
Level 1 Skydancer
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Skydancer
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style




Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity


5.04 m
4.72 m
713.59 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 02, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245





Please return to Waveswept #371610!
» NAME «
trait - trait - trait
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at egestas diam. Aliquam lobortis augue vitae lacus tristique posuere. Sed molestie tincidunt dignissim. Donec at placerat nisl, in sagittis nisi. Vestibulum congue pellentesque maximus.

- Nunc at egestas diam
- Aliquam lobortis augue vitae lacus tristique posuere.

Sand Salt

- cold and distant as the winter sun
- occasionally sings. her voice is high and haunting, and sounds best when it echoes slightly
- lives among the rocks at the base of the cliffs


Murmur, Echo, Lament, Whisper, Sentinel, Watcher
Earthworm Zebra Caterpillar Dusty Cicada Snowkissed Centipede Ghost Cockroach Salt-Marsh Mosquito Rusty Moth June Beetle Silt Sifter White Lipped Snail Rainbow Grasshopper Dusky Mealworm Earwig Pink Zebra Tarantula Craftsman Brightback

» Name «
Immaculate Tablet Fallen Streak Morganite
ᚨ | neim | fighter
[ about ] A ghost that can only be identified by the mana swirling around its presence. When hit by bolts of magic, the image of a red Fae can be seen. Curabitur vitae ullamcorper eros, et mollis purus. Nulla imperdiet vitae nunc at pretium. Nullam sagittis tincidunt tellus ut semper. In vestibulum massa. Sed quis imperdiet sem, in molestie metus.
[ notes ]
- has many sharp crystals growing along his shoulders, back, & tail, and a few smaller crystals floating around his wings. fights by crashing into his enemy or directing the shards at them
- is the size of a tundra due to a mistake in his scroll. many dragons are taken by surprise when they meet him for the first time, especially other faes
- wears an enchanted jewel ringed with metal spikes on his tail. he can see out of it, so it acts as an extra eye.
- carries a multitude of things in his satchel: maps, dried insects, and a few small gemstones.
- owns a set of star-shaped earrings his mate made for him. they are the only jewelry he wears. is never seen without them
- wears a pale cloak of feathers. they are either light blue, pink, or white depending on time of day and lighting

• old lair was in the Crystalspine Reaches
• born as the runt in the nest, father didn't like him and mother didn't pay him much attention
• got kicked around a lot when he was growing up, still has scars from those times
• ran away after his father tried to kill him by pushing him off a peak.
• later went back to find his father and give him a piece of his mind, but discovered that he was already dead. his old clan had also moved to the Starwood Strand.
• was disappointed that he didn't get to kill his father, but was also happy to know he was gone
• mother was frail, old, and weak by then, and tried to apologize for not stopping his father and taking care of him
• gave him a tail jewel and promised it would serve him well
• the jewel was enchanted, but the spells were weak and wearing off
• added his own enchantments to it and reinforced the ones he wanted
• it serves as an extra eye now, and allows koi to see behind him if he is wearing it. very useful in battle.
- looks like a rock and expresses about as many emotions as a rock
- has many sharp crystals growing along his shoulders, back, & tail, and a few smaller crystals floating around his wings. uses them to aid him in battle.
- fights a little like a Ridgeback. either crashes into enemy or directs the floating shards at them
- carries a multitude of things in his satchels: maps, herbs, dried insects, small gemstones, and a few enchanted blades
- keeps more gemstones in his den, along with several plants
- doesn't have much faith in his magic ability, despite the fact that his powers have grown stronger since becoming a fae. the blades were not made by him.
- however, with Diamond's encouragement he's begun to use his power more often
- collects green feathers
- used to be a tundra, and remains the same size due to a mistake in his scroll
- rarely uses crests to communicate; only uses them when conversing with another fae.
- secretly enjoys his new monotonic voice and sees it as a perfect excuse to express little to no emotion
- despises over-exaggerated facial expressions and excessive displays of emotion (ref: youtube clickbait thumbnails)
- refuses to make small talk, but is calm and logical when he feels like you're not trying to waste his time
- has a very close relationship with Diamond, who spends a large portion of her free time in his den. they both enjoy creating artwork and discussing battle tactics.
- aesthetic: old parchment with pink gemstone paperweights, soft golden sunlight, stone knives, fresh green grass.
- Juvenile Starsweeper, Tundra, Underbelly

size: 3.93/4.04

Morganite Kunzite Immaculate Tablet Enamor Sweet Grass Stone Knife
lore_arcane9933737.png(1) (2) (3)
Simple Gold Bracelets

Anubias Nana Anubias Nana Anubias Nana
name. role. trait.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx about. - Proin bibendum, ligula nec lobortis euismod, massa enim ultrices risus, eget fermentum urna turpis vitae felis. Nulla faucibus velit vel mollis venenatis. Mauris quis posuere quam, in elementum mi. Sed est nibh, sodales ut vehicula at, porta nec diam. Ut a dapibus metus, sed euismod velit. Sed porttitor arcu sapien, a vulputate felis tristique eu. Proin a sapien eget metus consectetur convallis eget et eros. Donec at ligula fermentum, convallis enim vel, scelerisque magna. Sed sit amet mattis elit. Nam molestie lectus vitae felis sollicitudin tincidunt.
>> smth - tba

Anubias Nana Anubias Nana Anubias Nana
name. role. trait.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx about. - Proin bibendum, ligula nec lobortis euismod, massa enim ultrices risus, eget fermentum urna turpis vitae felis. Nulla faucibus velit vel mollis venenatis. Mauris quis posuere quam, in elementum mi. Sed est nibh, sodales ut vehicula at, porta nec diam. Ut a dapibus metus, sed euismod velit. Sed porttitor arcu sapien, a vulputate felis tristique eu. Proin a sapien eget metus consectetur convallis eget et eros. Donec at ligula fermentum, convallis enim vel, scelerisque magna. Sed sit amet mattis elit. Nam molestie lectus vitae felis sollicitudin tincidunt.
>> smth - tba


He searches for his brother too, who he's certain is lost somewhere in the dust and rubble. Together, they had been strong enough to raise sandstorms that could bury entire cities. His own power has now been steadily waning.

Sand Salt



Sand Salt


Salt Sand Gravel
» A L I Q U A M «
lorem ipsum

Nunc at egestas diam. Aliquam lobortis augue vitae lacus tristique posuere. Sed molestie tincidunt dignissim. Donec at placerat nisl, in sagittis nisi. Vestibulum congue pellentesque maximus. Aliquam ut nulla semper, ullamcorper erat at, venenatis mauris. Proin nibh magna, tincidunt id nunc non, laoreet ornare erat. Praesent volutpat nunc vitae lorem tempus elementum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at egestas diam.

- sed est nibh, sodales ut vehicula at, porta nec diam. ut a dapibus metus, sed euismod velit.
- sed porttitor arcu sapien, a vulputate felis tristique eu.

Nunc at egestas diam
Aliquam lobortis augue vitae
Lacus tristique posuere

| Name | subtitle

i. title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam rhoncus suscipit augue eget sollicitudin. Nam non erat sed mi feugiat dictum a id leo. Pellentesque eget sodales metus. Donec non laoreet ipsum, a fringilla sapien. Nunc sapien eros, mollis at lorem nec, tincidunt auctor leo. In sollicitudin sem eget lorem facilisis, a volutpat nisl ullamcorper. Donec consequat, risus vitae porttitor scelerisque, eros tellus tincidunt massa, non pretium orci nulla at erat. Integer dui leo, porta nec mattis vitae, volutpat vel neque. Nam egestas quam sit amet accumsan lobortis. Phasellus blandit sollicitudin pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum.

Day Lilies
the beginning
Strange and mysterious. Her presence can always be felt in the Sanctuary, yet no one has ever seen her in the flesh. Some say they've caught a glimpse of her image flickering and wavering in the corners of their eyes; others swear that they once felt the faintest brush of wings against their scales as if something invisible walked beside them. A multitude of theories surround her, but no one has been able to prove her existence.

- a spirit slowly regaining substance, now caught between the physical form and the insubstantial. saltwater flows through her veins and her fur sheds sand, but she blends seamlessly into the Sanctuary's shadows.
- sometimes her body will seem to collapse, leaving behind an inanimate pile of dust and bones as she moves to take a different form.
- uses her ability to disappear to observe the Sanctuary's denizens. she's unsure what to think of the new dragons; aside from Xula, she's been alone for years.

It gets old when you talk to the sun
In a tongue understood by no one
Can I be that I hear what he's saying?
Is there a reason why I'm still awake?


Fir Branch Mobile Stick
the role
- Kairos' sometimes-lover
- graceful, beautiful, and highly persuasive. a terrible opponent to face when having an argument.
- semiaquatic. has fins instead of fur, and gills along her neck.
- scales change color when exposed to sunlight, forming patches of brown and turquoise
- has power over water and can create enormous waves
- can speak to seagulls. would definitely encourage them to steal other dragons' food.

- 1kg from LucidDreams

You could be my silver spring
Blue-green colors flashing
I would be your only dream
Your shining autumn ocean crashing




Proin bibendum, ligula nec lobortis euismod, massa enim ultrices risus, eget fermentum urna turpis vitae felis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam rhoncus suscipit augue eget sollicitudin. Nam non erat sed mi feugiat dictum a id leo. Pellentesque eget sodales metus. Donec non laoreet ipsum, a fringilla sapien. Nunc sapien eros, mollis at lorem nec, tincidunt auctor leo. In sollicitudin sem eget lorem facilisis, a volutpat nisl ullamcorper. Donec consequat, risus vitae porttitor scelerisque, eros tellus tincidunt massa, non pretium orci nulla at erat. Integer dui leo, porta nec mattis vitae, volutpat vel neque. Nam egestas quam sit amet accumsan lobortis. Phasellus blandit sollicitudin pulvinar.

Salt Sand Gravel

first of the triumvirate
Reclusive and reserved with her words, yet quick to lash out if provoked. Prefers to remain in the Sanctuary's many rooms with her small collection of bones and shells, handling the "behind-the-scenes" work of the clan. The Sanctuary has given her the peace she sought after, but old memories and nightmares still haunt her.
Diver Emblem
We train dragons for exaltation. f: coral carpenter. greystone deer, seeker orb, microcline, learned sage lantern



        AAAAAAA. // trait, trait, trait, trait
Biography: A hermit beachcomber whose only company is the wind, surf, and occasionally, his familiar. He enjoys crafting jewelry and decor out of bits and baubles that wash up on the shore.

Notes: Bought for 3500g on 7/2/19. I adore spruce and any color that uses spruce in its gene accent colors. Needless to say I fell in love w/ this young man as soon as I clapped eyes on him!



etymology: "unknown"
nickname: unknown
relations: unknown
skills: unknown
collects: unknown
alignment: true neutral
likes: donec velit erat, volutpat at posuere at, sagittis
dislikes: accumsan justo sit amet, sagittis nunc
                       Quisque a venenatis libero, at lobortis lacus. Sed lacinia aliquam posuere. Proin risus nulla, suscipit et quam at, efficitur porta metus. Phasellus ultrices vel lacus vitae tincidunt. Nam vitae ipsum in lorem aliquet accumsan a sit amet turpis. Praesent eu egestas mauris. Nam convallis mi egestas rhoncus molestie. Vivamus feugiat ipsum pharetra urna placerat gravida. Aenean elementum sit amet arcu id sollicitudin. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum ac tellus odio. Curabitur id fringilla magna.



Day Lilies
the beginning

Strange and mysterious. Her presence can always be felt in the Sanctuary, yet no one has ever seen her in the flesh. Some say they've caught a glimpse of her image flickering and wavering in the corners of their eyes; others swear that they once felt the faintest brush of wings against their scales as if something invisible walked beside them. A multitude of theories surround her, but no one has been able to prove her existence.

- a spirit slowly regaining substance, now caught between the physical form and the insubstantial. saltwater flows through her veins and her fur sheds sand, but she blends seamlessly into the Sanctuary's shadows.
- sometimes her body will seem to collapse, leaving behind an inanimate pile of dust and bones as she moves to take a different form.
- uses her ability to disappear to observe the Sanctuary's denizens. she's unsure what to think of the new dragons; aside from Xula, she's been alone for years.

It gets old when you talk to the sun
In a tongue understood by no one
Can I be that I hear what he's saying?
Is there a reason why I'm still awake?


» [ NAME ] the role
Day Lilies - Morbi ut purus id diam eleifend sodales.
- Sed erat tellus, dapibus vel blandit in, rhoncus id massa.
- Maecenas vitae mi scelerisque, porta dolor et, elementum. Pellenesque vitae pharetra quam. Morbi vitae feugiat libero.
- Praesent suscipit elit et metus pulvinar, sit amet imperdiet justo sodales.
- Maecenas eget accumsan augue, in consectetur nibh. Vivamus pellentesque dui et quam iaculis, et pulvinar justo vestibulum.
- Praesent id ullamcorper neque. Quisque faucibus dui sed felis cursus, a fermentum nibh porttitor.
- Vivamus bibendum condimentum purus, at lacinia augue. Duis tortor sapien, eleifend at condimentum id, tincidunt ut neque.
- Morbi finibus tellus eros, in gravida lacus vehicula quis.

Head in the sand, feet in the clay
A place to piece, a place to pray

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec viverra nunc. Sed sem lectus, consectetur vel nisi ut, pharetra volutpat turpis. Nullam viverra accumsan neque, ac faucibus tortor pellentesque vel. In venenatis blandit malesuada. Nulla pretium tristique imperdiet. Suspendisse convallis maximus justo, eu imperdiet augue. Aenean sed lobortis sem, non iaculis eros. Integer a interdum ex. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce molestie ultrices nunc vestibulum sodales. Donec ac bibendum mi, ac consequat sem. Pellentesque cursus porttitor quam id aliquet.
Nulla facilisi. Vivamus tempor facilisis orci, ut bibendum massa viverra at. Fusce volutpat tellus id dictum pellentesque. Pellentesque imperdiet, nisi non sollicitudin varius, odio erat varius eros, vitae aliquet tortor elit in mauris. Curabitur cursus, lectus posuere ullamcorper cursus, ante urna bibendum tellus, vel commodo justo libero in ante. Vestibulum faucibus vitae leo eu facilisis. Morbi et neque sem. Vestibulum nunc libero, ornare ac aliquet a, rutrum eu lectus. Praesent faucibus ex ac tempus lobortis. Ut efficitur nunc sit amet dolor mollis rutrum.

coding by Taytenn#339149

Sand Salt Gravel

» U N N A M E D «
the role

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam egestas neque ullamcorper, dictum orci eget, egestas mauris. Suspendisse imperdiet, neque ut fringilla dignissim, elit arcu hendrerit mauris, ut aliquam mi nibh id arcu. Praesent placerat eros a erat fermentum semper. Vivamus ullamcorper et erat nec lacinia. Etiam arcu lorem, placerat vitae malesuada non, semper eu justo. Etiam quis sagittis dui, eu imperdiet nisl. Aliquam cursus metus lectus, et faucibus sem dignissim non. Donec luctus, urna id ultrices aliquam, nibh lacus aliquam purus, quis blandit dui justo pellentesque nulla. Sed tristique luctus enim at elementum.

- Nunc at egestas diam
- Aliquam lobortis augue vitae lacus tristique posuere.


aaaaaaa » NAME
The Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam egestas neque ullamcorper, dictum orci eget, egestas mauris. Suspendisse imperdiet, neque ut fringilla dignissim, elit arcu hendrerit mauris, ut aliquam mi nibh id arcu. Praesent placerat eros a erat fermentum semper. Vivamus ullamcorper et erat nec lacinia. Etiam arcu lorem, placerat vitae malesuada non, semper eu justo. Etiam quis sagittis dui, eu imperdiet nisl. Aliquam cursus metus lectus, et faucibus sem dignissim non. Donec luctus, urna id ultrices aliquam, nibh lacus aliquam purus, quis blandit dui justo pellentesque nulla. Sed tristique luctus enim at elementum.

UNNAMED the role // trait, trait, trait
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at egestas diam. Aliquam lobortis augue vitae lacus tristique posuere. Sed molestie tincidunt dignissim. Donec at placerat nisl, in sagittis nisi. Vestibulum congue pellentesque maximus Sand

- a trader and a witch. she deals in protection amulets and counterhex charms, but there are other things she can give you too, for the right price.
- lives somewhere in the Sanctuary's many corners and shadowed alcoves
- easy to find if you know where to look

protection amulets and counterhex charms

Graceful, clever, and highly persuasive. If you meet her and are willing to pay the right price, she . More is lost than gained, however, in a bargain with witches like her.
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Exalting Unnamed to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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