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Personal Style


Burnished Filigree Boots
Cat's Tail Guard
Rose Highnoon Hank
Scarlet Satin Tunic
Pillager's Helm




1.15 m
1.56 m
2.95 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 11, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Fae
EXP: 15659 / 27676
Vile Bolt



  • none




Clan Founder • Architect • Hatchling Wrangler

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The first, the creator of the clan. Snail is currently the smallest of her clan, and has proven time and time again to have a terrible naming sense. Shown by the (temporary) name of her clan; the Outcrop Over There. Snail has also proven herself to be considerably strange when it comes to interactions. She may absolutely coddle some, despite being a fifth (or a thousandth) their size, or she may hate some dragons to the bone for no apparent reason.

She has shown specific attachments to Crocus, considering him her own hatchling at times, and has also shown attachments to the local cultist/writer, Arum, practically begging her to eat for once, or to generally just care for herself, even when Arum threatens to physically dismember the below-average-sized Fae. Not only this, but Snail has also been seen wearing literally anything around her that fits, and is currently happily carrying about matching tail, leg guards, and a filigree banner.


Bio template by Mibella, find it here.

Clan List:


Eventual Plan:

or this???

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Below is essentially a summary of the clan members, and since it's always growing, it doesn't look fancy.

Snail created the clan, detatched from her original colony, where the other Faes were, for unknown reasons. She picked the first outcrop of membrane-covered rock, that was still somewhat sturdy and solid, that she could find and quickly begun creating a golden sap roost unique to the Fae, suited to their tiny physique.

Its creation used up all the healthiest, considerably untainted (considering the Wandering Contagion's flora, or lack thereof) tree sap Snail could find prior to her undertaking the task.

Aside from the worrying darkness, making it more of an oddly lustrous brown, unchanging in its shade despite the magic Snail was pouring in.
No matter, it was a decent roost. It was certainly decent enough to gain Borage, a wandering Guardian's attention. Borage is quite the quiet dragon, permanently dazed, but unlike Aconite (a later entry), he tries to socialise (key word; tries).

His strangely bright scales, ocean blue, contrast terribly with the flesh-coloured Wandering Contagion, often making Snail think that his parents were not originally followers of the Plaguebringer.

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After Borage's sudden entry to the clan, came Campanula, a Skydancer hatchling. Compared to Borage's bumbling quietness, Campanula was shy but sweet. She grew attached to Snail, likely due to her miniscule size, and Snail grew attached to the kindness shown by the hatchling, always careful not to accidentally harm the tiny Fae.
Perhaps those wings, reminding Snail of memories not hers, also played a part.

After the Skydancer sweetheart came an Imperial whose heart seemed carved out of the very stones that were scattered throughout her body. There was no denying she was originally a worshipper of the Tidelord, her eyes a vigorous blue, her movements as graceful as the lulled waves. Aconite was her name, and it certainly suited her.
Snail is bewildered, to this day, how the opal-winged beauty even joined her humble and tiny clan, or how she even ended up in the Wandering Contagion.

After the intimidation fiercely displayed by Aconite, there was a calm. His name was Straw, also a Skydancer hatchling. There's a strangeness about him that Snail has yet to put a claw on. For a hatchling, he was too mature. Too quiet. Compared to his previous, the Imperial, with her barely bottled disdain for the world, Straw seemed to show no feelings for anything.
Always holding a tepid, lukewarm smile.

Compared to the previous odd hatchlings, there was a respite. The Mirror's name was Crocus, and it certainly showed. Crocus could be described quite simply; a hyperactive disco ball. He displayed all of the things you would expect from a hatchling; joyous, curious, wondering & wandering, and certainly mischievious. Perhaps a bit too much.
Snail has lost count of the amount of times she had woken up haphazardly hanging from a gnarled, tendril-covered tree branch, sometimes so far away she has to camp out in dragon skulls in the Abiding Boneyard. The stamina and energy of Crocus scares her.

Another hatchling followed. Unlike the others, who Snail at least had some understanding of their background, Salt the Imperial hatchling was a mystery. One day she just appeared in the clan's small territory, and nobody asked. Snail was convinced the two Imperials had some form of strange plan cooking up behind her back, since Salt didn't ever bother talking to her. Just lazily blinking in her direction.

Similar to Salt, the Spiral Maddex just appeared one day, and Snail knew what her feelings for him were the moment she laid eyes on his ridiculously transparent and constantly twisting body.
The feelings could only be described as complete and utter disdain. So much disdain even Aconite would be impressed. It was probably because of his constant taunting of that, despite the clan's population being nearly half hatchlings, that Snail was the smallest.
He wasn't wrong, she had to admit that, but stating it was quite rude. Even if Crocus found it funny.

Unlike that ridiculous noodle, Coreopsis was much calmer, though still incredibly active. As Snail was dead-set on Crocus (the hatchling with the youngest mentality) having a positive role model, he was her go-to the moment he joined the every-growing clan. It was quite the shock for Snail when Aconite and Coreopsis started talking (Aconite being mostly a listener however), and even more shocking when they got together to have a nest.
Snail was convinced her heart, already working overtime, woukd give up then and there.


After all of the hatchlings had grown up, Snail had to say goodbye to Crocus. He was a Mirror, and he was finally old enough to travel through the Contagion, perhaps even find others, a new 'home'.
... at least, that was supposed to happen. Instead, Crocus came back from his originally eternal hunt with another Mirror, whom quickly joined the Clan. Her name was Slug, and she suited every meaning of it. Constantly picking fights, Snail was convinced Slug would wrestle with the winds and sky if she could.

Shortly after, whilst Snail was looking about for some more semi-viable tree sap, she came across a Spiral that seemed to have been spun from the Shade itself. It certainly didn't help that, when she took it back to the Outcrop Over There, the Spiral stated that it was part of a cult - the Speakers for Death. After that momentary shock, the hatchling was named Arum. The cultist now spends most of her time writing, dying her scales even further black with ink.

On another trip away from the clan, Crocus picked up yet another Plague-born. This time, quite literally. Snail nearly had a heart attack, and several other attacks, when she saw Fungus - also named by her - and his dripping, oozing eyes. Other than his nauseating face, the hatchling turned out to be almost as shiny-positive and happy as Crocus. You could say he was a... fun-guy. Maddex was promptly slapped when he said that.

A few days later, Snail started to become suspicious of how many Spirals her clan has picked up, because a stone-throw away from the clan's main area suddenly became the resting spot for a heavenly Light hatchling... which is absolutely ridiculous, because they were in the Plaguemother's domain.
Snail stopped thinking about how out of place her clan was from day one.

It had been a while without a new member, and Snail was starting to grow suspicious. Even slightly paranoid... 'Was it a 'calm before the storm' situation? What terrors will befall my poor, poor clan?!'
She was practically leaping from every nook and cranny in the Outcrop, looking for oddly misplaced dragons... since that seemed to be a common theme.
Luckily, Snail's paranoia was proved incorrect, because a Guardian, named Umai, had joined their clan. She spoke of being part of a caravan of travelling dragons; all looking for a proper place to call home. Crocus had happened upon it whilst hunting with Slug, with Crocus and Umai shortly hitting it off straight away. Talking with the caravan's leader, and then telling Umai about the clan, she had decided to join the Outcrop Over There.

Straw, that strange Skydancer, one putrid morning suddenly announced he was leaving the Outcrop, to ’see the world beyond this stinking, miserable wasteland’, in his words. Straw wasn’t too sociable, so it was not like Crocus’ farewell, but Snail still sincerely said her goodbyes, gifting him a few carved bones as a memento of his first home. When his figure disappeared into the distance, Snail almost felt relief. The Wandering Contagion wasn’t where he felt he belonged, so why stick around?

Soon, Snail was starting to think a pattern was arising. A while after Straw's departure, Salt just up and vanished; not even a word to Aconite. But perhaps it was for the best, because Salt never really fit in with the Clan anyways; maybe she'd finally find a place where she belongs? Snail wouldn't really know, but it wasn't her problem now.

And Snail is certain that, for each new member of the clan, the stresses will pile up even further.


By @ThineRiddler

by me
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