
i don't WANT to roll call- ughhhhhhhh FINE. RED
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Mirror
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Personal Style


Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Ring
Crimson Rogue Gloves
Dour Sailor's Bandana




7.53 m
4.62 m
389.32 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 03, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Mirror
EXP: 2540 / 27676




  • none


she/her, ???? the fresh hell is going on with smex???? there is something wrong with me- DON'T YOU DARE TRY TALKING TO ME I'M FINE GO AWAY GO AWAYYYYYYYYYYY
(aroace but nobody ever explained that that's normal to feel repulsed by romance and sex, but such things are so often expected and thrust on her that she thinks SHE'S the one that's wrong and messed up, like most things about her :'D)

reyd is the youngest of the triplet mirrors (hatched from one egg) nicknamed the primary. she hates everything about this, from yehlow's easy competence at everything to blue's unquestioning stalwart compliance to her own disastrous inability to do anything right. the primary were born to debtors who ran off rather than raise the hatchlings on their own. their creditor raised them instead, with the intent of having good and faithful servants to actually pay off the debt. the good and faithful bit was . . . well, it was a mere hope anyway. but the primary do follow their creditor's orders, carrying out jobs that take them many places, including through mango pirate canyon

yehlow and blue are boring as hell and stay mostly in the window or on bedrock the whole visit long. they'll do anything to prevent reyd from having any actual sort of fun, relaxation, or ENJOYMENT (booze! gambling! smex, getting high, and more!), but she manages to give them the slip long enough to escape into the cellar and get herself into some trouble before her sisters track her down and haul her away

after letting the egg hatch, the creditor turned the primary over to an underling to raise them, who did not do a good job. they were roughly handled and frequently yelled at or insulted and demeaned. the primary only had each other.
when they tried to run away, it caught the interest of the creditor, who hauled them back, but, liking their spunk, put them into training beyond manual labor as servants. blue was the only one who really got good at it, but together the three made a decent team. still, they got in an awful lot of trouble, due to yehlow's scheming and reyd's antics.
yehlow recognized that their worth in the eyes of their creditor was falling and knew their patience would thin eventually and snap. she came up with a plan, and the three snuck out again. when their absence was discovered, it was believed they'd run away again and a hunt was set after them. when the creditor caught up, they discovered the three had stolen an item the creditor had mentioned desiring but had been unable to settle the business deal for it. the creditor was surprised by the three, impressed and amused, and decided, "alright. they have potential, show it even having grown up under the underling's bullying. what'll they do if i loosen their leash? see how they fly when under a less stern rule."
they gave the primary jobs, mostly running errands but on the criminal side of things, each followup mission with more degrees of freedom than the last to gauge their progress, ability, and loyalty. the creditor knows the primary aren't really loyal, neither party trusting the other, but the primary are a good tool to equip, and can easily be rid of if the time ever arises, a convenient scapegoat
errands include some low-stakes thievery, but mostly are the primary acting as representatives of the creditor: sign agreements, pick up or drop off a package, witness a proceeding, check up on the progress of a business arrangement. often just need to show up and look unimpressed, be a little intimidating, apply some pressure to speed processes along, make a few interns sweat. each primary is given an emblem ring that affords them the creditor's authority. (reyd is frequently losing hers, and yehlow and blue have to retrieve it none of them lose their heads.) the primary are also expected to wear their matching coats, color-coordinated of course since that gives the creditor a hoot and a half, and yehlow and blue follow that,,,,,most of the time. reyd on the other wing flings it off as soon as she's out of the creditor's line of sight, and has gambled it off or lost it in a bet multiple times

her sisters have the brains and the brawn, leaving reyd with . . . uh. the . . . looks?? except reyd is scrawny, the runt of the litter, and ill-tempered and distrustful, and her voice is too high, too scratchy, too annoying, and whatever lover reyd's thrown down with has either left her in a hurry or she's left them in disgust, so . . . yeah no, she's got nothing. YES SHE DOES. she must, she must be good at something, she has to be, she can't stand the way their creditor leers at her, the way her sisters exchange a look and sigh and drag her butt out of whatever mortal peril she's landed herself in this time. she hates that she is the way she is. and she'll prove it, she'll PROVE IT TO THEM ALL that she can be just as clever as yehlow, just as dependable as blue, just as f-cking obnoxious as the both of them, and by the eleven, she'll die before—*falls down a manhole*

yeah no reyd's talents lie in absolute and total lack of talent in any skill or craft or art or ability. she's got a knack for messing up grandly and terribly at even simple tasks and for humiliating herself in front of peers, superiors, and strangers alike. you could say she's decent at maybe a half dozen things . . . if she has the other two of the primary backing her up. by herself, she's just a pathetic scrap of disgraceful waste, tbh. the textbook definition of a petulant brat. so much useless anger, with no spine to back it up (<- creditor's words)

REYD knows, however, that one day she's gonna get it. she's gonna show them all. they will cry and weep and mourn and beg her forgiveness for never showing her the proper RESPECT and LOVE and GOLD she deserves

reyd acts out out of fear, several different types and causes. having been born the runt and bullied mercilessly by their caretaker, she's always on the alert for dragons attempting to intimidate, manipulate, or trick her. but it's hard for her to figure out what's safe, as everything immediately registers as a threat, and to hide her fear, she pretends to be angry instead, hides behind being loud and indignant about every perceived slight.
she's impulsive and throws herself at every problem or challenge because she doesn't want to be seen as the same coward their parents were. terrified that one day everyone will figure out she's scared all the time, and that's why she can't do sh!t, why she's a disaster and a failure.
most of all, she's terrified of what will happen, of when not if her sisters give up and decide to leave her behind. she knows they don't love her like they do each other, that they merely tolerate her presence out of obligation, that really they resent her and her jealousy of them. she knows one day their patience will run out, and she'll be alone alone alone alone alone alone alone-

at least. at least if she gets in trouble, and they do come rescue her, she'll know they're still sticking with her for a little longer. at least when she's in trouble they pay attention, notice her for once. she'll never say it aloud, but all she wants is for her sisters to say they care about her

- frequently chilly, rubs claws together a lot to try and warm them up
- would love a nice bask on a sunny rock if she weren't so twitchy and suspicious about someone sneaking up to mess with her
- chew on her gloves when she's nervous. and when those rip or are otherwise ruined/lost, she chews on her claws. lots of little nicks and scars from when she nips too deep
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