
Monster Mommy
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Crystalcleave Canary
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Nocturne
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Personal Style


Dire Kelpie Mane
Simple Gold Necklace
Sanguine Plumage
Mage's Ivory Tunic


Skin: Lost Time


Scene: Enchanted Dungeon


6.16 m
8.03 m
384.52 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 01, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Species: Elf... Monster?
Role: The Most Beautiful Elf, The Lost Queen

Have yet to come up with an actual name for her

she is:
Oberon's Mother.
Balric's Mother
Herla's Daughter.
Odin's Sister.
Catrina's Aunt.

The Queen in her time was considered one of the most beautiful elves alive. So much so, that False gods chose her to give birth to "The King of Kings".

This would be the peak of her relationship with the gods, as from then on her actions would begin to drive a wedge between them.

One thing that annoyed the gods was her sympathetic views towards the Humans. This view sprouted during the early days of the war, when a group of human soldiers saved her and Oberon after they had become stranded in enemy territory. From then on she began to question the reason for why they had to get rid of humans. After all humans didn't start the war. Elves did. Humans were forced to fight back for the sake of their own survival. She wanted to put an end to the war, but if she spoke out against it she would be speaking up against the gods.

The Queen did what she could to avoid taking part in the war, from refusing to take in human prisoners, to ordering her troops to withdraw from battle. Her choices began to worry the people that she was betraying the gods, so much so that eventually her court began to secretly act against her orders in order to save her reputation.

When she got married and became pregnant with Balric, the gods advised her to not have the baby or else it would cause the downfall of the elves. The Queen, unable to bring herself to give it up, begged them to let her have the baby. The gods then gave her a choice: Her magic or her baby. Knowing that without her magic she would no longer be able to see or speak with the gods, she chose to have her baby. What she didn't know was that monochrome elves cannot live long without their magic, as their body and soul are heavily supported by their own magic.

And so instead of Balric developing his own magic, he had to take his mother's magic in order to be born. This left the Queen severely ill, but still alive. Now unable to properly lead her Kingdom, her eldest son Oberon, who was only 10, took rule. In the beginning it seemed like the Queen would be able to stay alive. She was able to care for, and raise Balric even in her weakened state. But as he got older, she began to get weaker and weaker, until finally she became bedridden.

The Queen would die a few days after Balric's 13th birthday.

Balric, believing that her could save his mother, attempted to give her back her magic. Before he could completely give her his magic, The Queen's High Priest entered the room and stopped him. Then, before they realized it, The Queen had been revived, but not in the way Balric hoped. Instead of just waking up once more, The Queen dissipated into black smoke, before reforming into a monster. Confused and disoriented, she lunged towards them ready to attack, but as she knocked Balric to the floor she saw his teary-eyed face looking up at her in horror. Her past was no longer with her, she could not recall anything before her reawakening. She did not know who Balric was to her. Yet he seemed so familiar, she felt a sense of love for him. Realizing that he was important to her, she retreated. The guards arrived, and attempted to restrain her, but she was able to overpower them, and escape through a nearby window.

The gods, not willing to let her go, captured her and kept her locked up under ground.

There she stayed for the longest of time.

When The gods were defeated, and Eden fell, she was finally able to attempt an escape. Beforehand, the gods magic was preventing her even thinking of escaping, but now that they were gone she realized that she COULD escape. All she had to do was dig her way out. And she did. All it took was 174 years!

Once she escaped she wandered the ruins of Eden, with seemingly no goal. That is, until an injured little Raven caught her attention. The Queen couldn't help, but lick the raven (for some reason idk). That's when she saw the portal that lead to Earth. Curious, she made her way through the portal, the raven followed behind because staying with the friendly giant monster might be beneficial in the long run.

Little did she know that portal lead to Conquest's Castle, the one who killed her son.

Upon arriving back on Earth, it didn't take long for her to cause trouble. As the sound of people nearby (not really nearby, she's just got really good hearing), lured her out into the public. People were not very keen on being followed by a giant monster, so everyone pretty much panicked.

Throughout the chaos, the Queen noticed a familiar face. It was a statue of Balric, that Conquest had created after the war. Believing that it was actually Balric, she decided that if she couldn't protect him back then, she would protect him now. There she would stay, with the raven keeping her company, scaring off anyone that dared to go near the statue.

It wasn't long before she got the attention of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and The Devil

After they captured her, Hellequin was able to figure out who she really was, and why she was being so protective of the statue. Hellequin also became smitten by her. Well... He already was long before he even met her, mostly because Herla would always tell him stories about her. Anyways, once they figured out she was the Queen The Devil decided to try and figure out how to return her back to normal (Mostly because Hellequin begged him to). During that time however, they would have to keep a barrier around the statue as a safety precaution.

Hellequin would come to visit her frequently to bring her and the Raven some food, and to talk to her. Though she didn't really understand what exactly he was saying, over time she would pick up a few words. She liked it when he would talk about King Herla because that name seemed familiar to her.


Need to get the "Something Swarming" Vista
Might leave secondary Basic
Pre- Monster Queen

Used-Mibella's Bios and Resources and osiem's Icons
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