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Personal Style


Winter Wind
White Aviator Scarf
Contrast Rogue Wing Guard
Unlucky Tools
Hoary Scale Bracers
Archer's Tail Twist
Hoary Tail Tatters
Hoary Scale Tassets
Silver Unicorn Horn
Hoary Scale Wingplates



Scene: Haunted Museum


5.46 m
6.62 m
837.16 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 03, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Cobalt Glazed Vase

▬▬ ABOUT ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

A cold, apathetic mage who belongs to a particular group of mages that are trained in memory alteration magic. Uriagen, along with his coworkers, work for Adrienne. Whenever Adrienne wants to sweep something under the rug, she will task this group with removing the memory of whatever she wants to hide from the masses. This usually applies to civilians, but will sometimes apply to those who work directly for Adrienne. Though the mages are usually quite thorough with their work, they are not immune to making mistakes. Sometimes, the memories are not altered correctly or completely. Other times, they miss dragons (either by accident or the dragons in question are purposely hiding from the mages). In rarer cases, there are dragons who resist memory alteration spells.

Though Adrienne has these mages at her disposal, there are many times when she will simply kill someone to avoid the possibility of flawed memory alteration. When it comes to the masses, though, Adrienne prefers memory alteration for several reasons. The major one is that killing significant amounts of the population could attract unwanted suspicion from the outside world as dragons are suddenly cut off from friends/family living in the clan.

Uriagen is the most skilled and experienced member of this group. Alongside altering the memories of the masses, the skydancer will sometimes be tasked with hunting down specific dragons for memory alteration.

The skydancer himself does not seem to care about his employer's goals and ambitions, but do not mistake this for apathy; he merely has other things on his mind at the moment.

▬▬ ORIGIN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Due to the outbreak of war near his birth clan, Uriagen was separated from his biological parents from a young age. However, he was fortunately taken in and adopted by a couple traveling through the Shifting Expanse. Although the skydancer was (and still is) grateful to his adoptive parents for raising him, his relationship with them is a different story.

Despite being the youngest child in his family, Uriagen was the recipient of his parents' ridiculous expectations. They pushed him into studying and training his magic everyday, wanting to shape him into a phenomenal mage that they could parade around and brag about. They made him study complex math and never-ending stacks of books, urging him to get into the best school possible. They used every opportunity to let him know that they expected great things from him-- and that he would be an utter failure if he were to provide anything less.

Their harsh treatment, however, was not just limited to Uriagen himself. His parents also treated his older brother, Irwyn, like he was some sort of failure all because they did not "see the same potential" in him like they did for Uriagen. Irwyn was the child brushed to the side, the afterthought. He was there as a point of comparision-- "make sure to study today, Uriagen. You don't want to be like Irwyn, do you?" the skydancer remembers his parents saying. Even when he did something amazing, like winning an award from a math competition or being recognized for his artwork, all their parents did was regard the obelisk with a frown and an insincere "congratulations" before turning around to pile responsibilities onto Uriagen.

Irwyn, however, never blamed his younger brother for their parents' actions; their parents treated the obelisk like that because they were awful, controlling people to begin with, not because Uriagen had something to do with it. In fact, Irwyn was often the one who stood up for his brother whenever their parents would be harsh towards Uriagen. Uriagen remembers studying in his room late at night, hearing his brother criticize their parents for being so harsh on the young skydancer. When he closes his eyes, he remembers how his parents would yell at and insult Irwyn, and how his brother stood his ground despite it.

Even though Irwyn's actions never really changed how their parents treated Uriagen, the skydancer is extremely grateful towards his brother nonetheless. The obelisk stood up for him despite knowing that his relationship with his parents would worsen. He was willing to endure the way they treated him if it meant that Uriagen could have room to breathe and actually enjoy his life.

At the same time, Uriagen feels guilty that he never did the same for his brother. Even though the way they treated the obelisk made his insides churn with red-hot anger, he never had the courage to stand up to them. He was afraid to sour their relationship, for them to be even more critical of him than they already were. So he stayed silent for all those years, angry and sick of the way his brother was being treated, but too scared to do anything.

He even remembers seeing Irwyn off when the obelisk became an adult. The skydancer could not stop crying and apologizing for his cowardice. Irwyn merely smiled and gave his brother a hug. "It takes a tremendous amount of courage to stand up to people, especially when it comes to those who are like our parents. I don't blame you whatsoever," he had told the skydancer.

It's been several years since Uriagen grew up and moved out. His parents were expecting him to apply to a bunch of prestigious schools, but the skydancer decided that he had enough by then. He was going to follow his brother to a clan in the Sunbeam Ruins, far away from home and far away from their grasp. In the middle of the night, when his parents were asleep, Uriagen packed his things quietly and left the home, not bothering to look back.

But he knew their parents, in their obsessive and controlling nature, would go look for him. And they would not stop until they had found him and dragged him back home, where they would continue to shape him into their ideal child. Uriagen could not allow that to happen. Not only did he never want to see his parents again, but he feared what might happen to his brother if they found him too. They would surely blame Irwyn for being a "bad influence" on their perfect child. He was definitely the one who encouraged Uriagen to run away, right? Their perfect child would never misbehave like that.

Uriagen wants to protect his brother. He is no longer the cowardly child from years ago; he is a powerful, fully fledged mage. He knows how to wipe memories. He has access to a variety of resources and information that can be used to track their parents' every move. If he could locate them and erase all memory of their children from their minds, then the skydancer could set Irwyn and himself free. Although protecting the obelisk won't be as simple as making sure their parents never come to the clan (Irwyn travels a lot because of his job, after all), he is not afraid to do what it takes. If he needs to personally chase after their parents for years, then he will gladly do so.

▬▬ADDITIONAL ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

» Full Name: Uriagen Johnson

» Age: adult

» Pronouns: he/him

» Relationship Status: single

» Likes: lazy afternoons, sweaters, and the smell of pine trees

» Dislikes: beef jerky, mud, and studying

___ » a list of names with pictures next to them. Under each name, there is a detailed description of which memories to alter. Although Adrienne generally does a fantastic job of keeping the clan's true nature a secret, there's always the people who slip through the cracks.

» a jar of artificial mana, developed by one of Adrienne's scientists. It's still in the development process, but it already proves useful to Uriagen on days where he's tracking and erasing memories nonstop; there are times when he simply cannot afford to run out of magic energy.
____ ▬▬ RELATIONSHIPS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

"...I'll deal with her later. I have other priorities at the moment."


"I'm happy that you're doing well despite everything our parents did to you. This time, I'll be the one protecting you from their wrath, okay?"


▬▬ NOTES ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

» because Irwyn is usually away from the clan for work Uriagen sends letters to his house for him to read after he comes home. Even though both of them are at least somewhat aware of the true nature of the clan, Uriagen knows significantly more than Irwyn (who knows that the money from selling goods goes to fund Adrienne's projects, but he doesn't know what those projects are)

» Irwyn and Uriagen do catch up in person once the former is back home, but there are times that Irwyn has to leave immediately without any time to talk to his brother. That's why Uriagen also writes letters for them just in case this happens

» or maybe Uriagen just emails his brother??? Idk in my mind emails are not necessarily a super widespread thing in my clan but it would make sense for both of them to use it

» how busy he is depends on how many targets he's assigned. On weeks where he's just given a dozen or less, he often has a few days off. But in the case of something major (dominion attacks, for example) he works very long hours with no days off until everything is cleared up

» tends to do absolutely nothing on his days off if he can because in the past he almost never got breaks. He wants to enjoy those days to their fullest and not stress about anything

original codes by Archaic and Auraea
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