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Personal Style


Woeful Vial
Woeful Hood
Woeful Gambeson
Woeful Footpads
Woeful Tools
Woeful Gloves



Scene: Arena


26.14 m
17.37 m
7912.08 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 21, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


z75h2Ld.png Gz3H1sJ.png

Spy • Warrior • Defender
Look out! This sneaky spy has left his home lair (MoonlilyluvsCas) to continue his work as a spy/investigator for hire. If you ever feel the urge to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you would return him to his home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off to See the World' thread. If you don't want another traveler in return, you can also send him to the Traveling Dragon Rest Hub!





Dashe of Darkness:
Owners I've Had:




▸ grxndsxn



Woeful Gambeson
Woeful Hood
Woeful Gloves
Woeful Footpads


Dashe was born on a dark night, no starlight or moonlight to brighten it. This shaped Dashe into what he is today, a silent dragon hidden in the shadows. He always knew he was destined for more than what the garden glen he was raised in could offer him, and the answer came to him one day in the form of Harkin, an Obelisk with a questionable appetite. "I could use someone like you with your particular talents of silence and merging with the shadows. I will hire you to spy for me. But if you are caught, I will not defend you."

So this is how Dashe became a spy, sneaking through the shadows and darting around in the dark of the night. Soon, word of Dashe's talents spread, and more people came to hire him. But the pool of customers was not big enough in the small garden glen where he lived, with a lot of his customers having to travel quite a ways just to hire him. And he would have to travel a great distance to carry out his job, so what was the point of returning home each time?

So Dashe decided to leave, concealing his exit so barely anyone even knew he left. He informed his clients of his departure, and set out for new lairs to spy on and get information on. Although the coin was hefty, Dashe did not do it for the money. It was the challenge, the pride in which he took in using his gift. Although he was not afraid to admit when he could do better or did wrong, Dashe felt quite confident in his capabilities. And he was ready to use them all across the world.

Travel Log

Once one of the clan member's Cika heard about an expected traveler from others she was well prepared for Dashe's arrival except that he is a spy in disguise. He already communicated with a past traveler from his own clan secretly gaining knowledge of this clan. Dashe kept his quiet stature while getting a good idea of the border patrol Cika by just making eye contact. What he didn't see coming was to be put in a travel lodge with other fellow traveler's like himself. He'd settled down deciding to stay for the night until a Fae appeared with electrifing eye's piercing through his own. Dashe listened to the Fae introduce themselve's as Static who is the first and longest staying traveler in the whole clan. He had some suspicion over the Fae's sudden introduction leading him to see what she wanted. Static was only being herself welcoming him to the lodge and telling about the manager Stelsha whose a Obelisk with good intent. He knew something was up with Static pulling information about Starshell Island leader and past traveler's. Static was perhaps the dragon he was referred to in need of help finding another traveler she was hoping to see again. After a long night speaking with her he left off in the night without anyone knowing his leave.



▸ Dashe's Dream: Dashe secretly dreams of using his gift for good, particularly in solving crimes or stopping evil dragons.

▸ Friends: Axolotl, Caretaker of the Fount of Dragons. Harkin, 1st client to hire him as a spy. Static, First out of home clan friend.

▸ Enemies: Currently no known enemies

▸ Romances/Children: Currently no love or hatchlings.


Travel Log, continued

Dashe spent some time traveling through the cities of Starfall Isles that could be inhabited by non-Arcane dragons, making connections. It was difficult to find dragons in those parts who weren't academics; many wanted him to spy on their academic rivals, which was not only unethical but utterly boring. However, he did meet some dragons who knew more about other parts of the world, and a place that kept coming up in their conversations was Lantern Corridor. They were not fond of it, but it seemed like a place where anyone who was anyone in the information business had been. When he said he was going there, his new acquaintances warned him that "it's not what it used to be", but wouldn't say more.

The journey took him all the way across Sornieth to Hewn City. He took the usual route around Plague and Shadow, north through the Parched Canyonwalks and Everbloom Gardens, then flying over water, following the paths of the ferries through the long bay and around the eastern coast. There were many places along the way that he would like to visit, but if he found good work in Lantern Corridor, he could come back and visit whenever he wished. Dragons living at the edge of Hewn City gave him instructions to navigate the maze-like ruins to his destination, with many warnings and caveats. As he expected, he had no trouble getting there. He was used to the dark.

Unfortunately, he was to find that his Arcane contacts were right. Lantern Corridor was a far cry from the hub of activists and petty Lightning smugglers that it had started as. It was huge and sprawling, yet every part of it was cramped due to needing to stay close to the lanterns. There were crowds everywhere, and nothing seemed designed for large dragons like Dashe. It had peddlers of every kind of vice, attracting not only dragons protesting bad laws, but desperate outcasts who would spend every last coin on pleasure. Worst of all, when he said he was a private investigator for hire, no one wanted to talk to him any further, not even the criminals. Eventually it clicked: This is organized. Someone was running the city from the top, and only the crime that they wanted was allowed.

After realizing this, Dashe changed his tune and found much more success. He asked about what sort of work he could find without attracting the attention of anyone important, and a few dragons were sympathetic, though they said that the amount of talking he had done already would get him some attention he didn't like. But they said there was another dragon like him in town who he could talk to. That dragon would find him, they said, in a little while, if Dashe didn't go too far.

So he waited, slowly pacing the shadows behind a lesser street. In a couple of hours he finally saw the glint of eyes approaching him. They belonged to dark-scaled nocturne called the Rainbow. Rainbow patiently explained to Dashe what everyone else already knew: that the city had been taken over by a crime lord named Anzo, and that no one could do business in the town without Anzo's permission. "I used to be like you," said Rainbow sadly. "I still want to do good in the world, but I'm in Anzo's employ now, to... to pay the bills. You understand."

"I do understand," said Dashe. "It sounds like there is no place for me here."

The nocturne was silent for a moment. "I have a... personal job for you, if you will do it for me. I cannot pay you in treasure, for my finances are watched. Instead, I will take you to Lonan on the southern outskirts. The powers that been have not seen him as a threat, but he has a great deal of information you won't find much anywhere else, and he owes me a favor."

"What's the job?"

"There have been rumors of construction of a large building and suspicious activity to the southeast. So far, it does not appear to be connected with Anzo, but with other settlements. A green pearlcatcher is frequently seen traveling between Lantern and this facility. I cannot get away to investigate this myself. Find out what you can and leave a report with Lonan."

Dashe scratched his chin. "This sounds too dangerous for a mere payment of information. I understand that your situation is delicate, but I may not want to risk it."

"I have reason to believe that someone I care about is being held there." Rainbow pulled a knife out of a sheath on his boot. "Inspect this blade. There are only four of its craftsmanship in the world, and it can cut through bone at need. It is small for you, but I'm sure I don't need to tell you what it can do. If you do this for me, you may have it."

The blade was indeed good; it was imperfect in appearance, but of a coveted make. "Very well," said Dashe. "I will leave at once, or whenever you deem prudent."

After receiving some further tips from Rainbow, Dashe set out. The trip turned out more dangerous than he had predicted: the area was positively crawling with spirals, whose nocturnal eyes were better than those of any other breed for spotting him. This set him on edge. Whatever he was looking for was heavily guarded.

It was the dead of night, approaching early morning, when he arrived at the facility. The concrete monstrosity before him stood in sharp contrast to the surrounding ruins; while they had been artfully crafted ages ago, this building was all right angles and utility, and quite recent. It was built to accommodate large dragons, unlike most of Lantern Corridor. (Dashe made a mental note that a physical altercation might be in store, and stretched his muscles.) A few lanterns struggled against the dark, just barely illuminating some crates on the ground next to the building. As he watched, suddenly a door opened, and a pearlcatcher was silhouetted against the fuzzy light; they carried a crate outside and set it by the others, and went back inside. This one seemed to contain an animal or small dragon.

After the door closed and Dashe's eyes readjusted, he was dismayed to find that it was in fact a veilspun lying still inside the crate. This posed a dilemma. If he allowed the situation to continue, he would get more information without blowing his cover. If he helped the dragon, he risked being caught and failing his client, who had paid in advance. There was no telling how many spiral guards were lurking where the light would not touch them. But if he rescued the dragon successfully, they could provide information about the inside... if they were alive, which was not confirmed.

If I only did one thing tonight, what would I rather it be?

Cursing internally, he prepared to leave his hiding spot, plotting a zigzagging path toward Lonan's place in his mind based on where he had seen guards. Then, using the quick and precise telekinetic attack he perfected as a youth, he snuffed out the lanterns on his side of the building. A dragon-cry went up from the guards all around as he bounded ahead, scooped up the tiny crate in his hands and followed the path he had planned. He could hear them, often only one or two buildings away, but gradually they fell behind. He did not stop until he reached Lonan, and he never returned.

Lonan received Dashe without question when Dashe showed himself to be in the employ of the Rainbow. He turned out to be a haggard old spiral, no longer so energetic as the rest, constantly muttering to himself about ways he had been mistreated. But he sprang into action when he saw the crate, first accusing Dashe of all sorts of things, then (after Dashe's explanation) running headlong into the house to fetch first aid supplies. Meanwhile, Dashe opened the crate, helped the veilspun out of it, and covered the crate in vines that would destroy the evidence. The veil gave him a silent bow of thanks. Lonan returned, still babbling about something.

"I cannot stay," said Dashe. "I have a reputation in Lantern already, and I do not know whether the guards spotted me. Take care of her, and listen to anything she says, because she's been inside. This is the entirety of my information for Rainbow."

"And what in the name of the Eleven am I supposed to do about all this?!" squawked Lonan.

"Take me to the Sunbeam Paladins," said the veilspun. "Then I'll be out of your way. That's all we *can* do, anyway. It's too big of an operation. They're breeding dragons all over the world."

"Breeding..." Lonan sudden fell speechless.

"You seem a capable dragon," said Dashe to the veilspun. "I am sorry I cannot do more for you. Thank you both, and farewell." With that, he lifted his great wings and took off for lands unknown.

Dashe was hired to spy on Crow Callers' rival clan, Deer's Death, when he got there. It was suspected that the clan was planning something... and Dashe couldn't help but be horrified by what he saw - Dashe didn't know that the clan had hostages.

Still, Dashe didn't find anything notable that Deer's Death was planning. For a while, they'd been leaving Crow Callers alone, for some reason... it seemed suspicious. He thanked them for hiring him anyway and decided to move on, hoping to forget what he saw.

Dashe eventually made his way to the Sunbeam Ruins, partly because of the memory of the scheme he'd discovered in the Hewn City the last time he was there. He had his guard up, knowing there was the chance he'd face retribution if he'd been seen, but the sleepy little inn on the outskirts of Lanternlea seemed peaceful enough, and he gave his real name to the innkeeper.

Which apparently was enough to trigger an excited reaction from a pink Bogsneak who'd overheard, and Dashe jumped like a skittish hatchling at being recognized so quickly. Feeling a bit foolish, he agreed to hear the stranger out, and almost immediately regretted it.

The Bogsneak, Koralo, had traversed Sorneith for seasons on end, looking for a necklace that had been stolen from him. At his home in the Southern Icefield. By Koralo's own admission, the necklace had been perfectly ordinary - not enchanted, not handcrafted by some famed artisan - and its main value had been sentimental. It was obvious to Dashe that the thief had sold the stone for a handful of coins, and probably couldn't have accounted for it hours after selling it; most likely they'd stolen dozens of similar baubles in a single night, and nothing about Koralo's necklace made it important to anyone except him.

But the Bogsneak was relentless, and Dashe agreed to "help him," thinking that he'd most likely end up persuading the poor guy to give up the search.

(Write Dashe's adventures here!)

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Heroic deeds:

▸ Rescued a dragon from experimentation.


YkOCj1y.png_THE JUST SPY_n84GomK.png


Information gathered:




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