
The Pale Star
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Sunbeam Dryad
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Fae
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Personal Style


Scarlet Satin Tunic
Red Healer's Mantle
Red Healer's Calling




0.85 m
1.47 m
1.22 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 15, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Zayin’s mother had always told him to keep his wings hidden. She never gave him a reason why, but he didn’t need one. After all, she wouldn’t command such a thing just for fun. Surely there had to be a very good reason behind it, especially since she never let him forget. Although, he couldn’t help but to sit and wonder about it sometimes.

During one such time, Zayin heard his mother call from further in the lair. “Coming!” he announced, tucking his starry wings into his cloak. She didn’t need to know that he’d been mindlessly staring at them again. Rushing into the other room, he asked, “What is it? Do you need something?”

“Yes,” his mother sighed after a moment’s hesitation. “Your father has yet to return from the council meeting so I need you to go to the market for a few things.” She handed Zayin a list and a few coins. “You must hurry. I need these things for dinner.”

Nodding, Zayin looked the list over as he walked towards the door. “Remember to keep your wings tucked and your fins down,” his mother called after him.

“I know, Mom,” Zayin replied, forcing his facial fins to droop. Keeping those open was just as bad as letting someone have a peek at his wings, or so his mother would have him believe.

As he hopped down the many steps leading from their amber lair to the ground, Zayin again thought about how easy the journey would be if he was allowed to fly. Once his feet hit the ground, he paused and glanced up at the sky, or, more accurately, at the dragons sailing across it. His wings shifted under their cloth prison, yearning for the freedom everyone else had. With a sigh, he began the long trek to the market.

The usual crowds bustled between the stalls. Zayin squeezed his way between dragons more than five times his size, seeking the insect peddler. He made sure his cloak was well situated over his wings. A slip-up here would almost certainly prove dangerous. He reached back and tugged his hood over his head.

The insect seller had hidden his stall in a corner, where it wouldn’t be trampled. He saw Zayin approaching and perked up, his fins flaring. “Welcome. Could I perhaps interest you in some grasshoppers? They’re fresh,” he stated. His fins suddenly faltered. “Um, sorry, but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you around before. Are you new?”

“Sorry, I just don’t get out much,” Zayin apologized, lowering his hood. His facial fins almost flicked up, but he caught himself just in time. He looked down at the list in his claws. “Uh… Do you have Dusky Mealworms? Or June Beetles?”

“Yes, but...” the peddler said, turning and grabbing the requested bugs. “Why so down, friend? None of my customers have such sad fins when they visit.” He handed over a small bag and leaned on the counter. “It might be none of my business, but I want to know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

“No, I really can’t say,” Zayin replied, setting the coins down. “I have to get home. Thanks for everything.” He turned and hurried off into the crowd. As he ran, he peered into the bag of insects to ensure that everything was there. Abruptly, he crashed into something large and solid, spilling his bag’s contents. Startled, his fins flicked up and he scrambled to pick the bugs up before they escaped.

“I am very sorry,” Zayin called up to the other dragon, stuffing the bugs back into the bag. “I really should have been watching where I was going.”

“Your fins, boy,” the Imperial murmured, pushing his face too close to Zayin. “I’ve never seen Stella Pallidus with my own eyes before.” His pale green eyes twinkled, but they looked far from friendly.

“S-Stella… what, sir?” Zayin asked, backing away a few paces. He forced his fins back down and shuffled his wings uncomfortably beneath his cloak.

“Stella Pallidus,” the Imperial repeated, stepping even closer. “The Pale Star. It is said to have remarkable powers.” With a swift motion, he grabbed Zayin, squeezing him almost too tightly. “Powers I simply must have for myself.”

In a moment, the two were airborne, twisting between trees until they were in the open sky. Zayin remained silent, too stunned to speak or think, as he watched the Viridian Labyrinth shrink to a speck beneath them. “Mom?” he whispered, tears forming beneath his eyelids.

Hours seemed to pass and they still hadn’t landed. “Where are we going?” Zayin asked, finally able to speak between sobs.

“Home, boy,” the Imperial hissed. “So I can extract the powers you clearly don’t know how to use.” He growled under his breath. “Someone must have been keeping you all for themselves.”

Zayin squirmed in the Imperial’s impossibly tight grip. He had to escape or he wouldn’t see his family again. By the sound of it, he likely wouldn’t live for very much longer either. Pushing against the Imperial’s claws with all his might, he cried out for someone – anyone – to save him.

As if on cue, a Spiral rammed into the Imperial, causing his grip to loosen just enough for Zayin to wriggle free. As he fell toward the earth, the Imperial roared and reached for him, claws flashing dangerously in the sunlight. Those claws tore through his cloak, allowing his wings the freedom to stretch. Left with no other option, he let them.

The wind caught Zayin immediately, jerking him away from his captor. With little practice combating the wind, he let it pull him along like a puppet on a string. The Imperial bellowed his frustrations, but gave up and headed for the ground. Zayin, unfortunately, could make no such choice.

Twirling uncontrollably, Zayin tried desperately to right himself. Panic bubbled through his veins as he fought the gusts pushing him further from home. He screeched for help again, but the breeze stole the words from his throat.

For hours, Zayin struggled through the air. He felt as though his wings were going to be torn from his back if this kept up for much longer. Looking towards the ground, he found that it was much closer than before. Wrapping his wings around himself in an effort to land, he prayed that the nightmare would end soon. The ground was not as forgiving as he had hoped, but it granted him his wish.

When he returned to consciousness, Zayin was in an unfamiliar cave. He jerked upright and looked around wildly. A Mirror that had been sitting on the far side of the room stood, smiling warmly. “Good morning,” he said. “Have you slept well?”

“Where am I?” Zayin asked, trembling. “Who are you?”

“Where are my manners?” the Mirror mumbled to himself, chuckling. “My name is Prym. Welcome to Dragonhome.”

“Dragonhome?” Zayin whimpered, curling his tail around himself. “I’m so far from my family.”

“I understand,” Prym replied. “But it would be very dangerous for you to return, especially since...” He trailed off, his sparkling pink eyes drifting towards Zayin’s wings.

Zayin jolted and tried to stuff his wings back into his tattered cloak. “Hey, there’s no need for you to do that here,” Prym hurriedly explained. “You’re safe, I can assure you.”

“No one’s gonna try and extract my powers?” Zayin asked, slowly letting his wings unfurl again.

“Of course not,” Prym laughed. He held out a claw and motioned toward the door. “Come with me. I’ll introduce you to the rest of the clan.”

Still a bit unsteady from his crash landing, Zayin stood and followed Prym out of the room. Perhaps he wouldn’t be able to return home (at least, not yet), but that might have to do for a while. He glanced at the Mirror, who was now chattering excitedly about his clanmates. For now, he was safe and that was all that mattered.
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