
Level 1 Guardian
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Ichor Nymph
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Guardian
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10.74 m
14.73 m
9975.8 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Sep 13, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none





Old Earth (Hebrew); origin: Derived from the biblical word 'seraphim' which was Hebrew in origin and meant "fiery ones". The seraphim were an order of angels, described by Isaiah in the Bible as having six wings each.

Seraphima has a love of knowledge, and is generally very quiet. Her presence usually goes overlooked in some cases just because she is more enthralled with the pursuit of knowledge than most other things. This is one of the reasons she strives to protect it.

Overall, Seraphima is also kind-hearted, though will show some tough love on more than one occasion should she ever have to express as such. When she is not giving lectures, Seraphima is more than happy to continuing the education of younger dragons, and especially assisting with the expansion of their magical abilities if that is what they pursue.

Above all, Seraphima cares the most for the younger dragons within the Guild of Red – even if she does not oft times get the chance to meet and talk with them. She knows that the times that they are raised in are filled with doubt, violence, and repression. Seraphima would do everything in her power to protect those younger than she and the knowledge that the Guild of Red has struggled to keep among their people.

There are times where Seraphima will describe her position as asphyxiating, though she recognises as the requirements for being where she is. There are many a time where Seraphima would rather be on her own rather than what she says is ‘glorified babysitting’. While the Alls are considered her friends, Seraphima sometimes feels that she just needs some time alone – for herself. Other times, she will make the attempt to skulk off and burry her snout in a book.

Seraphima had been born outside of the main kingdom to a family that had been mostly ignorant about the history of the lands. It was not until Seraphima had started stretching her wings out and flying on her own that she started to learn more about the world, and just how amazing it all really was. From then on, Seraphima had travelled in order to learn most of what she could.

In her younger years, Seraphima had used her family’s natural ability over the shadows to protect herself, and from there, she had learned how to use and adapt to other magicks. Her first trained magic was fire, and second was the art of the arcane magicks. When the arcane books and scrolls had described much of how to utilise and handle magic, Seraphima had started to enjoy reading and looking deeper into the books that she was ever granted the privilege to start reading.

Whilst pursuing her studies of magic, Serpahima had dipped into other knowledge, educating herself on many different things, many different beings, many different lands, and many different rulings. She had found this information so enticing and enthralling – it had been so much more information than she had ever been accustomed to, and all of the knowledge that Seraphima had gained from it was something to be cherished… or at least that was what she believed the case was.

Due to her love of knowledge and her development over time, Seraphima had come across the Guild of Red – a vigilante group of sorts. Or rather, that was what she could gather from their group in general, seeing as they seemed rather secretive about a number of things.

In the beginning, Serpahima had reluctantly traded words with these folk, unsure of what or who they were representing. Then again, that came from the reluctance of wanting to learn that new information after seeing some of the ways that these individuals operated at times. However, once she saw that the Guild of Red had been all for preserving the right to knowledge and preserving it, Seraphima had soon agreed to join their ranks so long as her duties remained with the knowledge that they strove to protect.

It perchance did not help the Royal family’s repertoire when Seraphima had borne witness to some of the more violent executions of those that would dare to speak out against their rulers. At that moment, Seraphima had been shocked and stunned, and it is that memory that services her even now as to why she protects both knowledge and younger beings with all her might.

Over the next couple of decades, Seraphima had become greatly adept at slinging her fire, arcane, and shadow magicks to anyone that would dare to harm the knowledge she had come to love. In the same amount of time, Seraphima had also broadened her magical prowess to include wind and light magic in order to aid and assist her fellow dragons should they ever be harmed.

Though there are some magicks that Seraphima does not wish to expand upon, she did take it upon herself to at least dabble a bit with the magicks of water, lightning, and earth… to at least have more of an offensive edge to her attacks toward anyone that would seem as if they were causing that much trouble. Luckily, Seraphima has not had to use these offensive magicks too much, and she continues to utilise more passive abilities that allow her to either cloak herself or provide distractions.

While in the beginning of her new life with the Guild of Red, Seraphima was just a smaller Apprentice, she had adapted and quickly been able to soak up information that made her a natural candidate for dabbling more in the magical arts with the other Mages. Some of her assessments had proven her more worthy of higher rankings than some of her other peers – after all, Seraphima had taken up the pursuit of knowledge and had an advantage over those that were limited to the resources.

The more that time went on, the more that Seraphima showed her dedication to the art of knowledge and the pursuit thereof. When she had rose in her ranks, Seraphima had primarily assisted those that had looked up to her and wanted to learn more since it seemed that the Royals had been keen on destroying any knowledge that would have either destroyed face or influenced the general populous to revolt against the dictatorship they were under.

Serving time as a teacher once she had been promoted enough, Seraphima had been grateful for all the opportunities that she had been presented in her life with the Guild of Red. With her unswaying dedication, the wisdom that she imparted to the younger Guild of Red, and her loyalty to the cause, Seraphima had been further presented with the privilege of being the Protector of Secrets. It was a position that Seraphima had not initially strove for, though it meant a larger access to books and other knowledge that she had no idea existed since it had been much to take in.

Giving the position some time and sleeping on the offer more times than not, Seraphima eventually caved into her natural curiosity and pursuit of knowledge to not pass it up. With the position meant that less time spent with former students and newer students… and least not without an escort, anyways. While she supposed that she could not complain too much about it, it was several years later into the position where the red dragon seemed to question her own desires at times if it meant only having contact with a handful of individuals.

While freedom was a limited thing, Seraphima never really complained about becoming the Protector of Secrets… at least not audibly. One thing will always be true, however… she does appreciate the position, and she does enjoy the benefits thereof… just that sometimes it gets boring only getting to talk to a limited amount of people. So… whatever chance Seraphima does get to speak and interact with others – especially students – she does cherish and attempt to make last longer than most other moments.

The way that Seraphima interprets her position at times, it is like being stuck with family members for far longer than what is comfortable. After all, she never minded being alone and left to her own devices. One thing cannot be denied, however, and that is the bond that she shares with everyone that she spends a majority of her time with being a Protector of Secrets. Despite how crowded she feels, Seraphima will always be grateful for those that are her ‘family’ within the Guild of Red.
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