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4.1 m
4.12 m
463.35 kg


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Tertiary Gene


Mar 11, 2021
(3 years)



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Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Akeldama // Wing One


"Most of the things we do in this life? They're gonna kill us in the end. But most things worth fighting for are the things we can't defend, so stand on the ground you wants your bones on in the end."


Charismatic and Rebellious
Secluded and Untrusting
Undecided in good/bad

The Aerie
Aerie Captain
Wing One
Wing One
Wing Two
Wing Two

Akeldama's story starts out a mystery. No one knows where she came from in Sunbeam Ruins, and no one has been able to identify her parents. All that we know is that she was most likely sold as fodder to the Scarred Wasteland, across the Tangled Wood, and there she lived for the first many years of her life, most likely up into early adulthood. From what we've been told, she wasn't exalted but was rather made a slave in her clan until they came to a territory war with the Earth flight.
"Red, did you hear?" A glittering black pearlcatcher ran up to me, breathless, his ruby eyes glinting with sudden fear. I knew what he was going to say before he had to say it.
"We're at war, huh?" He nodded, blinking in surprise at my correct guess. "Pompous idiots, fighting over something they have too much of. As they focus their attention on the one border, another is taken over. It's predictable, Black." No slave had a name. They were all simply Red, Black, Blue, Purple, or whatever color name suited them best, because otherwise the masters would forget their names. And we were branded. The sign of my house was cut into my wrist, the scar a clear sign to anyone who might find a runaway slave that we were to be returned, punished, or even killed. It was why I hadn't escaped before. It's hard, but I'll escape. All I need is time and the right plan.
The right plan arrived that very day in the form of a heavily scarred general, who explained the situation and demanded that every slave fight in the battle that was to come. A perfect escape plan, I thought as fifty other dragons and I flew towards the border. No one pays attention to the slaves, and in the heat of battle, they will think me dead. I knew I was the only one who would take the chance. Who would have the bravery and wits to understand what I was about to do? No one, not even Black, although I felt a slight twinge of regret that I wouldn't include him.
When night fell, we were laying about the border, trying to find sleep in the chilly night. The air smelled slightly less than it usually did, being farther from the heart of the stench, but I didn't pay it much attention. When everything was silent and the night was completely dark, I stole away from the camp and slowly made my way towards our opposition. The night was quiet, and I was quieter still. No one witnessed my conversation with their military leader. No one witnessed me stealing back towards our camp, and setting the head tent on fire. There was simply chaos.

In no time at all, the already-reddened ground was streaming with blood, and the skies were lit by a blazing flame towering fifty feet into the skies, belching black and toxic smoke. Akeldama was the source of it all, for this was all apart of her plan of escape. No one knew how much more she could and would do, however, and no one but the military leader of the opposing side knew what she had done. Everything was dark, and screams filled the air.
I flew high into the air, watching the carnage unfold below me. It was horrible but necessary, or at least that's what I told myself. Necessary for my survival. The slaves fell first under a wave of armed soldiers, who unlike their opponents, had been prepared and forewarned. By me. I warned them. But this is necessary. Necessary for my survival. Then, the soldiers and dragons were fighting. And now, in the middle of chaos, I made my move. Taking a torch, I swooped down towards the fire and lit it, the bright flame shining. Holding it close to my body, I flew like the wind towards the enemy camp. I heard cries below, and soon dragons were chasing me, wingbeats pounding in my ear. But I was faster, and as I swooped low over their main tent, I dropped the torch and the fabrics flew up in flames like a kerosene lamp. Now, everyone was panicking, except for myself. I hovered high above the fighting while I watched reinforcements from my own house come in like comets. Now, the battle was even, and it was fair, and neither army could use the weapons they had so carefully stored.
The sun was rising when I landed again, wings exhausted from constantly flying, even though I had landed a few times since the fires. The muddy ground was stained red with the blood of all the fallen, and I almost couldn't look at the dead, or the dying in some cases. But I had to. I was looking for the opposing general's body. As I walked, I tried to close my eyes and not think about the carnage, and tell myself that it wasn't my doing. They brought it upon themselves, selfish worms. Fighting over land they didn't need, spilling blood just for a few miles over the border. Idiots. It made me feel better, and then I saw the general's body. He was completely and obviously dead, without question or doubt. I walked over slowly, closing my eyes as if seeking courage, and then slowly took the satchel around his shoulder off his corpse. Then, without looking at him again, I took to the air, breathing deeply, but not before I saw a glimmer of dark scales mingled with the ground. I pretended I didn't see him.
I flew until I reached the Tangled Wood, where I could rest awhile in silence, peace, and darkness. The shock, though, when a Sanguine Multimist rose from the ground in front of me was a feeling I hadn't felt, or allowed myself to feel in a long while. It floated in front of me, the skull that made up its head always shifting to different parts of its misty body. We just stared at each other for awhile, until it spoke.
"Akeldama, Akeldama, you are alone." Akeldama... I knew what the name meant. It meant Field of Blood. But I instead looked at it as if disinterested, or I tried to. I don't think it was fooled.
"I have no name, and I have darkness as my companion. I don't need company." Especially a ghost that will remind me of this day, I thought. And why isn't it in the battlefield? Multimist usually only arrive in the Scarred Wasteland after a huge battle, and even that was ages ago. It shouldn't be here.
"I was ssent," it hissed as if in reply to my thought. I rolled my eyes and lowered myself back onto the prickly ground. "And I won't go away if you act disssinteressted, ssso don't try it." You are the most irritating familiar in Sornieth, I don't want you, do away. "Familiar." The thing sounded amused, if that were possible, and I hated myself for the thought.
"Why don't you go away and float around dead dragons?" I asked snippily, patience wearing thinner than parchment.
"Becausse you need me, lonely one," it replied, and the skull made the most smug expression an object can make without moving. "Akeldama, you are alone. And you sent for me."

An Unwanted Rescue
"It's funny how one can deceive themselves more easily than they can deceive others," Melany once said, and she was right. Sometimes, we tell ourselves so many lies that we forget what's true and what isn't. Akeldama was changed that day, more than she ever had been before. She no longer had the joyful feeling of innocence, but rather her talons were stained with blood even after she washed them off. It was a mercy of the Plaguebringer, we think, that she sent Sanguine Multimist in that moment. It aided in preserving Akeldama's sanity, although she never said that herself.
I soared high above the distant and hazy ground below me. Six years ago, today, I had been the death of hundreds of dragons as the red wraith floating around me had been so kind to remind me of that morning. I didn't like spending this day on the ground, so I flew a great distance, oftentimes arriving in flight territories miles and miles away from where I had begun. A Skydancer can fly quite a ways without rest.
It was late evening when I began to see the great ridges and cliffs below me, coated in soft green grass and decked by stalks of bamboo. The Reedcleft Ascent, in all its glory, I thought to myself. I was about to land when I saw, in the distance, three dragons soaring towards me with the speed of greased lightning. I panicked and dove down into the winding cliffs, feeling the misty presence of my "familiar" cling tighter to my arm, but I overestimated my skills, or rather, underestimated the difficulty of the ascent. I made the first two turns, flinging out my large wingspan to slow myself, but I quickly flew into a cluster of bamboo stalks and found myself tumbling downwards. And then a silvery body crashed into me and knocked the wind from my lungs. We awkwardly tumbled down into the twisting waters below, and fell with a splash into the cold waters that carved the ascent. Instantly, the other four dragons landed beside us and lifted me back up out of the water.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in the Plateau?" a blue Skydancer asked me. She was dressed in light aerial apparel, and she wore a mask that covered most of her face, as did all of the other dragons.
"I would think to ask the same thing," I responded sarcastically, pushing away the silver dragon that held me up to hover on my own.
"You just dove into a hazardous area and you clearly can't fly that well, so why were you hiding?" The third Skydancer, blue-ish like the first asked, voice edged with anger, but the first one silenced her with a flick of a feathered tail.
"Naamah, hush. Now come, sarcastic one, we'll bring you to our clan."
They flew me to their home, and flew quickly and gracefully, using the strong wind currents to move like a falcon diving towards its prey. I found myself struggling to keep up which irritated me, because the last thing I wanted to seem to them was a struggling dragon.
When we arrived, however, dragons were rushing about in a panic, and a powerful looking Nocturne rushed over, eyes alight with battle.
"Sveta! It's the hatchings, again." Sveta muttered something like a curse, and quickly gave her orders.
"Naamah, come with me. Carmela, bring Rosemary with you, keep others out of the way. Ianthe, stay with her." My silver savior nodded her head and ushered me into a tent. Oh, fantastic. An easier escape, at least.

It was unfortunate that the hatchlings, in that moment, decided to host another revolt. The clan had been babysitting several young dragons for an upcoming push, and the little ones were less than enthusiastic. Led by multiple leaders, they would attempt an escape flight, which was oftentimes more successful than one might think. With the powerful wind currents, an ant could fly in the plateau, so the Aerie would often have to go after them with a net and a group of volunteers. However, Akeldama was unaware of this and simply thought she would use it to her advantage. She did not.
I sighed as I sat down on a cot in the dark tent, and Ianthe lit a torch. She sat opposite of me, and for awhile neither of us spoke, both of us lost in our own thoughts and suspicions about the other. Finally:
"My name is Ianthe. What is yours?" She thinks I'll answer to her, hah. I-ow. You stupid familiar. The Sanguine Multimist had tightened its grip on my arm, and was slowly cutting off circulation. I tried to ignore both the other Skydancer's question and my pain, but I quickly gave in, not wanting her to realize what was happening.
"My name is Akeldama, and I am a simple traveler passing through the Plateau." The constricting didn't stop. I hate you, I thought, and could've sworn it was laughing in my mind. "I was born in the light flight." I know that's obvious, you slimy transparent jerk. "I grew up in the Scarred Wasteland, but I left." Ianthe was staring at me, looking amused, and I tried my best to ward off any expression of suffering for cool disdain.
"Akeldama, hmm? Well, it's nice to meet you. I am apart of the Aerie, a team of Skydancers who rescue idiots like you who go into the Crescendo or the Ascent."
"I am in your debt," I replied with a roll of my eyes, irritated by the fact that she had indeed rescued me, and that the monster attached to my arm was siding against me.
"You are," she grinned, and I felt the grip on my arm loosen. Don't you dare. No. No. The thing ignored me and slowly its red form was visible in the air. Ianthe blinked as she looked at it, and then at me.
"A Sanguine Multimist. I haven't seen one before. They only come to those with death."

Now, it's been six years, and I'm the official captain of no less than seven other Skydancers. Every day we fly out over the Ascent or the Crescendo in answer to someone's plea for help, and every day we bring home a lost dragon. I help train the occasional hatchling when Twlight, the leader of D.A.H.E. asks it of me, but in general my job is to rescue others, and I've been doing just that. I never get tired of the joy and gratitude I see in the faces of the dragons I rescue and their families. It reminds me of my own gratitude towards Nevaeh, a dragon I will never forget.
After that night in the Caverns of Cordellia (that's what we named it), Erstad and I would go flying nearly every night, and where he had apparently instantly fallen for me, I soon fell for him, too. I wear the necklace he gave me as I fly, and even if none think it worth anything, I know its worth, and it is priceless to me. We wed, actually, during the Mistral Jamboree, and traveled to the Sea of a Thousand Currents once more to have one nest together. We had blank hatchlings, blank Skydancers and blank Imperials, but I don't think we'll be having any more for the time being. I love my family as it is, and in general, I love my life. I risk myself for others every day, but it's worth it, every time. And I don't think I regret anything, not even the beginning of my life, because I don't think I'd be here today if it wasn't for it.
Credit to @CityTurtle for the template
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