
Level 1 Nocturne
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Nocturne
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Personal Style


Crystalcourt Cascades
Crystalcourt Halo
Copper Earrings of Transmutation
Aquamarine Flourish Tail Clasp




4.96 m
5.56 m
780.66 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 20, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


The royal court of the dragon kingdoms were not as romanticized and fascinating as the storybooks made them out to be. Aracaryn had been born into a noble court of the Viridian Labyrinth. She is the daughter of two prominent Elemental Mages, where every dragon is born with elemental magics of their flight, Elemental Mages have a stronger connection to a more focused branch of magics. Her father came from dragons that had mastered the control of lava while her mother and her kin had a deeper connection to Light magic, more so than dragons born in that flight.

While she was a hatchling she began to show signs of her specific brand of magic, which thrived in earthen magic, calling forth the stone and ground to do her bidding, either to form a natural play course or to defend her from bullies that had intended to do some harm to her when a friendly game was beginning to grow heated and turn into an argument. Where Aracaryn had been expecting to be punished she was instead praised for her magic.

As she grew older she learned her brand of magic fell under the school of Geomancer; where she could learn to read the future with the laying of pebbles on the ground or the slightest crack or changes in the ground that formed either naturally or whenever she threw down pebbles and saw how they would sometimes fall a certain way. This kind of magic was not as common as the others and she was viewed as someone of great importance, or would be once she was older and had a better grasp of her magic.

Aracaryn practices with older dragons that had become masters in this field of magic, giving up her time of playing to learn her powers and to come to understand them and accept that they are a part of her and that she could use them for the benefit of her clan.

On the day of her graduation, her mentors granted Aracaryn with vestments decorated with mana filled stones that would help enhance her magical abilities, allowing her to view further into the future with her divination and to be under the trance up for a longer period of time before she needed to return to the current time and place.

This was a day of pride for the young Nocturne when she took her place in the royal court, as having someone with the ability to guide the young King with her visions of the future was deemed important enough to make her part of the royal advisors that stood beside the young king and gave him guidance and advice.

But jealousy thrived in the royal court, as those who wished to be closer to the king would do anything to force an opening to allow themselves to take the spot instead of those who already held it.

Through all her studying Aracaryn hadn't been taught how to handle the political turmoil and dangers of the court, perhaps her mentors had expected the dragons there to act as they had in times long past, but even then there was always danger of being stabbed in the back, especially when the young Nocturne trusted them, even when she should have been wary.

When she was invited on a diplomatic trip with another visor to help strengthen an alliance with another kingdom, which she would eventually learn that 'kingdoms' were not common place as most areas were simply clans that lived together and under their own leaders which is vastly different to how the clans she grew up around were run.

The journey began normally and without anything out of the ordinary, riding in a carriage peacefully along the road for some time. Eventually they pulled off to the side to allow her and the advisor with her to step out and stretch their limbs and give themselves sometime outside of the carriage. It was during her stretching that she noticed that the small stones upon the ground laid in a pattern that usually only appeared when death would be lingering in the air.

This caught Aracaryn off guard. She had never considered herself in danger, and as she looked around to the two guards that were attending them, the Imperials did not looked concerned and the Spiral advisor that was with her was busy reading a book as he had perched himself onto a small boulder while waiting for them to climb back into the carriage and continue on the path. The Nocturne stared at the pebbles for a long moment, trying to decide if she needed to tell them what she had seen and what it meant, but she could see no signs of danger.

Which is why she decided, for the first time, that perhaps she was reading too far into the placement of the rocks and choose to ignore the warning and climb back into the carriage to continue on their way. This would be a great mistake on her part, for this leg of the journey would be the last time she would know safety and comfort for some time, and the last time she would lay eyes on anyone from her birth clan, for her fate would take her far from her home, to a place of bone chilling cold and an earth more unyielding of it's secrets.

The carriage was attacked by a band of bandits that slaughtered the guards without hesitation and dragged her and the Spiral from inside the carriage and threw them to the ground. Aracaryn watched in horror as the other advisor was slaughtered in front of her, and once they were done tearing apart the Spirals limp body they turned their attention to her. In a panic she did the only thing she could think of doing, turning the very ground they stood on into a weapon causing massive, sharp spheres of rock to explode from the ground, piercing the two closest ones to her before she turned and scrambled away in the confusion and chaos, as she wasn't completely versed in combat. The young Nocturne did not know where she was running, all she knew was she had to get as far away from this place as fast as she could, less she lose her life.

So run she did. She avoided main roads if she could help it, and when seeking out other dragons for aide she was helped with food and rest but never anyone who would agree to protect or aide her. Aracaryn did not know what she could do, she was only aware that she could not return to her clan, that this was clearly a sign that those of the royal court wanted her gone and she was aware that she was lucky to have been able to escape with her life. It was then that she met a Spiral named Mizar, who had been on a trip to gather supplies for her clan in a more populated settlement. She listened to Aracaryn's tale, who had grown so tired of telling it as she expected the same result, an apology and a quick get away from the other party. However, the Spiral invited her back to the Southern Icefield where her clan resided. To say that the Nocturne wasn't suspicious would be a lie but it was also the first kind offer she had gotten and she was not use to being alone.

She agreed and journeyed with the Spiral, meeting back up with a Bogsneak and a Guardian. Aracaryn was introduced to the other two as Furic and Receta and the four of them made their journey back to the others home. She was surprised to learn they had used teleportation magic, even if it was a premade spell inside a sparkling purple geode.

This kind of magic was fascinating to the young Nocturne, even though she was a Geomancer there was still a lot about the craft that she had yet to learn, but was eager to begin to ask questions to get a better understanding for this.

The journey to the Frigid Floes went smoothly, and Aracaryn was quick to learn that the frozen ground prevented her from being able to use her divination. It was something she had never encountered before, but also made sense as the ground was frozen solid.

Aracaryn quickly realized she was going to have to improve her magic if she wanted to use it in this frozen wasteland.

It had taken time for her to feel like she was somewhere she belonged, but Aracaryn slowly began to fit into her new home and make friends with the other dragons that were now part of her new clan, and hopefully she could use her abilities to help them.
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