
Level 1 Skydancer
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Energy: 39/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Flowering Gladeboughs
Mystic Sage Shawl
Mystic Sage Sleeves
Wooden Tankard
Mystic Sage Sash
Mystic Sage Tassel


Accent: garden of fire



4.69 m
6.1 m
379.99 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 26, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245


please return to Fantivity


. Bruma'Aurora sat at a sturdy desk fashioned from polished volcanic rock. The surface was smooth and prepared well for writing thanks to a layer of what she heard from the other members of the clan was some kind of plastic polymer. Since her arrival to the Clan of Burning Fantasies, she learned many new things and began to pick up on the technical jargon that most of the clan spoke with. This was part of the reason why she sat at her desk, writing. She found the textile action soothing and writing down the new words she learned helped solidify their meaning in her mind.

Her room was situated inside a decently sized building that the clan refurbished for her Inn. She possessed a bed of straw and fabrics framed by wood, her writing desk, and a multitude of tropical plants set inside large clay pots. Contrary to most in the clan, her entire Inn was illuminated by Mage Lights, a series of purple orbs that hovered with magic in their designated places. It was a technique that she brought over with her from her birth clan, seeing as her new clan did not need much for animal husbandry. Although sometimes she could argue that they did. Regardless, that was not her say. She was the Bard and Inn Owner, obligated to entertain and cater to her clan mates when they were done with their duties for the day.

Originally when she arrived, this building was abandoned and nearly collapsed upon itself. With some elbow grease, and a fair amount of effort from the clan, the building was restored with new timbers from the Windswept Plateau and new black sand concrete slabs were installed to refresh the foundation. The siding was fashioned in a strong bleached adobe that protected the timbers and residents inside from the harsh temperatures of midday. The interior of the Inn itself was comfortable, warm, and ultimately welcoming. Bruma'Aurora kept her Mage Lights brilliant and merry, her walls had maps and metal art as decor, her tables were large and spaced out for plenty of patrons, and the guest rooms possessed similar furniture to her own.

The Diamond Inn. She was quite proud of the name because she saw it as a diamond in the rough, a comfortable resting place for travelers passing through her new clan's lands.

Bruma'Aurora inhaled and stopped writing. In her clawed right hand was a writing quill, an amusing relic to the others of the clan. She liked the way it fit in her hand better than the clunky "writing pens" that the others preferred to use. She flipped her ink well lid shut and leaned back slightly with a heavy exhale.

A soft cough echoed from the entrance to her room. Standing in the doorway was the petite Fae called Dusk, the Clan Leader. His orange goat-like eyes were large and bright. He fluttered his frills in merriment to relay his true feelings as his voice droned, "You still insist on writing with that old thing. I can't get enough of your Arcane quirks, Bruma."

It was something that she still had to get used to. Many in the clan struggled with pronouncing her name, as they saw her full name was too long on the tongue. She was flexible enough and gave her clan permission to call her Bruma, since that came off of their tongue's better. Still, every official clan document she signed for her Inn, she wrote out her full name Bruma'Aurora. She gave herself a small shake. Her question drifted out in a bright soprano, "Is there something I can help you with today, Dusk?"

Dusk shook his head and fluttered his wings to alight on top of her desk. He sat on his haunches and waved his left forepaw. He droned, "No, no, nothing like that. Today is when I go about the Clan and check in on the residents. I should be asking how you are adjusting here Bruma. I noticed the last time you sang the songs were different."

Bruma'Aurora produced a merry chuckle. "Oh that? You shouldn't be surprised, sir. I doubt the dragons of Burning Fantasies would care much for Arcane nursery rhymes, battle ballads, and songs that nurtured flowers. I've been studying song lyrics from both the Windswept Plateau and Ashfall Waste to expand my repertoire so that I can have more variety when I sing."

Bruma'Aurora then heaved a sigh and shook her head. "On a side note, I believe the change in my music selection is helping Pezizo. The last time we performed together he was struggling to decide how to dance to one of my homeland songs. This change ought to help out and save his face. I know how sensitive his ego is."

Dusk's frills rattled and his eyes grew even larger with his mouth slightly dropped in a merry smile. He took a pause to breathe before he droned, "Oh Flamecaller, you're such a sweetheart. You don't need to be doing that one any favors. In fact, many in the Clan were enjoying his discomfort. It's good for him."

Bruma'Aurora rolled her shoulders. She purred, "Perhaps, but you're not the one that has to suffer his temper tantrums if he doesn't receive a large round of applause."

Dusk dipped his head, with his frills slightly lowered and stiff. "True. My apologies. I do admire how flexible you are with handling him. Many do find him insufferable."

Bruma'Aurora waved her right forepaw dismissively. "I know his type, the Diva. There were a few I had for co-workers back in my birth clan so it is nothing new to me. He'll grow out of it. Eventually."

Dusk nodded his head and scratched behind his left ear frill. "Sometimes you sound just like Chrono, are you sure that you were a farmer back in your own clan."

Bruma'Aurora thought, I'm not surprised since Chrono and I are both Titans. Bruma'Aurora smiled at Dusk. "Chrono is a good Fae. You're lucky to have him as an advisor. Anyway Dusk, shouldn't you be moving on to your next stop in the clan?"

Dusk nodded his head. "Yes, yes. I should. Thank you Bruma, it was a pleasure speaking with you."

Bruma'Aurora did not lose her smile. "No, thank you. I love the company Dusk. Will you return to the Inn tonight?"

Dusk fluttered midair in her room's doorway. He turned his head and nodded with a lively flutter of his frills. "Yes, I look forward to seeing the performance you and Pezizo put on tonight. Good bye."

Bruma'Aurora responded, "Farewell, I'll see you tonight."

Additional Information

arcane_2.png ....
The Clan of Burning Fantasies

Bard - Owner of the Diamond Inn
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The Titan Age
Bruma'Aurora was not hatched in this bygone era.

The Pantheon Age
Bruma'Aurora is fairly old among her siblings, with only nine siblings being older. As such she retains a lot of fond memories of her father and mother; such as walks around the Crystal Spire, tours of the marketplace, flights over the Starwood groves, and picnics on the lake shore. Like many, the peace of her youth was shattered by the Angel's Coup; when Tenebris'Cor took over the clan as Patriarch. The Angel's Coup aligned with the Sornieth-wide Bounty of the Elements event, perhaps the rise in magical energies gave the Angels they needed to stage such an uprising. The Coup is a very bitter memory for Bruma'Aurora because she painfully remembers how helpless she was. Bruma'Aurora was never much of a fighter and always preferred to let her words settle disputes. So perhaps it was fortunate that she adopted a Hippalectryon as her familiar. That ferocious bundle of feathers was eager to fight for the both of them.

The New Age
With Tenebris'Cor and Tenebris'Terra in control of the Crystal Spire, Bruma'Aurora was no stranger to the dreary aura that overtook the entire populace. She knew some days she contributed to it. However she did her best to help her clan to the fullest of her ability. She remembered her lessons with her mentor Quiescis'Lillium to sing her heart out and continue to nurture the plants and livestock in the Plant Singers' care. The lovely voices of her fellow Plant Singers were a comfort for Bruma'Aurora and occasionally she would go into the meadows nestled in the Starwood groves to sing to herself. Forbidden songs that Tenebris'Cor and Tenebris'Terra despised because such songs praised the Great Mother and Arcyng Leo'Animus. Perhaps it was her way to rebel against the Usurper pair. However unfortunately her actions caught up to her.
One night, she was discovered by Tenebris'Terra. Bruma'Aurora can barely remember what happened then. There was Tenebris'Terra's roars, she could remember that, but the rest escapes Bruma'Aurora. Her next memory was of awakening somewhere in Wind Flight territory. Her familiar Devan was there but he was severely injured. She herself was injured and that was when she discovered with dread that she couldn't see out of her right eye. This is why her scarred eye is paler than the other.
Bruma'Aurora traveled with only Devan for company for a long time. Long enough for her injuries to either heal or scar. She never regained her eyesight in her right eye. She earned her meals by singing, acting as a bard and singing for clans whose territories she passed through. Somewhere on the border between Wind and Fire Flight territories, Bruma'Aurora was approached by two Fae dragons. One was small, even for a Fae, whose deep azure gaze reminded her of the legends of Tacet'Mare. The Mystic of her birth clan and grandfather. The other Fae dragon was larger with bright crimson garb and burning, orange eyes with goat-like pupils. Bruma'Aurora was unsure of the whispered exchange between the two Fae males however she did not pick up any malice in the aura of either one.
The goat-eyed Fae male was the one to address Bruma'Aurora. He introduced himself as Dusk and his companion was Chrono. He made comment of her haggard appearance however instead of simply tossing her some treasure, he extended his tiny left forepaw. His next words caught her by surprise.
"Hey, why don't you come home with us? You look like you could use a little warmth in your life and we could use a little bit of lively song around our fire. Word around the Plateau is that you're an accomplished bard."
Bruma'Aurora accepted the offer and traveled with Dusk and Chrono to their clan's territory. Their clan, The Clan of Burning Fantasies, was an intriguing place. The clan welcomed Bruma'Aurora into their midst and thoroughly enjoyed listening to her songs, even if sometimes new plants suddenly grew around the audience. It had been some time since she last had such a welcoming audience. For now it seemed like she found a good home for herself.

Devan the Hippalectryon
Devan is Bruma'Aurora's Hippalectryon. His youth was full of peril as he was the runt of his family group and abandoned when the flock moved on. Devan was found and taken in by Bruma'Aurora when she discovered him hiding in the Podid grazing meadow within Sanguinem Luna Clan's territory. Because animal husbandry is part of her duties as a Plant Singer, Bruma'Aurora found it easy enough to adopt the injured Hippalectryon. He is a loyal and fierce beast that has been known to go after anyone he doesn't know that approaches Bruma'Aurora. The crux is that he has a terrible memory, so even if he has met some others before he seldomly remembers them. Bruma'Aurora is typically good with managing him to minimize the likelihood of him attacking those she considers friends. There have been moments that he has escaped her grasp however those incidents have been few.


Customization Goals



Arcyng Leo'Animus




Love Interest?


Winter Dawn



Physical Sornieth Species


True Species

Titan Luminare
("Lesser Titan")


The Word Around Sornieth

From Countessoffire
Arcyng Leo'Animus wrote:
Bruma'Aurora was never meant to remain at the Crystal Spire, as all hatchlings must leave the nest at some point, however the Crystal Spire shall always be with her in spirit. May she bring many smiles and light, like the morning dawn in winter, to the dragons of Burning Fantasies. I see a beautiful and fun-filled fate awaits her.
arcane_shield_by_starkindlerstudio-dajun8z.png Not from Anywhere
Username Here wrote:
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Bio layout and Lore Written by Countessoffire, owner of The Hallowed Hall Hatchery/Lore Shop
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