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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




7.73 m
6.41 m
708.97 kg


Primary Gene
Cherub (Banescale)
Cherub (Banescale)
Secondary Gene
Tear (Banescale)
Tear (Banescale)
Tertiary Gene


Dec 09, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Banescale
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none





. Flames crackled from between Chrysus'Flamma's jaws. Smoke billowed from her nostrils. Her tail lashed side to side and her wings snapped open. Her roar made the crystalline chamber tremble. "What farce is this?!"

She rounded on the young Patriarch, the dark Skydancer by the name of Tenebris'Cor. She did not miss how he stiffened with violet magic crackling around his paws.

Before Chrysus'Flamma could release her full ire onto the Skydancer, Tacet'Mare's sonorous voice flowed through her ears and doused the flames of rage. "Calm yourself Chrysus. You've been asleep for a long time."

She knew that. With a thunderous snap of her wings, she turned toward the dark blue Imperial. Her growl rumbled deep from her chest, "That much is obvious. How could you allow this Tacet'Mare?! You KNOW what their wretched kind did to mine!"

She balanced on her tail to point an accusing claw at the white and crimson Gaoler sitting near the center of the Main Hall. She could smell the scent of iron on him and knew that the youth was having trials of his own to deal with. Regardless. She was not about to let any Gaoler forget what their kind did to Banescales. Nor was she going to simply bow her head to a Gaoler as her commanding officer. She was the Captain of the Day's Watch long before he was even hatched!

Tacet'Mare growled, "You're letting your personal bias control your emotions. What would Magna'Patrem say about your behavior?"

That stung. Chrysus'Flamma flinched and settled back onto her feet. Her tail lashed and she looked away from the others' probing eyes. Her wings folded close to her body and she shook her head. She grumbled, "Magna'Patrem would disapprove. However! I'm not about to just bow to this pup!"

Tacet'Mare was about to open his maw to speak however the young crimson and white Gaoler spoke up first. "I would never expect you to. You're fierce loyalty to my grandparents is legend in this age, Chrysus'Flamma. The high standards that you trained the Day's Watch to has persevered through the ages and I can only dream of ensuring that continues. So the opportunity to have you awake, right before me in the flesh, is only a boon. I am well aware of your grievances against the Ancient Gaolers. I would not argue that it is somewhat justified."

Curses flew with venom from Chrysus'Flamma's lips in a fit of vicious hissing. She stomped in a circle, before finally storming up to the young Gaoler. She slammed her head into his and was secretly pleased to see the fire raging in his own eyes. So he truly was a descendant of Magna'Patrem. Flames crackled and danced between Chrysus'Flamma's fangs as she spoke, "Somewhat? I am completely justified!"

Tacet'Mare approached and tried to nudge Chrysus'Flamma away from the young Gaoler. "Chrysus," said Tacet'Mare, "The Banescales did not die out. They are returning to Sornieth. The surge in magical energy that woke you from your slumber has resurrected your kind. Banescales rose from the ground of the Ashfall Wastes. Our sources confirmed it."

Chrysus'Flamma spat, "A miraculous act of the Flamecaller does not absolve the Gaolers of their sin! Pah! I refuse to acknowledge this pup as my new Captain."

The Gaoler's eyes burned just as fierce as her own. She could see the fur along his neck bristling. Good, she was able to get a rise out of this Ice born furball!

The Gaoler growled, "Then let me prove myself. Face me in a duel and let our actions speak rather than our words."

Chrysus'Flamma cracked into a fit of cackling. She drew away and tossed her head high. "I accept your challenge! To Gauntlet Row then?"

The Gaoler shook his head. "No, the Tar Pits. I'd rather face you when you are at your best. Right at dawn."

Chrysus'Flamma's eyes narrowed as she leaned her head closer to the Gaoler. "You're going to regret that decision, pup."

The Gaoler's next words sent a chill down Chrysus'Flamma's spine. "After this duel, you will call me Captain."

He turned away and started walking toward the tunnel that led deeper into the Crystal Spire. Before disappearing into the gloom, he paused and turned his head. "I would much rather you call me Ladarius, but perhaps that is wishful thinking on my part. Prepare yourself well. I will prove to you that I am a worthy successor to your legacy."

Chrysus'Flamma tossed her head with a snort. "Bah!"

She felt Tenebris'Cor's eyes and Tacet'Mare's eyes on her. She turned on them and demanded, "What?"

Tenebris'Cor chuckled. Steam rushed from under his dark mask. "I have fought him before. You aren't going to be able to best him."

Chrysus'Flamma growled, "Who asked you?"

Tacet'Mare shook his head. "Chrysus, you do realize that Ladarius is a descendant of Magna'Patrem?"

Chrysus'Flamma snorted. "So?"

Tenebris'Cor laughter cut right into Chrysus'Flamma's core. The Skydancer turned away and started to make his way back toward the tunnel that led to Titan's Rest. He said, "I'm not going to miss this duel. I'm interested in seeing how far Ladarius' power has grown. Tacet'Mare didn't tell you that Ladarius destroyed a Shade Horrorbeast?"

Chrysus'Flamma's eyes widened and she whipped her head around to glare at Tacet'Mare.

Tenebris'Cor snorted. "With that, I take my leave. Tacet'Mare, be sure to let me know when this duel begins. I don't want to miss it."

Tacet'Mare closed his eyes and a heavy sigh rushed from his flared nostrils. "As you wish, Patriarch."

Chrysus'Flamma hissed, "Why didn't you tell me that the pup destroyed a Shade Horrorbeast?"

Tacet'Mare shook his head. "You never gave me the chance. Are you going to withdraw?"

Chrysus'Flamma spat, "Never."

Tacet'Mare sighed, "You always were headstrong. Listen. Audens'Cor Ladarius was able to destroy a Shade Horrorbeast during his Gaoler trials. He will give you the fight you're craving and he will force you to bow to his authority."

Chrysus'Flamma snarled, "Did your little scrying pool tell you that?"

Tacet'Mare shook his head. "I know you and I know him. You will lose this fight Chrysus'Flamma. The boy walks with Magna'Mater and Magna'Patrem watching over him."

Chrysus'Flamma turned her head away to look at the tunnel that Ladarius departed from. She hissed, "Are you telling me that the pup is the true Patriarch?"

Tacet'Mare's answer was soft, almost to the point that Chrysus'Flamma couldn't hear him. "He is young and has not realized his potential yet. One day... the Crystal Spire will sing with the dawning of the New Age. Heralded by songs of valor."

A large smile overtook Chrysus'Flamma's expression. Her fangs gleamed and her eyes glittered. "Then I shall aid him in the best way I know how. I will push that pup to his limits and beyond. I promise you that, Tacet'Mare."

Additional Information

arcane_0.png ....
The Titan Age

Titan of Solar Flares - The Day's Watch
. . . . frarcane_left_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxyoi.png frarcane_right_sword_by_littlefiredragon-dbjxyp0.png

The Titan Age
The fall of the Banescales was devastating to behold, but fortunately for Chrysus'Flamma she was able to observe it from the safety of distance in the company of her friends Mortuus'Oculus and Magna'Patrem. Really, it was Magna'Patrem that saved her and Mortuus'Oculus from sharing the same sad fate. The problem was that in the tumultuous time of war amidst the Ancient breeds, any straggling Banescales that were not part of the main flock were likely the target of execution by the remaining Gaolers. It was the wit of Magna'Mater, Magna'Patrem's companion, that devised a solution.
While traveling, Chrysus'Flamma and Mortuus'Oculus would be difficult to track. Once a home was established in the time that the modern breeds were evolving, Magna'Mater would cast a glamor. This glamor is the modern breed disguise for Chrysus'Flamma and Mortuus'Oculus. It was decided that they would both pretend to be Wildclaws with unfortunate foreleg injuries that prevented them from using those forelimbs. Really though, it was because there weren't any forelimbs there at all. The glamor was sustained by Chrysus'Flamma's own magic power, symbolized as active by the firefly-like motes that floated around her. Chrysus'Flamma thought it was beautifully cunning and it allowed for her to stay as her true Banescale self without inviting the wrath of those stupid Gaolers. If any survived the rise of the modern breeds. Not that Chrysus'Flamma really cared what those savage bags of fur did as time carried on.
As more joined Magna'Mater and Magna'Patrem's budding clan, Chrysus'Flamma enjoyed sinking into obscurity. She worked with Argenti'Alba as a member of the Day's Watch, a fun routine that let Chrysus'Flamma release all of her aggression on interloping Beastclan. It was so satisfying to see the shock on the faces of her foes that thought she was incredibly crippled.
The fun did eventually have to come to an end. When Magna'Mater entered the crystal sleep, Chrysus'Flamma was among the first to join. They were a flock, and where the flock went so did she. She went to sleep, not even concerned if she would awake again.

The Pantheon Age
Chrysus'Flamma was asleep inside the walls of Titan's Rest during this era.

The New Age
It was a surge of magic that woke Chrysus'Flamma from her slumber inside the crystal wall of Titan's Rest. She noticed that none of the others woke up from it so she went back to sleep. She wasn't sure how much time passed but she awoke again however this time she noticed that Mortuus'Oculus was awake inside his resting place too. With limbs stiff from sleep, the crystal melted away from her as she moved out of her crystal. The chamber itself had not changed much, except for the new additions of two dragons encased in pillars of crystal in the middle of the chamber. Baffled, Chrysus'Flamma stared at the Skydancer and Mirror frozen in the crystal pillars.
It was Mortuus'Oculus who jogged her memory. Those two were Magna'Mater's boys, Arcyng Leo'Animus and Noctis'Timore. It looked like Chrysus'Flamma missed out on a grand battle while asleep.
Tacet'Mare was still awake; Chrysus'Flamma was grateful for that because she didn't recognize the male Skydancer standing in the chamber and only stared at her with jaw agape. She listened to Tacet'Mare as he described the current state of things. Really, everything just went to hell didn't it? Chrysus'Flamma liked it that way. Eager to rejoin the clan, Chrysus'Flamma demanded of Tenebris'Cor (the Skydancer and current Patriarch of the clan) that she be reinstated into the Day's Watch. It was easy enough, although she hated it that the Day's Watch was now led by a stupid young Gaoler. How in the world did those mangy bags of fur get so deeply established in her clan? After what they did to Banescales? It took some counseling from Tacet'Mare, but Chrysus'Flamma slowly grew tolerant of the new state of affairs. Thanks to the survival of the eggs, although Chrysus'Flamma had no clue how, the Banescales were making a comeback. She would be there for these new hatchlings, should they want to learn of their ancient heritage. For Chrysus'Flamma, there was a sense of relief because it meant that she and Mortuus'Oculus did not need their glamor anymore. They could walk as proud Banescales once again.

Sunspot Clouddancer
Sol the Sunspot Clouddancer
Sol never leaves Chrysus'Flamma's side. He is well fed and kept away from the Nursery so any threat that he may pose to hatchlings is greatly diminished. Even for Sunspot Clouddancers Sol is particularly aggressive to many within Sanguinem Luna or strangers from afar. He has even taken swipes at Chrysus'Flamma's husband Mortuus'Oculus. During combat Sol and Chrysus'Flamma are a force to be reckoned with. Their attacks are well coordinated and timed to not give an adversary reaction time. This incredible teamwork between dragon and familiar is part of the reason why Chrysus'Flamma was Captain of the Day's Watch during the Titan Age. However, much to Sol's frustration, he can't seem to best Ladarius' familiar Valora in any attempts to try and reassert his and his mistress' dominance.


Modern Disguise

Chrysus Glamor

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Husband/Best Friend:




Gold Flame



Physical Sornieth Species


True Species

Titan Luminare
("Lesser Titan")

Gene Plan:

The Word Around Sornieth

Not From Anywhere
Magna'Mater wrote:
She's trying to make bio layouts again!
3d3c7953a408f38cb5029826b8f55967fe8c516c.png Not from Anywhere
Magna'Patrem wrote:
Run for your lives!


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