
Scorching god Of Time
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Fungal Garden
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Energy: 42/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Ridgeback
This dragon cannot breed until Jun 23, 2024 (10 days).
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Personal Style


Dark Incense
Gentle Healer's Reference


Accent: Cotton Candy


Scene: Foxfire Grove


21.04 m
16.71 m
8184.53 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 26, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Ridgeback
EXP: 0 / 245




. "You will wear out a rut in the floor if you keep pacing like that," said Chrono.

Horacio could only snort in response. His tail tip twitched like an agitated cat's.

The pair were in Chrono's office within Dusk's administrative building. The architecture was a Tudor style, very similar to the clan's inn just down the street. Chrono's office happened to have a window that looked out the east side to get a good view of the Fire Lily Laboratory. The towering structure in the distance was much more contemporary in its architecture as the clan built it out of a concrete unique to the fire flight's domain.

Chrono sighed. His Fae frills flattened as he looked at his son with large eyes. "You seem so frustrated, son. I can't even see your wishes because your soul is in so much turmoil."

That brought Horacio to a stop. He regarded his father for a few silent minutes before averting his gaze. That was bad if his father couldn't see his wishes. Horacio sat on his haunches and mulled over his response. At last, he answered, "I know. I can't shake this feeling of dissatisfaction... I just feel like... I should be doing more!"

Chrono tilted his head. "Like what?"

Horacio laughed without a note of humor, "Wouldn't we both like to know?"

Chrono produced a low trill. He tapped a tiny claw on the lamp on his desk. Blue smoke materialized out of the lamp into Chrono's familiar, Wish.

"Yes Master," squeaked the blue smoke, as he slowly shaped into a smokey fox.

"Can you pick up on Horacio's wishes," asked Chrono.

Wish, the blue smokey fox, shook his tiny head. "No Master. His emotions are causing interference."

Wish returned to his lamp after Chrono dismissed him with a wave of his paw. Chrono shook his head. "It's almost like that one time when I..."

Horacio prompted, "When you? When you what?"

Chrono rubbed his paws together. "Well, when I did some traveling before I joined this clan. I was lost, didn't know what to do with myself, until-"

Horacio grumbled, "Oh great, that story again."

Chrono rattled his frills. "It's a good story! Anyway, Horacio. Maybe you need to do some traveling? Sort your mind out? Maybe you should try speaking to the elders of Sanguinem Luna like I did."

Horacio said, "It wouldn't be the same. I doubt they could tell me anything different from you or mother."

Chrono rubbed his forepaws together. His frills rattled and his gaze was imploring. "You've only ever really known this clan and the enemies that bombard the dimensional barriers. Please...?"

Horacio shook his head before taking a deep breath. He could tell that his father was only trying to help, and the Fae did have a point. He really only knew the lands that Burning Fantasies oversaw. He couldn't say where that purple room was in his dreams.

"Fine," declared Horacio, "I will use some of my annual leave to make this journey. So where is this clan you mentioned at?"

Chrono rolled his shoulders. "I don't know."

That caught Horacio by surprise. "What? You sing their praises, and you don't even know where they are?"

Wish giggled from within the lamp.

Chrono tried to defend himself. "It's not like I try to map the flight pattern of an aimlessly wandering flying island! You really can't miss it son. It's huge and it circles Focal Point like the others! There is a crystal spire, a giant crystal palace, sitting in the middle of an inland sea on this island. The mountains on this island are a spectacular sight. There are crystal monoliths rising from the mountains with arcane magic flowing toward the palace."

Horacio tilted his head. "Is this in Arcane lands?"

Chrono flattened his frills and frowned. "Wow you really have not paid attention to whenever I tell my story of my encounter with the sages of Sanguinem Luna. Yes, they are in Arcane lands. But you have to be careful. There is some sort of shield that protects the island. It will let dragons pass through, but it feels strange to do so."

Horacio rolled his shoulders and stretched out his wings. "I think I get the picture now. I'll make my preparations then be on my way to this place. Does the island have a name?"

Chrono shook his head. "I wouldn't know. My visit was brief. But son, you have to be careful. Once you're there... You'll be a visitor, not a security officer."

Horacio made his exit to go prepare for his trip. He gave his familiar Snuff a friendly pat as the Owlcat fell into step with him. Horacio said, "Well Snuff. Time to prepare for a trip. I really doubt this will be anything productive but hey. We'll see."

Fortunately, Horacio's search for Clan Sanguinem Luna's flying island went well as it only took a couple days of traveling. He saw the island on the horizon and called to Snuff who rode on his back, "There it is Snuff! Our destination! Wow, dad wasn't kidding when he said it was a sight to see."

The shield that his father described caught the sunlight and rippled almost like water. At its edge Horacio could feel the pure energy generating it. Hesitant, he lightly touched it with a forepaw and it resisted his touch. He pressed harder and his paw slipped through only to pull the rest of him with Snuff still on his back inside. Upon entry, Horacio felt the change in air pressure and humidity. It felt like he was back at sea level again. Before him stretched a starwood forest and golden grassy plains that gently sloped up to one of the twin peaks that he saw from his approach.

This area must've been a frequent entrance and exit for the island. There was a dusty path of dirt and trampled grass that led into the forest edge. Following it, Horacio felt a sudden shift in the aura as he entered the twilight of the starwood forest. A heavy fog hovered on the edges of his peripherals and dark whispers followed his steps. He couldn't understand the language, as it was only a mere whisper, but he felt as if a malicious force walked at his flank.

Unnerved, Horacio picked up his pace. He never encountered such a thing back home. Usually, the invaders were very up front about their hunt for the Temporal Rifters. However this malignant force followed with the spine-chilling whispers. As Horacio fled deeper, the whispering voice grew louder until there was a pause.

Stopped in a meadow, having lost sight of the path a long way back, Horacio could only hear his heavy breathing. He turned this way and that to try and get his bearings. His efforts were to no avail. He was thoroughly lost and whatever force that drove him here returned with a rasping masculine cackle.

"As easy as hatchling's play!"

Horacio turned on his hind paws, after becoming so agitated from his flight, he asked no questions and released a fireball from his maw. The roaring spherical inferno struck a starwood tree and caught several surrounding ones on fire.

The rasping male voice cackled once again. "Whatever were you shooting at boy? Oh? Was that meant for me?"

The flames hissed, sputtered, and performed a strange dance. Out of the inferno leapt a Mirror male garbed in tattered black cloth. His head was masked by both a dreary hood and skeletal headdress. No shadow trailed this strange Mirror as he circled around Horacio. Ochre saliva dripped from between the Mirror male's brandished fangs; his grin only larger now that he noticed how ready to fight Horacio's stance was.

"Spirited," taunted the male Mirror, "Aren't you? Go on, try again! Maybe you'll hit me this time?"

Horacio hesitated for only a second. The fire he unleashed roared from his maw in a spiraling cone shape in order to try to capture this stranger.

It worked, or at least it should've. Standing in the middle of the raging fire was the Mirror. He seemed to be more interested in his claws. As the fire raged around him, or rather through him, it became apparent that he was only an astral projection. The Mirror's image flickered and rippled as he waited for the fire to fade.

Horacio snarled, "You aren't even here!"

The Mirror chuckled, "Took you long enough. Now do you plan on burning down the entire forest? Because I would be more than happy to allow you to continue."

Horacio spat, "You tricked me into shooting the first fireball!"

The Mirror picked at something between his fangs with a claw. "Did I?"

Horacio's rage only grew stronger. He stamped his right forepaw into the soft grass. "Yes! Is this how Clan Sanguinem Luna greets their guests?"

The Mirror laughed. "Are you a guest? Did you send any messages ahead of time announcing your arrival? Are you even a friend to Sanguinem Luna? I don't know who you are boy and neither will any of those fools up at the spire should you just appear on their doorstep."

That was actually valid. It was like the Mirror poured water all over Horacio. Horacio's wings relaxed and he sheepishly ducked his head. It dawned on him that he did not send any messages ahead of time. Or rather he should've asked his father to send a message since the Fae had a contact in Sanguinem Luna.

Horacio mumbled, "I am Horacio of Burning Fantasies, son of Chrono. My father suggested that I go on this trip... to..."

The Male Mirror purred, "Find yourself. Oh don't look at me with so much shock. I know a lost soul when I see one."

Horacio shook his head. "It seems so obvious to everyone then, if even a stranger can sense it."

The Mirror snorted. "You may as well be a beacon. Are you sure that you are not some light flight dragon in disguise?"

Horacio grumbled, "Do you make it a habit to mock every dragon you meet?"

A purr answered him. "Of course. Where is the fun in being all polite and sensitive?"

Horacio shook his head again. "My father made it sound like the dragons of Sanguinem Luna were wise and kind but-"

More laughter burst from the Mirror. "That simpering little Fae that showed up all those years ago? That's what he took away from his experience? Ha! What a glass-is-always-half-full kind of creature."

Horacio's eyes widened. "Wait! So you do know who Chrono is? You were there?"

The Mirror sniffed. "Of course I was there. I had to listen to his whole spiel about how he didn't know what to do with himself didn't I. He works fast if he already had a whelp as big as you. Or maybe I am losing my sense of time."

Horacio frowned. "So you are one of the sages... Which one are you? Tenebris'Cor?"

The Mirror's maw worked but only some strange, angry guttural sounds escaped. The aura of the area, already bleak, became so heavy that Horacio may collapse from the weight of the Mirror's fury. Finally at last, the Mirror's thunderous roar blasted through Horacio's core. "I am Noctis'Timore! Tenebris'Cor is my traitorous son! My body is currently up there-"

He lashed his tail in the general direction of the Crystal Spire.

"Stuck in a cursed prison of crystal at the Spire's pinnacle!"

Horacio felt his body trembling. It was a foreign sensation for him, to only be bowled over by angry words. But the hatred that suffused the very air in this dense, burning forest was crushing. He needed to try to appease this angry sage before any more damage might be done. "Forgive me," he said, "I didn't know. I only have my father's skewed perception to go off of after all."

That seemed to satisfy the ferocious Mirror named Noctis'Timore. The Mirror produced an amused snort. "True. Now you should leave boy."

Horacio stood at his full height and shook his head. "I can't! I haven't found the answers I seek."

Noctis'Timore growled, "You won't find it here. Or up there."

Horacio insisted, "On the contrary, I think I will. You are just as frustrated as I am, granted probably significantly more, but that is beside the point. I came here out of frustration, sage Noctis'Timore. I find myself dissatisfied by my clan's current state. I'm unable to articulate just what is bothering me and it only leaves me angrier."

Noctis'Timore asked, "Are you mad at your father?"

Horacio shook his head. "No."

Noctis'Timore asked, "Do you feel like you are ignored by your clan's leaders?"

Horacio responded, "N-yes. Well to an extent... I understand that leaders can't listen to every foot soldier's problems but... well my clan's leadership is too... lax? They let these temporal rifters run amok and it is destroying the frail fabric of time. Others are trying to fix it but it isn't enough."

Noctis'Timore's lips pulled into a ferocious smile. "Seems like you can articulate it just fine."

Horacio shook his head. "You're an impartial third party. This is the first time I've ever been able to voice so much."

Noctis'Timore continued his barrage of questions. "So what have you been doing about it? Staying silent? Or have you been intercepting any of these interlopers?"

Horacio sat on his haunches. He dipped his head and shook his great cranium to the negative. "My orders are to only report when a new rifter enters our time."

Noctis'Timore snorted. "What a dreadful waste of a perceptive young soul. You are able to see the time veil, so wouldn't it stand to reason that you are able to interact with it?"

Horacio answered, "I would think so... it hurts an awful lot every moment one breaks through the fabric... but there is no one to teach me. Father is a God of Wishes and my mother is a sorcereress."

"And what of these ones that you said were trying to address the problem?"

"Director Sakura," said Horacio, "Yes. He was the first one of the leaders in the community to state that the Temporal Rifters were causing problems due to their high traffic within our clan's area. I'm not sure what it is he is working on exactly but he does seem to be improving the situation slowly."

Noctis'Timore looked as if he swallowed something foul. "Well isn't that just peachy."

Horacio blinked and tilted his head. "What has upset you now?"

Noctis'Timore clicked his tongue. "Matters not. From where I'm standing you have three options. You could continue to perform your duties to the letter as you are. That doesn't really help your dissatisfaction. You could... see if Director Sakura would give you more substantial tasks especially since you can see the time veil. I doubt you have good enough status to talk to such a high-ranking individual though. Or..."

Horacio prompted, "Or?"

The malice dripped from Noctis'Timore in horrifying waves. His eyes glittered with sinister delight. "You could fend off these interlopers directly. You possess powers over time. Stop and think for a moment, use your senses to feel the flow of time here. How does it feel?"

Horacio closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He did as Sage Noctis'Timore said and reached out to the flow of time. The flow was steady here, strong and even soothing. Horacio breathed out in awe, "This is what time is supposed to be... but how? Did you sages stabilize time's flow here?"

Noctis'Timore flexed his claws. "That would be the thorough work of one of my baby brothers, Aeterna'Tempus. He was the one out of my siblings to inherit dominion over time. I believe I do remember him complaining about the irresponsible forces that try to invade our time. Likely he was referring to your Temporal Rifters or something of their ilk."

Horacio asked, "Where is your brother now? I think I would be far more effective if I studied under him."

Noctis'Timore rolled his shoulders in a shrug. "Sleeping. He doesn't even speak with the elders so I doubt he would rise to teach a stranger. That whelp is more anti-social than an angsty adolescent."

Horacio didn't try to hide his disappointment. He bowed his head slightly and looked beyond Noctis'Timore toward the dancing flames. His consciousness began to slip as if sliding into a pool of water. He looked onward into the visions that the flames and fates wished to show him. It was brief flashes, but dragons danced in the heat of battle, elemental attacks flashed before his eyes, and he saw his home crumbling. The dark wooden beams snapped like twigs, the plaster and stucco shattered, and even the concrete disintegrated before the unstable temporal forces.

An unfamiliar voice hissed in Horacio's mind. It was masculine, deeper in pitch than Noctis'Timore's, but held a similar accent to the fearsome Mirror.

"Here and yon,
to battle you must run.

They are the opposition,
to the dreadful Organization.
As they are but drifter,
thus take no responsibility for their character.

Here and yon,
to battle you must run.

They are all taught,
Of their terrible rot.
As they are but fruit,
a life they care not to suit.

Here and yon,
to battle you must run.

A kindred spirit I find,
In my celestial mind.
As you are time's manifest,
To ease their sorrows, is it your quest?"

Noctis'Timore's lips pulled into a ferocious grin, bringing his ochre-stained fangs to bare. His malign form circled around Horacio only to disappear into the dancing flames. As he faded, his laughter crackled through the air. "Kindred spirit, pah! It would seem he found you, whelp... Kindred spirit... hardly! I have no need to linger here. Death is your companion boy, never forget that..."

Horacio was stunned by the manifested voice and only further shook when Noctis'Timore took his leave. "Wait! Was that the brother you spoke of that I heard? Sage! Please! I don't understand his rhyme!"

Only the flames crackled in response. The hollow crash of falling broken timbers answered in the distance. Horacio looked into the flames once more, but they were caught in a silent dance and unwilling to share more. Horacio shook his head and looked over his shoulder to Snuff. Somehow, the armored Owlcat managed to sleep through the entire exchange and still slept. Horacio released a heavy sigh and found a strange sense of relief as he mulled over the exchange.

His father was right to an extent. The sages of Sanguinem Luna were willing to share what wisdom they could. However, to share such knowledge freely never made sense in the grand scheme of the universe as Horacio saw it. So, they opted to make him work for it. A relieved snort escaped Horacio as he realized a simple fact. His frustrations, now directed at some obscure prophecy, were lessened by the hope that solving the poem would grant him clarity and purpose beyond the simple day-to-day that he experienced at his home so far.

Horacio inhaled and focused his mind. It would not do if he left the forest to burn, that would just be poor etiquette. With a single stamp of his paw, the flames died in a smoldering hiss. Horacio bowed his head to the smoldering Starwood trees, assuming that he was facing the direction that Noctis'Timore disappeared to.

"Thank you for your help."

~Written by Countessoffire

Additional Information

fire_2.png ....
The Clan of Burning Fantasies

Demigod - Fire Lily Laboratory Security Officer
. . . . frwind_left_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxzll.png frwind_right_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxzly.png


The expectations made of Horacio from the moment his flame-caught eyes seared through his egg would have broken any other dragon. Though he’d be loath to admit it, they probably have. And they come from the ridgeback himself. Or perhaps the Temporal Rifters are partly to blame. They are a reckless bunch after all, constantly destroying the fabric of the universe with their shenanigans. Regardless, Horacio has a rather stable domestic situation for the most part. His parents boast awe-inspiring magical abilities of their own; yet they see Horacio as their son first, and a prodigy second. His grasp on fire magic far surpasses other dragons in his young age range, yet still, he feels as if it is not enough. He has a tendency to push himself to the point of breaking during his trainings, and this habit has transferred over to the other parts of his life, too - whether it be cleaning, studying, or simply walking home. It seems that Horacio is in competition with nobody but himself. Perhaps age will cool his fire.

In the End age did cool his fire, but it was more the fact he found love in a Temporal Rifter that he became a little less hostile to them, he creates a family with Auriel. He’s still very adamant against them at times, but he just quietly fixes it after all his children can control time too. He’ll just have to make sure they do so responsibly.

Horacio is the one who brought Thayne from the past in their Ally’s clan to their current time in modern day Clan Burning Fantasies.
~Written by Fantivity, modified by Countessoffire



Generation 2

Woe unto ye foolhardy souls that dare gaze upon... a Nightcall Spellcaster...

Peyton >> Corinthiax >> Horacio

Gen 1

Chrono -> Horacio

Bloodwing Owlcat
Snuff the Bloodwing Owlcat
Snuff is Horacio's familiar. While normally content to sleep all day, Snuff will awaken if he feels that his master is in trouble and needs defending. When the pair are off guard duty, Snuff loves to get belly rubs from Horacio. Contrary to the pattern most familiars seem to follow, the Owlcat does not share his master's powers over time and functions more as a companion and pet for the Ridgeback.


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69590937_350.png Gene Plan:

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The Word Around Sornieth

From Countessoffire
Arcyng wrote:
While his eyes may burn like the Flamecaller's Forge, Horacio will forever be haunted by the ripples of his ancestor's dark union. The malice... The greed... The magic that rages through his veins should never be unleashed at its full might... for it will spell certain doom... You will have to make a choice for yourself young Horacio. What is it that you value? What will you use your might for?
wind_shieldalt_by_starkindlerstudio-dajur0v.png Not from Anywhere
Name wrote:
Room for additional quotes.


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Bio layout by Countessoffire, owner of The Hallowed Hall Hatchery/Lore Shop
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