
My overbearing parents give me a headache
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Energy: 50
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Fortune Teller's Deck
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16.03 m
15.64 m
11118.75 kg


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Jan 05, 2021
(4 years)


Guardian icon

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Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245


Thunderfall's avatar

A gentle soul, Thunderfall is fascinated with his father's tarot cards. Seeing that the Infected Voyagers only needs one well practiced reader, he wished to leave the caravan to go off and learn as well as find his own deck. However, things changed, causing him to help run Icky Sacrament's headquarters (the guild wagon based within the Infected Voyagers).

While sparring with Crimsomclaw to train his skills before leaving the caravan there was a terrible accident. He saw his sister swat their youngest brother Scarletstreak. He was horrified and worse, felt guilty as he saw their brother heading toward them out of the corner of his eyes but didn't say anything. Over the next few days, he tried to help out their brother, but the more help he tried to give, the further away Scarletstreak pushed him. A few days later, he woke up to the horrible wails of his sister. He rushed over to find a fresh breakfast dropped all over the ground outside Scarletstreak's sleeping space. He rushed out, hoping to find their brother before he was gone for good.

As he was heading out, carefully making his way between the moving guild waggons, he ran into Cirrus. Upon impact she ended up in a bunch of knots, entrapping Thunderfall. Annoyed, he kept trying to walk off, which soon became impossible as Cirrus' knots got tighter with each step. Knowing that Cirrus was Dusty's daughter, he knew he had to go back, despite wanting to go after his brother.

Upon his return, he was showered with affection from his parents and especially Crismonclaw. Upon seeing his sister again, he started to hate her as she chased off his adorable baby brother. Instead of joining her for their planned sparring lesson, he shifted to sparring with Cirrus which led to them falling in love.


Thunderfall was happy with Cirrus, as she understood how distraught he was after losing his brother Scarletstreak due to Crismonclaw's carelessness. As time went on, and Thunderfall slowly healed from the incident, they decided to have a nest. Thunderfall did this, on the condition that their nest wouldn't be involved with Icky Sacrement, as he didn't want to lose any more family members to the violence. Cirrus allowed Thunderfall to do as he wished, as she was in the guild for the pleasure of fighting enemies, like her mother.

They had a beautiful nest of three, a boy and two girls! His son was dreamer, always off in his head. His daughter Redcrash was a beautiful student with a strong thirst for knowledge and her sister Thunderstrike [fit something here]. He was content keeping his hatchlings close. Alas, it couldn't last forever as they were raised with the instinct to travel.

Dreamstreak wasn't as content as Thunderfall thought. During one of his many discussions with his mother, Dreamstreak demanded to know why he wasn't allowed to join Icky Sacrement to carry on the family legacy. Thunderfall tried to console his child, saying that all he wanted was for his children to be happy and safe. However, this caused Dreamstreak to storm off, screaming about he wanted to carry off the family legacy. Seeing that he was losing his son as he lost his brother, he couldn't risk it so he told Dreamstreak the story, hoping that would deter him from leaving, cause him to understand. However, Dreamstreak demanded once more to join the guild. Thundefall just couldn't let his son join. He couldn't let his son get hurt. Unfortunately, this caused Dreamstreak to run off, but not before he claimed how he would prove him wrong. That he was worthy to join Icky Sacrement.

Redcrash was a cute daughter, with her red wings matching her scales made it easy for her to blend into the landscape. Thunderfall was quite pleased with her apparent lack of interest in fighting. Sure, his daughter loved listening to Swiftshot's tales of decimating mimics, but at least stories couldn't harm her. After Dreamstreak left, Redcrash was extra cuddly, so Thunderfall made sure to give her attention in his own grief to ensure his daughter would be ok, as he understood the pain of losing a sibling. So when his precious daughter asked to leave the caravan to become a writer, he was a bit sad (as sad as any parent is when a child flies out from the nest), but was more so relieved. Relieved that his daughter choose a path separate from Icky Sacrement so she could be safe.

Thunderstrike was the spitting image of himself, and he hated it. After Dreamstreak ran off, he couldn't help but equate his daughter to his past self, even through she was nothing like him. Thunderstrike did nothing to cause her brother to run off, in fact, all she wanted was to join a circus! This upset Thunderfall, as unlike Redcrash's ambitions, this career wouldn't allow her a safe and stable future, as dragons tend to be quite vicious to those who are different than themselves. He unwillingly agreed to let his daughter go off and find a troop, as he knew he couldn't convince his stubborn daughter to do otherwise.
Generation 1
I am a part of the Icky Sacrament lineage! These fierce warriors are descendants of Swiftshot of the Infected Voyagers clan, and are dedicated to wiping out the threat posed by mimics. Swiftshot aims to spread her family tree as big and wide as she can in order that her descendants protect as many clans as possible from the mimic menace. If you'd like to learn more, click the button!
Icky Sacrament lineage:
Swiftshot >> Me!

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Exalting Thunderfall to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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