
"I'm popular here -- They sing to me!"
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Energy: 38/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Fae
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Personal Style


Kelly Green Locket
Black Wooly Coat
Paradise Starsilk Earrings
Teardrop Citrine Choker
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Belt
Teardrop Citrine Tail Ring




1.35 m
1.02 m
2.35 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 05, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 9 Fae
EXP: 2937 / 21526
Vile Bolt
Diseased Acuity Fragment
Diseased Acuity Fragment
Field Manual



  • none



He/Him | Leader
Mate: Crimson

"And what if I told you there needn't be hatred and suffering alone? What if I told you there could be hatred and suffering together?"

Patience is just like any other plague-born Fae: Under the assumption that he should not exist, but he must exist for some astronomical prophesized reason, and thus he's going to make this everyone else's problem. All plague-born Fae are like this. Promise. Swear. Why aren't you believing me.

At any rate, Patience is an arrogant, bombastic mess, boasting a deluded sense of the world to any dragon that makes the mistake of making eye contact. As stated above, he fully believes he was not meant to be born, but since he was, there has to be some grand cosmic reason for it. Perhaps he shall be what unites the Scarred Wastelands, or brings about a cure for the plague, or something. He doesn't know. But he's extremely important, he knows that. And he'll make sure you are also aware of that.

Having grown in these plague-ridden lands, he believes in an... idea of survival of the fittest, but also absolutely not that in the slightest. Essentially pack mentality, where Dragon Together Strong, and he (supposedly, unconfirmed) cares about all dragons near him, but also if you die then "Oh no! Anyway" and he will just move right along.
(At least he fronts this way. Whether that nonchalance towards death is actually how he feels is a subject for another day.)

...Also I know Fae are meant to be monotone and largely unreadable to other dragons. And maybe he is. But at the same time he never shuts up and he's constantly being dramatic. And everyone knows this. And he's very self-important about it. But maybe the monotone really kicks in when he's being genuine, because... Well. Telling when this guy is being genuine about anything is really difficult.

Anyway tragic backstory is that Patience's parents were not plague-born Fae; they were arcane-born, having been native to the Starwood Strand. But they somehow ended up over here in the Scarred Wasteland, in which both were immediately taken advantage of by a group called the Loyalty. AKA, Both were brought in under the promise of protection and safety in a land neither were comfortable in, especially with the mother about to nest, and then soon after killed because funny. Literally just for the laughs. Because the Loyalty sucks.
At least the father was. Mom took her child, that being Patience, and dropped him off somewhere before going back to get the remains of her mate. Which failed horrifically and left Patience just kinda sitting there like "damn."

Patience then somehow went on to survive just fine on his own, even taking up a habit of looting ANY corpse he can find and decking himself out with jewelry in the process. He has to be the prettiest man here at all times or he'll throw a fit.
It was after living on his own for many years that he realized "Hm, perhaps I should begin my journey as a legendary figure by at least making one (1) ally to speak of me when I Die" and.

He and Crimson met when the latter was battered and injured, left behind by her old pack, and Patience fell from a tree right on top of her and just went "When two weaklings band together that makes one (1) slightly less dragon, and should we both die because we are weak, then that is fulfillment, or some such nonsense. Anyway now we are bonded together for life because fate and circumstance."
And Crimson just went "this dragon is so weird. ig he's mine now." And that was that.

A group later called The Incompetence - Patience is unaware of this title, don't tell him - was founded here, with these two progenitors.

Also Patience likes to sit up in the decaying trees and stare wistfully at the stars or towards the general direction of Starfall Isles just to be like "I could be that, that could be me... but alas I am cursed and darkness... woe." Because inborn plague and things. Yep.

Divorce Arc
Yeah. I figured it was about time I wrote this down in here, lmao. This'll be copy-pasted in both Patience and Crimson's pages!

Patience and Crimson had two clutches of eggs. In the first batch, two children - Foolhardy and Zekrin - disappeared as hatchlings, leaving Crimson utterly distraught. She spent hours, days, perhaps even weeks searching the coast for them, and was about to start flying inland towards the Wyrmwound before Patience stopped her.
Patience, not too great with emotions and much more comfortable repressing them, offered up the worst most possible reasoning for their children's disappearances: Perhaps Fate meant for this to happen. The Universe Itself willed it. Also they are most likely dead, and it would be best if we just accept that now.

This was not very comforting to Crimson, reasonably, who grew very irritated with Patience for quite some time afterwards. She was convinced not to run off for the sake of Virdikan and Marrow, her remaining children, but once they were grown... she was hesitantly willing to try again.

Then the same thing happened, but far worse. One child was lost to the claws of a shade-touched Harpy and the other vanished in a similar manner (according to the remaining child of the second clutch, Omen). Crimson was HORRIFIED, absolutely DECIMATED that the same cruelty was dealt to her again, and reacted to this by lashing out at her family and anyone that came near her.
This was worsened by Patience using the same reasoning again, amplified by their remaining child being "extra special" with his abnormal number of eyes, until Crimson finally had enough and broke all ties with Patience.

She's still in the Incompetence as of the current arc, which is great considering she's the only one that actually enforces some semblance of order, but is extremely distant with Patience. They're constantly tense around each other, with Patience trying desperately to earn her trust and forgiveness again, and frequently get into arguments about the Incompetence's "structure."

The clan is wary but hopeful this will blow over soon.

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Exalting Patience to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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