
All Hail Glade Mom & the beauty she brings
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Gladegift Ambassador
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Nocturne
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Personal Style


Druidic Emblem
Nurtured Cluster
Gladegift Garlands
Gladegift Halo
Foliage Blind



Scene: Gladekeeper's Domain


6.16 m
5.08 m
641.94 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 06, 2019
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 2 Nocturne
EXP: 147 / 641



  • none



Please forgive me, her bio is under construction \: :(

Nature Runestone
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Vista: Greenskeeper Gathering Skin: Moonlight Mantle Accent: Wandering Nest Skin: Cymbidium Splendor Vista: Gladekeeper
Standard of the Gladekeeper Nature's Charm Dryad's Guise Druidic Crown Druidic Sash
Heatherbed Lily Flowering Gladeboughs

Give a greeting to this gorgeous green gal named Finestroa, a Nocturne I won from a chest during the Night of the Nocturne season 2018-19, and hatched on this year's last day, 1-6-19, who is also the clan's very First Nature representative! :D

fin- (like the body part of a fish)-ehst-stro (like in stroke but without the k part; the a in the end of her name is silent, and works how the a does in words like goat or boat and makes the same sound) :)
Cascadian for:
Her name is in a special language that the dragons of the SkyWings speak & also use for naming their kin.. in this certain tongue, her name means..
'Forest Jewel ' since her eyes looked like gems when she was younger and her colors remind me of the woods :)
Since some might find her name hard to say, she goes by & responds to Finnie for short ^^)

(likes, dislikes, what item they hoard, character, etc)

Finestroa is a girl who loves everything plant and shows the others in the clan what it means to take care of the fauna of the living world.. This dragon is a Nocturne who loves everything Nature and often visits the Virdian Labrynth as a way to pay homage to her roots of the element she chose to align with when she first hatched :) On one of her many pilgrimages to her Flight of origin, she met Goran, her Gladegift Ambassador, who decided to stick by this Nocturne's side since he saw her way with the nature around her :)

Though being born/hatched in a Wind clan, when Finestroa arrived, she felt something deep within her attached to the blossoming, verdant plains of the Viridian Labyrinth to the north, and thus decided far inside herself that that was where she would align herself to. Her tiny soul could feel the deities' presences within the tough, armored shell of her Nocturne egg, and of them, the Gladekeeper's felt the most welcoming, and so, she chose her over all the others. Happy with the alignment, The Verdant One blessed her with the green eyes of Her children, and thus, when the Nocturne finally broke into the world at the right time, her eyes shone a brilliant green with a vibrancy that all who saw them were reminded of bright, glistening jewels, and thus, the Nocturne's name was given.
The one who found the contents of the Strange Chest brought the egg they found to the Nursery dragon, the Nocturne Meriona, and from there, she watched over the egg while all of this was happening inside. Then, the shell split, revealing the green & brown-colored hide of the baby Nocturne, and she blinked up to Me-rie with the brilliant green eyes. With this, the Nursery Nocturne, and all who saw her, were struck by the gem-like quality of her eyes, and the colors of her hide, and Cascade was notified and denoted her a name in the clan's own tongue that embodied what all who saw when they laid eyes on the Nocturne hatchling :) From there, she was tended to by Me-rie and others who came to see her, and she found, quite pleasantly, that there were other Nature dragons in the clan and so she sought them out as well, and spent much time with them, such as the likes of the Tundra, Fracture, and the Mirror, Haruto. The aforementioned dragons welcomed her into their families, and though not much of gardeners themselves, (though Fracture was moreso than Haruto), they still used their Nature powers in other ways, and soon taught Finestroa how to wield her own powers for the good of the clan & strengthen her own abilities. As she found she was drawn to the Nature ones of the clan, she soaked up & learned all she could from them & now considers them her family, and they too see her as a daughter of sorts. In a way, this was also how she found her calling by being with them as they taught her about the powers of Nature. While she studied under them, something was unlocked inside the Nocturne, and all soon came to realize how powerful she was and that she had had hidden abilities none of them had seen the likes of before. She soon proved to outpower the Tundra and the Mirror, and though scared and uncertain at first, the pair worked with her to help her tame her powers as best they could, and set their own feelings aside for they could see the maturing Nocturne needed their help, and that that was more important.
As she came into her own and discovered the talents she had for wielding such abilities, with the guidance of the others, Finestroa found that she could prompt things to grow more easliy than the rest & the nature of the clan responded more easily to her will & whims than the others. No one had an answer to this, but were greatful for the help anyways, and tried not to get jealous as they still worked with her. At this discovery & uncovering of her abilities, an emblem over top of her head appeared, followed soon after by a circle of flowers that hovered all on its own around her head as well as a halo of sorts, and it became known with these obvious signs just how much of a powerful adept she was. She felt something stirring deep within her when they appeared, and she got a vision in her mind's eye of the Gladekeeper smiling upon her and giving her the halo as a sign of favor. Elated, Finestroa rushed to Fracture & Haruto and relayed what she'd just seen, and they told her the Nocturne must've just been blessed by The Verdant One and were overjoyed on her behalf. From there, the powers came to her even more easily, and she found that plants even started to grow from her hide, as a lush swath of yellow roses sprung forth from her wings, or if some were sickly, they'd weave their way to her for they knew innately that she was the most powerful in the clan at the time who could help them the most, such as the succulents who planted themselves on her hip and have stayed since. With her powers coming to fruition & blooming with her (pun intended), the Nocturne found she loved to work in the gardens where she could practice her powers & tend to the grounds in peace, if not pausing to chat, for a moment, with the others of the clan who visited or tended the gardens as well. Working with the plants gave her a renewed passion for life, and she felt invigorated by being able to help them and see them flourish by her abilities.

To fuel her passion even more, she took a trek to the plains of the Gladkeeper for she felt a calling within her that beckoned to her from the domain to the north, and thus, she set out on an expedition. Fracture and Haruto joined her, for they also liked to make treks & pilgrimages back to their homeland to pay an honor to their deity & families, if not to see their old homes, too, and so the group set out for the Viridian Labyrinth. Curious and offering support to their partners, their husbands set out with them, and so the quintet made the journey north to the lush lands of the Gladekeeper. Upon arrival, they were welcomed by Fracture's & Haruto's old homes and settled in for the duration of their stay in accommodations the clans set up for them. At this, Finestroa wandered around, acquainting herself with the land of her beloved Gladkeeper, and felt like she was truly home & happy to be in the presence of the deity she'd aligned with so long ago. She breathed in deep the fragrant aromas of the blooming jungle around her & took in the sounds of the calling birds and singing creatures, as she took in the sings that spelled life was abundant here, she truly felt as though she had come back to the place she belonged. The warmth of the tropic clime enveloped her like a blanket and she loved the atmosphere of the domain, and knew this was where she belonged as she stood in the shadow of the biggest tree in all of Sornieth, The Behemoth. Though her roots were in the Wind clan, she knew with every fiber of her being that this was her home, and she knew she would have to come back, again & again, as many times as physically possible.

Not much passed in the Gladkeeper's realm without Her knowing about it though, so She realized the Nocturne from so long ago who had chosen Her over all the others was now in Her territory, and She turned Her gaze to the little green Nocturne once more. A vision once again overtook Finestroa, and she saw the blossoming being that was even bigger than the tree looking down to her. "Welcome home, my child," a voice said that boomed in her head, and yet, it was also as gentle as the breeze that swept softly through The Behemoth's splayed leaves, and sounded like the soft shhhh noise of leaves rustling together. Finestroa smiled up to her and said sincerely in her thought-voice, "It's good to be home." This made the Gladekeeper laugh, and the noise was like the peals of windchimes ringing gently together, and Finestroa sat in awe, surprised she had made her deity laugh...and secretly wondered with a fleeting thought if that was a good thing. "I'm glad," The Gladkeeper said next with the same soft voice and still smiled, but then her face fell a moment later. "But I see where you call home is not of my land

and you live in the domain of another,"
She continued as She looked at the Nocturne with eyes that seemed to know everything about her. At this, Finestroa nodded in truth, knowing she could hide nothing from the gods, and lowered her head in shame, unsure of what to say. But she saw the Gladkeeper smile next as a soft breeze blew by, gently pushing her chin back up to face The Verdant One. "Do not be ashamed, my child, for I know it can not be helped. The Winds of Fate are indeed strong

at times,"
She continued, and Her eyes glistened in merriment as if at an inside joke as She looked to the plains further away where the Windsinger waved an like a pennant and circled in the air over His land. Finestroa smiled however, as she had heard that phrase often in her home clan as it was a running joke of sorts between the dragons, what with it being a Wind clan and all. Then, the Gladekeeper focused on the Nocturne again, Her piercing peridot eyes fixing Finestroa to the spot. "In your clan of Wind, I task

you with the Role of being an ambassador to those around you so that you may uphold my

name and show those around you in the clan what it means to be one of my children,"

Gladekeeper said next as Finestroa watched Her intently as She continued.

"Many of my children are dispersed throughout the realm, but I have tasked them,

or they have come to me devoutly asking for help and chosen by faith to have,

the responsibility of being representatives to their home clans of my beloved

element so that they can show their clans what it truly means to be a Nature dragon. This

Role I hereby give to you as well, little faithful Finestroa, Nocturne of the SkyWings clan.

Show your peers what it means to be a Nature dragon, daughter of the Gladekeeper."

Finestroa sat rapt as she listened, and when the Gladekeeper finished, it finally hit her what she could do in her home clan, as she had been wondering for awhile if there was more to life than jus the gardens & her powers, and pondered where she could truly fit. Of course! That's what I can do! she thought, as she thought on how there were others in the clan who were Flight Representatives of their chosen respective elements as well, and they did what they could to show the clan what that meant. "I accept & receive your task, oh, Verdant One," she said in her thought-voice with reverence as she bowed. "I won't let you down!" she added, to which the Glakdeeper smiled. "Good, my Finestroa. There are great plans for you so

you must not fail,"
She said, and at that, the vision ended before Finestroa had the chance to question what She meant by that. With renewed vigor and happiness, however, the Nocturne had no chance to question it as her mind was racing with other thoughts and she ran to tell the others what had just happened. Again, as last time, they were overjoyed for her & celebrated her new Role, and this was how she became the Nature Flight Representative to the clan. Upon their return after their stay in the Everbloom Gardens, Finestroa told Moriah, the clan's Appointer of Roles, and thus, her title was given, and the Nocturne never felt more complete, now having found what she could do in the clan & where she fit. ^^)

A time later after her return with her new title and vigor, a Skydancer who had been intrigued by the Nocturne made his presence know to the green dragon by means of a subtle approach. He had been watching her for a time as she came unto her own, and felt drawn to her as he watched her blossom within the clan (pun intended XD ). Though he felt a bit odd with being with those around him until he found his way to the gardens, he truly felt like he could be himself around the plants. Since this is also where the Nocturne spent most of her time, he studied her and put to practice the things she learned in his own pursuits for he felt as though deep down inside he was truly a Nature dragon, having been born unto the wrong Flight & element. Of course it never worked with him as well as it did with her, but he could get the plants to respond after more work & tries. As he watched, he took note of the places she preferred, and used his budding talents (pun intended XD ) to coax the plants there into a more verdant, lush & expansive blooms so that her particular places would always be lovely to look at. He didn't know if she could tell who was behind these magics, but he always hoped one day she'd get to figuring it out.. or, maybe, he'd have to tell her himself, if she never did. When she returned to the clan after the visit to the lush lands to the north, he noted how she seemed aglow with enthusiasm, and that the plants responded to her more now than ever before. But they weren't the only ones who took note of her new, brightened self, as he heard whisperings among the other dragons who were single at the time and were noting how her new passion & zeal for life had an attractive quality to it. The Skydancer, named Exritl, caught wind of this, and thus he knew there was now no more waiting around and he had to make a move first before the Nocturne was snatched away from him. He thought of how could he get to her that no other male would know, and at that, an idea came to mind.. With this, he coaxed the plants with his limited powers to respond to him even more, and weaved together messages in Draconic for her to find in her regular spots in the garden, since he wasn't sure how well her Cascadian was, even for being born within the clan and figured that was a safer bet as Draconic was the universal tongue & understood by mostly all in the land of Sornieth. It was tricky, given his abilities, but he was able to make them wind together & pull themselves into the recognizable shapes of the alphabet, however sloppy. He could tell she was intrigued by the 'hi's' and 'hello's' he was leaving behind, and when she started to leave messages displayed in rocks & debris behind for him to read as well, he knew his creative idea was working.

For a time they conversed like this, him leaving 'how are you's' and kind messages of encouragement for her to discover, with her responding accordingly, but when the whispers of the others kicked up again, he finally made a move and spelled out 'lunch?' as in a means to ask her to a meal so they could finally meet face-to-face. He watched under the shroud of a nearby bush as she discovered the latest message and studied it with a puzzled look on her face. She then shook her head, thinking she had to get to the bottom of this, and thus spelled out 'who are you?' ,wondering who was doing this, since the last wording gave way to it being another dragon behind this, and not the plants, or even the Gladekeeper, weaving them together and greeting her each day as she had come to think that it was. With staying concealed in his hiding place, he began to make the stems and vines of the flora move together in a way that spelled out his name, and when 'Exritl' was finally visible, he stepped out from the plants that were gaurding him after she read the message. As it dawned on her who was responsible for the writings, the movement called her attention to the plants to the side where a dragon emerged, and she took in the form of the light-green Skydancer. She racked her brain for any knowledge of a dragon named Exritl, and seemed to recognize the name as if she'd heard it somewhere once before but couldn't place it from where until he stood before her now. Before she could say anything however, he shook himself free of any leaves & dust that might've clung to his feathers & fur, and smiled at the Nocturne. "Hello," he said, in a quiet whisper that was nearly the same as the Gladekeeper's, though without the booming quality, and held out an arm in the proper way he'd seen dragons do when they introduced themselves and added "I'm Exritl." She nodded, and took his claws (hand) and shook, introducing herself as well. Exritl smiled and said "I know, I've been watching you. Though not in a creepy way, as I've been intrigued by your powers and have been trying to muster some of my own," he said, then made to control the plants to release them from their spellings & let them regain all of their normal postures & positions, but some of them were tricky as the loops he'd managed to concoct were a bit tight. Finestroa watched him in awe as she noted his eyes were the light-green of that of a Wind dragon though he seemed to be somewhat skilled with the flora of the gardens. "I've also been the one that's been making the hydrangeas and hibiscus bloom bigger whenever you're around as I've noticed you tend to favor their plots over the others," he continued with, and thus made a nearby spread of a budding lily sprout open with a vigorous bloom more than double the regular size, and turned it to face her with the white cone pointing directly to her chin. She blushed at that, catching on to what he was subtly saying, and had no inkling that he was being creepy but rather sweet & genuine, working his way to her heart. "It's true, I do spend a lot of time there. They're just so tricky & sensitive, though, and need all the extra care," she admitted as she cupped the lily with her claws (hands), and she could feel the life flowing through it, and a small string of power tying it back to the dragon before her, which was also flowing with life. Exritl smiled, however, knowing that that wasn't the only reason she favored those spots. She could tell he was eyeing her, and so she lowered her voice when she said "Alright, they're also my favorites, too, but don't tell anyderg else that. That's like having favorite children; you're not supposed to do that," in a voice just above a whisper, and chuckled slightly after as he smiled even more. "I thought so," he said as they both laughed a little. When the laughter faded, she looked back down to the lily that seemed to be beaming with the joy of her touch and she considered the skill level the dragon before her had had. "You're very good, you know," she said, gesturing to the plant before her that held the extended blossom and to the other stems that still showed signs of their weaving from moments before. Exritl's face dropped slowly though and he looked away, his head feathers dropping in shame. "Oh, come now, you're just saying that," he said in a whisper lower than before, but a smile played on the edges of his lips in case he was wrong. "The lettering was sloppy and the flowers aren't nearly as big as I know you or the other Nature dragons could get them," he continued with in a deflated tone. "No, really," she said, looking back down to the lily. "I mean, sure, that might've been the case, but I never have seen anyone else try so hard to coax the plants into those structures or uses quite as you have, whether they were a Nature dragon or not," she said, matter-of-factly, making a point. He turned to face her then, his feathers rising with happiness at that as his eyes sparkled. "Really?" he asked for assurance, and when she nodded, he beamed even more. "No one has ever said that before. I've always felt out of place being a Wind dragon when I have these abilities with the natures of the clan. Do you think, maybe, you could teach me more? If, of course, it doesn't bother you to be working with a Wind dragon, one born unto the wrong element," he asked, though trying not to come on too strong and let the joy at the prospect of finally being accepted & finding his place get the better of him. She considered for a moment, and pondered, knowing that though not uncommon, it was still becoming a work in progress in the clan for it to be accepted of those who decided to switch their allegiance to the Flights they were born under to one they felt called to, and thought on it. But then she reflected on how the gardens, though made up of many different plants, had all come to find places with other plants that wouldn't necessarily make sense otherwise, but yet, they were flourishing, all because they had been accepted and the environment treated them well. She could also tell he was asking for more that just guidance, as something gave her the hint he was looking to her for solace as maybe she may be the only dragon who would understand and accept him as the conundrum he was. "Sure, I can try, at least," she said, finally reaching a conclusion. "Really?" he asked once again, not sure he was hearing correctly, but she nodded once again. "It may not be orthodox to train one under another Flight's abilities, but I'm sure there can be a way, as you've already shown promise in such fields already. Take this lily, for instance," she said next, and motioned to the white blossom still held gently in her claws (hands). "It's in a plot with a cherry tree and other tall growing things," she continued as she motioned to the fibrous tree with the pink blossoms that dotted its branches along with the other trees and shrubs that were growing high to the sky. "Normally, that would be unfavorable for the tuber as the tree would block out all the light it needs, but it protects it from being singed from too much sun and just enough filters down just so that it can live, and the flowers and leaves it drops into the soil provide necessary nutrients to the lilies, and the tubers of the lily have intertwined with the roots of the cherry blossom, providing it with a system of water and nutrients transference that wouldn't have been likely otherwise, but just by the power of life that these two share, it is, and amazingly, both are thriving," Finestroa finished with as she looked admiringly to the two plants. Exritl stood in awe after her explanation, and saw how she was right as the unlikely combination of plants thrived in abundance before him. "So, what you're saying is, we could be like the cherry tree and the lily, an unlikely alliance, yet still thriving?" he asked, feeling the joy & hope rise in him once more at the prospect. "Yeah. Like the lily and the cherry tree," she said softly, and nodded happily. He beamed at that once again, as they both stood in admiration of the feat of the plants, the uncommon bond that they shared, and felt the joy sweep through him at the idea. Then, as the moments wore on, he got to thinking that she hadn't answered his question from before, and so, the Skydancer made to voice it. "You haven't answered my question, though, however," he said as they still looked at the two plants before meeting her gaze. "Oh?" she asked, pulled from the moment, thinking she had, and not realizing what question it was that he was referring to as she turned to face him once again. "Yes. I asked about a lunch earlier so I thought I'd try again. Would you like to have a lunch with me some time?" he asked, hoping he wasn't sounding too forward yet again, and looked back down to her with a sweet smile as his peridot-colored eyes glimmered with hope in the brightness there was of the light, mid-morning sun. Caught off gaurd by his mesmerizing softly glistening eyes, she felt something strike her deep inside her chest as she held his gaze and time seemed to slow as she stared into the shimmering green depths of his vision. By the gods, she thought, as she felt her heart flutter, he's got the same eyes as the Gladekeeper, as she recalled her vision, and she felt her jaw go slack, wondering if that was a sign from The Verdant One, and if it had anything to do with the last sentence the god had said to her before their vision ended. Was he part of the great plans She had spoke about that were for me to come? she wondered as her heart began to pound and she felt her cheeks flush. "Well? Your answer, dear one?" Exritil asked, wondering why she had gone so silent as she stared up to him, unblinking with her jaw having slightly slipped open, and once again hoping he wasn't seeming like he was rushing things too much. He blinked then as well, and the voice and blinking seemed to pull her out of her trance-like state she'd somehow fallen into and said "Oh. Yes. Yes, of course. That," as she thought on an answer, and chuckled lightly so as to ease any tension there might have been. Witnessing all that she just had however, she seemed to think she knew the answer already and knew there was no need to be awkward about it, either. "Why, I think I'd like that, yes, how soon were you thinking?" she asked, giving a positive response & figured, sign from the Gladkeeper or not, something was telling her not to let this dragon go and slip through her claws (fingers) so easily. It was Exritl's turn to be stunned as he wasn't expecting her to answer in the affirmative so suddenly, and so he had to think on a time that may work for them, but knew any more time he let slip by was more chances given to the other drakes who'd said they'd had their sights on her, so he asked for the lunch of that very same day. She was taken aback by his forwardness then, but still felt that little inkling telling her to not let him out of her sights, appropriately of course, and agreed once again. He was surprised that his plan had worked and joyously said he'd see her at the cafe around that time later in the day, and bounded away happily. But he didn't go too far as he dove back to the bush he'd stood behind before and wove one last message from the secrecy of the foliage with the branches and vines of the plants around them, though he knew that she knew where he'd been hiding & that it was no longer a viable spot. A moment later, once they'd been arranged by his powers, the weavings read 'thank you, my lily.' Finestroa smiled at that, touched by his sentiment, and wrote back a message in her way, albeit a bit longer than before and so she had to search the gardens for the extra necessary pieces and pulled twigs and pinecones now to help form the words along with the rocks & dropped leaves & flowers she would otherwise use. 'You're welcome, my cherry blossom,' she spelled out, and heard a light chuckle of joy come from the bush he was behind, and smiled at that. "You really shouldn't control the plants like that, though," she said aloud, knowing he could hear her. "They're not there for one to manipulate to their whims, unless absolutely necessary, as in to form a bridge, shelter or other structure for the dire need. They are living beings as well, after all, and that should be respected," she said with sincerity as she used her powers to undo the last messages, brushing away the things she'd laid out and coaxing the plants to split with more ease than the Skydancer had. He lowered his head in admonishment then, and was glad that the bush concealed him for he didn't want her to see how ashamed he was. "Ah, yes, of course," he said in a low whisper again. "Don't get me wrong, I loved all the messages, and it was a very inventive way of communication," Finestroa went on to say, hoping she hadn't hurt his feelings, "but that should still be kept in mind though." "Of course. You're so wise, my dear lily," he said from his hiding spot, then looked to the plants around him. "Do you think they'll forgive me?" he asked next, honestly but then chuckled to himself as he realized how ridiculous that that sounded. As the stems regained their former positions once again, being released from their hold from the Skydancer, and responding to the Nocturne, she smiled as though it sounded ridiculous, she knew there was merit to it too, for the plants, like living things, had feelings too, though their emotion system was more rudimentary and basic than that of the dragons of the realm. She could feel gratitude flow through them at her powers, though, and she wondered if it was possible if they could forgive the Skydancer for being used by his powers to have been crafted to such contortions they weren't used to being in. Placing her hand on the trunk of the cherry blossom, she tapped into their network, but couldn't tell how they felt about it, since she wasn't the one who had done anything to them except give them life and thus, they gave her more gratitude. "I don't know," she said, feeling just as ridiculous for what she was about to say, "you'll have to ask them yourselves, I reckon," she ventured, unsure how he would take that. He paused in his self-pity at that and lifted his head up to focus on her through the leaves of the bush. "You can do that?" he asked, as the concept sounded foreign to him at first, but as he thought on it more, the more it made sense. Of course you can do that, why did I not think of that sooner? he wondered, chiding himself once again. After all, how else would the Nature dragons know how the plants were doing or what they needed? Of course they communicate with them, it's so obvious. I should've been asking for their permission this whole time, he continued with, feeling even worse now as it hit him how rude he must've seemed to the plants. "Well, Nature dragons can, at least, I don't know about how it'd work for others," she answered, and her mind began to race as her wheels got spinning if it was possible, for him, a Wind dragon, to tap into the however limited neural network of the plants of the gardens. "But I'm sure we can try," she added next hopefully, trying to make that sound less like a jab at him being a different element and more like an intriguing & interesting proposition that they could look into if it was indeed possible. His hopes started to sink at her first sentence but when she added the hopeful comment, he lifted his head in enthusiasm. "Can you show me how?" he asked eagerly, a smile once again playing on his lips. "As surely as the peridot of the Gladekeeper's eyes, I will show you everything," she felt lead to say, though he pondered at what she meant by that. But since that sounded like a yes, Exritl smiled, joy soaring through him once more. He said "See you at lunch then, and we can go over how I may apologize to the plants as our first lesson," before departing from the gardens to get ready for their first outing together, again smirking to himself as he got used to the idea of talking to plants as a normal thing and put the idea of the ridiculousness of it from his mind. Finestroa smiled at that, and grinned as she watched his happy galivanting steps take him from the garden in anticipation of the lunch to come. She too made to her own little den in the lair to better present herself for their outing, and met him in the cafe a short while later.

And that was how she met the Skydancer Exritl, born under Wind but who chose to follow in her footsteps, feeling a calling deep within himself to the Nature Flight as well and changing allegiances to show he was now a devout follower of the Gladekeeper, who would later turn out to become her husband. Now they are the two Nature nuts of the clan happily together, and now she has also found solace in him & includes him as part of her family as well, being the only one she let close & in to her heart, trusting it with his careful hands, and he did with his to her as well. Now they both work to show the clan what it means to be children of the Gladekeeper, and though things take a little more straining to come naturally to him, she has worked with him to strengthen his powers and now she is proud of what he's become, and figures he'd be one The Verdant One could take pride in as well. When she makes her pilgrimages to the Gladkeeper's territory now, he is always faithful to accompany her, and though she hasn't had any more visions from The Verdant One, she knows deep inside they both are making Her proud. For this reason, among others, this is why they'll wear the same apparel items to be matching, to show their allegiance to each other and also the great Gladekeeper ^^)

Though their journey and relationship wasn't without its own hiccups however, as word reached the leaders of Exritl's switch & chosen allegiance choice, and this caused a stirring within the clan, especially the leaders. There had been a few who made their switches before, such as the likes of ValentineCherub, a Shadow dragon who was the clan's Arcane Representative and strongest mage, but this time it was personal as Exritl had been born in the clan, and not only that, but was from the lineage of one of the clan leaders, Cornucopia and her parents, Gabrian & Erigore. This didn't go over well as they were prominent dragons in the clan, and in a de facto way, his choices reflected on them. Not understanding his choice, they urged them to switch back & stop being foolish, trying to remind him of where his loyalties lied, but this only infuriated the Skydancer, and was hurting him more than helping. Finestroa could see what it was doing to him as well, and he relied on her for support, and they challenged them, asking them what was more important, the happiness of their kin, or their reputation to the clan? She could see how well he was being understood by those who were his so-called family, and felt the need to protect him even more if she was the only one he could turn to, for that was not how family was supposed to treat their own. The case became so serious that the contestants took it all the way before the clan leaders at the time, Valen, GoldSong, and Terrence while Gabrian and his wife took the opposing side along with the rest of his line instead of being judges since they were tied to the matter. Valen and Terrence were harsher on the matter, saying he should belong to the Flight he was born into and under whereas GoldSong felt more compassion to the Skydancer and thought he should be allowed to continue in his studies and be who he felt called to be. This riled them up though, saying since she came from another universe and didn't understand how important the Flights were to the dragons of Sornieth that she shouldn't have a say in the matter, though this upset her and caused Finestroa to realize, with a great start & revelation, that they were sounding like a bunch of hypocrites. "I don't believe this," she muttered to herself as she shook her head and watched the leaders quarreling before her, though her comment didn't fall on deaf ears. "What did you say?" the voice of Valen rumbled out as he turned from the bickering and faced the Nocturne and the raised voices quieted. Finestroa lifted her head to the peach-colored Gaurdian, fully aware of who she was speaking to; the second leader of the clan, who held her fate in his claws (hands) and could have her banished if he so saw fit and the others agreed; but proceeded anyways. "I said, I don't believe this, what I'm watching and listening to right in front of me," she said with an edge to her voice and a steely resolve as she walked right up to the snout of the Gaurdian. "You say you've accepted GoldSong as a part of you being the leaders, and even as your mate, but what I just heard you say a second ago has seemed to recant all of that. If she wouldn't know how important the Flights are to the dragons of Sornieth, then why do you allow her to be a leader of the dragons of Sorneith that came to make their home here and look to her as the matriarch? And why does she don the Apparel of the Windsinger, being the clan Wind Represntative, if she doesn't understand the importance? That sounds to me like you haven't fully accepted her truthfully, and that her matriarchal status is misplaced and that you, Valen of the SkyWings clan, esteemed leader, are a hypocrite, along with all of the other leaders." She said, pointing a finger right in his face, and then moved her arm to gesture to the others gathered. At her statement, several gasped, and he grimaced. "You watch your tone," he growled out in a threatening voice, but she stood unwavering. But before anyone else could speak, GoldSong's voice rang out as she fluttered right up to the face of her mate. "She's right, Valen, my peach. Do you truly not accept me? Is that what you think inside, truthfully?" The Fae asked, her big, peridot-green eyes warbling with tears unshed. His visage changed then as he took her in, seeing the ways her wings trembled as she fluttered before him, the way one's bottom lip might quiver before they started to cry. "W-well, n-no, that's not what I, what I meant," he said, the edge to his voice gone as he was put on the spot. "Then what did you mean, my sweet? Why did you say that? For allll to hear, why did you say that?" the Fae asked next, her features still quivering as she searched the vast face of her love. His jaw went slack as he fumbled for an answer, and his frown disappeared as Valen thought. Before he could answer, however, the crowd parted and another dragon came walking through, a white and pink Skydancer clad in Arcane Apparel. "If you don't accept her, then why did you accept me?" The Skydancer said just as poignantly as the Nocturne had, and watched the dragon to see his response. The others began to voice the same questions, with Terrence turning to him as well, looking at his friend with new consideration as the Ridgeback's face soured. "I see how it is," he growled out through clenched teeth. "You only care about the Wind dragons, isn't that it? The other Flights aren't accepted here, are they? The Nocturne is right, you are a hypocrite," he said with a stern voice, as he also grimaced as well. "No, I.." the Gaurdian started with, fumbling with the words, and cursed himself for never being as good with words as those around him were. "Is this true, Valen?" the calm voice of Gabrian spoke next as the Skydancer looked to his friend with concern, though his voice sounded on the verge of cracking. "If you don't accept the other Flights, then why are we here? Why did you welcome us in? Was it all a façade?" he asked next, searching the Gaurdian's face as the Skydancer's fell. "No, of course not, you're all welcome here. All are welcome here, you know that. You're the one who should know, the best of anyone, as you helped create that welcoming atmosphere, after all," he said, gesturing to the yellow Skydancer, finally getting the words to say. Finestroa smiled as that was all she needed to hear, and turned to Exritl, and the pink and white Skydancer who was gathered there in their midst. "Did you hear that, Exritl, my cherry blossom? Straight from the leader's mouth. 'All are welcome here.' I know I heard it, plain as day," she said, turning back to face the leader, and she saw Exritl nod from the corner of her eye. "I heard it too, little Nocturne. And I think it's safe to say that 'all' can encompass even those of us who are the oddities among our Flights," ValentineCherub said next as she gestured to herself and the green Skydancer next to her. Valen frowned at that however as the matter at hand returned to the forefront of his mind. "Now, you're just twisting my words," he said as he scowled once again. "Oh no? Then you tell me, how are we supposed to interpret that? I didn't misconstrue anything. All means all, if I'm not mistaken, and that means everyone, no matter what, correct?" Finestroa said, eyeing him down. He scrunched his face at that, knowing she had him cornered and there was no way he could get out of that, pursing his lips shut so as to keep from saying anything else that would get him trouble. "Fine. You are right. All does mean all," he grumbled out, dropping his frown with a sigh, and gestured to the Skydancers before him, his defensiveness deflating. A cheer broke out at that, with the trio seeing they'd won and triumphed and the others deflated, and it was decreed then that it was allowed & permissible for the likes of Exritl and ValentineChrub to pursue the studies of the other Flights & elements, if they so felt the calling & indismissable need & desire to do so. And that was how the Nocturne Finestroa paved the way for more like her husband to come & find acceptance within the SkyWings clan where others would have admonished them for their ways. In a battle of wits, the Nature dragon won the day, going up against the very clan leaders themselves.
In time as well, Exritl's family came to accept his ways as well, once they saw how important his chosen allegiance was to him, and his grandmother Cornucopia even came to support him and become a beneficiary of his abilities as he proved to be useful to the clan's Overseer of Agriculture with his growing abilities (pun intended XD ). He & Finestroa cheered at this as well as he finally felt as though he was getting the recognition from his family that he so longed for before. After a time of the clan learning to accept the Skydancer for his new beliefs and what he stood for, the pair came to be wedded as well, holding a celebration put on by the famed Gwenarria, in a wonderful ceremony held in the gardens in the very spot they first met. His family was overjoyed, as were those of the clan at the time, and they accepted the union with open arms, with ValentineCherub being the officiator & overseer of it all, since she played a crucial role in the Nocturne's husband's acceptance, after all. She was happy to provide the favor to them and became like an integral part of their mish-mashed family from then on.

A time later, the pair thought they'd like to welcome in some children of their own, and see how they could do at parenthood. Finestroa was almost like a mother of sorts, what with her abilities with the plants and sometimes animals of the clan as she cared for them with a nurturing touch, and figured she could carry that over to children as well. So, some time in early 2020, they had a nest and a small clutch of 3 eggs lay beneath her, and they awaited with anticipation of their children's arrival as the eggs incubated. Then the day came in March when the eggs split and they welcomed in 3 little ones into the world, all Skydancers. Exritl was happy at this, as was Finestroa, though she felt slightly alone as if she was the only Nocturne in his family now, but didn't let that distract her too much from the joys of parenthood. Though with their conflicting upbringings, the pair did what they could to raise their children with the values of the Gladekeeper while also keeping true to their Wind heritage and instilling in them the morals of the clan, as well. They found it an enriching experience however, and drew a fine line between each deities' virtues and let them decide for themselves which path they would choose for themselves. Their two sons decided they would belong to Windsinger and thus chose a path that lead them to serve directly under Him as Exalted, while their daughter decided to stay within the clan and see why the Nature Flight was so important to her parents and thus would accompany them many times on their pilgrimage back to the Gladekeeper's domain. Once there, she felt what her parents felt, a deep sense of belonging as though she too was home & where the Skydancer truly belonged. Thus she chose to align with her parents' chosen Flight, and now considers herself a Nature dragon at heart. And when a Coatl who came to join the clan a week later after her choice was made decided to also become a Nature Representative & became taken with the young Skydancer, the family laughed at that, joking how the Nature Flight hadn't strayed far from their family as their daughter is now also wed to the clan's third Nature Rep XD
As the clan expanded and more and more dragons arrived from all over Sornieth, there were few Nature dragons who came to the clan in the mix over time. Now, the Nocturne has a few other dragons that she's taken in under her wing as children of sorts who also proved to be pretty powerful Nature-adepts, with that being the Nocturne LuloZower, the Mirror Euphoria, and another Nocturne named GladysRosaly, respectively. Though the first Nocturne was already grown upon his arrival, he soon found his place with the other Nature-aligned of the clan, and felt drawn to the nurturing, mother-like personality of Finestroa. And the couple was happy to take him in and help him work with his raw abilities that came naturally to him that the Nature dragons, such as the aforementioned Fracture and Haruto, found difficult to attain the same level of wielding, they never gave up. And when the time came for the Mirror named Euphoria to join the clan, she too responded to the guidance of the Nocturne & Skyydancer, after meeting LuloZower first and how he also took in Euphoria and together the trio (Finnie, Exritl, Lulo) helped to raise her too for she proved to be a handful, and more powerful than any Nature dragon any of them had seen, even with all of the prowess of their abilities and it took all they could do to help the Mirror with her fluctuation of power surges that came & went. As they realized the magics of the land were becoming more abundant and dragons called Primals were now in their midst, the figured though it made sense given she, too, was a Primal after all, and since they were a relatively new subspecies at the time, they both helped each other learn what it meant to be as powerful as a Primal and how that that could better the realm of Sornieth in the long run as well. And when a Nocturne pair arrived in early June of 2023, a pair that sees themselves as sisters, also proved to be a powerful Nature adept, she too sought out the help of the powerful Nature dragons of the clan and came into the presence of the Nocturne Finestroa, and studied under her to help better her powers as well. the Nocturne GladysRosaly, though grown, was glad for the experience of those around her and happily lapped up all that Finestroa could teach her and now seeks out to implement her own powers for the betterment of the clan as well. :)
So, here are their additional children included here, the ones outside of their lineage that you wouldn't find listed by conventional means otherwise..



They are now too happily wed to loving & accepting partners though both started their relationships off rockily, now they are on sure ground with their partners and they as well look forward to having some children of their own and paying tribute to the Nocturne who started it all by letting them meet her when they arrive, as she would be their grandmother in a way....

Now the Nocturne lives happily with her husband, and the two uphold their titles & mantles in the clan as they tend to the gardens and bring life to wherever it may be needed, whether that relates to the plants or not.. She can be found once again in her favorite spots in the gardens in her free time, often accompanied by her husband as they enjoy the hydrangeas and the hibiscus' together. And yes, the plants have forgiven him, too.. XD :)

Role in the clan:
Finnie, along with her husband, is one of the clan's Nature representatives! :D After events that happened the Gladekeeper's domain, she was tasked with this Role from the very Gladekeeper Herself, and after a turn of events within her own home clan, her & her husband both have accepted this Role & work to uphold it to the best of their abilities and fulfill all the duties that are required of a Nature Representative, ushering life into the gardens of the clan, and, in turn, the garden of life as well.

Gene changes:
breed change: wildclaw
Primary: jupiter
Secondary: flair
Tertiary: filigree
eyes: innocent

And now, for your enjoyment, a shot of this Nature-loving Derg as a beb... :)
Look at those gem-like eyes!
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