
Star whisperer
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Quillcrown Parda
Quillcrown Parda
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Energy: 50
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Lightning icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Pearlcatcher
Female Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Cobalt Deepsea Bulb
Wiggly Sight


Skin: Opal Nebula




5.24 m
6.8 m
498.86 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 26, 2019
(5 years)


Pearlcatcher icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




Silhouette has spent so much time among the stars that she has become scattered with stardust.

You will find Silhouette sitting on a hill right outside the clan's boundaries, but only once the sun has settled and the sky is dotted with stars. Her gaze is directed upwards, always upwards to the millions of tiny glowing spots. She can hear the whisper's of the stars, and she whispers back. Her voice is barely audible and her words are hard to understand. She seems lost in thought, in trance even, but she is aware of her surroundings, aware of her words. What do the stars say, you might ask. She will answer without looking at you: Sit with me and listen and you will know.
Stardust ripples across her scales when she moves to to give you some space to sit with her. So you do sit and raise your eyes to the infinite starry nightsky, and you listen to the stars above and to Silhouette next to you.

lore by desmodium

Quillcrown Parda Terminus is her familliar


Stardust Sap Lamp Star Seekers
Members of the Coven who are in charge of reading the magical energies for the land. They are in charge of identifying the hidden dangers of the Starwood Strand, as anything could be lurking in its beauty. Star Seekers are also in charge of taking care of the land, whether that be feeding the plague or helping the flowers to grow.
54766326p.png SilhouetteStar Whisperer
Silhouette has spent so much time among the stars that she has become scattered with stardust. She is a leader of the Star Seekers.
64306976p.png SodaliteSilhouette's Apprentice
A trusted member of the Star Seekers, Silhouette has chosen him to lead after she is gone.
61431086p.png OceanOracle
They can see the future when they touch water. It often ends up giving them panic attacks, so they try to avoid water as much as possible.
71586320p.png ArkanesSurveyor
She surveys the land that surrounds HeartWood's decay for any sign of danger or abnormalities, and then reports back to the others.
61205969p.png GesDruid of Claws
A druid who relies just as much on his physical skills as his mythical ones.
53651971p.png MadoaBone Carver
Madoa is in charge of carving the bones that drape the trees. There are many uses for these bones in the Coven.
61696966p.png DraledMage
A powerful mage who is deeply connected to the Heart.
56727226p.png WinterRoseUnicorn
Although she is vain, WinterRose cares deeply for the woods that once sheltered his herd. He uses his healing powers to protect.
65203221p.png BruthenAstronomer
A genius of the stars and space, although he is quite shy and socially awkward.
70290477p.png FinchWizard/Familiar Breeder Assistant
Covered in burn scars from a horrific attack, Finch's wings are now useless. He originally turned to magic to try and heal them to no avail, but decided to keep growing his passion for helpful magic.
45561954p.png RestlessThoughtsDark Arts Mage
Unable to sleep and becoming corrupted with dark magic.. did you just hear someone whisper?..
73215573p.png MorassShaman
A lone wolf shaman, it is unclear how Morass has joined the Coven.
63786776p.png WillowRune Carver
A fae who's cursed to chase her soul. Every full moon more and more tangled thorns grow inside her.
65287906p.png MaemiSpirit walker
He is accompanied by frosty spirits of creatures who have succumbed to the Star Wood Strand.
65595103p.png Moonberrysorceress
Moonberry uses her magic to control and help local fauna of the Star Wood Strand.
70725183p.png CarnelianWeather Predictor
After his mate, Chaac, watches the weather, Carnelian will work his findings into predictions.
71463691p.png ChaacWeather Watcher
Chaac sits in misery as the coming weather boils inside him. He watches it as it grows so that his mate Carnelian can predict it for the Coven.
64223419p.png AkimitsuWolf Druid
Akimitsu takes the form of a wolf when she sleeps, and uses this time to comunicate with the land on a deeper level.
74220419p.png KainaluRanger
As a ranger, it is Kainalu's duty to take care of HeartWood's Landing. Although she rarely uses force, beware of her arrows..
92424253p.png LazuliEnergy Surveyor
Lazuli is in charge of tracking and recording the strange energies that surround the isles.
66942872p.png AtomicApprentice Star Seeker
A superstitious wildclaw who is always carrying around lucky charms. Although she found herself as Zeke's charge, she is learning how to be a ranger from Baahila.
62442813p.png ChioniSprite
Chioni lived with a group of sprites native to the Starwood strand before he joined the Coven. He takes pride in his connection to the land.
64906760p.png CalistoSteward
As a member of the star seekers, it's Calisto's job to keep things in order and supervise the arrangements of the group.
73699580p.png RanitomeyaMystic Scribe
Ranitomeya writes down messages from spirits of nature.
72148292p.png OretrixiDream Mage
Oretrixi is a mage who uses her magic to visit others in their dreams.
71226817p.png BaahilaRanger/hunter
Baahila and her spaniel Coco are experts at surviving the wilderness. She has taken on the task of training Atomic.
64004762p.png RadioetteLittle Mage
An adorable little mage who specializes in illusion and shadow based magic.
92394358p.png TuiRanger
Ve is a harsh and fierce ranger.
68126923p.png RodouxDisease Curator
Rodoux collects and studies all of the different diseases and plague samples that emerge from the Fields of Contagion.
72514522p.png PolluxThe Flourish
Pollux and his twin brother Castor were connected to a hivemind at birth. He holds the power of healing.
72514524p.png CastorThe Fester
Pollux and his twin brother Castor were connected to a hivemind at birth. He holds the power of sickness.
63378942p.png ArtemisMonk
Artemis is a master of most martial arts forms, even learning from some beastclans.
69731899p.png LuneFletcher
Lune creates special arrows that are laced with stardust.
71935170p.png HinterlandsExplorer
Her charge is simple the urge to explore, and she uses that passion to help chart the territories outside of the Coven.
81767864p.png SweetTreatPlague Feeder
SweetTreat works under Rodoux to feed and help the plague patches grow.
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Exalting Silhouette to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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