
Level 1 Imperial
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Fairy Octopus
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Imperial
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Ghost Flame Collar
Ghost Flame Tail Jewel
Twilight Rose Thorn Crown


Accent: King of the Mind



25.12 m
15.05 m
8877.24 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 12, 2019
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


art by satanbacons
tumblr_no59vxOK931u07azbo9_100.png His claws clicked against the metal rail of where he overlooked the denizens of his ship below. Each a slave, their eyes milky white with the clouded effects of his control. He turned his gaze to one in the center, a humble creature that he could not remember where he came across nor did he care. A poke here through the creature’s mind might have given way for a bit of enlightenment, but instead Alistair had them twitching. A smile, slow and lazy crept across the features of the creature, and their head lolled to one side as they nodded to the unheard once inside their minds; inside all their minds. They stood, and the crowd parted seamlessly. The creature now stood at the front of the large group of slaves that were amassed in the hold of the ship. Doors both big and small surrounded them, each hiding something inside that Alistair had also collected over the years. A door opened in front of the crowd, and they all stood, swaying back and forth behind the selected one. From the dark room in front of them, the reflection of eyes could be seen. Empty, damning eyes. An appendage of some sort clawed at the metal floor, dragging itself closer to the entrance before it settled its gaze on the being that stood closest to it. With a low snarl it reached out and tore the sacrifice into pieces, leaving a gory mess of limbs, blood and flesh upon the floor as the one chosen gave its last breaths.

Alistair watched with a vicious delight, his eyes unblinking as he enjoyed the sight in front of him. A smile of his own crept onto his face, and the door clinked shut as the beast within dragged its torn mess in with it to feast. The enthralled others hummed a soft tone in unison, then his hold on their mind waivered enough for them to return back to their duties. Until next time, of course, when their master was bored again.

He dragged a scaled palm against the metal interior of the ship, feeling the warmth and hum of its engine course through. Alistair had built his first ship on his own, piloting a rickety old thing made wholly out of scrapped metal he had pulled from piles within a junkyard that encompassed most of his youth. A scrawny young thing, not yet within his abilities of mastery over the mind, he had wanted nothing more than to soar the galaxy and see the wonders that lay behind. It wasn’t until he put his mind - literally and figuratively - to the task that he awakened his within him that a true potential came to fruition.
Over the years of being unknown, Alistair had built a ship from the ground up. A junkyard had been the backdrop of his youth, where he’d scavenge what he could find amongst the rubble and heaps of discarded machinery his employer collected. As the days winded onwards, his own amassing grew. It was a long task, building his ship, but he learned from derelicts left behind the inner workings and took from their hollowed corpses what he needed. He did this all under secrecy, not letting on his plans to fly far away from this planet and seek out his own destiny. How naive he had been then, so unaware of what potential he had within him.

Toiling over his work, Alistair was able to build a spacecraft from the scraps of metal and forgotten machines in the junkyard that had surrounded him day and night. It was rickety of course, held together with what he could find and could afford without starving himself. Alistair’s employer had not been the kindest of dragons, nor had he been very generous with his workers’ pay. Alistair had been there for so long it felt, but his weekly wages were meager, scraps like the metal of the junkyard and almost as entirely useless. Still he had saved, used what he had been able to amass to outfit the spacecraft with things one could not find in good condition in the dilapidated bits around him. He did all of this as quietly as possible, barely speaking to any of his coworkers and most importantly never letting any suspicion fall unto him from the shopkeeps he would visit for the supplies he needed. No, he would catch them all by surprise with his creation, and someday things in the small town would change.
tumblr_o4wr61YIrq1v0z12fo5_100.png The town and its people weren’t necessarily bad. They were mundane, boring at best, and simple minded at worst. Alistair hated them, found their averageness loathsome and their dislike for the young dragon fueled it even more so. He had not found a place within their society, too intelligent to go along with things like bleating sheep. It was on these people that he first discovered his abilities, toying with the idea of turning them into the simpering idiots he truly saw them as. It was almost an accident that it first happened, taking control of the mind of a fellow worker at the junkyard for a few moments before he looked at Alistair puzzled. It was easy to write off as a strange moment for the other, a lapse in thought suggested by fatigue. Alistair himself found it unnerving, but most importantly he found it exciting. He would experiment on others, subtly trying to work on their minds but nothing held for long. He found it easier to try his luck on animals, their minds more pliable than the wills of those sentient. When he wasn’t tinkering away at his beloved ship, he was making alleycats dance or dogs chase their tails in a perfect circle. He could feel he was growing stronger, too.
It took off midday, when he knew all would be around to see it. Alistair piloted the ship up from its rusted birthplace, kicking clouds of dust as the engines hummed to life. Siphoned fuel powered it, and from below many looked in awe at the thing. From where he sat within, Alistair felt the wry smile creep across his features as he pressed a switch on the controls. The ship began to build energy, prepared to blast upwards and break through the atmosphere. He could see the sky ahead of him, turning the ship’s nose upwards as his eyes glistened with a bright enthusiasm. Free. He was free of this wretched world, of the denizens that resided there. He would return, he decided then, already his mind beginning to plan out everything.

The blast of his ship taking off knocked back any who dared to stand too close to the ship as it readied itself. Inside Alistair had felt it shake with uncertainty before erupting and shooting upwards. He silently hoped a crater remained where the junkyard had been, but knew his ship was not quite at the caliber to create such an effect just yet. And so his journey began, his long and arduous toiling coming to fruition as it opened the galaxy up to new possibilities. Alistair found that it was easier to get ahead out beyond his homeworld than it was within it, thanks to his newfound abilities and the reliability of his handmade spacecraft. He would put on a facade with every stop, and as he experimented more and more on each new race of being he came across, things became easier. His beloved spaceship saw many improvements, many changes and more importantly, many worlds. Soon he had amassed a large following, wooed over by his confidence and charismatic air at first until they were slaves to his control without even realizing it. Rarely did Alistair find a contender, but they too would fall under his control quickly.

“My liege, we are approaching the planet now.” Alistair’s thralls in the beginning sounded more monotone than natural. It was because his control had to be focused. He had to pour effort into them, rather than let the subtle creep of his powers infect their brains and usurp control to him like a string attached to his pinky pulling the entire marionnette. But as with all of his self-teachings, Alistair mastered his control in such a way that his slaves were more natural, practically just a dazed and submissive individual who listened to his every word whether uttered aloud or within their minds.

“Good, prepare for release.” he hummed with a nod. They were home. Well, he was home. Back to the world that had kept him in its own slave-like shackles, where his beginnings had taken place. Yes, he was home, and with him a ship full of devout mindless beings and monstrosities in the hold. Perhaps in another life, in another time where he had been given a better start, Alistair might have chosen a different path. Perhaps, but it was not the way things had turned out for the dragon. He watched on the screen in the bridge their descent into the atmosphere of his homeworld, reminded of the day he had blasted through it in his beloved first ship.
tumblr_o5kp4yyMi71udenrno8_100.png As they touched down onto the ground, Alistair could already see a crowd amassing just outside the cloud of dust the fresh engines had kicked up. More memories of his last day there came back to the surface, and he realized in the distance the junkyard was still in operation. Alistair clucked his tongue, it wouldn’t be when he left.

As the doors to the ship opened, it was not Alistair that greeted them. No, it was the same beast that had feasted on a slave an hour prior, four arms protruding from the bulbous mass of its body. It lacked bones in most its entire form, aside from the jaw and the appendages that carried it to and from. The jaws snapped forward, dripping saliva and letting any that stood close enough to see the sharp teeth that protruded from it. The screams erupted instantly, and townspeople began to back away from the ship as quickly as they could. From inside the ship and above, Alistair’s mind focused. His eyes dilated, sharp and attuned to each of the people gathered around his ship. With a hush, the screams stopped, the townspeople halting in their tracks. They stood there, minds blank and bodies fastened in place as the creature let out a gurgling snarl and pulled itself down the ramp and towards the nearest bodies. It grabbed those it could from where they stood, yanking them backwards and dropping them into the gaping maw. Crunching down, the front of its mass oozed crimson until it swallowed with a loud gulp. Then it dragged itself forward again, took hold of two and dropped them into its widened jaws. A trail of red streaked the ground behind the beast as it clawed through the crowd.

“Come to me,” Alistair hummed, and those that had not been devoured began to form a line into the ship. They were met with several other slaves, where they handed over simple white uniforms and the townspeople ushered themselves further into the bowels of the ship. From beyond, Alistair watched the beast as it carved a pathway through the townspeople, his mind pushing further to gather those who had yet to congregate. Soon they’d litter the streets, whether they became food for his monster today or tomorrow would be anyone’s guess. He tended to let the beasts have free reign, admiring their ferocious nature and finding they more enjoyable when given their free will.

“Steer the beast towards the junkyard,” Alistair spoke to one of his slaves. “I left him a treat.”
lore by Awaas
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