
Level 25 Guardian
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Red-Footed Akirbeak
Red-Footed Akirbeak
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Energy: 42
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Female Guardian
Female Guardian
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Psyche's avatar
Clan Matriarch

Psyche searched across the entirety of the Sunbeam Ruins until one day she met a little tundra with big dreams. Clan members have never been certain if her Charge is Cupid or his beliefs, but all agree it hardly makes a difference. Every dreamer needs a determined soul to put their dreams into practice and Psyche is the power behind the pedestal. She is a scholar of both history and philosophy and often dabbles in poetry. While she is very well respected for her dedication to nurturing her clan, her wry sense of humor, and her generosity to all visitors, there is no denying that 9 tons of glowering Guardian makes more of an impact on enemies than a tiny red powder puff.

"Welcome to our humble home. Please be at ease and keep an open mind. It may sound like nonsense at first, but that is only because you are attempting to think about concepts that ought to be felt instead. I have no doubt that you will come to see the Light and perhaps even join us in our mission. If not, then we hope that you will still benefit from our perspective."
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Exalting Psyche to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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