
Level 1 Obelisk
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Mith Loremaster
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Energy: 47/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Obelisk
This dragon is benefiting from the effects of eternal youth.
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Personal Style

Hatchling dragons cannot wear apparel.




2.15 m
1.52 m
138.63 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 30, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Miss Dark Sparkles
The Living Snowdragon (?)
Old Emptied Nest
Clan Uncia

Theme Song:
Brass Cornet
"Here I Am" - Bryan Adams
"I know you're out there, spirit. Come here; I want a word."

She quails- that is the voice of Changeling. The hatchling that isn't a hatchling. The magical creature that can hurt her like nothing else has been able to since she slipped from her body. She knows he does not like her; does not like how close she stays to Vega, the little pearlcatcher hatchling he has taken into his care.

But she can't stay away. After all, she is Vega's mother; killed by a predator just as Vega's egg was hatching, she used her shadow magic to bind her soul to Vega's shadow. That was the only reason the hatchling had survived long enough for Changeling to find. Not that Changeling cared.

"I said come out," he snaps, and there is a note of anger in his voice now. "I'm not looking to hurt you. I have an offer."

An offer? That is… new. She reluctantly flits forward, from one shadow to the next. Severed from Vega since her daughter was pulled into the faerie plane, the shadow ghost can only exist under the trees or stones or other places that cast large shadows. Changeling immediately notices the one smudge of darkness that seems detached from all of the rest, and spreads his oversized wings to give her space to approach him more closely.

"I will be blunt," Changeling says. "I do not like you. I maybe, even hate you. No adult should be able to invade my sanctum without my permission, and yet you keep coming back. Vega is safe and happy. She does not need a mother who abandoned her at birth."

She has no voice, but if she did she would cry out. She didn't abandon her daughter! She died protecting her! Changeling seems to know what she wants to say, because he hisses.

"Yes, and a fat lot of good that would have done her if you hadn't managed to ghost around in her shadow! A newborn all alone? She'd have gone into those hungry jaws too." He snorts. "But it doesn't matter. You want to stay here, near your kid, and that's your unfinished business. You can't move on until she safely grows up, but she won't grow up here. Or didn't you realize it's already been two-hundred years on the outside since I found her?"

She is taken aback. She thought it had been long enough Vega should've seemed a bit older, but… two-hundred years? That's impossible!

"It's very possible, I assure you," Changeling retorts. "And even for my kind, it is a very long time to be tolerating a nuisance like you. So, since I apparently can't get rid of you, I have an offer. A way for you to stay near your kid, without your adulty-vibes being a constant itch under my scales that I can't scratch."

He abruptly leaps into the air, flapping until he lands in a tree up above. The sudden absence of his shadow stings like a thousand needles, and she hurriedly backs up into the shadow of a nearby bush. From his high above perch, he spreads both wings wide. "This is my place. A safe haven for the children of Sornieth who have nowhere else to go and no one to turn to. You will never belong here as you are now. But I can make you like them. I can make you a hatchling. A living hatchling, one that can play with Vega for real, one that can make her happy."

Disbelief, followed by delirious joy. Really?

"Really. But there is a catch," Changeling warned. "Even if I give you a young body, as you are now you will still be a grown-up. You have a grown-up's memories, a grown-up's worries, and you would act like a grown-up towards the others. I can't have that. So here is my offer."

He flutters back down to the ground. "A trade- I will give you a new life. You can be Vega's friend for real, and make her happy. In exchange, you will give all of your memories of your old life to me. This isn't a chance for you to be a mom- it's a new life."

Despair swamps her as quickly as the joy had done. No… no, she can't forget, what if she forgets to make Vega happy? What if she fails her baby all over again?

Changeling is quiet now, regarding her thoughtfully. "...Fine. You can keep one memory. You will still remember that you love Vega. You won't know why, but you will remember that you love her more than anything, and you want her to always be safe and happy."

She turns inward, thinking it over. Finally, reluctantly, she comes forward into the light. It stings, and makes it hard for her to hold her shape together, but she moves forward anyway. From the dark smudge of her essence, she holds out an approximation of a hand. A bargain.

"A bargain," Changeling agrees, placing his talons over hers. As soon as he touches her she feels herself falling, a pleasant fuzzy sensation welling up in her mind. A lifetime of loss, of joy, of tribulations, of triumphs, all of it is left behind as she falls, until there is nothing of her mind but a bright spark of curiosity and innocence.
* * *

She opens her eyes.

...Where am I? Who am I?

"Woooow!" a young voice cries out, at once strange and achingly familiar. "I can't believe it! Changeling, you really brought my snowdragon to life!"

Her gaze snaps around, and she sees two figures. One, a dark forest green nocturne, the other a deep purple pearlcatcher. She doesn't know either of them, but for some reason, when she looks at the pearlcatcher she feels like she should. Like she's important, for some reason. It's a good feeling, all warm and fuzzy, and impulsively she leans forwards and bumps her head against the pearlcatcher's chest.

"Woah!" the pearlcatcher says, stumbling with a laugh.

"I like you," the new dragon with no name declares.

"You should!" the pearlcatcher replies. "I made you! Out of snow! And then Changeling put this shadowy stuff in the snowdragon and made you alive!"

"Really? Neat!" the new dragon gives a happy skip, bumping her shoulder against the pearlcatcher's again. "So he's Changeling. What's your name?"

"I'm Vega!" she declares. The name stirs that warm-feeling in the new dragon again, and she smiles. Vega. A good name for a good dragon. The best dragon.

"What about you? What's your name?" Vega asks. The apparently-snowdragon considers, trying hard to think of a name. But there's nothing- which makes sense, she supposes, if she is a just-came-to-life snowdragon.

"I don't have one," she admits. Struck by inspiration, she says, "You should name me! Since you made me."

Vega grins toothily. "Oooh, I should! Okay, okay, hmmm… I know! I'm gonna call you Miss Dark Sparkles, because you got sparkly snow but also the shadowy stuff. Sparkles for short!"

The newly dubbed Miss Dark Sparkles flaps her tiny wings and gives a delighted hop. She loves her new name! Vega gave it to her, and Vega is the best, so her name was the best! Waggling her tail in the air, she pokes a paw towards Vega. "Come on, let's play!"
* * *

Changeling quietly slips away, watching with satisfaction as Vega and the ghost-shadow-now-dubbed-Sparkles chase each other around the snowy forest. Everything was finally right. This innocent, sweet little obelisk of snow and shadow was infinitely more tolerable than the sadsack ghost. And if she was a little overly obsessed with and fawning towards Vega, that was only to be expected when literally her only memory was loving the pearlcatcher. As she gained experience and grew her own personality that obsession would dwindle to something a bit more healthy.

A happy ending for everyone.
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