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Personal Style


Conjurer's Cobwebs
Witch's Cobwebs
Druid's Woodbasket
Fiendflesh Tasset
Tar-Trap Forecallouses
Unearthly Onyx Grasp
Haunting Amber Grasp
Green Olive Wreath
Rose Harvest Wreath
Ranger's Tail Twist


Accent: sol infinitum


Scene: Serpent Shrine


14.26 m
14.49 m
6785.62 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 25, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


The Archivist
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Gen 1
Self Hatched Natural Primal

Little Lies

Lie to Me

Our Word

Occupation: The Archivist

Meet Revenge!

Revenge is in charge of making sure everyone is accounted for on the ship. As an Archivist it's her job to keep a log of everyone and make note of historical events the ship and crew might have gone through together.

Revenge is rather good at keeping quiet, she's able to listen to conversations without being noticed and write down what she needs to in order to do her job well. Granted, a lot of the crew would rather she just come up and speak to them instead but where is the fun in that?

Revenge is actually quiet charming, and has seduced a lot of the crew just for the fun of it though she refuses to say she's offcially dating anyone. She has commitment issues and would rather toy with peoples feelings than figure out her own but who knows, maybe one day someone will come along and change her perspective.

For now, please feel free to take a look at her books, you can get to know the crew better here:

Pixels by dreamingcity
By KyraDrawz
Ships Company
A complete list of every pirate on this blasted ship.
Lovingly written by Revenge

52479482p.png Captain Rowan
Occupation: Captain
Who better to be put first on the list than the captain himself? Rowan is a decent captain, the man can charm the pants off of just about anyone though lately I've been seeing him less and less. He's looking rather pale too now that I think about it, oh well, I'm sure everything is fine.

74713845p.png Willow
Occupation: First Mate
Willow is the ships first mate and boy does she do her job well. She used to be a cage fighter or something like that and is larger than life. If I didn't know any better I would say she would make the better captain at first glance, but she seems content following Rowans orders without hesitation. Maybe I should ask her if she knows what's up with the captain lately...

77864005p.png Elm
Occupation: Quartermaster
The man incharge of dishing out punishment to the crew. He isn't much of a talker, hell I don't think I can recall the sound of his voice. I rarely ever see him around but a little birdy has told me the big lug is dating our captain in private.

76908912p.png Hawthorn
Occupation: Navigator
The man... er, men? In charge of the ships navigations. I have to give him credit as we have never been caught in a storm thanks to the calls Hawthorn makes but those three heads of his really creep me out. Why do they all have to speak at once?

77977842p.png Birch
Occupation: Doctor
The ships doctor if you could even call him that. The man is crazy, I had an infection on my toe one day and he decided the best choice would be to cut the damn thing off. Now every time I go into his office I see the little piggy floating in a jar on his desk. Oh well, at least he's pretty.

24323724p.png Bristlecone
Occupation: Master Gunner
Bristlecone is in charge of all things cannon fire and battle, an impressive job to say the least but they don't have to be so competitive about it. If we ever loose a battle someone on the crew is going to get blamed for it, god forbid the amazing Bristlecone ever make a mistake. If I had one warning for Bristlecone it would be "ANGER ISSUES" stay away from them, seriously.

66356556p.png Cypress
Occupation: "Chef"
Worst. Chef. Ever. He was already a bad chef to start but with those three heads of his always bickering at one another about spices makes his meal prep twice as long. By the time food is ready it's already cold. I've told the captain to find a new chef so many times but he insists Cypress is fine. He isn't. I hate him.

77985918p.png Sequoia
Occupation: ???
The rest of the crew would have you believe she is a singer of sorts but I wouldn't call that a job. The girl is blind as a bat and just wanders around most of the day humming some creepy songs I don't even want to think about. Most of the crew thinks she's a siren and honestly I do too, too bad the captain seems to be under her spell.

74600875p.png Revenge
Occupation: Archivist
Being the most amazing archivist in the world, it's my job to make note of everyone on this ship, and what can I say? I do my job well. There is no one as talented as I am... Plus it helps that I'm one of the few people on this ship who can write and read...

71371795p.png Pine
Occupation: Powder Monkey
It's Pines job to make sure the cannons are loaded for battle and working well but honestly the man is a nut. At any chance he can get he's blowng something up or setting something on fire. It was cute at first but now it's getting old. Just the other day he tried setting one of the captains books on fire. It uh.. did NOT go well. I don't think I've ever seen Elm so angry.

74458401p.png76481340p.png Aspen and Sycamore
Occupation: Swabbies
The twins. They were found at the gallows a few months ago and taken in by captain Rowan to be the swabbies on our deck. If you don't know, swabbies are the people incharge of swabbing the deck and doing things no one else wants do to. They both do their job well, but man that Sycamore is one hell of a gossip. We've become rather close friends because of it.

58107890p.png Cedar
Occupation: Boatswain
The ships Boatswain, it's Cedars job to keep inventory and upkeep of the ship and all it's needs. I have to admit he does a pretty good job at it but.. Well the man is a little odd. He thinks the ship as a woman, his lover to be more accurate, and he speaks to her night and day. It's a little creepy if I'm being honest but hey, at least he does his job.

74476291p.png Socotra
Occupation: Rig Master
Poor dear, Socotra was...err, is the ships rig master. It was her job to make sure all the ropes on the mast are up to tip top shape but during our last run in with a rival ship the poor thing was blinded when she took gun powder to her eyes. She's hoping to get her eye sight back soon but I personally think it's a lost cause...

78056038p.png Hemlock
Occupation: ABS
Hemlock works on the ship as an ABS (able bodied sailor) which is fancy talk for they just do general jobs around the ship. They don't speak or make any noise which makes sense considering their entire head is a mushroom- but they get work done when it needs to be done. I've tried talking with them a few times but so far all I'm met with is a blank stare.

78337313p.png Baobab
Occupation: The Hound
I wouldn't exactly say Baobab has a job on the ship, I mean really he's more of a pet than anything. The crew found him one day and decided to keep the strange guy around though I gotta admit it is weird how similar Baobab looks to one of the navel officers we killed a while back. He... he isn't the same person is he? If he is I don't think I could live with what we did to him...

78836217p.png Bradford
Occupation: The Rich Fellow
Of all the rotten people in the world, I don't know how we ended up with Bradford on our ship. The man is basically made of money, that's the only thing good I can say about him. Sure he helps pay for things when needed but he treats the rest of the crew like servants, and the smell? The man stinks! I'm not even sure if the bathes at all. He never lifts a finger to help out, all he does is eat all day.

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