it/he | Oh, don't mind the residents.
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Guest Greeter
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Energy: 45/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Obelisk
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Personal Style


Sinister Cane
Autumn Breeze
Fancy Top Hat
Copper Harvest Tail Twist
Copper Harvest Goblet
Glowing Orange Clawtips


Skin: Lion Wheel


Scene: Enchanted Library


10.56 m
16.3 m
7560.24 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 05, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Dark Sclera
Level 11 Obelisk
EXP: 88 / 34264



  • none


  • none


guardian of the space between


between nowhere and nowhen
on the edge of reality
the knife's edge between the universe's dream and cosmic wakefulness
the liminal veil connecting all to nothing

at the centre of that nonexistent place, a tower.
a tower, a clock, and its tireless keeper.
teller of tales, spinner of stories
weaver of wild worlds

speak of the boundary, o storyteller
sing the universe's lullaby
maintain the slumber

🎡 and keep the dream contained 🎡

β€”β€”Oh my. You seem to be quite lost, don't you, traveller? a voice purrs from the dense shadow cast by the monolithic tower above. A shape materialises, neither dragon nor beastclan. The closest description is "manticore", but that clearly isn't right. This being defies all categories -- despite looking like a lion, it radiates a profound sense of Otherness that cannot be ignored.

β€”β€”After a few moments, the entity continues. Well, no matter. It is my duty, as guardian of this town, to welcome all who enter and to ensure they find their way safely home. As he speaks, more and more buildings... materialise? Become visible? It's unclear what's actually happening. You have no memory of how you arrived here nor do you know where you are, correct?

β€”β€”With a sharp, knowing smile, the strange creature sweeps a massive paw around, gesturing to the brick walls and uneven cobbles that have since appeared. Well, my friend, welcome to Ravenswood Bluff. You may stay as long as you need, but I do caution you: don't mind the residents.
β€”β€”They can be rather... unpleasant, and they absolutely mean you harm.

click for fullsize
by kingcrown


links to the clocktower site + wiki bc. 1) i wanna credit the inspo for all this and 2) PLAY THIS GAME


β€”β€” town records;;

fodder flipping information wrote:

I get a lot of questions (thankfully, mostly polite!) about what exactly it means to flip fodder. I can't type up a response every time, so here's a quick FAQ.

But first, some terms!
  • FODDER: a dragon to be trained and exalted, usually at a profit.
  • AH: Auction House.
  • [number]KT: thousand treasure. 6kt is 6000 treasure.
  • [number]G: gems. 6g is 6 gems.
  • FODDER FLOOR: the current lowest price for dragons on the AH. There is a hatchling floor (I often call it the kid floor) and an adult floor. These fluctuate wildly, with the kid floor typically ranging from 4.5kt to 6kt. It's usually in the 5kt-5.5kt range. The adult floor swings more, going from 6kt to 7.5kt normally, but it can spike to 15kt or more with intense dom pushes.
  • DOM/DOM PUSH: dominance/dominance push. A core site mechanic, and if you're unfamiliar please check this page out.
  • CONQUEST: when a flight is "conquesting", they are trying for top dom.

What does flipping fodder mean?
  • I buy fodder-priced hatchlings, wait for them to grow up, and then sell at adult floor. This usually nets me around 1-2.5kt of profit per dragon, which doesn't sound like much... but when you have hundreds of slots and sell roughly 75-100 dragons a day, it adds up.
  • .... if I listed hundreds of dragons just under you on the AH I am so sorry.

Why do you flip fodder?
  • Honestly? It's really the only way to make treasure that's accessible to me. The coli utterly ruins my arms with strain injury, fairgrounds only does so much every day (and focusing on one thing for that long is often impossible, thank you ADHD), and my energy for creative things is either nonexistent or needs to be devoted to my actual projects (plus, I currently do not have a computer that can even run my art program, so that's completely off the table even if I could re-open my art shop).
  • And also, I do enjoy it. I get to see a whole ton of really neat colour combos, and it means I make use of the absurd amount of time, energy, and fake pixel dragon money I've dumped into expanding my lair and den.

What should I price my dragons at to avoid them becoming fodder?
  • There's no set number, as pushes can jack prices and the floor fluctuates even over the course of the day. Plus, people are going to exalt some of the dragons you sell no matter what you price them at.
  • However, at or above 20kt is typically far enough above floor to not end up in the fodder bin immediately. Do be sure to keep an eye on prices before you list though; the floor can be weird and unpredictable.

Do you train to exalt? If yes, what's your fodder name?
  • Extremely rarely. The coli is almost completely inaccessible to me now because of strain injuries.
  • However, if I do train, the name I use is SOLIS.

Will you rename a dragon?
  • No. I do this for profit. Please sell your fodder hatchlings pre-named if you want to avoid odd fodder names.
  • Additionally, if it's in one of my fodder bins and has a weird name that isn't SOLIS, I did not name it. I do not train and do not name anything coming into my lair unless it's a g1 and I'm keeping it.

Can I buy a dragon in your growth chamber?
  • Absolutely -- if you PM me direct links to all the dragons in question.
  • I will ignore your request if it isn't PMed or if there is no link.
  • I typically have over 400 fodder in my den, and I can guarantee you I have zero idea what's in there. I do not know what dragon you mean, and I will not spend fifteen plus minutes sifting through literally hundreds of lizards to find the one you want.
  • Again: no link, no sale.

I mispriced a dragon and you snagged it. Can I buy it back?
  • Send me a link to the dragon and tell me what you sold it for, and absolutely! I do my best to note misprices in the dragon's broadcast message and I put ones I suspect are mispriced in their own special tab. Just provide proof that you are indeed the original seller (preferably a screenshot of the sold receipt thing in the AH) and I'll send 'em to you, no need for you to buy the dragon back.
  • I try my best to grab obvious misprices so I can return them, so never worry that you're annoying me! As long as you provide proof I am more than happy to help.
  • If I don't hear back/get a message if I couldn't find the seller (by the time the dragon grows up, or in the case of adults, after a few days), I'll treat suspected misprices as normal and list them with the next batch.

If I want to buy dragon in your growth chamber, what does it cost?
  • For hatchlings, 30g flat. The price has increased.
  • For adults, 70g and +10g for each exalt bonus the dragon fits. Please note, the price listed here may be out of date. My tab descriptions are always up to date.
  • All this only applies if it is not a push week. I do not sell privately during push weeks, unless you have an incredible offer.
  • I sell via private auction exclusively. If the auction expires, I will not check with you. The dragon will be sold as fodder the next time I'm listing. Please do not waste my time.

I want to buy a dragon back, but that's so much more than I sold it for! Can I buy it back for what I sold it for?
  • This might seem harsh, but no. If you don't want it to become fodder, don't sell it at fodder floor. It is also up to you to make sure you're selling at the proper prices.
  • The prices are this high because it's exhausting dealing with 4+ buy back requests every day. It was becoming a significant problem, and it's one I do not have the time, energy, or spare bandwidth to deal with.
  • If it isn't a clear misprice, the sale is final.

I bought back a dragon I sold from you, why am I blocked?
  • I block people who sell at fodder price and immediately ask for hatchlings back when they see it's become fodder. This is because blocking someone prevents all their sales from appearing in AH searches. I do not want to mass-buy someone's hatchlings repeatedly, only for them to ask for them back every time. It's a massive hassle, it's stressful for everyone, and I don't want to deal with this again.
  • I also block people who are very vocally anti-exalt. I've gotten more than enough creepy messages in the past -- I'm very over it.

I never got a reply to my PM/page comment asking about a dragon. Why?
  • It's because you didn't read. I'm really sorry if it comes across as rude or mean, but I can't be repeating things three or more times a day when I have them written in big bold text. If you catch the error you made, please feel free to PM again! I'm more than happy to sell these dragons; I just need all the relevant info beforehand and in a PM.

I thanked you for buying a fodder dragon, why was it deleted?
  • Do not do this. Regardless of your intentions, it inevitably comes across as judgmental and guilt-trippy. I am not keeping this dragon. I will not be taking care of them. They were sold as fodder.
  • If you thank me for buying your fodder, I will likely delete your comment as soon as I see it. Perhaps this seems harsh, but please understand that while you may genuinely mean it, I have encountered dozens of people who distinctly did not. I can't tell the tone 95% of the time, and quite honestly, these messages give me anxiety.

I don't sell fodder and I'm blocked, why? Will you unblock me?
  • Could be a bunch of things, but likely skeezy business practices or having bad vibes. And no, I won't unblock you. I did it for a reason. If that seems mean, sorry but I play this site for fun and I'm not going to put up with people making it stressful or unpleasant. Who I block is up to me.
  • I've dealt with so many terrible business practices, borderline scams, horribly mean and aggressive people, and extremely creepy stuff I block on a dime to protect my own mental health. It's not personal.
  • And hey, if you want to block me for any reason, absolutely do. I won't hold it against you at all. It's your prerogative to protect yourself. My intent is to never hurt anyone, but I'm not perfect. Take care of yourself.

I still have a question, can I contact you about it?
  • Yeah! I'm happy to help if you have questions. ^^

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Exalting TELLER to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be longer than 2 characters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.