
My dear, where would we be without our friends?
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Djamor Bat
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Bogsneak
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Personal Style


Sepia Woodguard
Greenskeeper Treeshroud
Ranger's Tail Twist
Tarnished Steel Tail Cuffs
Scout's Gloves
Tarnished Steel Boots



Scene: Roadside Tavern


5.95 m
8.74 m
662.78 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 01, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Bogsneak
EXP: 0 / 245



The Liar
Unusually for a Spring Water dragon, Tarn has never felt the urge to hide away within his own cavern, or as he would put it, to calcify. His unexpected stance has seen him withdraw from typical Spring Water society, with those that do enjoy each others company, prefering to keep him at a distance. Wary of one who wanders so frequently, with little care of who he meets on the way. An outcast.

They would be right to stay wary.

Soon after Tarn began his travels in Sorneith he realised that other, non-spring water dragons had an almost instinctual trust of him. The reputation that spring water dragons have of helping thirsty travelers working to his advantage on many an occasion, providing him with food and board from unsuspecting, eager to help clans and merchants alike.

A spring water dragon, robbing someone blind?


Eventually, Tarn decided that the profits of his ventures would be better if he were part of a group. There was always a limit to how much he could steal away with, before whichever clan he had chosen to manipulate caught on.

Deciding that ingratiating himself with a band of roving mauraders and bandits would be to his advantage, Tarn kept a keen ear out for any news of bandit clans looking for new members. Soon hearing of a bandit clan to the north of The Shifting Expanse that was open to new members, Tarn set out to join them. A descision that would proove to be most profitable as time went by.

Tarn soon found that the bandits that he had joined came in all different shapes and sizes. From the smallest of Veilspun, capable of sneaking into a merchants belongings and hiding there for weeks at a time waiting for an opportune moment, to giants such as Jonah, that could use their natural colouring to blend in with their surroundings, striking when the time was right to cause maximum damage.

The risks were low, the coin was flowing and the thrill was there.

Nothing could go wrong.

Until it did.

The clan had the missfortune to finally bite off more than they could chew when they attacked what they thought was a group of happless merchents. Merchants that were revealed to be a group of Gaoler Seekers, on their way back to the Fortress of Ends.

Seeing this catastrophic mistake occur, Tarn once more used his nature as a spring water dragon to his advantage. Cowering away from his persuers he pretended as though he had been an unwilling captive of the bandits. Forced into their service when they uncovered his cave.

The ploy worked, and not only scored him his freedom, but also an escort away from The Shifting Expanse. Ensuring that any reputation that he had gained there as a marauder and thief would be far behind him.

Allowing him to once more return to his schemes as an independant con artist, scamming unsuspecting dragons out of their coin with little fear of repercussions.

This solitary lifestyle would eventually prove to be unpalatable to Tarn. He had grown accustomed to a certain level of oppulence living among the bandits of Carrion Canyon and now that he had to live without, he wanted.

Once more listening out for rumours of opportunity, Tarn began to hear word of the nameless. A loose group of dragons that some beleved to be nothing more than asscoiates and that others believed to be a clan. No one seemed to know who ruled over them; Was it the fierce Dystopia, who hunted those foolish enough to become lost in the wastes? Was it the cautious Deluge, the careful hoarder of secrets, or the powerful, cautious Skein? Perhaps it was Skim, a little known if patient leader that held court over an unmarked lair within Cairnstone Rest?

Was this lair within the ruins of Cairnstone Rest truly connected to these nameless dragons? Or was it as some dragons said? That their base of operations was in the Colonnades of Antiquity and those looking for information could find whatever they needed if they knew where to look? Perhaps they were really based in Terraclae? Or could that be another unfounded rumour?

Could such a so-called clan even be a called clan at all?

They didn't even have a name.

The idea that there could be a clan that existed in such a manner was far too tempting for Tarn to pass up. If it was as the rumours said, then what a clan to be apart of. The name of a clan to provide to authorities if questioned, and no way for said authorities to pursue such a line of inquiry. If the rumours proved to be false, then Tarn now had a new list of isolated opportunities that he could use to further his dreams of extravagance.

The rumours almost felt too good to be true.

Tarn began as he often did when infiltrating a clan. Plotting to find one of their number he could gain the trust of. Using them as a stepping stone to carve himself a foothold in the clan he was about to betray.

All seemed to be going well at first. Anoures seemed to be a cheerful if simple-minded Snapper who was more than happy to sit down and have a chat over a pot of tea. Tarn estimated that it would only be a few months before he might either count himself amongst the members of these "nameless" or failing that would at least own the deed to the poor fools tea shop.

One or the other.

So it was that what happened next came as a nasty surprise.

Whilst Anoures might have seemed easy prey, odd moments of stillness aside, his partner Azura was not nearly as sanguine to Tarn's prescence. One evening on his way through the back streets of Terraclae, anticipating a quiet hour or so gossiping with Anoures, Tarn was ambushed.

Knocked out, and taken to an undisclosed location and stripped of anything that might help him in his escape on awakening he was confronted with the faces of two dragons he had never met. One of whom soon introduced themselves to him as Deluge.

Whilst initially thrilled to have been approached by one of the rumoured leaders of the "nameless" and believing them to have rather shown thair hand, Tarn was dismayed to find that all of his usual tricks and charms were useless against the dragons. More so, the yet un-named dragoness lurking earily in the shadows was providing him with no end of unease.

He had gotten too close to the truth of the Nameless. Too close to unraveling a web of half-truths and lies and evasions.

So it was here that Tarn was presented with an offer.

Either he would join the Nameless. Work whole-heartedly for their benefit, give over his sources, his talents, his information and in return recieve all the benefits of such a position. Or he would vanish. His name scrubbed from the records. Useful, yes. Alive, yes. Recognisable as he was? Well. For a given matter of recognisable. Just look at Anoures. He was fine. Happy even.

Unnerved, Tarn found himself staring into the grinning maw of the dragoness, who delicately reached out to touch his jaw.

"My name is Innogen my sweet. Say no. I would love for us to get better... aquainted."

Tarn swallowed nervously. Faced with such a "choice" he had no course but to agree to Deluge's demands. He could always, he reasoned, wrangle his way out of the clans clutches at a later date. Disappear on his own terms, and not on theirs. Surely there was some fool within this clan that would be susceptible to his machinations.

Taking his silence as agreement, Deluge nodded.

"How fortunate. I'm sure this will be profitable on all sides."

Indicating to Innogen to follow them, Deluge turned to leave.

"One last thing before we go. With new friends, come old. I'm sure you'll be looking for an opportunity to make the most of our new... relationship. So you won't mind the chance to catch up with a mutal acquaintance of ours."

They gestured towards the door, and to Tarn's horror he recognised the figure standing there. Jonah, one of the bandits he'd abandoned to the Fortress of Ends. Jonah, who was now eyeing him consideringly.

"Appears something has finally caught your tongue my friend. I hadn't thought it possible. Better it stays that way I think. I'm not forgiving a second time."

Tarn glanced back and forth between the three dragons standing between him and the exit. Every moment he waited, Innogens smile seeming to become more and more hungry.

He knew when he was beaten.

Trying to smile and coming up with something closer to a grimace, Tarn finally found his voice.

"Of course my dear. Seems I've found a place with you once more, and you know me, I'd do anything for the good of friends."

"Anything at all."



Likes & Dislikes===Character Traits===Relationships
Feisty Poison
Keep Your Options Open

Powerful Serthis Poison
Many Interesting and Useful Applications

Springfoot Poult
A Delicious Crunchy Snack
  • Cunning
  • Charming
  • Untrustworthy
  • Hubristic
  • Cowardly
  • Schemer
  • Arrogant
  • Narcisstic
  • Greedy
  • Sensualist
  • Curious
  • Meddlesome
A Darling Friend, None Better

Dangerous, Do Not Cross

Utterly Terrifying




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