimicing her sister.
"with who?? HIM?? oh GAWD of tides! NO!" screamed Obscuro. "Ew" simply said LordEdgy while looking from head to paws Obscure. "I have taste, you know" continued and looked annoyed at the two obelisks leaving.

"Why everyone here always think about Spaghetti and never about learning something else." said the youngest "Let's get spaghetti I'm hungry".
"Are you serious?" said the eldest.
"Ehy little box... GIVE ME MY SHADOW BACK!!!!" shouted the youngest with her head inside the box, ignoring her sister rolling her eyes.

"Afhfahh exfftreme cate of ffftupit I see" commented Moscoe while eating Spaghetti allo Scoglio.
"You shouldn't talk while you're eating" said the older sister.
"AH ffo bef YOUNF! Fo Fe ahn HAFFING AFAIh" said with her mouth full.
"You are going to be to ignored M'am" said the eldest disgusted.
The two obelisk went directly to an empty table and asked for some "charity Spaghetti" since they were only hatchlings. Panna arrived with two tasty plates of Spaghetti al Nero di Seppia. They happily started to eat, forgetting for some time their problem.


"So about your thingy thing, whatchu doin?" said Moscoe appearing from behind the two obelisks.
"M'AM!" shouted scared the both of them. Moscoe took the coffee in her hand and laid it on the table, while with her tail she pulled a chair to sit on.
"Imma start my thing. Nobody asked but WHO CARES. So y'all got their shadow go go. Daaaamn. You can't live in this clan, there is sunny weather a lot in this beaches. And storms too tho. Ever thought about a little adventure in the Tangled Wood? No sun there hon" said and then took a long sip of her coffee.
"Not ever. It's like, super dark and scary!" said the youngest "I don't like the dark too" said the eldest.
"WElp y'all like don't have many options. Everything has sun here lmao. Unless you want to go to the Shifting Expanse that is mainly big storm energy all the time or live near a BIG active Volcano in the Ashfall Waste. If your lucky those big boys emit enough smoke to obscure the sky. But it’s never dark, because there’s lava everywhere. Plus it’s hot there. You just need to avoid the sun." said Moscoe.
"I'd say, go to the Ashfall Waste" said Panna entering into the conversation "Teia and Marzuolo are from a clan that is in the Ashwall Waste. They are pretty good with magic. They said there are even better and more powerful magicians in the Losgadh Teine Clan!" continued while taking all the empty plates. " You should go talk to them. They don't... reverse curses, but they could get you a good place in their previous clan." he added, then left the table.


Thanks to Teia and Marzuolo, the two sisters finally found out what they should do. They needed to go to the Losgadh Teine Clan. The clan had many specialist. It was the only and right choice to go there. They suggested to start with Inaak, since "shadows" are his thing. Zorka was also highly suggested by Teia.

When they arrived in the Molten Scar they were welcomed by many magnificent dragons.
"After we solve our curse, should we go back? I kinda like it here!" said the youngest.
"What? To those losers?? Never!" said the eldest.

After joining the Clan, they were took into immediate care under Inaak, who wasn't especially thrilled at the idea of baysitting the two sisters.
They quickly learn not to mess with him because of his temperment and low patience. Despite that, he did all he can do to help lifting the curse and teach them some basics about capital management.
In the end, as a temporary solution, he gave them a Dark Incense: as long as they'd inhale its aroma, they'd be protected by the light, then send them back to the Dawn Palace.

In the hope to find answers, both were sent to The Terrarium under the care of Zala and Thall.


She is a kind soul and sometimes a lost one too. She likes tagging along with her big sis. She loves shiny objects. She is a very curious dragon.

Her name comes from the Latin word for "without shadow".
She received it from ...

She's from the Spaghetti allo Scoglio Clan, now she's a happy citizen of the Losgadh Teine Clan .

Dragon history
Received from Zucchina!


Graphics by XJSX
Bio code by anxiousghost
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