
Level 1 Spiral
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Hooded Dodo
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Spiral
This dragon cannot breed until Jun 29, 2024 (6 days).
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Personal Style


Gold Steampunk Goggles
Beekeeper's Swarm


Accent: fungal lace


Scene: Plaguebringer's Domain


3.46 m
2.09 m
79.52 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 26, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245



Nakesha is a healer and herbalist by trade, specifically some combination between the two that is called a Blighttender in these parts. Her personality is friendly and eager to help those in need, particularly if their problem is unique or fascinating or grotesque enough to hold her attention long-term. Constantly energetic and chirrupy, she is no doubt an odd Shadowborn dragon and she is odder still for moving here on purpose. She wishes to live out the rest of her days tending and nurturing the Wastelands and its horrifying tenants.

Other than her apparent and inexplicable wish to die slowly and horribly, the dragon Nakesha is unremarkable to most. She is in fact quite happy to remain unknown outside of particular circles of similarly-tasked and -minded dragons, preferring the company of her 'projects'.

It is also true to notice that even some Plague dragons find that whatever Nakesha is doing to her scales has become at best unnerving. More concerning is the sense of general uncertainty one receives upon broaching the topic of whether they're still scales at all. Even the Defilers usually just shrug and blame her upbringing within the Tangled Wood for her strange proclivities. There is beauty in disease, at least for those who live within the Wasteland.

Moreover, Nakesha 'needs them' for her work, as she says if asked. 'And anyway, they make fine hives'. That much of her muttering usually sees even the Defilers rendered terminally uncurious about her own maladies. The point nevertheless remains that she, unfortunately, won't cover the ossified, horrible growth that is spreading slowly across(?) and upon(???) her body.


Within the halls of particular sorts of academics or herbalists, perhaps, she might occasionally enjoy a modest reputation for a couple of the alchemical works that she's produced with some very unique offerings of the area she inhabits. Of particular note, she is regarded to be the only dragon whom still stubbornly remained in some forsaken, unheard-of corner of the Wastelands until she made her discoveries there: the Poxpoppy Gardens.

The Poxpoppies are an apparently sometimes-lovely place within or nearby the Quarantine Zone, so long as one remembers that there's really no accounting for taste when it comes to Plague dragons and their definition of 'lovely'. Presumably once having been a more vibrant series of greenhouses and Tenders, the task that she faces now is sure to be just as lonely and poisonous as any other task in the Wastelands.

Perhaps of interest to the aspiring alchemist, the Garden's variety of life (such as it is) is mostly grown or otherwise altered at the whims of Nakesha herself, in order to suit the needs of various other doctors, healers, and blight-scientists.Flora and their relevant microfauna are procured in the Gardens themselves. Then, within the Nursery's care, the Gardens' resources are channeled towards solving scientific questions and reverse-engineering both unwanted maladies and/or unsatisfactory results of the Wastelands' brews. With enough resources and time and a very faulty ethical compass, it seems to some as though anything can be cured or fixed or... otherwise improved in the Poxpoppy laboratories, such as they are within their so-called nursery.

Nakesha 'looks after' this mysterious sprawl of flora and fauna that these Gardens apparently somehow still host, as well as managing the attached scientific endeavors. The Poppypox Nursery itself is supposedly used predominantly for delicate or dangerous, thus carefully-contained scientific endeavors and—as far as most anyone could tell—altogether sounds really much more like it's Dr. Frakenscale's Memorial Hospital for the Gullible.. Being suited for neither eggs nor greenery, naturally, it should not surprise anyone that she apparently sometimes entertains the most hopelessly ill dragons one can imagine there, too.

Whatever ails you (or isn't ailing who and how you want it to), the Poxpoppy Nursery can fix it.

That's what they say—if you're desperate enough to start asking people whose opinions on such matters ought usually not be trusted. Only the truly desperate tend to even hear of the place, much less the Blighttender within whose nursery sometimes makes room to nurse dragons, too.

Wherever it is exactly that the Defilers' territorial heart lies, so too would be found the Garden, but their secrecy and the inhospitability of even the softest parts of the Wasteland means that few who might have visited ever actually could. The occasional rumor of cures to the uncurable having been hidden within some sort of Nursery there might tempt a few interpid heroes to try and seek aid for those who are too frail, though...

But just how desperate would anyone have to be to actually go looking?

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