
if not now, when?
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Pale Greattusk
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Energy: 44/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Obelisk
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Personal Style


Toad Companion
Counselor Rings
Copper Earrings of Transmutation
Aeruginous Scale Cuirass
Sky Blue Fillet
Lucky Sage Sash
Haunted Flame Wing Ribbon


Accent: Bells n Binds


Scene: Crystal Shop


13.72 m
13.72 m
8724.1 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 02, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Obelisk
Max Level



  • none


  • none



sarcastic dependable blunt
tolerant compassionate knowledgable

c8401253323ae589698084429e4754af8702cca7.png do you feel held by them?
These hands have held more than most.

Holding together gaping wounds, cradling young as they breathe their first breaths- these hands know blood and tears as well as water and scars. Healer's hands bear a heavy burden.

But Rene chose their path knowing well the weight of what they hold.

Still... there comes a time when stitching together mortal wounds grows tiring. They've watched so many eyes dim after hours of desperate work. So many innocent lives lost to senseless violence.

The weight grows less bearable each day. There are monsters out there, in the wilds, who are dripping with the blood of innocent lives spilled. Waiting for their next victims.

Their healing hands curl around their scalpel.

It's time to hunt.


-hibden expansion: 110/329 (+0/100)

-main lair expansion: 100/215

-50kg saved in the bank (LOL)

-8 permas to lvl25, with art & lore completed 08/04/21 <3

-hatch a beautiful xxy

-scatter 7dig g1 projects: 4/4 finished & gened! completed 07/25/21 <3

theme: i want you to love me by fiona apple

c8401253323ae589698084429e4754af8702cca7.png lore commission pick-up zone:
He hadn’t always been afraid of the dark.

When he was still a fresh hatchling the fear of the unknown had been notably less present in him than his nestmates. He’d been curious of what lay beyond the embrace of his parents from his first waking moment, endlessly listening to the void where the sounds of the forest echoed day and night.

The night he fell, it was unusually silent, the sound of the forest dampened by hours of rain that day. The heavy clouds had rendered the otherwise reliable moonlight scarce, and Luxspera was leaned against the edge of the nest, enjoying the musky, wet scent of damp foliage. It smelled like spring, like new growth.

When he first heard it, he hardly noticed it as a sound worth investigating. The fluttering could have as easily been leaves rustling in the wind. But the tree beneath Luxpera and his nestmates was still, and the night air calm and still. His ears swiveled after hearing it for the second time. It was closer, and the rustling sounded more distinct, almost like a faint fluttering.

It was a sound unlike anything he’d heard before, and for a moment, contemplated waking his nestmates, before dismissing the thought. He wasn’t some scared hatchling, still tied to his yolk, cowering in his shell. He was nearly flighted, with several fledgling adventures between branches in the canopy under his belt. He could easily scale the tree to a better vantage point, where the dense leaves would no longer hide the forest floor from view.

The sound echoed again, a rapid tapping and swishing, before it again settled and faded.

Mind made up, he extricated himself from his sleeping nestmates, his scales whispering as they slid against the other sleeping nestlings. Just a peek.

The path to the branches below the nest was well-worn and familiar, but he’d failed to account for the damp moss and slippery bark. One misstep, and he was suddenly tumbling, crashing through the canopy and into the darkness.

He reached out, hoping to feel wood beneath his claws, but he had broken through the trees, falling towards the yawning void below.

There would be nothing to break his fall.

Luxspera’s undersized wings snapped open, a final terrified instinct unlocked in the descent.

A heaving gasp, a shudder, and suddenly he was gliding, no longer falling freely towards the forest floor. His descent was still awkward, his eventual landing ungainly, but he’d survived unharmed. He tried to peer back up at the nest, but could hardly see which tree he’d fallen from, so dense and dark was the canopy above. He’d have to wait until sunrise.

He shivered, realizing he’d have to spend the night alone, in the dark. His curiosity for the forests’ nighttime mysteries had left him; he would have done anything to be back in his warm nest, surrounded by other fledglings.

The noise caught him off guard, sudden and overwhelming in the claustrophobic darkness. It was like a cacophony of insects, taking flight simultaneously. A faint glow appeared in the same moment, before dimming as it passed by a tree across the forest floor. Luxspera paused, drawn to the promise of relief from the oppressive darkness, warring with his instinctual fear of a strange noise at night.

His decision was made for him, as the glow grew steadily nearer. He was unwilling to flee from the foot of his nest-tree, and the light grew closer, the fluttering increasing in volume.

Oh, and what’s this? A little caterpillar, fallen from its nest?

The creature before him was huge, the glow in its abdomen obscured by a cloud of insects clinging to its massive shell. Every movement was accompanied by a flurry of wings, flapping and settling again. It lumbered closer to Luxspera, antennae shivering with interest.

What’s the little caterpillar doing all alone in the dark?

Luxspera’s breath quickened, terror freezing him in place. The insect— perhaps some kind of beetle, a the scientist within him pondered distantly, crept closer, its glow illuminating more of the wet leaves beneath it.

Hmm. The little caterpillar is too small and too young to be out so late. We should keep the little caterpillar company. But we have leaves to eat, places to be… perhaps we leave the little caterpillar with a gift, a little night light for the little caterpillar.

The creature reached beneath itself, gently removing a glowing orb from its thorax. Several insects fluttered excitedly around the sphere as the massive insect held it out to the frightened spiral, making shadows dance across Luxspera’s face.

Luxspera reached out tentatively, accepting the insect’s gift. Some of the winged insects surrounding the glowing orb followed him as he brought it up to his snout for a closer inspection, a few gently landing on his arms.

We’ll let the little caterpillar care for our little egg. Perhaps the little caterpillar will help hatch a little friend of its own?

Satisfied, the beetle shivered, turning its back on the little spiral and resuming its path through the forest. Luxspera blinked at the glowing egg in his claws, and blinked again as one of his new winged companions settled on a clawtip.

The night stretching out before him didn’t seem so daunting now, not with the little light and his new little moth friends keeping the darkness at bay.

Naga, the heir of the Valley

Osyen, the besotted protector

Rene, the loyal healer

Quilo, the young scholar

Nereus, the golden prince

Riven, the hesitant accomplice

Zenith, the grieving avenger

Samtara, the weeping river

Eve, the vicious handmaiden

Galao, the charming veteran

Circe, the travelling seer

Leah, the bright-eyed pathfinder

coli build: kelp bed trainer




huge thanks to everyone who has drawn rene <3 | banner credits
rene is the first and only g1 of her colors <3
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Exalting Rene to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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