
The Verdant Vixen
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Emerald Webwing
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Diaphanous Sylvan Headpiece
Teardrop Jade Earrings
Fiendish Emerald Pendants
Kelly Green Locket
Emerald Talonclasp Pendant
Fiendish Emerald Taildecor
Golden Hoard
Kelly Green Garniture
Verdant Starsilk Wingdrapes
Verdant Starsilk Scarf
Verdant Starsilk Cloak
Peridot Flourish Bracelet
Peridot Flourish Anklets
Teardrop Jade Leg Band
Kelly Green Spats
Verdant Starsilk Tailwrap
Peridot Flourish Tail Clasp
Teardrop Jade Armlet


Accent: Victory Jewels EvN PC



4.37 m
3.86 m
673.73 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Jun 07, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


"I wonder what this would look like. Let's see, pick a color... Oh, that's pretty cool. I'll just take a look at the auctions and see if there happen to be any dragons like this. Oh man the eye type, gender and colors are perfect and there's only one. It's 50kt. That's a lot... But what if I never find one like her again?"


That's it. She's going to be a criminal.

The Verdant Vixen

If there's one thing in this world that Esmira loves, it's money. Gold, gems, fine food and drink... Esmira appreciates all these things, but none more so than straight-up money. It is her first love and the only thing she is truly loyal to. Money...and perhaps, herself.

Esmira lavishes herself with riches: fine clothes (her favorite is a dark green satin dress), elaborate jewelry, intoxicating perfume... And, of course, very comfortable living quarters. Gold and emeralds are a particular favorite component of hers. She has expensive taste...but is far from garish. Esmira has a fair sense of fashion, and doesn't mind flaunting her classy, lavish tastes, nor her good looks. And those looks... They can be quite dangerous.

Her wealth and her beauty feed one another. Just as she beautifies her naturally appealing appearance with her riches, she uses her alluring beauty to collect more money. She saunters about, head held high in a knowing confidence as her gold-kissed, green eyes slyly slide around wherever she finds herself until they finally settle on a chosen victim.

She walks over directly, without even the slightest bit of shyness, maintaining eye contact well into the inevitable, ensuing conversation. She smiles, she laughs, her velvet voice speaking in low, rich tones and playing with her chosen mark until she has his heart in her elegantly manicured claws. The idealists and the naïve are her favorite, especially if such a dragon is of middling wealth: rich enough to be worth her time, but poor enough not to pose a threat. If he's lucky, the next thing he knows, all of his money is gone, and the enchanting lady has left his life forever, along with his heart and dreams. If he isn't...then he's followed her back to her nest of vipers, where he is robbed, and he is handed over to her associates.

Esmira is a nightmare wrapped in a sweet, sweet dream. She does such a good job of charming her victims, that often times, they not only wind up not minding that they were robbed, but even wish for her attention yet again. Her reputation is beginning to get around where she lives, in the Ashfall Waste. Men talk about her with shy grins, or with condemning frowns. It's no secret among those familiar with her name that she's a thief...but she's so beautiful that most don't mind...which is among her best safeguards.

She does not entirely work alone, however. She resides within a classy place called the Sleeping Serthis, run by a dragon named Hershel: a classy but dangerous gent. He offers her protection, and in return, she does what she does best: luring in poor fools like a fish to the hook. She gets to keep whatever money she nabs off of such victims, too. It's the perfect life for her: glamorous, lucrative, and deceptive.

The Man with Green

Esmira has found a great man. He is absolutely perfect for her in every way, but her favorite aspects of him are two things. First, he is obscenely rich. His mother is royalty and is constantly giving him money. Second, he's a hopeless skirt-chaser, making him extremely easy to manipulate. His name is Prince Leaflash. (That said, she refers to him as "Leafie" when speaking to him, especially when she's being flirtatious. She calls him Leaflash when speaking to other people, though.)

The two met at the Sleeping Serthis, of course. He was paying a visit to do some gambling and it didn't take long for Esmira to lure him over. (Oddly, for his sake, it was a good thing she did, as he undoubtedly would have tried cheating at the card table and the proprietor would have, in all likelihood, not taken too kindly to that.) He quickly became one of her regulars. Like many others, even though he knew she was taking his money, he came back for more again and again. He actually became perhaps the most devoted of her fans, and certainly the most lucrative. And so, the two have a mutually beneficial arrangement: he gets to spend time around her gorgeous self, she gets his money. There is a rule, however. In order to prevent confusion, he's not allowed to claim any relational title other than "regular." Esmira doesn't want the other men to get the wrong idea. She loves everyone's money equally, after all!

Criminal scry which stole my money criminally: what she looks like now. SHE IS COMPLETE.


Things she has stolen: Treasure, Hearts, Gazes, Gene scrolls, A Gem-encrusted Knife, a buncha jewels (a UMA from VoxxVoleur)
Treasure/Gems/Gene Scrolls she has stolen (gening fund): 10kt (from Jetdrana), Tertiary Gene: Peacock (from melethestel), Secondary Gene: Eye Spots (from Snekly), Breed Change: Pearlcatcher (from PurpleIsAFruit's dragon, Cypress, as an actual gift! Along with frogs for some reason. She got rid of the frogs.)


She's showing off. ...And it's also a nice place for me to see what apparel I have yet to get her.

Sauntering and sashaying -- this lady is taunting me.

Testimony against her:
Dullanyan wrote on 2019-07-03 19:46:34:
i looked in her bio and she stole my heart :c whos gonna stop her??? she cant keep getting away with this...
Veine wrote on 2019-07-03 20:21:51:
she's going to be so pretty! You have to be scared of the auction house. It will steal your money.
BlueRaspberryl wrote on 2019-07-03 20:26:59:
How dare she-
How dare she entrance me with her beauty, only to pickpocket my heart and scurry away with it without any remorse-
Peridotgem5 wrote on 2019-07-03 22:24:04:
No, Take her away now she has already stolen my gaze, please don’t let her pocket my heart.
Peridotgem5 wrote on 2019-07-03 22:26:03:
Noooooooo, she has added my heart to her collection. I feel no more pain.
Jetdrana wrote on 2019-07-03 23:18:20:
Even her eyes match perfectly! She's a honey pot, draws you in and robs you blind
Candlelit97 wrote on 2019-07-03 23:22:13:
Dang. Heckin' bamboozled. But she's gorgeous-
pizzahats wrote on 2019-07-04 16:13:18:
okay. fine. take my heart, just like the rest. and my money too.
(but HOLY HECK, she's absolutely stunning, i'm in love )
Snekly wrote on 2019-07-04 18:09:03:
While she has managed to steal from me, I hope she puts her plunder to good use.
RhythmSong wrote on 2019-07-05 16:22:38:
she's the type who could literally steal my house and i wouldnt even be mad shes so pretty
xspideray wrote on 2019-07-08 23:09:39:
ooh, she's absolutely lovely ;o;/ !!! i might be a little (very) weak for her lol. her eyes are perfect with her colors, especially the genes you've chosen, honestly. definitely a keeper
Supernova01 wrote on 2019-08-13 10:42:41:
um okay Esmira is the best thief and I love her?? Those are some *gorgeous* greens and golds. Pricey girl, sure, but she was worth it!
Alfamangle wrote on 2019-08-31 14:40:21:
I love Esmira! Is it solely for the fact she's an xxx peacock? Maybe, but I still love her
Alfamangle wrote on 2019-08-31 14:44:36:
Cryoluxa wrote on 2019-08-31 14:42:49:
Noooo resist her scandalous charms! Resist!

But it was too late, Alfa had already went to the ah searching for more xxx peacocks like her and will likely lose all of her money

Shame And Dishonor - Meeting the one the Peacock scroll was stolen from again!
Aterna wrote on 2019-09-16 21:43:32:
I've actually a mixed opinion of her. I adore Peacock as a color, but i never really liked Lionfish. However, that outfit you made for her is just? Perfect? I swear it looks like that apparel was just made for her. Also, awesome layering, especially on the wings.

Her lore? I really enjoyed reading it and i love her set personality and the way you described her utilizing her charm to get rich. It's a great concept well written, so in an odd way, she stole my heart too. :>

(Also i feel your thought process when buying her lol)
Supernova01 wrote on 2019-12-15 19:18:24:
UMMM she's so pretty?? What a beautiful peacock gal! <3
Sawkinator wrote on 2020-04-08 17:52:12:
Oooh she's so pretty! Can't say I've seen many XXX Peacocks in my time searching.
dreamlogic wrote on 2020-06-09 12:54:26:
- esmira: again, clicked on her cause she's beautiful (which after reading her lore i guess is the point lol). the outfit you have planned for her is gorgeous, gotta love a good femme fatale. also noticed her eyes have a tiny hint of gold sparkle that matches her genes SO perfectly.
borb wrote on 2020-06-22 06:10:30:
She is a beautiful greedy ingrate
borb wrote on 2020-06-22 06:14:33:
I have fallen in her trap

oh no
Fantelle wrote on 2020-06-22 06:12:50:
awe she's super pretty! love her colors
Droiline wrote on 2020-06-22 09:06:41:
Esmira is all that and a stack of pancakes.
Lopai wrote on 2020-06-22 09:29:30:
Oh of COURSE I remember Esmira. (And I'd really love to do a roleplay with her and some of the more devious members of my clan sometime)

She was reviewed.
VoxxVoleur wrote on 2020-06-22 11:57:31:
I'm going to assume her clothes are at the dry cleaners and her jewelry is getting cleaned, because that's really the only option here for such a rich and lavish lady. I love her outfit. It does seem a bit bulky in places, but it's honestly perfect even with some of the pieces being heavier than I would think of for a flowy thief. It works for her because she's just that confident. She's not going to rush through any alleyways or slip in and out of places sneakily, right? She's going right in for the kill, and she's not even worried about them following her for revenge or just more of her. So while I would've gone lighter on the wing piece and neck jewelry, it's the right choice for her. It just goes to show how good she is and that she knows she's that good at what she does. If anything, I'd like to add one more piece between her leg band and spats, but I don't know if there's anything that could go there.

Could she get a usermade accent one day? You know she deserves it. Just saying.

Her lore is great, the comments below it probably the best part, and I'm feeling an odd compulsion to see if there are any accents out there that would hypothetically make her even more ravishing.
VoxxVoleur wrote on 2020-06-22 11:57:31:
Finished your review and pinged you at my thread. I swear if I didn't have a girl way too much like Esmira, she would've taken everything from me. Fortunately, my girl already took everything and then some. Esmira won't have my vault. Probably.
VoxxVoleur wrote on 2020-06-22 13:26:18:
May she be incredibly smug, but more likely 100% ungrateful and still not satisfied with it as she does whatever she wants with it at all. Another gift to lay at her feet. She can even throw it away and I won't even mind.

Another one bites the dust. The dust of Esmira's demands.

May she take my money and no more.
VoxxVoleur wrote on 2020-06-22 13:26:18:
Shame on her. The most shame that can be bestowed on her. Is there something the opposite of exaltation, because that would be her.

10/10 no regrets about anything at all. I'd do it all again. I think I need to hide my glimmer and gloom money from her.
mujna wrote on 2020-06-22 15:10:27:
she's so pretty!! and i love that outfit!!
Shatapatrika wrote on 2020-07-27 13:57:33:
As for Esmira - I SEE YOU, VILLAIN!! I’ve seen you post her in a few other threads and know to steer far clear of her, lol. Looks like she’s accumulated quite the rap sheet.
TIR3D wrote on 2020-12-03 09:27:37:
it's very understandable why she has a ton of likes she's absolutely gorgeous!
Serendipia wrote on 2020-12-07 17:23:47:
im going to cry esmira is what i aspire to be in my life

a thief of good looks. i swear its like living a dream
and then after getting what she wants, you get to throw your victim away and just bam you are onto a new one, more money and attention
hell yeah, you go girl, go get that money
it is almost exactly what i wanted for my veil too
would you mind if she appears in his lore? id love for her to be an inspiration on his obsession with money and attention
StormDraws wrote on 2020-12-19 07:05:46:
Esmira oof spoiled brat time. The reason why everyone likes her is probably that she bribed them lol (But she is pretty indeed...)
Ghastjio wrote on 2020-12-19 15:03:00:
Esmira may be a terrible person but... something about her... just makes me want to hand my money over... no!! I cannot!! She has stolen far too much already! And it looks like she's going to keep stealing more with that future outfit of hers. I can't imagine what her accent must've cost too. It's gorgeous on her, but... oh dear I'm reaching for my wallet again. Those rare eyes don't help! They may go beautifully with her sylvan headpiece and her future silks, but they're piercing my soul! Must! Give! Gems!
My response.
BubbleTeaCat wrote on 2021-02-11 21:28:35:
Esmiras colors all go together so well, and the apparel is SO good
She also looks quite like a thief

Oh man this was said when a thread was being revived and I only just saw it at the time of this writing.
VoxxVoleur wrote on 2020-08-04 22:41:20:
Come back to life. I want those dragons.

But definitely not Esmira. What a dangerous girl.
mxlplyx wrote on 2021-08-11 11:43:59:
Loving the shady but glamorous Esmira!
BlueberryBlast wrote on 2023-06-10 14:25:06:
oh hey i recognize her! that gold pile is just perfect, a representation of all the hearts (and literal gold) she's stolen
1R0Nx wrote on 2023-08-03 07:19:34:
Ungrateful but gorgeous! I have a soft spot for green/nature colored dergs!
IncompleteSky wrote on 2024-04-02 18:50:03:
And no worries about me actually liking Esmira or not. I never see Lionfish and that Kelly set apparel is just perfect with it. I also really like her lore and the reason for it. You had me after she robbed you of 50kt. Got a genuine laugh from me. Oh how I have been there. XD
For me it was Antique/Banana/Banana though. Oh how foolish I was.
fulfill wrote on 2024-04-14 20:11:56:
your writing and the way you describe things is so beautiful! i love how you complimented sinclair, and fleur, you definitely make them feel like they're the prettiest dragons ever

esmira ::
i had such a fun time reading the lore in her bio! though she is a thief, i still can still appreciate her taste in clothing and treasure. i like how you tied in her story with how much she cost you, that was an interesting connection that i really admired! i keep re-reading her lore, it is so incredibly well written. you write emotion and depict imagery so beautifully, it is so well done! kelly apparel suits her so well, and i love how satin silks are her favorite (they're mine too!) peacock lionfish and peacock peacock is such a lovely combo.. i keep getting so inspired by dragons on this thread, especially esmira. she can certainly steal whatever she likes from me, that's for sure
Canidae wrote on 2024-04-19 18:05:02:
LOL It looks like Esmira has already drawn my gaze and won my heart- I went to click to her page and found that I have already liked Esmira >w< (I am a sucker for green dragons, and sounds like she's going to take advantage of that.)
almondandapple wrote on 2024-04-20 06:08:22:
I was like 200 on Esmira! What a lovely dragon :)
Lychen wrote on 2024-06-09 22:54:29:
Esmira in particular is brilliant, though, so very well-dressed! You've done so well to incorporate so much apparel from different sets, and it all complements her color palette perfectly.
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