
Flock Leader
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Crystal Carrier
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Female Guardian
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Personal Style




Scene: Drakeharvest


17.47 m
19.7 m
11542.63 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 21, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 11 Guardian
EXP: 8042 / 34264
Gust Slash
Zephyr Acuity Fragment
Field Manual


Name: Kaitoke
Lore Dragon
Flight alignment: Wind
Charge: her adopted daughter Nova
Source: Randomized Progen
Lore Mate(s): Mycena
Role: Flock Founder & Leader
Table of Contents
I. Origin
II. Tall Tales and Legends of the Wind Flight

“Meghan rose with the regal grace of a queen, calm and unruffled. I noticed she subtly moved in front of me when facing Ariella, a familiar gesture that caught me off guard. The Iron Queen was protecting me.”

― Julie Kagawa, The Iron Knight

I. Origin
Kaitoke grew up in a large and varied clan near the Aergate. Most of her fellow Guardians were either hatchlings or adults who had found their Charges there. Many of them protected the sacred Temple of the Aergate itself as their Charge. Not only was it a holy place and historical relic near which the largest piece of the Wind disc fell, but it had also served a major role in the nation during the temporary cease of the Twisting Crescendo.

Her parents were two such dragons, and they raised her and her siblings to respect the temple and its role in the history of the Wind element and its flight. When she became of age to begin her search for a charge, she spent a last day with her parents. It is rare for Guardians to return home after a search, and they never do for an extended period of time.

The three of them spent the day together, both of her parents cuddling her and reminding her of their love. When she woke in the morning, she collected the supplies they had gathered over the last week, bid them goodbye, and began her search.

Kaitoke's search lasted three years, which is a fairly short amount of time for a Guardian to find their Charge in. During her months walking the Zephyr Steppes, one of the Wind nation's notorious storms fell. She had seen a Mirror nearby, tending to a den. They had spoken in passing, and she asked if she could shelter with him until the storm passed. She had toughed out storms before, but even as a Guardian she occasionally became sick, and without a dry place to store food she often went hungry.

He accepted, admitting he had been lonely without the company of his now-disbanded birth clan. Over the days they spent together, he eagerly shared food from his hoard. They spent a lot of time talking or playing games. As much as she found herself growing fond of his company, the natural instinct of a Guardian to continue their search drew compelled her to leave and she grew antsy as the storm wore on. His company eased the discomfort, but when the clouds finally dissipated she prepared to depart again.

Just as she was leaving, she happened upon a tiny Obelisk hatchling named Nova, who was hiding amongst the stalks of bamboo near the cave entrance. Kaitoke was instantly drawn to the shivering hatchling, scooping her up to bring her inside. Mycena and Kaitoke watched over the little one over the next few days as she recovered. Kaitoke found she didn't feel the need to depart, and realized that she had found a Charge in Nova-- and a daughter.

Mycena welcomed her and Nova to share his home with him as long as they liked. The three of them grew quite close, and Mycena and Kaitoke fell in love.

Even as the clan grew and Mycena and Kaitoke found several other mates, they remained close, and consider each other to be their life partner.

She watched her Charge grow and flourish under her care and the care of her partner and of their growing clan. The clan itself has almost become a kind of Charge, and she watches over its dragons, who regard her as a matriarchal figure.

II. Tall Tales and Legends of the Wind Flight

Between Mycena and her, Kaitoke is the one to come to for stories. Kaitoke spent her full childhood in her Flight and listened to every story her elders had to offer.

Knowing she would one day search for her Charge, it was important to her (as it is to many Guardians) to carry her family and past with her.

Below are the stories Kaitoke was raised with and chooses to share with her Flock's hatchlings. You may find them, if you are a follower of the Windsinger, detailed in the great Book of Lore that is kept at the Aergate Temple. Being a Flight nursed from infancy on story, these things are most sacred to all Wind dragons, and have been recorded.
Unnamed Lullaby of Centuries Past wrote:
Little one, dear little one,
Come lay your head to rest,
And fold your tiny, weary wings
Beneath my tender breast.
Your day was long and busy,
Your adventures far and wide,
But now the time has finally come
For you to close your eyes
On dreaming-winds to ride.

Little one, sweet little one,
Someday you'll leave the nest.
You'll spread your wings and ride the wind,
And be in travels blessed.
But for now, it's time to sleep.
Adventure in your dream,
And tell me when you wake of all the wonders you have seen.

Little one, my little one,
Come curl beneath my wing.
I'll always keep you safe and warm,
Whatever life may bring.
The wind is soft and gentle,
The stars are warm and bright,
So close your tired little eyes
And sleep all through the night.
Carved on an old, otherwise unmarked grave. Sometimes told as a nursery rhyme. wrote:
Windsong, windspeak, windscream, windstutter
Windmusic, windmurmur, windmoan, windmutter

Windstories bold
windwords by tenfold
unfold and unfold
the whole world to enfold

And when all is told
and the world has grown old
all blood running cold
and the sun lost her gold

When the Earth will be dead
And all Fire has fled
And all Waters run red
from what Godlings have bled

And when all is dust
and all iron is rust
the moon pales in disgust
then there will come a gust

Great and small
wrapped in their pall
flutter and crawl
rise and fall
held in thrall
heeding the call

On that day will befall
that the Wind will take all
Deathsong wrote:
Oh, friend
You have departed
Your scales are dark and cold
But before you go
Listen to our song
A song of honor
A song of mourning
A song for you

Dear friend
You have gone
Your lifeblood leaked into the dirt
But before you leave us forever
Listen to our song
A song of glory
A song of worship
A song for you

Oh, friend
We honor you
We mourn you
And we love you
We have sent you into ashes
We have burned you
So that you may join the winds
May you be happy
Travel strong, friend
And wait for the day
When we join you
Windswept wrote:
Twisting and twirling,
curling and unfurling,
the wind blows.
Windsinger's children,
lead their own hatchlings,
To tell the tale of those.
The ancients, the strong
The fierce, they last long
They fought for their father,
Who followed the clouds,
but now mist shrouds
The history of the ancients.
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Exalting Kaitoke to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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