
Level 5 Banescale
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Banescale
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




5.49 m
7.64 m
797.85 kg


Primary Gene
Chevron (Banescale)
Chevron (Banescale)
Secondary Gene
Toxin (Banescale)
Toxin (Banescale)
Tertiary Gene
Skeletal (Banescale)
Skeletal (Banescale)


Apr 18, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Banescale
EXP: 1246 / 5545




  • none




Aggressive Secretary

Uh-oh, looks like this rude traveler wandered a little too far from hir home lair (452562, Hyzenthlaay), and now they’re off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt them, we'd really appreciate it if you instead could just send them off in the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread. If you don't want another traveler in return, they can be sent to their original home via the Crossroads, or this rest hub.

You can also adopt them permanently if you don’t want them leaving your lair - just contact Hyzenthlaay and let her know (it’s good for her notes)!

Many people have worked very hard on this traveling dragon, and exalting them would be an absolute shame. Please don’t do it!

Pronouns wrote:

Cherrypicking has picked up the family business of secretarial work. Yet unlike hirs meek father, Cherry is a bit to say it politely...persnickety. Ze does not appreciate laziness, real or perceived, and to hir dismay, this is a rare trait among Sornieth - even if dragons won't admit to it. Ze sees himself as a tool, not a miracle worker. If hir boss won't give their job 110%, why should Cherry? Clearly, this attitude has not won hir any long-lasting clients, forcing the banescale to look for work on the road. Maybe Cherry will meet someone just as brownnosi-I mean, hardworking, as hir.

Originally written by @Hyzenthlaay, lore shop here. Find more lore dragons and writing commissions for purchase there! If this dragon is in your possession at the time of purchasing a dragon from the shop, you can get 10g/10kt off of your purchase!

Cherrypicking's Travel Log:

Hyzenthlaay, Clan Mavenlark wrote:
Clan Mavenlark was home to the mentor that had trained Cherrypicking's father, a tundra who might has well been altar and Goddess alike to the aspiring secretary. Her office was said to be massive, holding the latest in stapling and notary technologies. Cherrypicking hoped to be like her one day, but hir hopes were currently low - not a single clan seemed to need of hir. Maybe the trick, then, was convincing clans that the banescale was needed...
Lendri, Tva'Kadith wrote:

Downhearted. That was the best way to describe how the young banescale was feeling as ze made hir way through the Plaguelands. Everywhere Cherry looked there was sloth and blatant indolence. At one place, when ze stopped for a meal with a clan and asked whether or not they might like help sorting out the contributions each member made, Cherry was shouted down. "Dragons don't need to be organized! We just know! We know what's needed! Unnatural, is what that is. Papers, ha!" While ze was allowed to stay the evening with the clan all the same, Cherry made a quick egress, heart full of heavy stones. Was there any place for one so driven?

As Cherry flew, ze looked plaintively up into the choking sky above and begged the Plaguebringer for a sign that all was not in vain, that there was value and purpose in hir life. That was when the swarm of vicious mosquitoes descended upon hir and forced hir to land as they battened onto sensitive flesh and had themselves a right feast. Trying hir best to cover meatier flesh with wings, Cherry scrambled on foot until ze collided with a strange object that broke like dry bones beneath the banescale's weight.

There was an agonized roar (that did not come from Cherry) and ze found hirself lifted bodily into the air by a monstrous shape. Thrashing and yowling did no good, Cherry was carried a good distance before being plunked unceremoniously in the dirt. Ze rolled a good few feet before ze was able to get hir feet underneath hirself and shake a still dizzy head. Blinking up at the guardian that had carried hir thus, Cherry gulped. The guardian, noticing Cherry's eyes, snorted and tilted his head in some confusion before appearing to make a decision. "Birthright."

"Come again?" Cherry asked, heart still hammering away.

"You have tarnished the shrines of Tva'Kadith with your clumsiness. But your eyes mark you as one of the Mother's, so your birthright entitles you to be spared. You will join us."

"Oh, that's good, then." Cherry said, a bit shaky with relief. Was ze supposed to be relief? Was this a good thing?

"Follow me," the guardian grumbled, turning and not looking back. With little other option, the banescale trotted behind him as they wandered past large structures made of wood, bone, feathers and other various things. Many of them had acrid offerings burning on small altars. Ze must have crashed into one of these, Cherry decided, and been taken to task for hir crimes. They came to a small cave carved into a massive slab of rock, lit torches in brackets on either side of the entrance. The guardian stuck his head into the cave (the rest of him could not fit, Cherry noted with amusement) and fairly bellowed. "BAEL!! An initiate!!"

A moment later, an extremely irritated looking coatl came flying out of the entrance. Though he was bigger than Cherry, he was tiny compared to the guardian. The coatl hovered before the guardian, squaring right up to the enormous dragon. "What is the meaning of this, Nathor? Why must you disrupt my work, you great lout? Is it SO important it couldn't wait until I was done with my scrolls?"

Scrolls? Cherry perked up at this.

"We have an initiate," the guardian said, strangely cowed. "You told me if we get one to tell you first so we can write them down. Said to yell for you, too, so you'd know it was important. Immediately when one comes, you said." Nathor's head hung lower with each word, and his wings drooped too. Cherry could almost feel sorry for the huge dragon, if that dragon hadn't bodily abducted hir, of course.

"Yes, well. Come on, then," the coatl's birdlike shift of attention onto Cherry was dizzying and Cherry blinked for a moment. But the coatl was already heading away back into the cave. Cherry followed the muttering into the darkness. "-picked this cave so the great lout can't come and mess up all my work. Oh no, he's got to yell and get everything all-well, here we are." The coatl pivoted and looked sharply at Cherry.

For hir part, Cherry could only stare in awed wonder at the sight before hir eyes. Shelves. Shelves and shelves of scrolls and tomes neatly bound and stacked. The shelves had little labels on them, neatly alphabetized. The banescale felt a shudder of delight seeing it all, and tried hir best not to drool on the woven carpet underfoot.

"What are you goggling at, kid?" The coatl grumped. "Never seen someone with their affairs in order, that it?"

"Not enough for my taste," Cherry responded thoughtlessly, gazing around. "'s all's beautiful. I've never seen..." ze pointed at one shelf in particular, with several small dividing tabs that split up several scrolls. "How..." Cherry moved from shelf to shelf, careful not to touch anything.

The coatl grinned in true delight as he watched the banescale, a sight many others in the clan had never witnessed. Here was a worthy apprentice! The coatl nodded in approval to himself at the respectful way Cherry perused his shelves (by Not Touching Anything).

Cherry felt the brush of a wing on his back and turned in surprise. "Kid, how would you like to learn from the best?" Sending up a silent and grateful prayer to the Plaguebringer, Cherry could only nod in furious agreement.

username, clan name wrote:

Owners I've Had:

@lunusdragoness, 17407
@hyzenthlaay, 452562 - Clan Mavenlark
@Zikul, 12962
@hyzenthlaay, 452562 - Clan Mavenlark(Return Visit)
@Lendri, 375441
@grxndsxn, 437722 - Crow Callers
@Zeno123, 206951
@MonsterInDark, 365258
grxndsxn, 437722 - Crow Callers(Return Visit)
@halfnoise, 296458
@AmonTyet, 561560
@Slatinus, 549575

@Hyzenthlaay here! This dragon is officially a part of the "Around the World in 365 Dergs" challenge. Check out the thread for information and more travelers like this! ...or just read the following:
  • The general idea is that I am going to create 365 unique traveling dragons, send them off into the world, and see what happens. I'm also going to complete mini-challenges along the way using travelers. If that interests you, consider checking the challenge thread out!
  • I don't want to overflood the system with just my dragons, so adopting travelers from me to live in your lair is totally fine! In fact, I'm betting on it. Just let me know.
  • Always feel free to tell me when you have this dragon in your lair! I love hearing updates.
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Exalting Cherrypicking to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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