
Level 5 Tundra
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Tundra
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3.46 m
2.65 m
384.12 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 28, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Tundra
EXP: 511 / 5545





Uh-oh, looks like this Tough Tundra wandered a little too far from her lair (86166, AbstergoEmployee ), and now she is off to see the world! If ever you feel the urge to exalt, Serene would really appreciate it if you could just return her home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here.

You are free to breed Serene , level up and gene her up, or trade her in the Dragons off to see the world thread. Or maybe you'd like to add to Serene's story. That's okay too.
fJBQgAV.gif Serenea cute T R A V E L E RfJBQgAV.gif
Traveler | Shadow
RifPuAL.png Credits:
Template by: Xazz #33478
Lore by: Various
“Oh Darling, Let’s Be Adventurers"
Adventurous | Excitable | Curious | Humorous
AbstergoEmployee: Clan Itazura has been known throughout Sornieth as a clan whose members had been touched by the Shade and with their allies little and few in between while their enemies continue to grow from intolerance and fear. But every once in a while they are blessed with a child who wasn't born with this illness. They take these children and send them off almost immediately to explore Sornieth as a means to protect them.

Serene was one of these lucky children. A kind and caring spirit, Serene loved her sisters and the rest of her clan and would play with them often... Well until it came time for her to leave. Though Serene was sad to leave her family, she understood why and held no hard feelings knowing they only wanted what was best for her. Serene then gathered her things and left Clan Itazura to explore Sornieth.

Mercuryshep: First the young Tundra went north, as far north as she could travel across the Tangled Wood until she reached the coast of the North Sea. She stared out at the water for a while, unsure if her wings were strong enough to travel across it in one flight. But she was willing to try. She crouched down, prepared to make a running start for the water, and closed her eyes tight. With a nod of determination the hatchling bounded forward and leaped into the air...

...only to slam headfirst into the body of a massive Ridgeback dragoness. Serene was certain she had been the only one on this secluded beach, so how could such a huge dragon seem to appear from thin air?

"Come. Let me help you," the mysterious stranger said, and snatched Serene up in her talons like a piece of prey as she took flight.

Despite Serene's squeals of confusion and protest, the Ridgeback did not release her. They only traveled a short distance, however, before alighting gently on the deck of a large wooden ship. Black sails hung from the masts, the main sail embellished with the white silhouette of a Pearlcatcher. As Serene gazed out in awe at the endless expanse of water, a sickly-sweet voice called out from behind her.

"Welcome aboard the Wayward Pearl."


Over many months at sea, Serene slowly began to understand the motives of this close-knit pirate crew. Annova, the pirate's captain, believed firmly that living to work and working to live gave purpose to dragons with no meaning in life, and what better way to earn your keep than to give up your life to the whims of the unpredictable sea?

The Wayward Pearl took in lost dragons from all over Sornieth, especially young dragons such as Serene herself, and offered them a place on the ship. But Serene was not a lost dragon. She knew her purpose in life. She needed to explore all of Sornieth, every region and every place the winds would take her, but she could not do that on a vessel unfit for inland travel. The sea could carry her to places previously unreachable by dragons, but now she needed to go somewhere reachable only by the wind.

"Tell us where you would like to go, then," said the ship's navigator with a smile.

The entire crew had grown to be quite friendly towards the young dragoness during their adventures together. She had even been taught how to wield a sword (and the taste of ale). When she told them of her wish to continue her journey alone, they were sad but understanding. Even now, they gazed expectantly upon her with no malice in their eyes.

"Just name a place and we will take you to the nearest port. Anything for a dear friend."

AlmightyAmu: It was a rare occurrence that any of Refugee's Rest would travel so far east to one of the many unforgiving beaches of Dragonhome where unrelenting stone met unrelenting sea, but, like the tide, fate pulls in mysterious directions. And how lucky of the waves to call when they did. Upon the ridge of sharp rocks on the edge of the territory far from any large accumulation of dragons, Aquarius stood, watching the port town below. It was a simple stop of no name for sailors braving the journey around the seas surrounding Dragonhome, and definitely no place for a young dragon. He began his descent to investigate the one he saw.

Serene was a traveler too, so to speak. Not yet versed in the way of the wanderer, but inexperience could be remedied, and Aquarius believed himself to be just the medicine she needed.

Whether it was because she was a wanderer or because she too was born among the brambles, the two quickly became student and mentor. Aquarius taught her all he knew. How to forage when there appeared to be nothing but dust, how to climb the stones already made smooth by the passage of time, How to approach strangers and, before that, how to know which were safe to approach. Serene's enduring, kind nature however, dissuaded him from teaching her to fight properly; it was simply not her way. Her skills both with nature and its inhabitants would be enough to carry her onward.

She told him her story as well, piece by piece. About the sickness and her merciful exile. About the crew kind enough to take her in and keep her, a hatchling at the time, safe until she grew. About the urge to wander that took her from the Sea of a Thousand Currents. About the urge to travel that would take her from Dragonhome too, and many other lands throughout her journey. Her life would shift, changing constantly like the shadows of her home that shield her family even now.

Serene, they both knew, was not to stay in Dragonhome forever. The itch to explore further lands soon became unbearable, but she could not bring herself to leave without saying goodbye to Aquarius. The news was well received from one wanderer to another and he agreed to travel with her to the next place she felt her heart call to; one last adventure before she was off again, following the path she was born to follow.

Wraith296: The path had gotten her terribly, horribly, lost in the Foxfire Brambles. She could barely see where she was going, and while she thanked the Eleven she’d been born with Shadow magics, she still had no idea where she was; the Tangled Wood was home, but she’d never been here before. She hoped she wasn’t just wandering in circles beneath the thorns.

....someone was following her. Someone or something. She prayed it wasn’t the latter, but there was danger hanging in the air; a feeling of wrongness, that something was right behind her. Everything in her screamed at her to run. To run as fast as she could and not look back. But something else told her that to run would be the worst thing she could do. If she ran, It would chase. But neither would stopping be wise. So she kept walking, head spinning and legs stiff with the effort of not bolting away.

Even with her expecting some kind of monster to pop out at her, she still startled when three pairs of glowing eyes emerged from the darkness beside her. Then twin heads, followed by thick necks and enormous shoulders, covered in spiked fins, continuing halfway down its back, where they were replaced with large pustules like those on every depiction of the Plaguebringer she'd ever seen. Finally, a grotesque, twisted tail followed the thing, writhing like so many worms, as it circled around in front of her. A spindly webbed hand came to rest only a few feet away. The creature loomed over her. It snarled and gnashed its long teeth at her, but other than whipping its tail around furiously, made no move to attack. She stared at it, frozen, for several very long seconds before realizing it was no longer looking at her. Her veins filled with ice as she realized -it wasn't looking at her.

aformofmotion: I took her in and I loved her, but I am very bad at lore and went inactive. I'm now properly retiring, so I'm passing her on to a friend who has a plan for travelers. Good luck little lady!


Owners I've had:

1. AbstergoEmployee
2. Mercuryshep
3. AlmightyAmu
4. CoralGay
5. Wraith296
6. aformofmotion
More Owners:

Even More Owners

18. Return to AbstergoEmployee for some editing

Visual Representation

Mom: Naomi --> Willow --> Erroneous --> Code -> Eclipse

Naomi > Willow > Erroneous > Binary > Volan > Phengaris > Destina > Bile > Dissociation > Circadian
Naomi > Willow > Mara > Soul > Hypothesis > Theory > Viren > Bile > Dissociation > Circadian
Naomi > Willow > Mara > Nocnitsa > Brighid > Bruiser > Dissociation > Circadian
Naomi > Willow > Fia > Antares > Cook > Moonie > Bootleg > Alice > Circadian
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