
my specialty? disappointing my parents
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Male Obelisk
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Personal Style


Daisy Flowerfall
Studious Healer's Reference
Gold Halfmoon Spectacles
Golden Sage Sash
Untamed Shoulder Guard
Nebula Starsilk Earrings
Golden Hoard
Chancellor Rings
Faerie Rose Thorn Crown
Daisy Flower Crown



Scene: Shoreline Serenity


10.47 m
16.87 m
8404.52 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 16, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Shattered Ceramic Jar

▬▬ ABOUT ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

There is no shortage of traveling merchants throughout Sornieth. Beings from a wide variety of species and backgrounds wander through the land, hauling their goods with them as they look to do business. With enough effort, you could get almost anything you could ever want from these merchants-- assuming, of course, you can afford their wares.

Irwyn seems to be just another traveling merchant. He's a bit more polite and his goods always seem to be in good stock, sure, but that certainly doesn't make him unordinary. If you are careful with what you say and do, your impression of him will remain that way.

Haggle, have a chat with them, stare at their goods for an unsettlingly long time; honestly, you could even start an argument with them over something meaningless. So long as your money ends up in their hands, your meeting will end as unremarkably as it began.

Of course, if you get a little too curious for your own good, the story will end differently for you.

It's not like you're allowed to ask no questions; things like the weather or what fashion is trending and whatnot are perfectly fine, mundane subjects to discuss with them. It's when you start to try to pry into their background a little too much that you're in trouble. You're free to ask where they came from, where they source their goods from, and where they grew up at whatnot; the danger with these inquiries only show up when you don't believe what they answer.

Irwyn has been trained in effective lying, and while they are certainly well versed in it, they are no master. Someone with a lot of experience in lie detection could tell that they aren't telling the truth to any of these kinds of questions. But the thing is, even if you couldn't tell whether they were lying or not, would it be worth trying to pry the truth out of them? If Irwyn is lying, then maybe they have a good reason to. Maybe it's for your own good. You won't ever really know why unless you pry, of course, but are you willing to take that chance? Are you willing to pay whatever price there is?

He's just an ordinary traveling merchant, after all. Doesn't everyone have their secrets? What would the secrets of some guy wandering around Sornieth doing business mean anything to you?

Do you need to know what his intentions are?

Just agree to his terms, shake his hand, and your conversation will end with a smile and a "pleasure doing business with you." You will never learn the truth behind the goods he sold you or what is actual intentions are, and that is for the better.

▬▬ ORIGIN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Behind Irwyn's typical polite customer service persona lies a dragon who is very, very tired. It's primarily because of his job; as a cargo transporter, he carries cargo with him outside the clan but poses as a traveling merchant. This is so the people he does business with are under the impression that he is simply someone who buys and resells goods with no affiliation to anyone rather than someone handling the exports of a clan that doesn't want to be discovered.

Most people buy into this facade, and whatever business they need to get done gets done. But when people get a little too curious for their own good... ugh. That's the worst part of the job, really. Trying to dodge around the truth and craft convincing lies all while trying to get whoever's asking to get the hint that they reaaaaally shouldn't be asking these questions is very exhausting. Yes, they know that once they get back they can tell their boss what happened and through whatever suspicious behind the scenes stuff they do those overly curious people get "silenced," but they have to get through the conversation first. It doesn't help that they're an introvert too.

But all things considered... this job isn't absolutely, positively, irredeemably awful. Yes, he has to travel constantly, and he's almost never home. Yes, he has to lug a massive amount of goods with him wherever he goes, and he has to protect them too. Yes, he has to talk to people, quite a few of which are extremely unpleasant. But the pay is pretty good, and his boss isn't so bad. Most people are alright enough, and a lot of the planning work has been done for him by other people. He just has to grit his teeth and get the job done.

And frankly, their hate for this job is nothing compared to their desire to spite their family. Despite being the oldest child, Irwyn's parents put their hopes and expectations on their younger brother, neglecting them in the process. Irwyn themself doesn't harbor any ill will towards their brother-- quite the opposite, in fact. They were usually the one standing up for him, trying to prevent their parents from putting way too much responsibility on him. Which, looking back, probably contributed to their disdain of Irwyn.

His parents never told Irwyn outright, but the obelisk spent much of his life feeling like he was the "inferior" child. Their expectations for Irwyn were low, if not almost nonexistent. Honestly, there were many times when Irwyn felt as if they were disappointed when he succeeded, as if he was going against their expectations. When the obelisk moved out of the clan, they didn't even bother to say goodbye.

Now, Irwyn realized that he honestly couldn't care less about what his parents think of him at this point, but his hatred for them still lingers. And while he has no intention of reconciling with them or seeing their faces ever again, he like to imagine their faces if they saw that their "disappointment" has in fact been leading a successful life with a well paying job. How dare he, the mediocre child, prove to be capable of doing more than just the bare minimum?

This isn't just limited to his job, either. When he buys stuff for himself, he buys nice things. When he has days off, he indulges in them. He reads comic books, watches cartoons, and listens to music. He does everything that his parents would have deemed a "waste." He's never going to live life the way they want him to. They're not worthy of his time or consideration, and he's going to live only doing what he wants to do.

▬▬ADDITIONAL ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

» Full Name: Irwyn Johnson

» Age: adult

» Pronouns: he/they

» Relationship Status: single

» Likes: pens, muffins, and the satisfaction of crossing tasks off of a to-do list

» Dislikes: his job, traveling, and camping

___ » a small map of Sornieth that has been folded and unfolded dozens of times. The edges are curled, and there are a number of small tears in it.

» a small list that has been folded in half. A list of clans and organizations are on it. Some of them are crossed out in pen.
____ ▬▬ RELATIONSHIPS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

"Oh boy. Well, I'm glad that March is the one who does most of the communication stuff with The Fallen One, because I don't know how I would ever handle someone so demanding and bossy."


"I mean... as far as bosses go, they're actually okay? They're not unreasonable, and they're usually pretty understanding. I just... uh, I guess our personalities are very different, so I usually don't have much to say to them that isn't about work. It's kind of awkward, but at least I don't talk to them face to face very often."


"It's wonderful that you decided to move out of that dreadful household. Our parents were so harsh on you... even now, they're still bothering us, huh? At least we're away from them now."

▬▬ NOTES ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

» essentially has the attitude of some guy working a customer service job. He really doesn't like it but he grits his teeth and does it anyway. The way he talks with the people he's selling stuff to is just his customer service persona

» whenever he's home he probably immediately flops down on his bed and doesn't move for a few minutes

» is constantly like "I wanna go home" but because of their job they're almost never at home. Someone help this poor dragon

» despite being an introvert, they actually have amazing people skills, which is one of the reasons they got hired in the first place. They hate having to use them, though, because having formal, polite interactions with people is very draining for them

original codes by Archaic and Auraea
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Exalting Irwyn to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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