
Level 1 Wildclaw
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Calculating Candelabra
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Demure Faderose Locket
Bewitching Bangles
Nebula Starsilk Earrings
Florid Cane
Rose Harvest Goblet
Rose Harvest Bracelet
Courtier Waist Wrap
Rose Harvest Sandals
Rose Harvest Tail Twist
Pastel Rose Thorn Wing Tangle
Soft Pink Tail Bangle


Accent: Arcane Dancer



4.4 m
6.46 m
681.17 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 18, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



↠ The Fairest One of All
He stands in front of the full length mirror, turning his head from side to side as he admires his beauty. He's always been a handsome man, envied by all for his good looks.

"And why shouldn't I be envied?" he says, smiling at his reflection, "Who wouldn't be jealous of me?"

He'll stay there for a while longer, like Narcissus falling deeper and deeper in love with himself. The envy of all and consumed by a deeply profound sense of loneliness which he hides well behind his glittering smile and flippant attitude.

"I am my own best company," he sighs, unconvincing to even to himself, "So why is it I feel so... empty?"

Born to a wealthy noble house, Divius came into the world with a silver spoon in his mouth. Day and night the family's staff waited on him hand and foot while his parents busied themselves with more important matters than child rearing. The family butler, a kind man named Clarence, was the primary caregiver of young Divius. In fact, Divius was left in his care so often that he began to view the man as a father figure. As such the two were thick as thieves and Divius was rarely if ever seen without the taller man looming just behind him.

Clarence often read to him and his favorite stories were the fairytales about evil queens, chivalrous knights, and beautiful princes and princesses. He would picture himself as a prince locked away in some dreary tower, waiting for his knight to come and rescue him. When that happened he would be free to do as he pleased, go wherever he pleased. Most importantly he would be free of his parent's expectations. He would take Clarence with him, of course, and life would be happily ever after.

But that was just a daydream, a wish upon a star; his real life was much more complicated than that.

Try as he might to impress his parents and earn their attention, nothing he did seemed to catch their eye. For the life of him, he couldn't understand why. He was handsome, studious, an accomplished violinist, and much much more. Scorned by his parents and the loneliness inside his heart growing ever larger as the years passed by, Divius began to withdraw into himself. The once bright and bubbly boy becoming a cold and cruel man. The only person free from his disdain was Clarence, but even that didn't last.

Seeing what he was becoming, the kindly butler tried to bring him back from the edge but to no avail. Divius was heading down a dark and lonely path, consumed but his need to be recognized and loved. If his family wasn't going to see his worth then he would fight to see it within himself and seek attention elsewhere. And so began the nights of sneaking out, wasting his time in bars and at parties where everyone flocked to him, desperate for the attention of a handsome noble.

Drinking and partying every night doesn't exactly look good for a noble and it didn't take long for word to travel back to his parents. For the first time in years he finally had his parent's attention, but for all the wrong reasons. Disgusted with his behavior, Divius was cast out of his house and onto the streets. Not even Clarence would follow him and so once again he was all alone.

In his time traveling from place to place, he made a decent amount of coin doing things he'd rather not mention. That and using his looks and wit to con men and women both out of their purses. It was on one such night that he met Maddox in a tavern. At first he was horrified to see someone who could rival his beauty, but that horror quickly turned to intrigue. Confidently, he approached the beautiful man and introduced himself. The goal was to distract the stranger long enough for him to nick the coin purse hanging from his hip.

They talked for a time and eventually, Divius did succeed, excusing himself from the table under the pretence of fetching a drink and then swiftly sneaking out the back. He'd thought he'd gotten away but was surprised to bump into Maddox just as he closed the door behind him. How was it possible that he'd gotten from his table to here unseen in that short amount of time?

"Nice work," the strange man had said, "But I think you can do better. Come and work for me and we'll find out if I'm right."

Curious and with nowhere else to go, Divius agreed. The life he lives now was not the life he ever thought he'd be living. This was hardly the rescue from a handsome knight he'd always dreamed of, but he's somehow found his place in the violence and chaos that trails after Maddox like a hound chasing a fox. And, well, Mads is at least very handsome.

Vain and prissy, Divus wants nothing more than to be adored and loved by everyone. His passions are fashion, makeup, and becoming the flashiest mage in the history of Sornieth. Not the greatest, not the most powerful, but the flashiest. He much prefers presentation over function, something Rook lambasts him for constantly.

Divius doesn't like to get his hands dirty and relies entirely on spellcraft to get almost everything done. Even mundane things like dusting his room or sweeping the floor.s Rook and Godfrey both find him incredibly irritating and they never agree on anything. Who can really blame them considering the man carries a mirror with him everywhere and would prefer to look at himself rather than the person he's talking to.

There are three people who can stand his company for any length of time and those three are Maddox, Brahms, and Grimjo. Brahms can listen to him go on and on about what new products he's using on his hair as long as he has a good book in front of him, and the Grim just finds it amusing. As for Maddox he knows that Divius is jealous of him (Rook as well, not that he should be as he's gorgeous himself) and because of this finds it entertaining to watch him side-eye him and squirm.


Calculating Candelabra Bottled Bones Demure Faderose Locket
code & assets by archaic #19153

Needs: Bee
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Exalting Divius to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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