
the fallen (he/xir)
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Book Hoard
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Aged Book Collection
Lustrous Mantle
Bewitching Bangles


Accent: Lightborn


Scene: Enchanted Library


22.8 m
16.59 m
6325.17 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 20, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245



el and him are qpps? possibly?

"the marketplace will stock in your favor"

awakened: current, basilisk / currentii, gabboon viperpillair / pearl, petalwing peryton / aura, wispwillow peryton / tragedyclown, harlequin stagwing / codex, book swarm

right so this is when i was basically mentally translating FR lore into feasible humanoid lore
Em comes from a lineage that turns into monsters called Emperians, and his parents were so obsessed with making sure their kids didn't turn into monsters they didn't realize the real monsters were them all along. Em's siblings disappeared one by one until it was just him left- the quiet middle child, often overlooked. he cast aside the name Emanis and renamed himself Emperor as a final screw-you to his bloodline, running away from his family estate in the middle of the night and never looking back.
he found his way at eighteen to Revenant, a community of runaways and adventurers and seekers of second-third-fourth-fifth chances, and eventually became its Archivist

Hecate was born in Revenant to an absolutely lovely father (Somnium, a lodestar who guides travelers through the dangers of the Starwood) and a less-than-lovely mother (Kirana, an influential courtier with honey poured thick over her poisoned words). thank god for divorce.
Hecate was intrigued about the whispers of an underground archive- of a massive cavern filled with bookshelves and lights that had to be magic- of the man/myth/monster(/muppet) that stalked its aisles, with horns and wings all gilded in gold, with a horrible gaze that would put a basilisk to shame.

what Hecate found when she crept down the staircase to the underground archive was not quite a man, but he was not a monster either. Her eyes caught on the gold first- the rings on his fingers, the earrings in his pointed ears, the tattoos tracing down his cheeks, the spiraling horns that hurt to look at too closely.
He was tall- her da would have come up to his chest at most. For a few moments Hecate didn't look at his face, remembering the rumors, but- curiosity created courage, as the saying went.

She looked upwards and found herself looking at a perfectly normal face, if one ignored the horns. Dark-skinned, regarding her impassively and with a bit of curiosity.
Or.. perhaps not a normal face. As Hecate took a curious, quick look at his tattoos, wondering how they were so metallic (magic, most likely), the rest of his face blurred in her periphery. She blinked, and for a split second his eyes were a blank, terrifying gold. She swore there was something surrounding his face- a halo of burning eyes. His face was less that of a mortal and more one that a creature would don to live amongst Hecate's kind.

She blinked again. The archivist looked normal again, if now with his face growing stonier by the moment.
"Are you quite done staring at me?" he asked bluntly.

Hecate cringed. "I'm- yes, sorry, I'm looking for books on sentient botany?"

"You.. are aware that this is a private archive, yes?"

"I'm not going to make off with your books, stars' sakes," she mumbled.

"I heard that." A scrutinizing pause, in which Hecate twisted her pendant around her fingers and tried to smile winningly.

Finally he said, "Mimics are four rows down and the biology section is on the left wall. Don't be loud and don't go past the aisle with the extinguished lanterns."

He turned and vanished down the aisle before Hecate could unfreeze and thank him.


(emp you sad little man- also, this got a tad bit long. whoops)


He's brave, Emperor realized as he watched the Imperial speak. Judging by that question, he's made some decisions he regrets, but isn't willing to talk about it- or doesn't want to take up more time talking about himself. He spared most of the details I might expect from a horror story like that- for the hatchling's sake, or because he's a dragon of few words?

He often analyzed the dragons around him, dissecting their words, body language, and reactions so he could better understand them. Sometimes he got so wrapped into it that he- oh, wait, the Imperial had asked him the question.

Emperor replayed the last minute or so of conversation in his brain, then carefully said, "Haven't we all?"

One of the nearby dragons snorted dismissively. He resisted the urge to hiss at them, because he was much more civilized than any of these- right, Emp, remember your privilege.

"I'm a part-time archivist for my Clan," He began, angling his head so the golden lines under his eyes caught the lamplight. "And one of my.. ah, side projects is tracing the lineage of my Clanmates, or anyone that asks. I comb through hatching announcements, old records, newspapers, messages- sometimes I'm even able to trace back to their very first ancestor, if one of their relatives was important enough.'

"But a few moons ago, one of the Clanmates that I hadn't looked into came to me, offering to help me sort scrolls in exchange for answers to a few questions. I would've answered his questions if he hadn't helped me, for the record- I'm just glad to talk to others about my work- but I digress. He was so, so careful about what he asked- first about our courier system, then about foundlings- that's our term for parentless or abandoned hatchlings- and then he asked me if there was any way to find the parents of those hatchlings.'

"Aha, I thought. It all clicked. Elding- that's his name- was a foundling like me, but the Clan's engineer, Chance- absolute bleeding mad-dragon, he explodes his workshop weekly, Clan legend says he was struck by lightning and survived- anyways, not only did Chance save him from being exalted, but he also raised him- like I said, Chance is a force of chaos, but gods damn him if he isn't a good father.'

"Even so, Elding missed the parents he hatched from- or, he missed the idea of them. He asked me to look into them, I promised I would, and.. well, I found out that his parents were the type that clearly never wanted hatchlings in the first place. Every one of his siblings were exalted, too- if Chance hadn't found him, he would have been, too. And I promised the kid I'd tell him if I found anything, so.. I did.'

Emperor made a small, choked sound as he tried to continue.

"If I could redo that conversation, I would. I wouldn't lie to him, I'd never lie to him, but I'd.. I'd be kinder. Make sure he was taking care of himself, make sure that whatever emotions he was feeling, I was there for him. But I didn't, and three days later..'

"Three days later, Elding took off flying southeast- towards Lightning territory. Kirbie, one of the scouts, saw him go. She said she thought he was going on patrol, but I can't tell if she's telling the truth, because she hated him and might have.. I don't know- made him leave? Snapped at him? I don't know, but now he's gone and it's all my fault.'

He took a deep breath and composed himself, blinking too quickly. "That was, ah.. seven days ago. Forgive me if I'm a bit emotional; Elding is my friend and I-" miss him like a lung.

He cleared his throat, then forced a wry smile onto his face. "Anyways, surely it's time for someone to share their stories."

Emperor nudged the nearest dragon with his wing so they faced him, looked them up and down, and drawled, "Don't you look fancy. I'm in the mood for something entertaining, so.. Who are you dressed up for, stranger? Tell me about that special dragon- and while you're at it, what would you do for them?"
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