
The Leader
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Male Spiral
Male Spiral
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Dusky Rose Thorn Crown
Nightfall Starsilk Sleeves
Cloak of the Cosmos
Magister Rings
Enchanted Raven Necklace


Skin: Mad King



Scene: Witch's Kitchen


2.85 m
2.38 m
74.57 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 29, 2021
(3 years)


Spiral icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 4 Spiral
EXP: 597 / 4027




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Glitz's avatar
HeUGJin.png G L I T Z
N O S T R A N A - Clan Leader
"A new lovely."
A trusted advisor and Glitz's right hand dragon. Atlas is known around the Nostrana Clan as the seer everyone would go to if they needed advice or a peek into what was to come. Atlas mostly pitches his tent close to Glitz and is only understood by him with his cryptic way of speaking. A fate given to most dragons that were once a part of the Cauchemer clan.

Glitz enjoys Cirro's company especially when it comes to teaching him the inner workings of potion making and some simple grounds keeping throughout the camp. Dragons don't live forever, Glitz has come to terms with that, he teaches what he knows to Cirro in hopes the young dragon can keep the Nostrana clan thriving as a haven for the misfits and exile that come their way.


A dragon without a clan.

That’s what most would say about Glitz as he passed by on his usual check-ins with his band of misfits. Their whispers and occasional glances were something he had to get used to when the newcomers would first meet with him. It was unheard of even in their own camp of rejects, how could a dragon belong to no clan? No ties to where most of their ancestry came from? Many speculated what caused him to be so reclusive about his lack of a familial bloodline.

It was a wonder where exactly he was from. Their humble clan leader was known to concoct potions and sigils, but it was done with a lack of the usual rituals those from the Sanguis clan would do. His occasional knowledge of a near future would also lead them to believe he possessed the seer ability most from the Cauchemar clan had. Yet he didn’t speak in riddles or metaphors much like their own seer, Atlas, did. Glitz was an anomaly to them, someone who seemed to just purely exist just for the reason of existing.

As the outcast’s leader weaved his way through their makeshift campgrounds, he would occasionally pause to see what some of his fellow outcasts were up to. It was a common occurrence for him. One he did when he ran out of potions to create or ideas he would concoct on his lazy days. He would be lying to himself if he said he was doing it out of the fact he felt particularly lonely that day. Being cooped up in his tent, mixing up potions and taking inventory with Cosmos quickly became tedious.

“Anything new to be seen?” Glitz peered over Atlas’s head. The blue Spiral did not flinch from the sudden appearance of his leader, rather just gave Glitz a sideways glance. His empty sockets glinted a bright white within the dark hood he wore over his head.

Atlas placed the clear crystal call beside him, tilting his head towards Glitz as his expression remained stoic. “The Veil is locked, no tales are told. Silence reigns, no tales unfold.”

“Ah, I see.” Glitz nodded in understanding. Atlas continued to stare blankly at his leader as the purple Spiral adjusted the hood over his head. They both remained quiet for a moment, Glitz giving the seer a polite smile before waving a clawed hand in the air. “Please, do not stop on my account. I just needed the fresh air, is all.”

The pair sat next to each other in front of Atlas’ tent. The seer spent his time staring into his crystal ball, his unblinking eyes peering into what the Veil had to reveal to him. Glitz watched in silent amusement, his bright purple eyes attempting to glance into the ball only to be met with a cloudy view. Like the ball had frozen over and concealed whatever it was currently showing Atlas.

Glitz clicked his tongue, curling into himself like a snake as he sat and waited for nothing in particular. He watched a few of his other clanmates walk past Atlas’ tent, some of them giving curious looks towards Glitz while others waved at him before going about their day.
“The stars align,” Atlas spoke suddenly, causing Glitz to wince. Glitz gave the seer a puzzled look before Atlas continued. “A whispered breeze, a hint of change. The Hollows birth something cryptic and strange.”

A stranger from the woods belonging to the Sanguis clan?

Glitz sat up as he translated Atlas’ words, a glimmer of excitement in his eye as he uncoiled himself. Another addition to their makeshift family perhaps, it was a welcome time for Glitz. One of the reasons why he took up to forming Clan Nostrana in the first place. A place where outcasts and misfits alike can form their own family and not have to uphold societal restrictions. Where they’d never know what it was like to traverse the Southern regions of Crucia alone and forgotten.

Glitz buzzed with a new found adrenaline rush as he flapped his wings, hovering over Atlas. “Come, come Atlas! We must meet this new outlaw right away! Poor thing must be scared out of their mind! Point me in the right direction, my friend!”

Atlas remained on the ground, walking as he allowed the crystal ball to float just in front of him. He directed Glitz to where their unknown newcomer was, the passionate clan leader following his seer’s instructions carefully as they navigated their way out of camp. Day by day their clan was growing larger, and Glitz adored every stray that fell onto his doorstep.

Template by Maevepanda
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