
House Cassiopeia Welcomes you!
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Black Bandolier
Golden Harvest Bracelet
Golden Harvest Tail Twist
Bubbly Bisque Bodice
Ember Sylvan Dress
Golden Harvest Sandals
Simple Gold Wing Cuffs




5.3 m
5.52 m
729.16 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 28, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245





☾ L O V E T ☾
Determined | Passionate | Intelligent

"our targets are spineless cravens, ladies, so be sure to get in real close before giving them the red smile. i don't tolerate mistakes. " — colette, the first head

She was one of the nameless, destined to serve Eleven Gods and Goddesses she had never heard of and kept separated from the rest of the clan. the hatchlings from the older group welcomed them as more nameless and spoke of the honor of serving their gods, she didn't understand this blind devotion and wondered at the cluelessness of the others or when someone would ask what they wanted until it was explained that they had no choice. she found the clan dragons ignored them save to throw food and water to them a few times a day, but no one spoke to them or of them and no one visited them.
It was not long after their arriving in the den and finding the den a lightless, drafty, weather beaten place not fit for so many to live there even for a short time. she spoke out, giving voice to her complaints when food was brought and was ignored. shortly after her group moving in the elder groups was lead away by two dragons in robes and several in armor, she watched in confusion as they left and the den fell silent while the clan dragons crooned and sighed over the 'honor' the nameless had in serving the Eleven. she watched curiously until they were out of sight and went about her day until the clan dragons came back without the elder nameless and covered in blood.

She named herself Lovet and spoke to the other nameless, encouraging them to give themselves names and defy the clan dragons, to run when the chance presented it's self and live, find different clans and live their lives. her pleas fell on deaf ears and she felt her hope wane, she watched days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and as time passed her hope dimmed until she thought that all her hope and optimism was lost. she let her mind wander to the life she desired, a life of happiness and joy, a life worth fighting for tooth and claw; she found a sharp stone and honed the edges until it could cut and hid it.
Soon the clan knew her name and frowned upon her behavior, whispering of 'The Nameless, Lovet' and her discontent with the honor she had been given. the clan dragons spoke loudly of the honor the nameless had been given and how she should be grateful for the opportunity they had given her and had the clan not believed her scales should remain unblemished she was sure they would have beat her as it was they glared at her hatefully.

Soon she felt the change in the clan long before they brought the new hatchlings into the nameless den, she looked at the wide eyed and innocent hatchlings before her and back to those she had been with since hatching. she hardened herself and turned away from all of the dragons around her as one of the older hatchlings spoke to the new little ones of their honor and the pride they must take in their destiny as servant to the Eleven. she felt sick as the hatchlings listened with rapt attention, eyes widening in awe and wonder at the older hatchling's words.
She decided that she would leave one way or another that night and noticed that the clan dragons were leaving their den unguarded now that they believed the hatchlings would not run away, she also watched to see where the exit to the clan was hoping she would find her answers. she waited until nightfall, the moon hung full and round in the sky as she crept from her nest and watched the clan guards. her heart pounded frantically in her chest as she kept to the shadows in hopes of not being seen by the clan guard, she crouched down next to one of the dens as one of the guards walked toward her hiding spot.

Tears gathered in her eyes as fear crawled over her scales, she held her small, crude knife in a tight grip hoping she would not have to use it to gain her freedom. the guard walked past her without a second look and she let out a sigh of relief as she continued her slow and cautious trek to the entrance of the clan, she stopped when she noticed several other guards by the entrance. Lovet huddled in her hiding place as she watched the guards in hopes they would leave their post or fall asleep, or their attention would slip.
After a short time that felt more like an eternity she picked up a rock and threw it against a den which drew the attention of the guards. she waited until they had walked a distance away and ran for all she was worth, she heard the yells of the guards and their pursuit as she ran and stumbled in her panicked escape. she ran until she bumped into something solid and fell to the ground, she looked up to see a spiral and skydancer looking at her. as the spiral curled around her small form in an offer of comfort she finally let her tears fall. she was safe.
TBgqYwi.png Erato took her to a nearby house and left her there with another wildclaw without any hesitation, Erato told her what she would need to know of her new home and promised to visit her soon when her latest job was completed. the house was beautiful and the older dragons that greeted her were welcoming, Lovet was content to learn from the elder Dancers and train with young dragonesses and drakes near her own age, although she noticed there were only a few males learning to dance with the females.
Learning she would one day run her own house was both exciting and terrifying. Feeling the weight of this responsibility was something she hadn't experienced and made her doubt her ability to be a half decent House Head. Lovet found herself faltering during training and stumbling more and more often earning the ridicule of the other Dancers and finding herself the target of more than a few jeering comments. the jeers of her peers stung, she was felt unsure of her place, she was a outsider adopted into their lives and welcomed, but untried and untested.

She became even more determined to become something worth the time they had taken to teach her, although she was clumsy compared to her peers and often stumbled. frustration turned into stubborn refusal to give up and she took to training after the other young dancers had gone to bed for the night, she would train alone for several hours before going to bed herself. it was during this time that she saw a skydancer male watching her, he was a little older than she was yet stood leaning against the wall casually as he met her gaze.
She watched as he walked closer and adjusted her stance silently with feather light touches before backing away and watching her continue training after looking at him hesitantly. she had never seen this male before, he was likely one that had left with a dancer and only just returned, but she wondered why he took to watching her if that was the case. this became a nightly routine, she would meet Altair and he would help her with silent adjustments and softly spoken advice while she trained under the watchful gaze of the male.

Lovet found after a short time she improved drastically with her new routine of training under the skydancer's keen eye and soon enough some of the dancers that had not been part of the jeering groups became closer to her. having friends was a new experience for her and she found it was a pleasant one as she talked, laughed and settled in her place, as temporary as it might be, in her new home. Lovet became close with Eris, Lily, and Brook when the three visited, finding friends and loyal allies in the three very different dragoness.
Lovet found her confidence had grown and she only continued to settle into her place with the silent support of her friends and the skydancer even when they were not there to stand beside her. Lovet was happily gaining confidence and surety as she improved and bonded to those she allowed close to her, she grew slightly concerned when Erato never came back yet she did not ask about the older dancer knowing some things are best left unanswered.

She met the male, Altair, formally when he returned to the house from a job and they passed each other while she was on her way to one of her training sessions. she watched him walk by curiously and heard from the other dancers he was from another house and had become a guard to a dragoness outside of the houses and had found and lost mates before coming back, but she did not press for information nor did she ask him when they spoke later as she did not want to pry, but she did find out he had hatchlings with both of his lovers yet only one had survived. she offered her condolences to him as she was unsure of how to react, he was only a little older than she was and she had experienced nothing of the kind of pain he had.
Lovet offered Altair someone to talk to even as they became closer and soon she found herself seeking him out to talk. she found herself falling for him and seeking his company even when she had nothing to talk about or no need to train, sitting silently together and watching the stars or clouds while sitting in a field of flowers or sitting in a window still simply enjoying the peaceful moment. Lovet enjoyed these peaceful moments as she grew and felt a thrill when Altair told her he would go with her when she founded her house if she would like, she accepted the offer eagerly.
Lovet grew into a lovely dragoness and was told to get ready to leave and found her own house, she was to send word back when she had something set up. Altair left with her, a silent comfort as they traveled and looked for a place to set up a house, Altair took to playing music when they camped and Lovet took to singing softly if she knew the tune. they spent months this way, traveling, camping, and simply enjoying each other's company as they walked and flew to each new area they had heard rumors of.
Traveling in the the travel through the various territories was pleasant, the weather took mercy on them remaining comfortable both day and night with a fire to cook their meals and give them light at night. the shadows seemed to dance at the edge of the fire light and the night creatures scurried about their business as if the two dragons were not there at all. as they traveled they would stop and Lovet would talk to the dragons of different clans, hoping to hear something of interest or that struck her in a way that stuck out in her mind.

Soon enough word of a clan in the Tangled woods with a claw in the black market that peeked her interest and drew her to them, travel to the clan was difficult as they had managed to hide themselves away from prying eyes yet not impossible. the clan it's self seemed as if it were it's own community within a smaller group, witches, warriors, pirates, shop keeps, and beasts of all kinds wandered the different areas at ease with one another.
Lovet found the clan had a tavern and bakery, but next to it was an empty building in need of some cosmetic work and some minor repairs. exploring the building showed it had more than the two levels it boasted at first glance, it held a area under the clan made mostly of tunnels with one area appearing to be caved in, but the tunnels lead to large areas which could be used as gathering areas for general purposes and meals as well as smaller rooms for dens.

Delighted she spoke with the clan leader, Luna, about joining her clan and opening a tea house in the abandoned building, she was delighted to hear that Luna knew a bit about the Blood Moon Dancers, nothing more than what was generally known- they were assassins and performers. Luna seemed more than happy to give the building to her for whatever purpose she saw fit, Lovet was happy to find two other dancers there willing to help her and stay in her House although they wouldn't give up ties tot Colette's House Antares.
Soon enough the Tea House was fixed and painted lively colors, decorated and furnished luxuriously thanks to the kindness of the clan and some help from Jack and his crew on the Black Wolf. Lovet was proud and walked the tea house with her head held high as dragons came and went, the tunnels which she had chosen to use for her dancers was more of a chore as they needed cleaning and safety measures as well as lighting, while the top floor took the least amount of time and planning, it was mostly used for meeting clients and discussing business.

After a few short months of work both teahouse and the House proper were ready for use and decorated to be warm and inviting. when more dancers came to House Cassiopeia Lovet was thrilled to accept jobs for assassinations, thefts, performances, as well as the occasional demon slaying which often took more of her dragons. if she herself was not on a job, training the hatchlings, or taking care of paperwork she was helping in the teahouse, being a common figure in the building be it performing, bringing someone their tea, or cleaning and maintenance.
Lovet accepted Altair as her lover although he did not formally court her nor did he give any grand gestures of love or loyalty, such was not his way; it was the quiet nights sitting together and the laughter, the feeling of belonging and affection that had him expressing his interest in her and had her accepting. it was already rare to see her without him nearby, but once she accepted him as her lover and he formally became her personal guard he seemed to be an ever present shadow.
a b o u t
////////She/Her | Straight

////////House Head | Lawful Neutral

////////Cassiopeia | Losvir
i n v e n t o r y
////./ Featherback Pelt Unicorn Dust ////./7693.png Moonstone

☾ r e l a t i o n s h i p s ☾

best friend


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