
Level 1 Coatl
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Swamphaunt Kelpie
Swamphaunt Kelpie
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Energy: 0
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Plague icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Coatl
Female Coatl
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7.72 m
8.75 m
976.93 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 03, 2019
(5 years)


Coatl icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245




Eyes as red as fire
Scales as dark as coal
Crept up from the mire
A metamorphic soul.
Where she lurked was in the shadows
And in the darkest lands
Despising the honored and fallows
And joining vile bands.
With secrets buried under
As she lurked among the dark
She was truly a dragon of wonder
With purity in her heart.
So what corrupt her mind?
Now misunderstood every day
Her clan, a savage kind
Had raised her this way.
Now, with only her old clan's curse
Which caused pain and dismay
How would it be undone, her hurt?
Would it all ever be fixed from fray?


“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
-Albus Dumbledor

Embyr knew her birth family little.
She hatched in a great storm along with her sister, Ultima, to a pair of oddly dark in color Light dragons. Her parents kept them safe inside, away from the storm that raged on beyond their home. The second day after she was born, while her mother was feeding Ultima (Embyr was quite tired of eating cave worms and flies), she snuck past her mother and over to the entrance of the cave. She saw her father outside, trying to collect things for protection in the storm, getting whipped this way and that by the wind like he were only a feather. She wanted to go out and help, so she stumbled out of the protection of her cave, and clawed her way to her father. Soon, however, the wind got so fierce that it picked Embyr right of the ground, and made her father fly up, too. He saw her struggling in the wind, and fear came into his eyes.
"EMBYR!!" he yelled, but the wind took his words and flung them off the edge of their home. Then, thought her father tried his hardest to reach her, the wind flung Embyr off of the plateau too, just as lighting struck the forest below.
Embyr never saw her birth family again.
She was dropped into the burning forest, and left there. Knocked out and helpless, Embyr lay limp in a patch of moss... until a Ridgeback found her, and took Embyr back to the Ridgeback's clan.
When Embyr awoke many days later, she found that she was in an underground lair full of strange dragons. Some of them were fighting over food, others were caring for young, but most were pushing large carts from an underground tunnel, across was seemed to be the main cave, and into another tunnel. The Ridgeback noticed Embyr awake, and immediately ran into the guest room, where Embyr was. Embyr shrieked at the sight of the Ridgeback. She'd only ever seen Coatls before.
"It's ok," the Rideback said soothingly. "You're safe now. I'm Palist. I found you unconscious in the forest. I brought you here, to my home."
"What are you?" Embyr asked weakly. Palist smiled.
"I'm a Ridgback. A Ridgback of the clan Dusk Reapers. Me and my friends will keep you safe."
Over the course of many months, Embyr learned the many ways of the Dusk Reapers. What she didn't know, was that they were not nice dragons.
So being that Embyr grew up learning the arts of stealth, stealing, trickery, and battle tactics. They taught her that all other dragons where evil, and she helped them steal eggs, treasure, and many other things from different clans, and she even got into some life or death battles - of which she arose victorious - before she began to wonder about the Dusk Reaper's ways. She thought her memory of sneaking outside in a raging storm to help her father was only a dream, and remembered vaguely of falling off a cliff into a burning forest. The Dusk Reapers also helped reveal a special skill about Embyr: she could change her scale color. The Dusk Reapers treated her even more respectfully after this find, not wanting this wondrous dragon to leave their clutches.
Palist was her mentor and basically best friend (or so Embyr thought). Being so, when she began to question the Dusk Reapers, Embyr brought it up after her daily training with Palist.
"Palist?" she asked. Palist looked up from the pool of water she was drinking from to say that she was listening. "I was wondering... why do we steal from other dragons? Have they all done something absolutely horrible that we must kill them all?" When she said, "kill them all," Embyr was referring to the Dusk Reaper's project that had been going on since Palist found her. They where digging explosive gems from underground and turning them into liquid that would erupt in flames with one dragon breath. The Dusk Reapers planned to get enough to spread across the whole land, and set it all on fire, so they could rule the world of Sornieth for themselves. Palist sighed and sat back on her haunches.
"My dear Embyr. We've gone over this. All of the other dragons are cruel, vile creatures, and do not deserve to live. You are an amazing dragon, and worth to stay with us forever and rule the world. Doesn't that sound wonderful?" Palist looked at Embyr with content eyes, waiting for a yes so she could go back to drinking.
"Honestly, no, that doesn't sound amazing. I like the world how it is, even if the dragons who live on it are twisted." Palist looked at her, shocked.
"But you could be a queen! You could rule! I think everyone here would vote for a color-changing queen." Embyr scowled.
"So that's all you like me for?! My ability to change colors?!" Palist growled at Embyr's retort, but Embyr stormed out of the training room before her mentor could say any more.
Embyr flew onto her favorite boulder, where she sat, thinking, looking out across the land. I don't want the whole world to be destroyed, she thought. More determinedly, she said aloud, "Then I have to do something about it."
Embyr knew that the Dusk Reapers wouldn't stop their mission now. They wanted to destroy the whole world, and Embyr couldn't help that - not without help herself.
That night, Embyr snuck around her home and stole a map, some food, and whatever else she might need. Since her only belongings were her apparel given to her by the Dusk Reapers, she left before daybreak - to lands she'd never been.
She first came to The Tangled Wood, where she got lost and turned around many times. After that, she found herself wandering along the boarders of the Sea of a Thousand Currents, and traveling through The Scarred Wasteland. She almost ventured into the Starfall Isles, but something told her she should turn north, and found herself in Dragonhome - the Earth dragon land.
Here, she came across a Swamphaunt Kelpie in an old, muddy puddle. A feeling she hadn't felt in a long time, sympathy, overcame her, and she took the Kelpie with her, and named her Mamba.
Soon she found a small forest, and slept there for the night.
When she awoke, she found an Imperial peering down at her, head tilted a little and eyes looking her over. She stood up quickly and took a few steps back, then stared at the stranger. All of the Dusk Reapers had been dark colored dragons, and so she was surprised at his bright blue wings and happy-seeming colors. He wore a strange hat and a pink birdskull legband. She would have never guessed that those things even existed! All the Dusk Reapers wore red or darker birdskull outfits, and never a - a, hat.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" she asked sternly.
Frost of the Sirions. I live just over yonder - " he pointed with his wing towards distant, dirt mountains. "Who are you?"
"I'm Embyr of the Dus - no clan." She managed to catch herself before she said Dusk Reapers. Frost looked at her curiously.
"So you don't have a home, then?" he asked.
"No - I mean, I did have a clan, but they were ev - mixed up. I'm searching for a clan to help me stop a disaster that could destroy all Sornieth." Frost scowled thoughtfully, as if he was thinking what she said over. It's not every day that you hear your world is going to be destroyed, after all. He almost looked like he didn't really believe her, but he answered, "I think I know just the clan."
Frost lead Embyr to the mountains, and down a tunnel in one. When they reached the bottom, Embyr couldn't help but gasp - dragons were playing, talking, having fun, seeming not to have a care in the world. Baby dragons were running around chasing each other. Laughing and joy filled the lair. So this is what a clan is supposed to be like, she thought happily.
"Follow me," Frost called from a little ways ahead. She wandered after him slowly, looking around at all the merry dragons. Many stopped to stare back at her, waving and smiling. One in particular, however, another Imperial of all obsidian colors, saw her and fear and anger seemed to come into his eyes. Embyr walked faster to catch up with Frost.
They came to an open room where a Guardian was going over some plans with some other dragons. His colors reminded Embyr of home. He had blood colored wings and a dark body. Bands were wrapped around his back legs, and Embyr could tell just by looking at him that he had gone through some pretty tough times. A strange creature with a skull face sat beside him. She'd heard of them before, they were called Infestation Hounds, supposedly bringers of bad luck and ill fortune. This one seemed quite happy and tame, however.
Shaidod!" Frost called as he ran up. The Guardian looked up at him with tired yet happy eyes, and smiled.
"Frost! How go things? And who is your new friend?"
"This is - " Frost was cut short by Embyr's powerful voice. She didn't need anyone to speak for her.
"Embyr, you're majesty. My old clan have been working on a project for a long time, and it is nearly done. They want to destroy all Sornieth and rule whatever's left. They are a wicked clan, and I need help in stopping them."
"And why do you wish in betraying your clan?" Shaidod asked.
"I do not like the way they do things, your majesty."
"And what is this clan you - " Suddenly the obsidian Imperial burst through the entrance, and gave a menacing look at Embyr. "Ah, Eiji!" Shaidod said, looking at the Imperial. "You just so happened to have burst in on a very important meeting."
"Sorry, Shaidod, but this is no ordinary Coatl," Eiji said. His voice was just as strong as Embyr's.
"I have figured that out," Shaidod answered with a smile.
"Shaidod - she's a Dusk Reaper." The whole room became quiet, but Shaidod seemed unmoved. Embyr looked at Eiji with surprise.
"And why do you think this?" Shaidod asked.
"Can't you see her clothes?" Eiji asked with shock. Shaidod turned to Embyr.
"Is this true? Are you a Dusk Reaper?" he asked. Embyr couldn't tell what he was thinking.
"I, well... yes, I was, but - " Shaidod shook his head to silence her.
"You have said enough. Any friend of the Dusk Reapers is an enemy of the Sirions," Shaidod said firmly. Frost looked from Shaidod to Embyr worriedly.
"Shaidod, please, she was a Dusk Reaper, yes, but she left them! And she's looking for help to stop a horrible event that could happen! An event made by her old clan, the Dusk Reapers! Surely any truly loyal dragon to their clan wouldn't announce their secrets!" No one spoke. Shaidod looked deep in thought. Frost seemed hoping, and Eiji angry. She was pleading in her mind that Shaidod would give her a chance. Just one, she thought. Just one, and I promise I'll make it up to you for whatever the Dusk Reapers did. Finally Shaidod spoke.
"Many years ago I trusted a Dusk Reaper with my life, and she turned out to be the best friend I could have ever had," He turned to a white Mirror next to him, who nodded with a smile. "I see no reason why you, Embyr, should be any different."
For the next few days, Embyr taught the Sirions everything she knew about the Dusk Reapers and their weapon. They included her in their meetings and the making of their plan to stop the Dusk Reapers. Embyr noticed that though most of the dragons where cautious around her, they trusted Shaidod, meaning they trusted Embyr. Well, all of the Sirions... except Eiji. Embyr understood this hate - she was a former Dusk Reaper, a dragon of the biggest enemy of theirs, as she learned. Still, she wished that Eiji could trust her, too. For some reason, she didn't really seem to care about the rest of the Sirion's trust. She just wanted Eiji's.
Soon Emyr forgot all about gaining his trust when the Sirions and her had almost mastered their plan. Many ideas had been tossed around, but only one would work - though many of the dragons didn't like this idea, it was the only one to be - a war. Embyr explained that the Dusk Reapers were planning to have their master weapon done in only a week, and they would be setting out to destroy Sornieth right after. Their first stop was The Tangled Wood. Fear came into Frost's eyes, as well as his parents'. Frost's twin,
Xeivor, and younger brothers, Juniper and Rassy, were living in The Twisted Wood with an ally of the Sirions, the Kobolds.
Shaidod, with the help of his forever-mate, Roara (the white Mirror), Frost, an unwilling Eiji, and a few other dragons, rounded up all the Sirions and held a grand meeting (they convinced Embyr to stay put for this little mission, because the dragons might be a bit scared of her). Shaidod cleared his throat to get all the confused dragons' attention.
"I know many of you have heard about the life-threatening event of which we were only recently informed of. But for those of you who don't, let me explain. A new dragon, going by the name of Embyr, came to us not long ago, claiming that her old clan, the Dusk Reapers, were planning to destroy all Sornieth in only a matter of weeks. Yes, she herself was a Dusk Reaper, but she overcame this obstacle and reached out to us, the Sirions, for help. Being the dragons we are, who take in any true souls, we decided to help her stop the dangerous event. Over the past few weeks, I, Shaidod, and my council, along with Embyr and Frost, have pondered over the best way to stop their wrath. In the end, however, though many of us did not like it, we must prepare for war. While some of us go around and evacuate the regions, all the rest will fight for Sornieth. So I ask you all now, will you all be so willing as to protect the land in which you grew up?" There was deep silence. Embyr looked at the large crowd of dragons, worry spread across all their faces, including Frost's. Meaningful was Shaidod's and Roara's, and grim was Eiji's. This is really happening, Embyr thought. Right now.
It was the day before the war. All of the dragons who chose to help evacuate The Tangled Wood had left the day before, and those who chose to fight were now clumped together along the South-Eastern border, where the Dusk Reapers would be approaching from. Among the Sirion's troop was Embyr, Shaidod, Roara, and Eiji. Embyr looked over at Eiji, who's warrior face was set, strong - and unforgiving. He didn't return Embyr's glance, but Embyr felt that he saw.
They stood there for many hours, and Embyr wondered hopefully if the Dusk Reapers had given up, and they wouldn't have to fight. Then all of the Sirions would be safe, she thought. Then they wouldn't have to go through this madness - this war. A large, echoing battle horn pulled Embyr from her thoughts, and she looked around, seeing the defensive positions of her fellows. Not far ahead was the large troop of the Dusk Reapers. They saw the Sirions, stopped, but only for a moment, then charged at them, roaring cries of battle. The Sirions did the same, and all too soon, war broke out upon the edges of The Tangled Wood and the Sunbeam Ruins.
Not long after, Embyr came face-to-face with Palist, the Ridgeback, her old mentor. Palist looked shocked, but soon hid this with a wicked smile.
"I should have guessed," she growled, as they circled each other. "After you left, all the Dusk Reapers were dreadfully worried. They didn't want their prized warrior to disappear. Many said you could have easily been captured in the night by your parents, but I knew that you had snuck away. After you raged off that day when I told you we'd all love to have you as queen of Sornieth, I had been keeping a close eye on you. Though I didn't see you run away, how would you have had time to grab a map if you'd been captured?" she lunged at Embyr, who fought back and scratched Palist on the face. Palist only smirked. "You're a strong dragon, Embyr. Come back to us. Come back home. Stop fighting. You know we're your real family."
"NEVER!!" Embyr roared, and tackled Palist. They fought until they reached a great ravine, and Embyr had Palist pinned down.
"I'll give you one last chance, Embyr sweet. Let me go and we won't destroy you and your friends, and you can come home," Palist said soothingly, clawing at Embyr's strong grip. Embyr grimaced. "I'll never return to your vile clan. You don't deserve me." With that, Embyr flung Palist into the ravine. With both her wings broken, she'd never escape. Embyr returned to the battle grounds, where she saw destruction and chaos. Then, with a sudden notice, she saw Eiji battling one of the Dusk Reaper's best fighters - or, trying to. As good as Eiji was, the Dusk Reaper was better, and was slashing Eiji with his claws and teeth nonstop. Embyr darted over to him and flung herself at the Dusk Reaper, who toppled over under her weight. She bit his neck, sinking her teeth into him, until he stopped moving. She then turned to Eiji, who was trying to stand up, though his back left leg was broken.
"Here, let me help," she said, going on his left side under his wing to help stable him. She was surprised that Eiji let her help, but didn't say anything.
"Thanks," he mumbled. "Sorry for - everything." Embyr looked up at him, surprised.
"You're apologizing to me?! I should be the one apologizing! I completely invaded your life, changed everything!"
"Yes, but I was really overreacting. You're a good dragon, Embyr, my stubbornness was just blocking my sight. I was separated from my family by the Dusk Reapers when I was little. I was only so lucky as to have gotten found by Shaidod, and he took me in. Since then I've hated all of the Dusk Reapers, even though Roara was one."
"As long as we're friends now, nothing needs to be apologized for," she answered kindly. It was all she wanted. To finally be friends with Eiji.
"Of course," Eii answered with a smile. She'd never seen him smile.
Just then, a great eruption came from their left. They turned just in time to see a few of Dusk Reapers poor all of their explosives onto the battle field, then set them on fire. The liquid burst into flames, gripping everything in sight and smoldering it in its wrath. Embyr and Eiji darted into the sky and started to fly away, Embyr still under Eiji's left wing, but Eiji teetered and, both of them realizing that his wing was broken, crashed to the ground and into a patch of trees.
Embyr recovered from the crash moments later, and looked around for Eiji. She heard him cough off to her left, and raced towards him.
"Eiji!" she cried with relief as she found him lying on the ground.
"I'm fine," he choked. The air was full of smoke. She helped him up, and they peeked out of the forest together, looking upon the mess the Dusk Reapers had made. The whole stretch of field was on fire. The only living thing she saw in the wreckage where the few Dusk Reapers who had poured the explosives onto the battle field, laughing at the raging fire.
"They don't even care that they're burning some of their own clan," Eiji mumbled with dusgust. Embyr's thoughts were on other things, however.
"This is all my fault," she said quietly, tears coming to her eyes.
"What? Of course it's not!" Eji retorted.
"Yes it is! I brought all of the Sirions into this. If had just snuck through the Dusk Reapers that night and picked them off, one by one, no one would have had to worry! I could have done everything on my own! But now I've dragged an entire clan into battle just because I was too scared to kill the Dusk Reapers in the first place! You just say it's not my fault to make me feel better, but you know that it really is. You were right in the first place. None of you should have trusted me." Embyr sat down and started crying, covering her face with her wings.
"Now listen, Embyr. No matter how much you try to tell yourslf, I was not right. I was not the savior. If everyone had listened to me, then we would all have been dead, because I was too stubborn to open up my eyes and see a good dragon, just trying to help. You wouldn't have been able to kill all of the Dusk Reapers on your own. Sure, you know a lot, even more than me, honestly, but there was way more of them than of you. And after you were dead, no one would be able to warn us about what the Dusk Reapers were planning! They would destroy all of Sornieth, and that would be the end. So yes, this was all because of you, but that's a good thing! You saved everyone, Embyr!" Embyr had stopped crying, but she was still sad. She looked up at Eiji, who returned her glance happily.
"Not everyone," she moaned. "Shaidod's gone. Roara's gone. So many Sirions are dead now!" Eiji grimaced.
"Unfortunately, yes. But they didn't die in vane. If Shaidod were here, he would say something smart, like, oh what was that saying? Happiness can always be found, even in the darkness."
I think you mean, 'Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.'" Eiji and Embyr turned to their left, and found Shaidod standing there, along with Roara and all of the other Sirions who had been fighting.
"Shaidod?! But - but - how?!" Embyr gasped. He laughed heartily.
"Yes, it is I. When the Dusk Reapers set their explosives on fire, we managed to escape into the forest. But this battle isn't over yet. There's still Dusk Reapers out there, and we can't let them do any more destruction. It's time to finish this long battle once and for all."
The Sirions and Embyr set to the sky, scanning with their keen eyes across the dead battlefield. They saw many carcasses of Dusk Reapers, roasting in the flames. Embyr wrinkled her nose. It smelled horrible, like rotting meat.
Ahead they spotted three figures flying not much lower than them, making such a racket that anyone could have heard them. Shaidod and Roara flew low and picked them off without even being noticed, then they all gathered in a huddle in the air. Eiji was being supported by another Sirion, though he didn't look mightily happy about it. Most of the other Sirions were carrying the large cauldron that the Dusk Reapers had kept the explosives in. They had gathered up the little of the lquid they could find and brought it with them, planning to ambush the Dusk Reapers with it. Embyr explained to all of them that the Dusk Reaper's lair was not far from here, and continued to lead them South-East.
Soon Embyr began flying lower, quieting her flaps. The others did the same, and she guided them onto a large mountain covered with trees.
"Their lair is right there," Embyr explained, pointing down the East side of the mountain and into a ravine.
"Good. Embyr, you will go with me to destroy them, along with Roara and a few others. Eiji, I'm sorry, but you are too wounded to come. You will stay here, along with them," he nodded to two of the Sirions, who understood and took their places in the woods by Eiji.
"No, I want to come with you! I can stand, look! I can fight!" Eiji contorted, and tried to lift himself off the ground, but stumbled and toppled back over.
"Please, Eiji. If you go with us, you'll only be killing yourself!" Embyr said, looking Eiji in the eyes.
"At least I wouldn't be stuck here like a failer," he muttered.
"Please, Eiji? I don't want you dying, not when we just put aside our differences!" Embyr pleaded. Eiji turned to look at the ground and said no more, silently giving in to them.
Not long after, Shaidod, Roara, and Embyr snuck down the mountain, while a few others flew with the cauldron above. This is it, Embyr thought, excited and yet at the same time frightened. The moment you've been waiting for since you found out the Dusk Reapers are evil. They fluttered down the ravine until they were staring at a wide arch, covered with red vines.
"This is the only way in, but they barely watch it anymore because no one dares to come in here. The whole lair is probably deserted at the moment because they're grieving over loosing Palist," Embyr told Shaidod and Roara. The other Sirions were hovering above the ravine with the cauldron, waiting for Shaidod's signal to drop it and fire.
"Perfect," Shaidod said. "All we have to do is tell the others to drop it there and then all the Dusk Reapers are gone. So where is this place where they'll be grieving?"
"I'm not positive, but it could be the main room where they have most of their meetings. Let's check there first." Following Embyr's stealthy lead, the three dragons crept inside.
After a few lefts and rights and a misturn that led to the sleeping corridors, they entered the main room. All of the Dusk Reapers were there, Embyr could tell. Apparently they had retrieved Palist's body from the ravine Embyr'd thrown her into, and were now having the Burning of the Dead ceremony, the common way to bid ones that have passed on farewell among the Dusk Reapers. The liquid would burn through the thin layer above this room easily. All Shaidod had to do was yell, "Now!" and the Sirions fluttering above would let go of the cauldron. Embyr watched the Dusk Reapers in the few moments before Shaidod called, listening to them hum and sway around the burning body. She remembered being in one of these ceremonies, preforming the ritual with Palist by her side. Palist had taught her everything she knew, and now she was gone. Embyr almost felt bad that she had killed her mentor. But it was for the best, Embyr told herself firmly. She wanted to kill you anyway. She didn't love you, Embyr. She wasn't a friend. Real friends are ones you can trust, those who will always be there for you, like Shaidod, and Roara, Frost and all the other Sirions... like Eiji. Then she heard Shaidod roar, "NOW!" as loud as he could next to her, making all the Dusk Reapers stop humming and turn to them. Seeing the invaders, they began to run at them, but it was too late. It all blinded Embyr, the explosion of the explosives breaking through the lair of rock, into the main room, setting the whole room on fire. She didn't start running the opposite way until Shaidod started pulling her towards the entrance. The fire was spreading throughout all their lair, and would soon burn them if they didn't make it out. The three ran, as fast as they could, through all the turns they took to get back out. Suddenly, Embyr heard a small, scared shriek. The shriek of a baby dragon.
Embyr stopped, listening. There it was again!
"EMBYR! COME ON!! WE CAN'T STAY!!" Shaidod yelled to her. The fire was racing towards them fast. Embyr didn't listen. Why was there a baby dragon in here?
THERE'S A DRAGON IN HERE! A BABY!" Embyr yelled back.
"WE DON'T HAVE TIME!!" Shaidod roared back. Embyr was listening for the screach again. She heard it from the room she had just passed - the dungeons. She took a quick glance at Shaidod and Roara.
"I HAVE TO GO BACK!" Then she turned into the dungeons, ignoring Shaidod and Roara's cries for her to stop.
The shriek got louder - scared, helpless. She ran fast, hearing the fire coming nearer. Then she saw it - a baby dragon, locked up in a cage! Fury rose up in her. How could the Dusk Reapers have done this?! Those cruel-hearted, worthless dragons. She raced over to the cage and unlocked it.
"It's ok, it's ok. I've got you. I'm a friend. I'm gonna bring you out," she soothed, and lifted up the tiny dragon, placing him on her back. He was white with black splotches, and spikes running along his back. His eyes were twisted with Plague. She raced back out, just as a burst of flame met her in the home stretch.
Embyr looked around. The room she was in was bright and happy, and she was lying on a bed of leaves and moss. She lifted up her head, and tried to push herself up, but felt a horrible pain in her front right foot.
"Woah, woah, easy. You're leg is broken, be careful." Embyr looked to her right and found Roara, looking at her with kind eyes.
"What happened?" she asked.
"Well, after you went back to save that baby dragon, as you came out a giant burst of flame engulfed both of you. You had wrapped the baby in your wings, but you got pretty badly bruised. Shaidod and I were lucky to find you, we had almost given up, and we brought you and the baby out. Then we flew both of you back, and that's basically all that happened. That was yesterday, though. You've been resting for awhile."
"Where is he? The hatchling?" Embyr asked, fear crossing her mind. If anything happened to that hatchling, she'd never forgive herself.
"Don't worry, he's ok. He's getting along amazingly well for a baby dragon who's never been around others before. We did some research and found out that he was captured by the Dusk Reapers as an egg, a horrible tragity. You see, when this happens, the parents will never know that it was their hatchling. If that baby had managed to survive the fire, and somehow found his parents again, which is very unlikely, then his parents still wouldn't have known he was there's, even if he did, which he would. You did a kind deed, Embyr, and he's gonna need someone to look after him. Would you be willing to adopt him?"
"Of course," Embyr answered, smiling widely and happily.

Later that day, when Embyr felt that she was well enough to get up, she limped into the hatchery and met up with her new son. He was very spritly, and acted as if he'd never been in the Dusk Reaper's lair, the worst possible place for a small one like him. Eiji stayed with them the whole time, and all three of them played. She named him
Aprillus, and together, they both became Sirions.

Mate: Eiji
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  • Names must be longer than 2 characters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.