
grand duke
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Snowdrop of Crystalline
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Gaoler
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: The Dreamed Wish



10.31 m
8.32 m
6867.34 kg


Primary Gene
Crystal (Gaoler)
Crystal (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Facet (Gaoler)
Facet (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Opal (Gaoler)
Opal (Gaoler)


Sep 29, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Gaoler
EXP: 0 / 245



a p h e l i o s


they say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. i say only that an abandoned child never forgets.

clever ✥ manipulative ✥ vengeful



Titles: Prince Aphelios Rocheleilles, first born son of Dowager Opaline Rocheleilles | The Lost Prince
Occupation: royalty
Pronouns: he | him
Birthplace: territory of Raza | Obsidian Coastline
Location: territory of Hailand | Windswept Plains


h i s t o r y

Aphelios was born special -- that's what Jhuul, his nanny, always told him. it was her favorite go-to phrase whenever he started asking the difficult questions. questions like: where were his real parents? why couldn't he live with them? when would they come back for him?

Jhuul only ever spoke of a mysterious mother figure with a name she couldn't give to him quite yet. she was a powerful woman and she loved him with every fiber of her being. giving him up had been the hardest decision she'd ever had to make, but she had done it out of necessity. Aphelios knew the story by heart, having heard it told so many times. it was his favorite bedtime story: his mother the beautiful princess of a faraway land, on the run from a great evil. an evil that would've taken his life, if they had stayed together.

for now, they had to wait until it was safe enough to be reunited. in the meantime, he had Jhuul and Ecanis, his mentor to watch over him.

Jhuul was a lovely replacement mother, even though she always seemed to keep a wall between them. as a child Aphelios could not understand it, but as an adult, he realized why she could never accept him as her own despite loving him so. her loyalty to his mother was steadfast; Jhuul would never dare take on a role that wasn't meant for her. she was doting and fussy and always had stories to tell.

Ecanis played a different role, as his mentor. while Jhuul was permissive, treating him with too much leniency, Ecanis was stern. never cruel or overbearing, but didn't let Aphelios get away with bratty behavior. they didn't always see eye to eye, but that might've just been because Ecanis disliked children. as Aphelios matured, Ecanis seemed to tolerate him more. to the point of accepting him as an apprentice and teaching him his knowledge of apothecary.

they spent nearly ten years together, the perfect bubble of domesticity in the continent of the Shifting Expanse. that is, until Jhuul got sick.

with a war brewing in the west, typical medicines and even commonplace herbs became hard to come by. Ecanis did what he could, but in the end, the mysterious illness snuffed out Jhuul's life.

after that Ecanis moves them north, away from the war and into the forests of the Tangled Woods. they live in a cabin far removed from modern civilization and Ecanis finally reveals the truth. Jhuul's stories held some truth to them: Aphelios truly was a prince, borne from a princess that married into a dying line of royals. his mother did give him up to Jhuul in an effort to save him, but had effectively abandoned him afterwards.

'think about it,' Ecanis had said, when Aphelios denied such a preposterous idea, 'it's been a decade and she never once sent people to find you. she chose to start a war instead. how could she possibly claim to love you? that is just the nature of royals in power. they are cruel and selfish.'

Ecanis' revelations had shattered Aphelios' heart completely. Ecanis had cradled him through his sorrow; he hadn't wanted to keep such information from him, but Jhuul had forbidden him. she had been so bewitched by her mistress, wholeheartedly believing that they would be reunited even until her last breath. but Aphelios was old enough now to know the truth: he had been abandoned.

this knowledge changed Aphelios, warped him inside. he wanted to become someone so great and powerful, someone who could command attention no matter where he was. he wanted to become unforgettable, so that he'd never be abandoned again.

that's when Ecanis revealed yet another secret. beyond apothecary means, he also knew the way of black magic. it was an illegal practice, outlawed in practically every continent. Ecanis family were of the few who still retained the knowledge; a knowledge he would pass on to Aphelios.

black magic didn't always take. Jhuul, despite being from the direct bloodline, couldn't practice it. for someone like aphelios, who was not related by blood, it might be impossible. but Aphelios was no ordinary dragon, his fledgling ambition turning into something vicious and bloodthirsty. there was never any question as to whether or not the black magic would take to him.

the family of two kept together, moving sporadically to avoid suspicion or find new places to practice rituals and spells. Aphelios magic grew stronger and stronger, rivaling Ecanis' before eventually superseding it. it was a great boon to own, but Aphelios true power came in his charisma. always being on the move meant meeting a constant barrage of new people. Aphelios was a beautiful man and he learned quickly that people were always willing to listen to a pretty face that spilled out even prettier words.

through all this, he would hear the news about the war and how it was going. how a mysterious noble family had conquered this bit of territory and that. the knowledge that his mother's power-hungry ambitions were yielding good results felt like a knife twisted in his gut. it only worsened when he realized that at her side, where he should be, was someone else. another son. the same age as him, the same birthright as him. his twin. the son his mother had chosen to keep.

and maybe it was the black magic that used him as a vessel speaking, but oh how he wanted to end them. the family that had abandoned him. who had chosen instead to go to war and caused the shortages that inevitably led to his nanny's death.

after he had his own son, a much-adored consequence of a passionless tryst, Aphelios couldn't imagine following in his mother's footsteps. he might practice black magic, but it was his birth family who were the true black-hearted ones.

so, after the war settled and his family got their happy ending, sitting on the throne they had killed for, Aphelios decided he would return. what right did his twin have to be on the throne, unchallenged? Ecanis had advised him against it, but Aphelios wanted vengeance and what sweeter comeupance than ruining everything his mother and brother had worked so hard for?

Aphelios would return to his family with a charming smile and arms wide open, ready to destroy the fledgling kingdom his mother and twin had fought so hard to construct.


r e l a t i o n s h i p s

88201375.png opaline. | mother
estranged. aphelios resents his mother for abandoning him, even after learning she had done so to save his life. all reconciliation efforts are rebuffed; he is consumed by the want to make her experience all the heartache he has been carrying.


deimos. | fraternal twin
estranged. they might've come into the world together, but three decades apart has frayed that familial tie to nothing.


65151053.png iliyas. | son
close. his precious son, borne from a passionless tryst. aphelios loves his child to death and would set the world ablaze just so his son would never feel cold.


jhuul. | nanny
close. served as his nanny until the moment of her unexpected and deeply tragic passing. was the only maternal figure aphelios has ever accepted into his heart.


87145014.png ecanis. | guardian
close. took care of aphelios as a youth, after the passing of his nanny.


bio edited from Marmite
⋆ portraits by sorsciana 12/13/2020 ⋆
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