
truth inhale, tooth && nail (murky water covers all)
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Which Waychunk
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Mirror
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Personal Style


Standard of the Shadowbinder
Standard of the Flamecaller
Marva's Invisibility Cloak



Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain


5.36 m
4.64 m
392.48 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 21, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Grotesque-2-L.png__{. I N T R O D U C T I O N .}__Grotesque-2-R.png


________ The Tangled Wood’s ever present and ever stifling darkness is a hindrance to dragons not raised in its fog. With only the natural glowing fungi to light the way, navigation is a challenge for even some of the most directionally gifted of folks. Even the natives dare not stray too far from their normal haunts in case they should lose their way.

You find yourself here for reasons only you know, perhaps simply wandering the dark forest or with a clear goal in mind. But at some point in your journey, you’d gone off the well-traveled paths and into the lesser known wilds. You’ve tried to find your way back to where you’d come from, but so deep into this part of the forest, every tree looks like the one before it, every mushroom the same as its neighbor. By the time you realized you didn’t know where you are, you were well and truly lost.

A dry twig snaps in the dark and you know you’re not alone. You whip your head around to try and see who or what approached you – and maybe discern how – when your eyes make out the shape of a large Imperial, their wing spread as if they’d just landed from flight. Though the silhouette is a bit odd in places, they don’t appear threatening.


“You,” she says, her voice soft in the dark, “Are you lost?”

You are. But who is she to ask that question?

“Oh, my apologies. I’m Oscura. I live in the surrounding forest. Many travelers pass through here having lost their way, and I point them in the right direction. Do you need help?”

You suppose you do. Hesitantly, you tell the Imperial where you’d come from.

“That’s not far at all,” she smiles faintly. “Come. I’ll show you the way.”

She begins to walk in a direction, apparently confident that it’s the right way, but instead of following immediately behind her, you linger and look back at where she appeared from. There were no wingbeats before she was known to you. It didn't seem like she just stumbled upon you either. Questions popped into your mind, but before you could think to ask them, the Imperial called back to you.

“You shouldn’t stay here. Not if you’re lost.” Her gaze on you is unwavering, and despite her kind demeanor, you get the feeling she doesn't want you here.

Hesitant but resigned, you follow behind the other dragon. Whatever strangeness is happening here can wait until you regain your bearings.

Perhaps if you hadn't said you were lost . . .



The answer to that question truly depends on your background—or your skill at deception.

Morcsbury is a place for criminals to gather under one roof to find a place to go to ground when they have a tempting price on their heads or just looking for some information from their fellows. Only like-minded individuals are normally allowed entry into the hill itself.

The building itself was dug into a large hill, with the highest level only just peeking out from the earth and the rest of it descending so far down that any map of the mansion gives up before reaching the bottom. In this guide, it has been divided into easily digestible sections, starting with the most public levels, an entry about the higher levels, and then proceeding down from the main gathering areas.

It is important to note that should a dragon of the correct background choose to visit, the services offered are not free. The food, a room, even passage through the door costs some coin, all proceeds going to the vault and helping with the smuggling rings that are the main source of profit for Morscbury as a company. (an illegal company, but a company nonetheless)

lore thread can be found here


T H E xF O R E S T
(x page 1 x)

PaFiSj7.png Before even reaching the underground mansion, the Tangled Wood's dark forest needs to be crossed. The shadows provide excellent cover from any searching eyes, almost to the point that even permanent residents can lose their way if they're not careful. It's surprising how quickly one can lose track of a giant looming hill. Still, though there are precious few landmarks to help dragons find their way, they exist and are invaluable.

Long before you reach the hill, whether on purpose or by accident, Oscura, the guardian of the surrounding forest, will without fail confront the trespasser. Typically she will escort wanderers away from the area and towards the nearest town, but the routine is different if the stranger can prove they're a friend. If they are high-profile enough, she will escort them to the hill directly. If not, she disappears into the forest to watch for the next intruder. Her time is precious, and while she isn't unkind, she can't waste it babying every dragon that enters. There is only one proper guard here.

(while she might be the only guard, she isn't the only one inhabiting the forest; visitors be aware)

From there it's simply a question of wandering until you find the shape of the hill against the darkness. With some luck, you might find a good-willed member to guide you through the rest of
the way, but most likely you'll have to make the way yourself. The forest is dark and bluish from the glow of the mushrooms that can be seen dotting the forest in patches, so there's no shame if you lose your way.

There is another small hint to look out for before you give in to despair. Some of the more forgetful of the dragons have placed stacks of large-ish flat stones in somewhat conspicuous places; some are in the centers of glowing fairy rings, others besides mushroom-covered logs, and others beside trees and shrubs. These stone stacks are arranged in a spiderweb pattern, each line leading back to the hill. Even with this help, getting lost is still a great possibility. The distance between stones is so great that no two stacks can be seen at once. A decent sense of direction is helpful, but with enough trial and error (and motivation), even the most directionally challenged can make it through to the hill.

Once the hill is found, simply find the path and follow it up. The forest is densest here. Don't stray from the path.

Discarded Nest Material
»x oscura's grove
The guardian of the forest doesn't have many of the modern comforts many dragons enjoy. Instead she lives in a small and simple hut in a similarly small grove bordered by a small pond. The hut is made from wood, stone, and thatch, and inside has spaces to cook, eat, and sleep. Her chosen space is hidden by thick brambles she placed herself, keeping it safe from wanderers and, most recently, keeping her ward safe as well. It's a home used mostly for sleeping, so usually neither resident is near during the day, but it's the only place that either is guaranteed to return to.

Glowing Mushroom Cap
»x myseikor's hut
There is a small thatch hut leaning against a large old oak tree, uneven and with forest growth all around. On most days, a warm glow can be seen from inside, smoke billowing from the chimney in continuous plumes as Myseikor, the one who built the humble shack, goes about his day. The dragon keeps regular hours, leaving for the forest during the day—or what counts as 'day' in the Tangled Wood—and returning in the evening. A decent enough dragon, willing to provide food and board for those willing to work for their stay.

Fungal Leather
»x theus' cabin
A small cabin in the woods, barely big enough for one or two inhabitants. The outside is not what one might call well-kept, but neither is it overgrown with weeds. Vines cover the walls, and if you look through the windows, you can see what looks like a small but comfortable living space, owned by Theus, a self-described apothecary. Though if one takes a closer look at the plants in his garden, it doesn't seem to be filled with medicinal herbs.


M A I N xL E V E L S
(x page 2 x)

VATsI4d.png Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum pellentesque placerat. Quisque eget pellentesque odio, ac convallis ligula. Sed feugiat fermentum mauris, eget tempor nunc lacinia nec. Praesent at quam tortor. Donec sit amet arcu in ipsum fermentum faucibus eget imperdiet sem. Aenean ullamcorper leo sed erat tempor, vel tempus eros consequat. Sed ultrices vulputate sapien, nec imperdiet leo luctus in. Aliquam dapibus mattis vehicula.

Vestibulum laoreet vel est sit amet eleifend. Aenean dolor lectus, ultricies a convallis ut, facilisis mollis nisl. Pellentesque condimentum dapibus consectetur. Mauris nec libero vitae nisl pulvinar tincidunt ac in mi. Etiam scelerisque pretium ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur suscipit, turpis ac rhoncus efficitur, magna quam congue lorem, non bibendum enim eros vitae odio. Nunc tincidunt lacus sed lacus congue faucibus varius nec augue. Etiam ornare tincidunt nisi, id pulvinar eros vestibulum at. Maecenas rhoncus, libero non dictum faucibus, risus nulla vulputate nibh, vitae convallis lacus enim id sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec ullamcorper orci sed aliquam congue. Fusce in enim vel eros blandit pellentesque. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam eleifend a massa in ullamcorper. Duis lectus nunc, laoreet eu nulla ac, pretium gravida nisi. Nullam fringilla leo at lectus rhoncus, at hendrerit urna interdum. Quisque eu semper neque. Praesent neque nunc, posuere vitae mi eu, iaculis fringilla turpis. Nulla et pretium justo. Ut sit amet tortor tempus, hendrerit purus eget, pretium mi. Nulla rutrum dolor vel placerat suscipit.

»x ye olde canteen
Nulla feugiat vulputate eros, in dignissim lorem. Nunc et molestie nunc. Curabitur posuere imperdiet lacus a vestibulum. Vestibulum bibendum auctor velit, eu laoreet nulla laoreet eget. Pellentesque mollis purus et purus tempus, sit amet lacinia quam porttitor. Nullam sed ligula iaculis, blandit tortor sed, efficitur tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus vitae sapien bibendum pulvinar convallis at dui.

»x lesuire rooms
Nulla feugiat vulputate eros, in dignissim lorem. Nunc et molestie nunc. Curabitur posuere imperdiet lacus a vestibulum. Vestibulum bibendum auctor velit, eu laoreet nulla laoreet eget. Pellentesque mollis purus et purus tempus, sit amet lacinia quam porttitor. Nullam sed ligula iaculis, blandit tortor sed, efficitur tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus vitae sapien bibendum pulvinar convallis at dui.


U P P E R xL E V E L S
(x page 3 x)

nDy012z.png Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum pellentesque placerat. Quisque eget pellentesque odio, ac convallis ligula. Sed feugiat fermentum mauris, eget tempor nunc lacinia nec. Praesent at quam tortor. Donec sit amet arcu in ipsum fermentum faucibus eget imperdiet sem. Aenean ullamcorper leo sed erat tempor, vel tempus eros consequat. Sed ultrices vulputate sapien, nec imperdiet leo luctus in. Aliquam dapibus mattis vehicula.

Vestibulum laoreet vel est sit amet eleifend. Aenean dolor lectus, ultricies a convallis ut, facilisis mollis nisl. Pellentesque condimentum dapibus consectetur. Mauris nec libero vitae nisl pulvinar tincidunt ac in mi. Etiam scelerisque pretium ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur suscipit, turpis ac rhoncus efficitur, magna quam congue lorem, non bibendum enim eros vitae odio. Nunc tincidunt lacus sed lacus congue faucibus varius nec augue. Etiam ornare tincidunt nisi, id pulvinar eros vestibulum at. Maecenas rhoncus, libero non dictum faucibus, risus nulla vulputate nibh, vitae convallis lacus enim id sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec ullamcorper orci sed aliquam congue. Fusce in enim vel eros blandit pellentesque. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam eleifend a massa in ullamcorper. Duis lectus nunc, laoreet eu nulla ac, pretium gravida nisi. Nullam fringilla leo at lectus rhoncus, at hendrerit urna interdum. Quisque eu semper neque. Praesent neque nunc, posuere vitae mi eu, iaculis fringilla turpis. Nulla et pretium justo. Ut sit amet tortor tempus, hendrerit purus eget, pretium mi. Nulla rutrum dolor vel placerat suscipit.

Mirror »x the mirror room
Only accessible to Dumorc's most trusted allies. The room is in a circular tower situated at the top of the mansion, free of earth and roots. Inside, the walls are completely covered in mirrors of varying sizes and styles, each enchanted to view the different rooms and halls of Morcsbury.


T H E xC E N T R A L xL I B R A R Y
(x page 4 x)

b702Vu7.png Very few dragons within Morcsbury's walls care much for literature or the sciences. Tooth, claw, and coin are all they need to live a comfortable life. What could inked words and dusty pages offer to the residents and visitors of this dark hill?

"A proper education, for one thing," Drai might say.

Vestibulum laoreet vel est sit amet eleifend. Aenean dolor lectus, ultricies a convallis ut, facilisis mollis nisl. Pellentesque condimentum dapibus consectetur. Mauris nec libero vitae nisl pulvinar tincidunt ac in mi. Etiam scelerisque pretium ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur suscipit, turpis ac rhoncus efficitur, magna quam congue lorem, non bibendum enim eros vitae odio. Nunc tincidunt lacus sed lacus congue faucibus varius nec augue. Etiam ornare tincidunt nisi, id pulvinar eros vestibulum at. Maecenas rhoncus, libero non dictum faucibus, risus nulla vulputate nibh, vitae convallis lacus enim id sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec ullamcorper orci sed aliquam congue. Fusce in enim vel eros blandit pellentesque. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam eleifend a massa in ullamcorper. Duis lectus nunc, laoreet eu nulla ac, pretium gravida nisi. Nullam fringilla leo at lectus rhoncus, at hendrerit urna interdum. Quisque eu semper neque. Praesent neque nunc, posuere vitae mi eu, iaculis fringilla turpis. Nulla et pretium justo. Ut sit amet tortor tempus, hendrerit purus eget, pretium mi. Nulla rutrum dolor vel placerat suscipit.

Intact Parchment
»x the archieves
Nulla feugiat vulputate eros, in dignissim lorem. Nunc et molestie nunc. Curabitur posuere imperdiet lacus a vestibulum. Vestibulum bibendum auctor velit, eu laoreet nulla laoreet eget. Pellentesque mollis purus et purus tempus, sit amet lacinia quam porttitor. Nullam sed ligula iaculis, blandit tortor sed, efficitur tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus vitae sapien bibendum pulvinar convallis at dui.

Forgotten Poet's Tools »x verigost's study
Nulla feugiat vulputate eros, in dignissim lorem. Nunc et molestie nunc. Curabitur posuere imperdiet lacus a vestibulum. Vestibulum bibendum auctor velit, eu laoreet nulla laoreet eget. Pellentesque mollis purus et purus tempus, sit amet lacinia quam porttitor. Nullam sed ligula iaculis, blandit tortor sed, efficitur tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus vitae sapien bibendum pulvinar convallis at dui.


T H E xV A U L T
(x page 5 x)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum pellentesque placerat. Quisque eget pellentesque odio, ac convallis ligula. Sed feugiat fermentum mauris, eget tempor nunc lacinia nec. Praesent at quam tortor. Donec sit amet arcu in ipsum fermentum faucibus eget imperdiet sem. Aenean ullamcorper leo sed erat tempor, vel tempus eros consequat.

Vestibulum laoreet vel est sit amet eleifend. Aenean dolor lectus, ultricies a convallis ut, facilisis mollis nisl. Pellentesque condimentum dapibus consectetur. Mauris nec libero vitae nisl pulvinar tincidunt ac in mi. Etiam scelerisque pretium ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur suscipit, turpis ac rhoncus efficitur, magna quam congue lorem, non bibendum enim eros vitae odio. Nunc tincidunt lacus sed lacus congue faucibus varius nec augue. Etiam ornare tincidunt nisi, id pulvinar eros vestibulum at. Maecenas rhoncus, libero non dictum faucibus, risus nulla vulputate nibh, vitae convallis lacus enim id sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec ullamcorper orci sed aliquam congue. Fusce in enim vel eros blandit pellentesque. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam eleifend a massa in ullamcorper. Duis lectus nunc, laoreet eu nulla ac, pretium gravida nisi. Nullam fringilla leo at lectus rhoncus, at hendrerit urna interdum. Quisque eu semper neque. Praesent neque nunc, posuere vitae mi eu, iaculis fringilla turpis. Nulla et pretium justo. Ut sit amet tortor tempus, hendrerit purus eget, pretium mi. Nulla rutrum dolor vel placerat suscipit.

»x the tunnels
Nulla feugiat vulputate eros, in dignissim lorem. Nunc et molestie nunc. Curabitur posuere imperdiet lacus a vestibulum. Vestibulum bibendum auctor velit, eu laoreet nulla laoreet eget. Pellentesque mollis purus et purus tempus, sit amet lacinia quam porttitor. Nullam sed ligula iaculis, blandit tortor sed, efficitur tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus vitae sapien bibendum pulvinar convallis at dui.

Tarnished Chain
»x location name
Nulla feugiat vulputate eros, in dignissim lorem. Nunc et molestie nunc. Curabitur posuere imperdiet lacus a vestibulum. Vestibulum bibendum auctor velit, eu laoreet nulla laoreet eget. Pellentesque mollis purus et purus tempus, sit amet lacinia quam porttitor. Nullam sed ligula iaculis, blandit tortor sed, efficitur tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus vitae sapien bibendum pulvinar convallis at dui.

»x the vault itself
Nulla feugiat vulputate eros, in dignissim lorem. Nunc et molestie nunc. Curabitur posuere imperdiet lacus a vestibulum. Vestibulum bibendum auctor velit, eu laoreet nulla laoreet eget. Pellentesque mollis purus et purus tempus, sit amet lacinia quam porttitor. Nullam sed ligula iaculis, blandit tortor sed, efficitur tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus vitae sapien bibendum pulvinar convallis at dui.


A D R U N D A A L ' S xL A B
(x page 6 x)

ur0om8c.png RESTRICTED

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum pellentesque placerat. Quisque eget pellentesque odio, ac convallis ligula. Sed feugiat fermentum mauris, eget tempor nunc lacinia nec. Praesent at quam tortor. Donec sit amet arcu in ipsum fermentum faucibus eget imperdiet sem. Aenean ullamcorper leo sed erat tempor, vel tempus eros consequat.

Vestibulum laoreet vel est sit amet eleifend. Aenean dolor lectus, ultricies a convallis ut, facilisis mollis nisl. Pellentesque condimentum dapibus consectetur. Mauris nec libero vitae nisl pulvinar tincidunt ac in mi. Etiam scelerisque pretium ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur suscipit, turpis ac rhoncus efficitur, magna quam congue lorem, non bibendum enim eros vitae odio. Nunc tincidunt lacus sed lacus congue faucibus varius nec augue. Etiam ornare tincidunt nisi, id pulvinar eros vestibulum at. Maecenas rhoncus, libero non dictum faucibus, risus nulla vulputate nibh, vitae convallis lacus enim id sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec ullamcorper orci sed aliquam congue. Fusce in enim vel eros blandit pellentesque. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam eleifend a massa in ullamcorper. Duis lectus nunc, laoreet eu nulla ac, pretium gravida nisi. Nullam fringilla leo at lectus rhoncus, at hendrerit urna interdum. Quisque eu semper neque. Praesent neque nunc, posuere vitae mi eu, iaculis fringilla turpis. Nulla et pretium justo. Ut sit amet tortor tempus, hendrerit purus eget, pretium mi. Nulla rutrum dolor vel placerat suscipit.

»x the laboratory
Nulla feugiat vulputate eros, in dignissim lorem. Nunc et molestie nunc. Curabitur posuere imperdiet lacus a vestibulum. Vestibulum bibendum auctor velit, eu laoreet nulla laoreet eget. Pellentesque mollis purus et purus tempus, sit amet lacinia quam porttitor. Nullam sed ligula iaculis, blandit tortor sed, efficitur tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus vitae sapien bibendum pulvinar convallis at dui.

Night Flame
»x adrundaal's living quarters
Nulla feugiat vulputate eros, in dignissim lorem. Nunc et molestie nunc. Curabitur posuere imperdiet lacus a vestibulum. Vestibulum bibendum auctor velit, eu laoreet nulla laoreet eget. Pellentesque mollis purus et purus tempus, sit amet lacinia quam porttitor. Nullam sed ligula iaculis, blandit tortor sed, efficitur tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus vitae sapien bibendum pulvinar convallis at dui.


T H E xL A B Y R I N T H

Nothing is everlasting. All roads end, all light fades, and time will one day halt as entropy descends. However, even with these truths, the halls of Morcsbury are as close to endless as one can get without defying reality.

No one knows who it was that Dumorc contracted to build the cursed mansion. No one willing to talk, anyway. From decadent halls to lavish bedrooms to elegant walkways to simple rooms. The lower you go, the more shoddy the construction, until you reach a point where each floor is just like the one above it. Here, the world is silent, except from some distant, everpresent humming that cannot be sourced. Here, the sound of your breaths, your heartbeat, the creak of your bones and the shifting of your muscles, is both deafening and drowned out by the silence.

Few make it to this point. There's no reason to. There is no reward for reaching these empty, lifeless halls. No recognition for your mindless dedication, no praise for your aimless wandering. There is only a maze of empty hallways and rooms, some with a table or overturned chair, most with nothing but dust floating in the air, clogging your lungs, urging you back to the surface.

Reach the bottom, you say? Who's to say that Morcsbury has a bottom? Those who had the sense to return before they well and truly lost themselves report disorienting architecture, walls that are placed senselessly, doors that do not open, ceilings that are too high or too low. They return once they feel dread pool in their gut, the desire to live too strong to let themselves be lost.

Some go down and claim they will find what the end looks like, and bring back the knowledge to share over a campfire. Determined to keep their courage where others failed to. Tossing caution to the wind as they prepare as though they're making an expedition through ancient underground ruins. None of these blustering buffoons have ever returned.



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